Пример #1
void CLibraryHistory::Serialize(CArchive& ar, int nVersion)
	if ( nVersion < 7 ) return;

	int nCount = 0;

	if ( ar.IsStoring() )
		for ( pos = GetIterator() ; pos ; )
			if ( GetNext( pos )->m_pFile != NULL ) nCount ++;

		ar.WriteCount( nCount );

		for ( pos = GetIterator() ; pos ; )
			CLibraryRecent* pRecent = GetNext( pos );
			if ( pRecent->m_pFile != NULL ) pRecent->Serialize( ar, nVersion );

		ar << LastSeededTorrent.m_sPath;
		if ( LastSeededTorrent.m_sPath.GetLength() )
			ar << LastSeededTorrent.m_sName;
			ar << LastSeededTorrent.m_tLastSeeded;
			ar.Write( &LastSeededTorrent.m_pBTH, sizeof(SHA1) );

		for ( nCount = ar.ReadCount() ; nCount > 0 ; nCount-- )
			CLibraryRecent* pRecent = new CLibraryRecent();
			pRecent->Serialize( ar, nVersion );

			if ( pRecent->m_pFile != NULL )
				m_pList.AddTail( pRecent );
				delete pRecent;

		if ( nVersion > 22 )
			ar >> LastSeededTorrent.m_sPath;
			if ( LastSeededTorrent.m_sPath.GetLength() )
				ar >> LastSeededTorrent.m_sName;
				ar >> LastSeededTorrent.m_tLastSeeded;
				ar.Read( &LastSeededTorrent.m_pBTH, sizeof(SHA1) );
Пример #2
int ObjectSerializer::SerializeUserDefinedType(ISerializable *pObj, TypeNode* pType, bool isPtr, fstream& pen)
	int     size = 0;
	bool    isNull = false;

	if (isPtr)
		// Access the pointer pointed by the pointer to pointer
		pObj = (*(ISerializable**)pObj);
		int         length = 0;
		string      typeName;
		char        buffer[MaxTypeNameLength + 1];

		isNull = (NULL == pObj);
		pen.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&isNull), sizeof(bool));

		if (!isNull)
			auto        objLayout = pObj->GetObjectLayout();

			typeName = g_ObjectFactory.FromCName(objLayout.CName());

			PerformLateBinding(pObj, pType);

			length = typeName.size();
			_ASSERTE(length <= MaxTypeNameLength);
			strcpy_s(buffer, typeName.c_str());
			buffer[length] = 0;
			pen.write(buffer, MaxTypeNameLength + 1);

			Iterator* addresses = objLayout.GetIterator();
			unsigned* addr32;
			for (int memberIdx = 0; addresses->MoveNext(); ++memberIdx)
				_ASSERTE(memberIdx < pType->Children.size());
				addr32 = reinterpret_cast<unsigned*>(addresses->Current());
				SerializeType(reinterpret_cast<char*>(*addr32), pType->Children[memberIdx].Ptr32, pen);
		size = sizeof(unsigned);
		auto objLayout = pObj->GetObjectLayout();
		Iterator* addresses = objLayout.GetIterator();
		unsigned* addr32;
		for (int memberIdx = 0; addresses->MoveNext(); ++memberIdx)
			_ASSERTE(memberIdx < pType->Children.size());
			addr32 = reinterpret_cast<unsigned*>(addresses->Current());
			SerializeType(reinterpret_cast<char*>(*addr32), pType->Children[memberIdx].Ptr32, pen);

		size = objLayout.TypeSize();

	return size;
Пример #3
int ObjectSerializer::DeserializeUserDefinedType(ISerializable* pMem, TypeNode* pType, bool isPtr, fstream& eye)
	int     size = 0;
	ISerializable* pObj = NULL;
	bool    isNull = false;

	if (isPtr)
		unsigned* addr32;
		eye.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&isNull), sizeof(bool));
		addr32 = reinterpret_cast<unsigned*>(pMem);

		if (!isNull)
			string  typeName;
			char    buffer[MaxTypeNameLength + 1];

			eye.read(buffer, MaxTypeNameLength + 1);
			typeName = buffer;
			pObj = static_cast<ISerializable*>(g_ObjectFactory.Create(typeName));

