Пример #1
    void TwoKeyMap<Key1, Key2, Value>::print(Teuchos::FancyOStream &out, const VerbLevel verbLevel) const {
      Teuchos::TabularOutputter outputter(out);
      outputter.pushFieldSpec("key1",  Teuchos::TabularOutputter::STRING, Teuchos::TabularOutputter::LEFT, Teuchos::TabularOutputter::GENERAL, 12);
      outputter.pushFieldSpec("key2",  Teuchos::TabularOutputter::STRING, Teuchos::TabularOutputter::LEFT, Teuchos::TabularOutputter::GENERAL, 18);
      outputter.pushFieldSpec("value", Teuchos::TabularOutputter::STRING, Teuchos::TabularOutputter::LEFT, Teuchos::TabularOutputter::GENERAL, 18);

      std::vector<Key1> ekeys = GetKeyList();
      for(typename Map::const_iterator it1 = map_.begin(); it1 != map_.end(); ++it1) {
        const Key1   & key1   = it1->first;
        const SubMap & subMap = it1->second;

        for(typename SubMap::const_iterator it2 = subMap.begin(); it2 != subMap.end(); ++it2) {
          Key2 key2 = it2->first;

          //outputter.outputField(GetType(key1, key2));

Пример #2
// main GUI
void TMVAGui( const char* fName = "TMVA.root" ) ///usage:

//TMVA::gConfig().GetVariablePlotting().fNbins1D = 50.0;

   // Use this script in order to run the various individual macros
   // that plot the output of TMVA (e.g. running TMVAClassification.C),
   // stored in the file "TMVA.root"

   TString curMacroPath(gROOT->GetMacroPath());
   // uncomment next line for macros submitted to next root version
   // for the sourceforge version, including $ROOTSYS/tmva/test in the
   // macro path is a mistake, especially if "./" was not part of path
   // add ../macros to the path (comment out next line for the ROOT version of TMVA)
   // gROOT->SetMacroPath(curMacroPath+":../macros:");
   cout << "--- Launch TMVA GUI to view input file: " << fName << endl;

   // init

   // check if file exist
   TFile* file = TFile::Open( fName );
   if (!file) {
      cout << "==> Abort TMVAGui, please verify filename" << endl;
   // find all references   
   cout << "--- Reading keys ..." << endl;
   TMVAGui_keyContent = (TList*)file->GetListOfKeys()->Clone();

   // close file

   TString defaultRequiredClassifier = "";

   //   gROOT->Reset();
   //   gStyle->SetScreenFactor(2); // if you have a large screen, select 1,2 or 1.4

   // create the control bar
   TControlBar* cbar = new TControlBar( "vertical", "TMVA Plotting Macros for Classification", 0, 0 );

   const TString buttonType( "button" );

   // configure buttons   
   Int_t ic = 1;

   // find all input variables types
   TList* keylist = GetKeyList( "InputVariables" );
   TListIter it( keylist );
   TObjString* str = 0;
   char ch = 'a';
   while ((str = (TObjString*)it())) {
      TString tmp   = str->GetString();
      TString title = Form( "Input variables '%s'-transformed (training sample)", 
                            tmp.ReplaceAll("InputVariables_","").Data() );
      if (tmp.Contains( "Id" )) title = "Input variables (training sample)";
      ActionButton( cbar, 
                    Form( "(%i%c) %s", ic, ch++, title.Data() ),
                    Form( ".x variables.C(\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\")", fName, str->GetString().Data(), title.Data() ),
                    Form( "Plots all '%s'-transformed input variables (macro variables.C(...))", str->GetString().Data() ),
                    buttonType, str->GetString() );

   // correlation scatter plots 
   it.Reset(); ch = 'a';
   while ((str = (TObjString*)it())) {
      TString tmp   = str->GetString();
      TString title = Form( "Input variable correlations '%s'-transformed (scatter profiles)", 
                            tmp.ReplaceAll("InputVariables_","").Data() );
      if (tmp.Contains( "Id" )) title = "Input variable correlations (scatter profiles)";
      ActionButton( cbar, 
                    Form( "(%i%c) %s", ic, ch++, title.Data() ),
                    Form( ".x CorrGui.C(\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\")", fName, str->GetString().Data(), title.Data() ),
                    Form( "Plots all correlation profiles between '%s'-transformed input variables (macro CorrGui.C(...))", 
                          str->GetString().Data() ),
                    buttonType, str->GetString() );
   // coefficients
   ActionButton( cbar,  
                 Form( "(%i) Input Variable Linear Correlation Coefficients", ++ic ),
                 Form( ".x correlations.C(\"%s\")", fName ),
                 "Plots signal and background correlation summaries for all input variables (macro correlations.C)", 
                 buttonType );

