PlaformEntityEntity (DemoEntityManager* const scene, DemoEntity* const source, NewtonBody* const triggerPort0, NewtonBody* const triggerPort1)
		:DemoEntity (source->GetNextMatrix(), NULL)

		DemoMesh* const mesh = (DemoMesh*)source->GetMesh();
		dAssert (mesh->IsType(DemoMesh::GetRttiType()));

		SetMesh(mesh, source->GetMeshMatrix());

		const dFloat mass = 100.0f;
		dMatrix matrix (source->GetNextMatrix()) ;
		NewtonWorld* const world = scene->GetNewton();

		// note: because the mesh matrix can have scale, for simplicity just apply the local mesh matrix to the vertex cloud
		dVector pool[128];
		const dMatrix& meshMatrix = GetMeshMatrix();
		meshMatrix.TransformTriplex(&pool[0].m_x, sizeof (dVector), mesh->m_vertex, 3 * sizeof (dFloat), mesh->m_vertexCount);
		NewtonCollision* const collision = NewtonCreateConvexHull(world, mesh->m_vertexCount, &pool[0].m_x, sizeof (dVector), 0, 0, NULL);

		NewtonBody* body = CreateSimpleBody (world, this, 100, matrix, collision, 0);

		// attach a kinematic joint controller joint to move this body 
		dVector pivot;
		NewtonBodyGetCentreOfMass (body, &pivot[0]);
		pivot = matrix.TransformVector(pivot);
		m_driver = new FerryDriver (body, pivot, triggerPort0, triggerPort1);
		m_driver->SetMaxLinearFriction (50.0f * dAbs (mass * DEMO_GRAVITY)); 
		m_driver->SetMaxAngularFriction(50.0f * dAbs (mass * DEMO_GRAVITY)); 
Пример #2
MStatus CVstWeldNode::compute(
	const MPlug &mPlug,
	MDataBlock &mDataBlock )
	if ( mPlug == m_oaWeldOutput || mPlug == m_oaTranslate || mPlug == m_oaRotate ||
			mPlug == m_oaTranslateX || mPlug == m_oaTranslateY || mPlug == m_oaTranslateZ ||
			mPlug == m_oaRotateX || mPlug == m_oaRotateY || mPlug == m_oaRotateZ )
		const MObject geoObj = mDataBlock.inputValue( m_iaWorldGeometry ).data();
		if ( geoObj.apiType() == MFn::kMeshData )
			MStatus mStatus;

			MObject meshObj = mDataBlock.inputValue( m_iaWorldGeometry ).asMeshTransformed();
			MFnMesh meshFn( meshObj );
			MItMeshPolygon pIt( meshObj );
			MPointArray facePoints;

			MArrayDataHandle wiAH = mDataBlock.inputArrayValue( m_iaWeldInput );
			MArrayDataHandle woAH = mDataBlock.outputArrayValue( m_oaWeldOutput, &mStatus );
			MArrayDataBuilder woADB = woAH.builder( &mStatus );

			const int nWeldCount = wiAH.elementCount();
			for ( int i = 0; i < nWeldCount; ++i, )
				MDataHandle wiDH = wiAH.inputValue();

				const MMatrix &offsetMatrix = wiDH.child( m_iaOffsetMatrix ).asMatrix();
				const MMatrix &inverseParentSpace = wiDH.child( m_iaInverseParentSpace ).asMatrix();
				const MEulerRotation::RotationOrder rotationOrder = static_cast< MEulerRotation::RotationOrder >( wiDH.child( m_iaRotateOrder ).asShort() );
				MMatrix geoMatrix;

				switch ( wiDH.child( m_iaType ).asShort() )
				case kMeshFace:
						const int nMeshFaceIndex = wiDH.child( m_iaInt ).asInt();
						GetMeshMatrix( pIt, nMeshFaceIndex, geoMatrix );
					merr << "Unknown Weld Type " << wiDH.child( m_iaType ).asShort() << std::endl;

				const int nWeldIndex = wiAH.elementIndex();
				MDataHandle woDH = woADB.addElement( nWeldIndex );

				MTransformationMatrix L( inverseParentSpace * offsetMatrix * geoMatrix );

				woDH.child( m_oaTranslate ).set( L.getTranslation( MSpace::kWorld ) );
				MEulerRotation e = L.rotation().asEulerRotation();
				e.reorder( rotationOrder );
				woDH.child( m_oaRotate ).set( e.asVector() );
			merr << "Invalid .inputGeometry data of type: " << geoObj.apiTypeStr() << " found while computing " << << std::endl;
			return MS::kFailure;

		return MS::kSuccess;

	return MS::kUnknownParameter;