			PerformLateBinding(pObj, pType);

			auto objLayout = pObj->GetObjectLayout();
			Iterator* addresses = objLayout.GetIterator();
			unsigned* addr32;
			for (int memberIdx = 0; addresses->MoveNext(); ++memberIdx)
				_ASSERTE(memberIdx < pType->Children.size());
				addr32 = reinterpret_cast<unsigned*>(addresses->Current());
				DeserializeType(reinterpret_cast<char*>(*addr32), pType->Children[memberIdx].Ptr32, eye);

		*addr32 = reinterpret_cast<unsigned>(pObj);
		size = sizeof(unsigned);
		pObj = reinterpret_cast<ISerializable*>(pMem);

		auto objLayout = pObj->GetObjectLayout();
		Iterator* addresses = objLayout.GetIterator();
		unsigned* addr32;
		for (int memberIdx = 0; addresses->MoveNext(); ++memberIdx)
			_ASSERTE(memberIdx < pType->Children.size());
			addr32 = reinterpret_cast<unsigned*>(addresses->Current());
			DeserializeType(reinterpret_cast<char*>(*addr32), pType->Children[memberIdx].Ptr32, eye);

		size = objLayout.TypeSize();

	return size;
Пример #4
void CSecurity::Clear()
	CQuickLock oLock( m_pSection );

	for ( POSITION pos = m_Complains.GetStartPosition() ; pos ; )
		DWORD pAddress;
		CComplain* pComplain;
		m_Complains.GetNextAssoc( pos, pAddress, pComplain );
		delete pComplain;

	for ( POSITION pos = GetIterator() ; pos ; )
		delete GetNext( pos );

	for ( BYTE nType = 0 ; nType < urnLast ; nType++ )
		m_HashMap[ nType ].clear();
    BNetworkCookie* cookiePtr;

    for (Iterator it = GetIterator(); (cookiePtr = it.Next()) != NULL;)
        delete it.Remove();
void CDownloadWithSources::RemoveOverlappingSources(QWORD nOffset, QWORD nLength)
	CQuickLock pLock( Transfers.m_pSection );

	for ( POSITION posSource = GetIterator() ; posSource ; )
		CDownloadSource* pSource = GetNext( posSource );

		if ( pSource->TouchedRange( nOffset, nLength ) )
			if ( GetTaskType() == dtaskMergeFile )
				// Merging process can produce corrupted blocks, retry connection after 30 seconds
				pSource->m_nFailures = 0;
				pSource->Close( 30 );
					(LPCTSTR)CString( inet_ntoa( pSource->m_pAddress ) ), (LPCTSTR)pSource->m_sServer, (LPCTSTR)m_sName, nOffset, nOffset + nLength - 1 );
				pSource->Remove( TRUE, FALSE );
int CDownloadWithSources::GetSourceColor()
	CQuickLock pLock( Transfers.m_pSection );

	BOOL bTaken[SRC_COLORS] = {};
	unsigned int nFree = SRC_COLORS;

	for ( POSITION posSource = GetIterator() ; posSource ; )
		CDownloadSource* pSource = GetNext( posSource );

		if ( pSource->m_nColor >= 0 )
			if ( bTaken[ pSource->m_nColor ] == FALSE )
				bTaken[ pSource->m_nColor ] = TRUE;

	if ( nFree == 0 ) return GetRandomNum( 0u, SRC_COLORS - 1 );

	nFree = GetRandomNum( 0u, nFree - 1 );

	for ( int nColor = 0 ; nColor < SRC_COLORS ; nColor++ )
		if ( bTaken[ nColor ] == FALSE )
			if ( nFree-- == 0 ) return nColor;