   ActionButton( cbar,  
                 Form( "(%ia) Classifier Output Distributions (test sample)", ++ic ),
                 Form( ".x mvas.C(\"%s\",0)", fName ),
                 "Plots the output of each classifier for the test data (macro mvas.C(...,0))",
                 buttonType, defaultRequiredClassifier );

   ActionButton( cbar,  
                 Form( "   (%ib) Classifier Output Distributions (test and training samples superimposed)   ", ic ),
                 Form( ".x mvas.C(\"%s\",3)", fName ),
                 "Plots the output of each classifier for the test (histograms) and training (dots) data (macro mvas.C(...,3))",
                 buttonType, defaultRequiredClassifier );

   ActionButton( cbar,  
                 Form( "(%ic) Classifier Probability Distributions (test sample)", ic ),
                 Form( ".x mvas.C(\"%s\",1)", fName ),
                 "Plots the probability of each classifier for the test data (macro mvas.C(...,1))",
                 buttonType, defaultRequiredClassifier );

   ActionButton( cbar,  
                 Form( "(%id) Classifier Rarity Distributions (test sample)", ic ),
                 Form( ".x mvas.C(\"%s\",2)", fName ),
                 "Plots the Rarity of each classifier for the test data (macro mvas.C(...,2)) - background distribution should be uniform",
                 buttonType, defaultRequiredClassifier );

   ActionButton( cbar,  
                 Form( "(%ia) Classifier Cut Efficiencies: S/sqrt(S+B)", ++ic ),
                 Form( ".x mvaeffs.C+(\"%s\",\"S/sqrt(S+B)\")", fName),
                 "Plots signal and background efficiencies versus cut on classifier output (macro mvaeffs.C)",
                 buttonType, defaultRequiredClassifier );

   ActionButton( cbar,  
                 Form( "(%ia) Classifier Before-Cut Efficiencies: B/sqrt(S+B)", ++ic ),
                 Form( ".x mvaeffs_beforecut.C+(\"%s\",\"B/sqrt(S+B)\")", fName),
                 "Plots signal and background efficiencies versus cut on classifier output (macro mvaeffs.C)",
                 buttonType, defaultRequiredClassifier );

   ActionButton( cbar,  
                 Form( "(%ia) Classifier Before-Cut Efficiencies: B/sqrt(S+B)  @B_Purity=0.95", ++ic ),
                 Form( ".x mvaeffs_beforecut.C+(\"%s\",\"B/sqrt(S+B)\",\"0.95\")", fName),
                 "Plots signal and background efficiencies versus cut on classifier output (macro mvaeffs.C)",
                 buttonType, defaultRequiredClassifier );

   ActionButton( cbar,  
                 Form( "(%ia) Classifier Before-Cut Efficiencies: B/sqrt(S+B)  @B_Purity=0.90", ++ic ),
                 Form( ".x mvaeffs_beforecut.C+(\"%s\",\"B/sqrt(S+B)\",\"0.90\")", fName),
                 "Plots signal and background efficiencies versus cut on classifier output (macro mvaeffs.C)",
                 buttonType, defaultRequiredClassifier );

   ActionButton( cbar,  
                 Form( "(%ia) Classifier Before-Cut Efficiencies: B/sqrt(S+B)  @B_Purity=0.85", ++ic ),
                 Form( ".x mvaeffs_beforecut.C+(\"%s\",\"B/sqrt(S+B)\",\"0.85\")", fName),
                 "Plots signal and background efficiencies versus cut on classifier output (macro mvaeffs.C)",
                 buttonType, defaultRequiredClassifier );

   ActionButton( cbar,  
                 Form( "(%ia) Classifier Before-Cut Efficiencies: B/S", ++ic ),
                 Form( ".x mvaeffs_beforecut.C+(\"%s\",\"B/S\")", fName),
                 "Plots signal and background efficiencies versus cut on classifier output (macro mvaeffs.C)",
                 buttonType, defaultRequiredClassifier );

   ActionButton( cbar,  
                 Form( "(%ia) Classifier Before-Cut Efficiencies: B/S @B_Purity=0.95", ++ic ),
                 Form( ".x mvaeffs_beforecut.C+(\"%s\",\"B/S\",\"0.95\")", fName),
                 "Plots signal and background efficiencies versus cut on classifier output (macro mvaeffs.C)",
                 buttonType, defaultRequiredClassifier );

