LRESULT CALLBACK HookWinampWnd(HWND hwnd, UINT umsg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) { FILE * outFile; static char* filename; char *returnVal = NULL; static char oldfilename[255]; int currTime; if(lp == IPC_CB_MISC && wp == IPC_CB_MISC_STATUS) { currTime = SendMessage(hwnd,WM_WA_IPC,0,IPC_GETOUTPUTTIME); if(SendMessage(hwnd,WM_WA_IPC,0,IPC_ISPLAYING) == 1 && currTime == 0) { filename = (char*)SendMessage(hwnd,WM_WA_IPC,SendMessage(hwnd,WM_WA_IPC,0,IPC_GETLISTPOS),IPC_GETPLAYLISTFILE); // only output if a valid file was found if(filename && strcmp(filename,oldfilename)) { strcpy(oldfilename,filename); // MessageBox(hwnd,file,"starting",0); outFile = fopen("c:\\zonica.txt","at"); fprintf(outFile,"\nCurrently Playing song: %s\n\n", filename); fprintf(outFile,"Artist: %s\n", GetMetaInfo("Artist", returnVal, hwnd)); fprintf(outFile,"Title: %s\n", GetMetaInfo("Title", returnVal, hwnd)); fprintf(outFile,"Album: %s\n", GetMetaInfo("Album", returnVal, hwnd)); fprintf(outFile,"Year: %s\n", GetMetaInfo("Year", returnVal, hwnd)); fclose(outFile); sendData("",4242,filename); // or do something else that you need to do } } } return CallWindowProc(WinampProc, hwnd, umsg, wp, lp); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char *returnVal; char *returnValOld; char outFileName[255]; FILE *outFile; int length; returnVal = (char *)malloc(MAX_PATH*sizeof(char)); returnValOld = (char *)malloc(MAX_PATH*sizeof(char)); strcpy(outFileName,"zonicaOut.txt"); hwndWinamp = FindWindowA("Winamp v1.x",NULL); if(hwndWinamp == NULL) { printf("Winamp not running.\n"); return 0; } while(1) { ReadWinampToLocal((char *)SendMessage(hwndWinamp, WM_WA_IPC, GetPlayingTrack(), IPC_GETPLAYLISTFILE), returnVal, MAX_PATH); if(strcmp(returnVal,returnValOld)) //if track has changed { strcpy(returnValOld,returnVal); printf("\nCurrently Playing song: %s\n\n", returnVal); printf("Artist: %s\n", GetMetaInfo("Artist", returnVal)); printf("Title: %s\n", GetMetaInfo("Title", returnVal)); printf("Album: %s\n", GetMetaInfo("Album", returnVal)); printf("Year: %s\n", GetMetaInfo("Year", returnVal)); printf("Bitrate: %s kbps\n", GetMetaInfo("Bitrate", returnVal)); outFile = fopen(outFileName,"at"); fprintf(outFile,"\nCurrently Playing song: %s\n\n", returnVal); fprintf(outFile,"Artist: %s\n", GetMetaInfo("Artist", returnVal)); fprintf(outFile,"Title: %s\n", GetMetaInfo("Title", returnVal)); fprintf(outFile,"Album: %s\n", GetMetaInfo("Album", returnVal)); fprintf(outFile,"Year: %s\n", GetMetaInfo("Year", returnVal)); fprintf(outFile,"Bitrate: %s kbps\n", GetMetaInfo("Bitrate", returnVal)); fclose(outFile); // in milliseconds length = atoi(GetMetaInfo("Length", returnVal)); printf("Length: %d:%02d\n", length/(1000*60), (length/1000)%60); //free(returnVal); } } return 0; }
void Plugin::checkDates () { if (!XmlSettingsManager::Instance ().property ("NotifyEnabled").toBool ()) return; const auto& ranges = XmlSettingsManager::Instance () .property ("NotificationDays").toString ().split (',', QString::SkipEmptyParts); QList<int> allowedDays; Q_FOREACH (const auto& range, ranges) { if (!range.contains ('-')) { bool ok = false; const int day = range.toInt (&ok); if (ok) allowedDays << day; continue; } const auto& ends = range.split ('-', QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (ends.size () != 2) continue; bool bOk = false, eOk = false; const int begin = (0).toInt (&bOk); const int end = (1).toInt (&eOk); if (!bOk || !eOk) continue; for (int i = begin; i <= end; ++i) allowedDays << i; } const auto& today = QDate::currentDate (); auto accs = AzothProxy_->GetAllAccounts (); Q_FOREACH (auto accObj, AzothProxy_->GetAllAccounts ()) { auto acc = qobject_cast<IAccount*> (accObj); auto extSelf = qobject_cast<IExtSelfInfoAccount*> (accObj); Q_FOREACH (auto entryObj, acc->GetCLEntries ()) { auto entry = qobject_cast<ICLEntry*> (entryObj); if (!entry || entry->GetEntryType () != ICLEntry::ETChat) continue; if (extSelf && extSelf->GetSelfContact () == entryObj) continue; auto meta = qobject_cast<IMetaInfoEntry*> (entryObj); if (!meta) continue; auto dt = meta->GetMetaInfo (IMetaInfoEntry::DataField::BirthDate).toDate (); if (!dt.isValid ()) continue; dt.setDate (today.year (), dt.month (), ()); if (!dt.isValid ()) continue; int days = today.daysTo (dt); if (days < 0) { dt.setDate (today.year () + 1, dt.month (), ()); if (!dt.isValid ()) continue; days = today.daysTo (dt); } if (allowedDays.contains (days)) NotifyBirthday (entry, days); } } }
GNC::GCS::Ptr<GIL::DICOM::TipoMetaInfo> GNC::GCS::IStudyContext::GetMetaInfoActiveImage() { return GetMetaInfo(ActiveFileIndex); }