	return GetRandomNum( 0u, SRC_COLORS - 1 );
Пример #8
void CLibraryHistory::ClearTodays()
	for ( POSITION pos = GetIterator() ; pos ; )
		GetNext( pos )->m_bToday = FALSE;
Пример #9
CPrivateChatWnd* CChatWindows::FindED2KFrame(DWORD nClientID, const SOCKADDR_IN* pServerAddress) const
	// For Low ID clients
	if ( ( nClientID > 0 ) && ( nClientID < 16777216 ) )  // ED2K Low ID
		CString strLowID;
		strLowID.Format( L"%u@%s:%hu",
		(LPCTSTR)CString( inet_ntoa( pServerAddress->sin_addr ) ),
		pServerAddress->sin_port );

		for ( POSITION pos = GetIterator(); pos; )
			CPrivateChatWnd* pFrame = static_cast<CPrivateChatWnd*>( GetNext( pos ) );

			if ( pFrame->IsKindOf( RUNTIME_CLASS(CPrivateChatWnd) ) )
				if ( pFrame->Find( strLowID ) )
					return pFrame;

	return NULL;
Пример #10
BOOL CPlugins::OnExecuteFile(LPCTSTR pszFile, BOOL bUseImageViewer)
	CPlugin* pImageViewer = NULL;

	for ( POSITION pos = GetIterator() ; pos ; )
		CPlugin* pPlugin = GetNext( pos );

		if ( pPlugin->m_pExecute )
			if ( pPlugin->m_sName == _T("PeerProject Image Viewer") )
				pImageViewer = pPlugin;
			if ( pPlugin->m_pExecute->OnExecute( CComBSTR( pszFile ) ) == S_OK )
				return TRUE;

	if ( bUseImageViewer && pImageViewer )
		return ( pImageViewer->m_pExecute->OnExecute( CComBSTR( pszFile ) ) == S_OK );

	return FALSE;
Пример #11
BOOL CPlugins::OnCommand(CChildWnd* pActiveWnd, UINT nCommandID)
	if ( pActiveWnd != NULL && pActiveWnd->IsKindOf( RUNTIME_CLASS(CPluginWnd) ) )
		CPluginWnd* pPluginWnd = (CPluginWnd*)pActiveWnd;

		if ( pPluginWnd->m_pOwner )
			if ( pPluginWnd->m_pOwner->OnCommand( nCommandID ) == S_OK )
				return TRUE;

	for ( POSITION pos = GetIterator() ; pos ; )
		CPlugin* pPlugin = GetNext( pos );

		if ( pPlugin->m_pCommand )
			if ( pPlugin->m_pCommand->OnCommand( nCommandID ) == S_OK )
				return TRUE;

	return FALSE;
Пример #12
void CNetwork::Clear()
	for ( POSITION pos = GetIterator() ; pos ; )
		GetNext( pos )->Disconnect();
Пример #13
BOOL CNetwork::RunNeighbours()
	for ( POSITION posNext = GetIterator() ; posNext ; )
		CTransfer* pTransfer = GetNext( posNext );
			if ( ! pTransfer->OnRun() ) return FALSE;
		catch( CHAR* sError )
			CString strHost = inet_ntoa( pTransfer->m_pHost.sin_addr );
			XDebugLog( MSG_ERROR, "error on channel '%s': %s", strHost, sError );
			return FALSE;
#ifndef _DEBUG
			CString strHost = inet_ntoa( pTransfer->m_pHost.sin_addr );
			XDebugLog( MSG_ERROR, "error on channel '%s': %s", strHost, "a fatal error" );
			return FALSE;
	return TRUE;
Пример #14
void CSecurity::Expire()
	CQuickLock oLock( m_pSection );

	const DWORD tNow = static_cast< DWORD >( time( NULL ) );