   ActionButton( cbar,  
                 Form( "(%ia) Classifier Before-Cut Efficiencies: B/S @B_Purity=0.90", ++ic ),
                 Form( ".x mvaeffs_beforecut.C+(\"%s\",\"B/S\",\"0.90\")", fName),
                 "Plots signal and background efficiencies versus cut on classifier output (macro mvaeffs.C)",
                 buttonType, defaultRequiredClassifier );

   ActionButton( cbar,  
                 Form( "(%ia) Classifier Before-Cut Efficiencies: B/S @B_Purity=0.85", ++ic ),
                 Form( ".x mvaeffs_beforecut.C+(\"%s\",\"B/S\",\"0.85\")", fName),
                 "Plots signal and background efficiencies versus cut on classifier output (macro mvaeffs.C)",
                 buttonType, defaultRequiredClassifier );

   ActionButton( cbar,  
                 Form( "(%ia) Classifier Before-Cut Efficiencies: B/S @B_Purity=0.80", ++ic ),
                 Form( ".x mvaeffs_beforecut.C+(\"%s\",\"B/S\",\"0.80\")", fName),
                 "Plots signal and background efficiencies versus cut on classifier output (macro mvaeffs.C)",
                 buttonType, defaultRequiredClassifier );

   ActionButton( cbar,  
                 Form( "(%ia) Classifier Cut Efficiencies: S/B ", ++ic ),
                 Form( ".x mvaeffs.C+(\"%s\",\"S/B\")", fName),
                 "Plots signal and background efficiencies versus cut on classifier output (macro mvaeffs.C)",
                 buttonType, defaultRequiredClassifier );

   ActionButton( cbar,  
                 Form( "(%ib) Classifier Background Rejection vs Signal Efficiency (ROC curve)", ic ),
                 Form( ".x efficiencies.C(\"%s\")", fName ),
                 "Plots background rejection vs signal efficiencies (macro efficiencies.C) [\"ROC\" stands for \"Receiver Operation Characteristics\"]",
                 buttonType, defaultRequiredClassifier );

   TString title = Form( "(%i) Parallel Coordinates (requires ROOT-version >= 5.17)", ++ic );
   ActionButton( cbar,  
                 Form( ".x paracoor.C(\"%s\")", fName ),
                 "Plots parallel coordinates for classifiers and input variables (macro paracoor.C, requires ROOT >= 5.17)",
                 buttonType, defaultRequiredClassifier );

   // parallel coordinates only exist since ROOT 5.17
   TMVAGui_inactiveButtons.push_back( title );

   ActionButton( cbar,  
                 Form( "(%i) PDFs of Classifiers (requires \"CreateMVAPdfs\" option set)", ++ic ),
                 Form( ".x probas.C(\"%s\")", fName ),
                 "Plots the PDFs of the classifier output distributions for signal and background - if requested (macro probas.C)",
                 buttonType, defaultRequiredClassifier );

   ActionButton( cbar,  
                 Form( "(%i) Likelihood Reference Distributiuons", ++ic),
                 Form( ".x likelihoodrefs.C(\"%s\")", fName ), 
                 "Plots to verify the likelihood reference distributions (macro likelihoodrefs.C)",
                 buttonType, "Likelihood" );

   ActionButton( cbar,  
                 Form( "(%ia) Network Architecture (MLP)", ++ic ),
                 Form( ".x network.C(\"%s\")", fName ), 
                 "Plots the MLP weights (macro network.C)",
                 buttonType, "MLP" );

   ActionButton( cbar,  
                 Form( "(%ib) Network Convergence Test (MLP)", ic ),
                 Form( ".x annconvergencetest.C(\"%s\")", fName ), 
                 "Plots error estimator versus training epoch for training and test samples (macro annconvergencetest.C)",
                 buttonType, "MLP" );

   ActionButton( cbar,  
                 Form( "(%i) Decision Trees (BDT)", ++ic ),
                 Form( ".x BDT.C+(\"%s\")", fName ),
                 "Plots the Decision Trees trained by BDT algorithms (macro BDT.C(itree,...))",
                 buttonType, "BDT" );

   ActionButton( cbar,  
                 Form( "(%i) Decision Tree Control Plots (BDT)", ++ic ),
                 Form( ".x BDTControlPlots.C(\"%s\")", fName ),
                 "Plots to monitor boosting and pruning of decision trees (macro BDTControlPlots.C)",
                 buttonType, "BDT" );
   //    ActionButton( cbar,  
   //                  Form( "(%i) Monitor Decision Tree Boosting", ++ic ),
   //                  Form( ".x BDTBoostWatch.C+(\"%s\")", fName ),
   //                  "Plots separation obtained by BDT method as function of boosting steps (macro BDTBoostWatch.C(itree,...))",
   //                  buttonType, "BDT" );