	for ( POSITION pos = m_Complains.GetStartPosition() ; pos ; )
		DWORD pAddress;
		CComplain* pComplain;
		m_Complains.GetNextAssoc( pos, pAddress, pComplain );
		if ( pComplain->m_nExpire < tNow )
			m_Complains.RemoveKey( pAddress );
			delete pComplain;

	for ( POSITION pos = GetIterator() ; pos ; )
		POSITION posLast = pos;
		CSecureRule* pRule = GetNext( pos );

		if ( pRule->IsExpired( tNow ) )
			m_pRules.RemoveAt( posLast );
			delete pRule;
Пример #15
BOOL CSecurity::IsDenied(const CQuerySearch* pQuery, const CString& strContent)
	const DWORD tNow = static_cast< DWORD >( time( NULL ) );

	CQuickLock oLock( m_pSection );

	for ( POSITION pos = GetIterator() ; pos ; )
		POSITION posLast = pos;
		CSecureRule* pRule = GetNext( pos );

		if ( pRule->IsExpired( tNow ) )
			m_pRules.RemoveAt( posLast );
			delete pRule;
		else if ( pRule->Match( pQuery, strContent ) )
			pRule->m_nToday ++;
			pRule->m_nEver ++;

			if ( pRule->m_nAction == CSecureRule::srDeny )   return TRUE;
			if ( pRule->m_nAction == CSecureRule::srAccept ) return FALSE;

	return m_bDenyPolicy;
Пример #16
void CUploads::OnRename(LPCTSTR pszSource, LPCTSTR pszTarget)
	CSingleLock pLock( &Transfers.m_pSection );
	if ( pLock.Lock( 500 ) )
		for ( POSITION pos = GetIterator() ; pos ; )
			GetNext( pos )->OnRename( pszSource, pszTarget );
	CSingleLock pLock2( &theApp.m_pSection );
	if ( pLock2.Lock( 500 ) )
		if ( CMainWnd* pMainWnd = (CMainWnd*)theApp.m_pSafeWnd )
			CMediaWnd* pMediaWnd = (CMediaWnd*)pMainWnd->m_pWindows.Find(
				RUNTIME_CLASS(CMediaWnd) );
			if ( pMediaWnd != NULL )
				pMediaWnd->OnFileDelete( pszSource );
Пример #17
int CUploads::GetCount(CUploadTransfer* pExcept, int nState) const
	if ( pExcept == NULL && nState == -1 ) return m_pList.GetCount();
	int nCount = 0;
	for ( POSITION pos = GetIterator() ; pos ; )
		CUploadTransfer* pUpload = GetNext( pos );
		if ( pUpload != pExcept )
			switch ( nState )
			case -1:
			case -2:
				if ( pUpload->m_nState > upsNull ) nCount++;
				if ( pUpload->m_nState == nState ) nCount++;
	return nCount;
Пример #18
uint16_t CFX_ListItem::GetFirstChar() const {
  CPVT_Word word;
  CFX_Edit_Iterator* pIterator = GetIterator();
  return word.Word;
CG2Neighbour* CNeighboursWithG2::GetRandomHub(CG2Neighbour* pExcept, GGUID* pGUID)
    CPtrArray pRandom;

    for ( POSITION pos = GetIterator() ; pos ; )
        CG2Neighbour* pNeighbour = (CG2Neighbour*)GetNext( pos );

        if (	pNeighbour->m_nState == nrsConnected &&
                pNeighbour->m_nProtocol == PROTOCOL_G2 &&
                pNeighbour->m_nNodeType != ntLeaf &&
                pNeighbour != pExcept )
            if ( pNeighbour->m_pGUIDCache->Lookup( pGUID ) == NULL )
                pRandom.Add( pNeighbour );

    int nSize = pRandom.GetSize();
    if ( ! nSize ) return NULL;

    nSize = rand() % nSize;

    return (CG2Neighbour*)pRandom.GetAt( nSize );
Пример #20
DWORD CDownloadWithSources::GetSourceCount(BOOL bNoPush, BOOL bSane) const
	CQuickLock pLock( Transfers.m_pSection );

	if ( ! bNoPush && ! bSane )
		return GetCount();

	const DWORD tNow = GetTickCount();
	DWORD nCount = 0;

	for ( POSITION posSource = GetIterator() ; posSource ; )
		CDownloadSource* pSource = GetNext( posSource );

		if ( ! bNoPush || ! pSource->m_bPushOnly )
			if ( ! bSane ||
			   ( ( pSource->m_tAttempt < tNow ||
				   pSource->m_tAttempt - tNow <= 900000 ) &&
				 ! pSource->m_bKeep ) )

	return nCount;
Пример #21
void CDownloadWithSources::SortSource(CDownloadSource* pSource)
	CQuickLock pLock( Transfers.m_pSection );

	if ( m_pSources.GetCount() == 1 )
		return;		// No sorting

	POSITION posSource = m_pSources.Find( pSource );
	ASSERT( posSource );

	m_pSources.RemoveAt( posSource );

	// Run through the sources to the correct position
	for ( POSITION posCompare = GetIterator() ; posCompare ; )
		posSource = posCompare;
		CDownloadSource* pCompare = GetNext( posCompare );

		if ( pCompare->m_nSortOrder >= pSource->m_nSortOrder )

	// Insert source in front of current compare source
	m_pSources.InsertBefore( posSource, pSource );
Пример #22
int CUploads::GetTorrentCount(int nState) const
	int nCount = 0;
	for ( POSITION pos = GetIterator() ; pos ; )
		CUploadTransfer* pUpload = GetNext( pos );

		if ( pUpload->m_nProtocol == PROTOCOL_BT )
			switch ( nState )
			case -1:
			case -2:
				if ( pUpload->m_nState > upsNull ) nCount++;
			case -3:
				if ( pUpload->m_nState >= upsUploading ) nCount++;
				if ( pUpload->m_nState == nState ) nCount++;
	return nCount;
Пример #23
CPrivateChatFrame* CChatWindows::FindED2KFrame(DWORD nClientID, SOCKADDR_IN* pServerAddress)
	// For Low ID clients
	if ( ( nClientID > 0 ) && ( nClientID < 16777216 ) )  // ED2K Low ID
		CString strLowID;
		strLowID.Format( _T("%u@%s:%hu"),
		(LPCTSTR)CString( inet_ntoa( pServerAddress->sin_addr ) ),
		pServerAddress->sin_port );

		for ( POSITION pos = GetIterator() ; pos ; )
			CPrivateChatFrame* pFrame = reinterpret_cast<CPrivateChatFrame*>( GetNext( pos ) );
			if ( pFrame->IsKindOf( RUNTIME_CLASS(CPrivateChatFrame) ) )
				if ( ( strLowID == pFrame->m_sNick ) && ( pFrame->m_pSession == NULL ) )
					return pFrame;

	return NULL;
Пример #24
ECode NetworkIdentitySet::WriteToStream(
    /* [in] */ IDataOutput* out)
    Int32 size;
    AutoPtr<IIterator> iter;
    while (Ptr(iter)->Func(iter->HasNext)) {
        AutoPtr<INetworkIdentity> ident = INetworkIdentity::Probe(Ptr(iter)->Func(iter->GetNext));
        Int32 type;
        Int32 subtype;
        String subscriberId;
        WriteOptionalString(out, subscriberId);
        String networkId;
        WriteOptionalString(out, networkId);
        Boolean roaming;
    return NOERROR;
Пример #25
CLiveList* CSecurity::GetList() const
	CQuickLock oLock( m_pSection );
	CLiveList* pLiveList = new CLiveList( COL_SECURITY_LAST, GetCount() + GetCount() / 4u );