   //    ActionButton( cbar,  
   //                  Form( "(%i) Rule Ensemble Importance Plots (RuleFit)", ++ic ),
   //                  Form( ".x rulevis.C(\"%s\",0)", fName ),
   //                  "Plots all input variables with rule ensemble weights, including linear terms (macro rulevis.C)",
   //                  buttonType, "RuleFit" );

   ActionButton( cbar,  
                 Form( "(%i) Plot Foams (PDEFoam)", ++ic ),
                 Form( ".x PlotFoams.C", fName ),
                 "Plot Foams (macro PlotFoams.C)",
                 buttonType, "PDEFoam" );

   ActionButton( cbar,  
                 Form( "(%i) General Boost Control Plots", ++ic ),
                 Form( ".x BoostControlPlots.C(\"%s\")", fName ),
                 "Plots to monitor boosting of general classifiers (macro BoostControlPlots.C)",
                 buttonType, "Boost" );


   cbar->AddButton( Form( "(%i) Quit", ++ic ),   ".q", "Quit", buttonType );

   // set the style 

   // there seems to be a bug in ROOT: font jumps back to default after pressing on >2 different buttons
   // cbar->SetFont("-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1");
   // draw

   // indicate inactive buttons
   for (UInt_t i=0; i<TMVAGui_inactiveButtons.size(); i++) cbar->SetButtonState( TMVAGui_inactiveButtons[i], 3 );
   if (TMVAGui_inactiveButtons.size() > 0) {
      cout << "=== Note: inactive buttons indicate that the corresponding classifiers were not trained ===" << endl;

Пример #3
 * 根据字串来判断键
 * 主要用于从设置文件中读取热键设定
 * 返回-1表示用户设置的热键不支持,一般是因为拼写错误或该热键不在列表中
int ParseKey (char *strKey)
    char           *p = NULL;
    int             iKeyCode=0;
    int             iKeyState = 0;
    int             iCount = 0;

    iKeyCode = GetKeyList (strKey);
    if (iKeyCode != -1)
    return iKeyCode;

    if (!strncmp (strKey, "CTRL_ALT_SHIFT_", 15)) {
    p = strKey + 15;
    iKeyCode = GetKeyList (p);
    if (iKeyCode != -1)
        iCount = 0;
    else {
        iCount = 1;
        if (!strcmp (p, "SPACE"))
        iKeyCode = ' ';
        else if (!strcmp (p, "DELETE"))
        iKeyCode = DELETE;
        else if (strlen (p) == 1)
        iKeyCode = p[0];
        return -1;
    else if (!strncmp (strKey, "CTRL_ALT_", 9)) {
    iKeyState = KEY_CTRL_ALT_COMP;
    p = strKey + 9;
    iKeyCode = GetKeyList (p);
    if (iKeyCode != -1)
        iCount = 0;
    else {
        iCount = 1;
        if (!strcmp (p, "SPACE"))
        iKeyCode = ' ';
        else if (!strcmp (p, "DELETE"))
        iKeyCode = DELETE;
        else if (strlen (p) == 1)
        iKeyCode = p[0];
        return -1;
    else if (!strncmp (strKey, "CTRL_SHIFT_", 11)) {
    iKeyState = KEY_CTRL_SHIFT_COMP;
    p = strKey + 11;
    iKeyCode = GetKeyList (p);
    if (iKeyCode != -1)
        iCount = 0;
    else {
        iCount = 1;
        if (!strcmp (p, "SPACE"))
        iKeyCode = ' ';
        else if (!strcmp (p, "DELETE"))
        iKeyCode = DELETE;
        else if (strlen (p) == 1)
        iKeyCode = p[0];
        return -1;
    else if (!strncmp (strKey, "ALT_SHIFT_", 10)) {
    iKeyState = KEY_ALT_SHIFT_COMP;
    p = strKey + 10;
    iKeyCode = GetKeyList (p);
    if (iKeyCode != -1)
        iCount = 0;
    else {
        iCount = 1;
        if (!strcmp (p, "SPACE"))
        iKeyCode = ' ';
        else if (!strcmp (p, "DELETE"))
        iKeyCode = DELETE;
        else if (strlen (p) == 1)
        iKeyCode = p[0];
        return -1;
    else if (!strncmp (strKey, "CTRL_", 5)) {
    iKeyState = KEY_CTRL_COMP;
    p = strKey + 5;
    iKeyCode = GetKeyList (p);
    if (iKeyCode != -1)
        iCount = 0;
    else {
        iCount = 1;
        if (!strcmp (p, "SPACE"))
        iKeyCode = ' ';
        else if (!strcmp (p, "DELETE"))
        iKeyCode = DELETE;
        else if (strlen (p) == 1)
        iKeyCode = p[0];
        return -1;
    else if (!strncmp (strKey, "ALT_", 4)) {
    iKeyState = KEY_ALT_COMP;
    p = strKey + 4;
    iKeyCode = GetKeyList (p);
    if (iKeyCode != -1)
        iCount = 0;
    else {
        iCount = 1;
        if (!strcmp (p, "SPACE"))
        iKeyCode = ' ';
        else if (!strcmp (p, "DELETE"))
        iKeyCode = DELETE;
        else if (strlen (p) == 1)
        iKeyCode = p[0];
        return -1;
    else if (!strncmp (strKey, "SHIFT_", 6)) {
    iKeyState = KEY_SHIFT_COMP;
    p = strKey + 6;
    iKeyCode = GetKeyList (p);
    if (iKeyCode != -1)
        iCount = 0;
    else {
        iCount = 1;
        if (!strcmp (p, "SPACE"))
        iKeyCode = ' ';
        else if (!strcmp (p, "DELETE"))
        iKeyCode = DELETE;
        else if (strlen (p) == 1)
        iKeyCode = p[0];
        return -1;
    else if (!strncmp (strKey, "SUPER_", 6)) {
    iKeyState = KEY_SUPER_COMP;
    p = strKey + 6;
    iKeyCode = GetKeyList (p);
    if (iKeyCode != -1)
        iCount = 0;
    else {
        iCount = 1;
        if (!strcmp (p, "SPACE"))
        iKeyCode = ' ';
        else if (!strcmp (p, "DELETE"))
        iKeyCode = DELETE;
        else if (strlen (p) == 1)
        iKeyCode = p[0];
        return -1;
    else {
    if (strlen (strKey) == 1)
        return strKey[0];
        return -1;