	if ( CLiveItem* pDefault = pLiveList->Add( (LPVOID)0 ) )
		pDefault->Set( COL_SECURITY_NUM, _T(" - ") );								// Need leading space for proper sort priority (until sorting is fixed)
		pDefault->Set( COL_SECURITY_CONTENT, LoadString( IDS_SECURITY_DEFAULT ) );	// "Default Policy"
		pDefault->Set( COL_SECURITY_ACTION,  LoadString( Security.m_bDenyPolicy ? IDS_SECURITY_DENY : IDS_SECURITY_ACCEPT ) );
		pDefault->SetImage( Security.m_bDenyPolicy ? Settings.General.LanguageRTL ? 0 : 2 : 1 );

	const DWORD tNow = static_cast< DWORD >( time( NULL ) );

	int nCount = 1;
	for ( POSITION pos = GetIterator() ; pos ; ++nCount )
		GetNext( pos )->ToList( pLiveList, nCount, tNow );

	// Unimplemented seperate IP address rules
	//for ( CAddressRuleMap::const_iterator i = m_pIPRules.begin() ; i != m_pIPRules.end() ; ++i, ++nCount )
	//	(*i).second->ToList( pLiveList, nCount, tNow );

	return pLiveList;
Пример #26
// Takes a connected computer to ignore, and a GUID (do)
// Randomly chooses a neighbour from amongst those that are connected, running Gnutella2, hubs, and don't know about the GUID
// Returns a pointer to that randomly selected neighbour
CG2Neighbour* CNeighboursWithG2::GetRandomHub(CG2Neighbour* pExcept, const Hashes::Guid& oGUID)
	// Make a new local empty list that will hold pointers to neighbours
	CArray< CG2Neighbour* > pRandom;

	// Loop through each computer we're connected to
	for ( POSITION pos = GetIterator() ; pos ; )
		// Get the neighbour under the current position, and move to the next one in the list
		CNeighbour* pNeighbour = GetNext( pos );

		// If this is a Gnutella2 hub
		if ( pNeighbour->m_nState == nrsConnected   &&	// We've finished the handshake with this computer, and
			 pNeighbour->m_nProtocol == PROTOCOL_G2 &&	// It's running Gnutella2 software, and
			 pNeighbour->m_nNodeType != ntLeaf      &&	// Our connection to it isn't down to a leaf, and
			 pNeighbour != pExcept )					// It's not the one the caller told us to avoid
			// And it doesn't know the given GUID, add it to the random list
			if ( static_cast< CG2Neighbour* >( pNeighbour )->m_pGUIDCache->Lookup( oGUID ) == NULL )
				pRandom.Add( static_cast< CG2Neighbour* >( pNeighbour ) );

	// If we didn't find any neighbours to put in the list, return null
	INT_PTR nSize = pRandom.GetSize();
	if ( ! nSize ) return NULL;

	// Choose a random number between 0 and nSize - 1, use it as an index, and return the neighbour at it
	nSize = GetRandomNum< INT_PTR >( 0, nSize - 1 );
	return pRandom.GetAt( nSize );
void JackMidiService::SetFrameOffset(int offset) {
     IteratorPtr<MidiDevice>it(GetIterator()) ;
     for (it->Begin();!it->IsDone();it->Next()) {
         JackMidiDevice &current=(JackMidiDevice &)it->CurrentItem() ;
         current.SetFrameOffset(offset) ;
} ;
Пример #28
// Takes a protocol, like Gnutella, a state, like connecting, and a node connection type, like we are both ultrapeers
// Counts the number of neighbours in the list that match these criteria, pass -1 to count them all
DWORD CNeighboursBase::GetCount(PROTOCOLID nProtocol, int nState, int nNodeType) const
	DWORD nCount = 0;

	CSingleLock pLock( &Network.m_pSection, FALSE );
	if ( pLock.Lock( 200 ) )
		for ( POSITION pos = GetIterator() ; pos ; )
			CNeighbour* pNeighbour = GetNext( pos );

			// If this neighbour has the protocol we are looking for, or nProtocl is negative to count them all
			if ( nProtocol == PROTOCOL_ANY || nProtocol == pNeighbour->m_nProtocol )
				// If this neighbour is currently in the state we are looking for, or nState is negative to count them all
				if ( nState < 0 || nState == pNeighbour->m_nState )
					// If this neighbour is in the ultra or leaf role we are looking for, or nNodeType is null to count them all
					if ( nNodeType < 0 || nNodeType == pNeighbour->m_nNodeType )

	return nCount;
Пример #29
// Find the newest neighbor object
CNeighbour* CNeighboursBase::GetNewest(PROTOCOLID nProtocol, int nState, int nNodeType) const
	ASSUME_LOCK( Network.m_pSection );

	const DWORD tNow = GetTickCount();
	DWORD tMinTime = 0xffffffff;
	CNeighbour* pNewestNeighbour = NULL;

	for ( POSITION pos = GetIterator() ; pos ; )
		CNeighbour* pNeighbour = GetNext( pos );
		if ( ( nProtocol == PROTOCOL_ANY || nProtocol == pNeighbour->m_nProtocol ) &&
			 ( nState < 0 || nState == pNeighbour->m_nState ) &&
			 ( nNodeType < 0 || nNodeType == pNeighbour->m_nNodeType ) )
			DWORD tTime = tNow - pNeighbour->m_tConnected;
			if ( tTime < tMinTime )
				tMinTime = tTime;
				pNewestNeighbour = pNeighbour;

	return pNewestNeighbour;
// Counts how many connections to leaves we have for that protocol, and compares that number to settings limit
// Returns true if we need more leaf connections, false if we have enough
bool CNeighboursWithConnect::NeedMoreLeafs(PROTOCOLID nProtocol) const
	if ( ! Network.IsConnected() ) return false;

	switch ( nProtocol )
		if ( ! Settings.Gnutella1.Enabled && ! Settings.Gnutella2.Enabled ) return false;

	case PROTOCOL_G1:
		if ( ! Settings.Gnutella1.Enabled ) return false;

	case PROTOCOL_G2:
		if ( ! Settings.Gnutella2.Enabled ) return false;

		return false;

	// Make an array to count the number of leaf connections we have for each network
	DWORD nConnected[ PROTOCOL_LAST ] = {};

	// Count the number of leaf connections we have, by looping for each neighbour in the list
	for ( POSITION pos = GetIterator() ; pos ; )
		const CNeighbour* pNeighbour = GetNext( pos );

		// If we've finished the handshake with this neighbour, and our connection to is down to a leaf
		if ( pNeighbour->m_nState == nrsConnected && pNeighbour->m_nNodeType == ntLeaf )
			nConnected[ pNeighbour->m_nProtocol ]++;	// Count it as one more for its network

	// Compose the answer for the protocol the caller wants to know about
	switch ( nProtocol )
	// The caller wants to know if we need more leaves for either Gnutella or Gnutella2
		// If we need more Gnutella or Gnutella2 leaves, return true, only return false if we don't need more leaves from either network
		return nConnected[PROTOCOL_G1] < Settings.Gnutella1.NumLeafs ||
			   nConnected[PROTOCOL_G2] < Settings.Gnutella2.NumLeafs;

	// Return true if we need more Gnutella ultrapeer connections
	case PROTOCOL_G1:
		// Compare our leaf count to NumLeafs from settings, return true if we don't have enough
		return IsG1UltrapeerCapable() &&
			nConnected[PROTOCOL_G1] < Settings.Gnutella1.NumLeafs;	// Gnutella NumLeafs is 0 by default, we always have enough leaves

	// Return true if we need more Gnutella2 hub connections
	case PROTOCOL_G2:
		// Compare our leaf count to NumLeafs from settings, return true if we don't have enough
		return IsG2HubCapable() &&
			nConnected[PROTOCOL_G2] < Settings.Gnutella2.NumLeafs;	// Gnutella2 NumLeafs is 1024 by default

	return false;