    return GetKey (iKeyCode, iKeyState, iCount);
Пример #4
VPModelButtonCB (Widget    w,
                 XtPointer clientData,
                 XtPointer xt_call_data )
 * Called when a model option button is picked. Set the new model
 * and update date/time scrolled list.
	Widget				forecast_list;
	GuiVertProfileObjectType	*vpt;
	WindowObjectType		*wo;
	KeyListType			*fdf;

	char				*file, *model, *label;
	char				**models, **labels;
	char				*chapter, *directory;
	int				len, plot_type, numkeys;
	int				iret, err, verbose;

	ButtonObject *bo = (ButtonObject *) clientData;

	XmPushButtonCallbackStruct *cbs =
			(XmPushButtonCallbackStruct *) xt_call_data;

	verbose = GetVerboseLevel();
	if( verbose > VERBOSE_0 )
	    printf ( "VPModelButtonCB\n" );

	vpt = GetGuiVertProfileDialog();
	wo = GetActiveWindowObject();
	fdf = GetVPGuiFdfInfo();

	SetupAbortProcess( wo );

 *	Model.
	model = strdup ( bo->string );
	FreeModelTypeVP ( vpt );
	SetModelTypeVP ( vpt, model );

 *	Get model key and label list from configuration file.
	iret = GetKeyList ( "modelkeys", "modellabels", ",",
                                   &numkeys, &models, &labels );

	label = GetStringArrayLabel ( numkeys, model,
                                          models, labels );
	FreeModelLabelTypeVP ( vpt );
	SetModelLabelTypeVP ( vpt, label );

 *	Dynamically build dialog scrolled lists.
	VPBuildScrolledLists ( model );

 *	Update FDF.
	plot_type = GetVPGridType ( vpt );
	file      = strdup ( GetModelFdfVP ( vpt ) );

	switch ( plot_type ) {
	  chapter = strdup ( GetModelVPScalarDir ( vpt ) );
	  directory = GetConfigValue( "vpscalarfdf" );
	  chapter = strdup ( GetModelVPVectorDir ( vpt ) );
	  directory = GetConfigValue( "vpvectorfdf" );
	  CancelAbortProcess( wo, False );
 *	Reload FDF.
	GetVPModelField ( file, chapter, directory );

 *	Free.
	Free ( model );
	Free ( label );
	Free ( file );
	Free ( directory );
	Free ( chapter );
        StringListFree ( numkeys, models );
        StringListFree ( numkeys, labels );
	CancelAbortProcess( wo, False );
