void RebrandingHelper::ApplyBranding(wxRibbonPanel * panel, wxString scope) { if (!panel) return; wxString panelScope = scope + "." + panel->GetLabel(); if (ShouldDelete(panelScope)) { panel->Destroy(); return; } if (ShouldRename(panelScope)) panel->SetLabel(GetNewName(panelScope)); wxWindowList & children = panel->GetChildren(); for(auto childIt = children.begin();childIt != children.end();++childIt) { wxWindow * child = *childIt; if (!child) continue; if (wxRibbonButtonBar * buttonBar = dynamic_cast<wxRibbonButtonBar*>(child)) { ApplyBranding(buttonBar, panelScope + ".ButtonBar"); } } panel->Realize(); }
void RebrandingHelper::ApplyBranding(wxStaticText * text, wxString scope) { if (!text) return; wxString textScope = scope + "." + text->GetLabel(); if (ShouldRename(textScope)) text->SetLabel(GetNewName(textScope)); }
void RebrandingHelper::ApplyBranding(wxRibbonBar * bar, wxString scope) { for (size_t pageIndex = 0;pageIndex < bar->GetPageCount();pageIndex++) { wxRibbonPage * page = bar->GetPage(pageIndex); if (page) { wxString pageScope = scope + "." + page->GetLabel(); if (ShouldDelete(pageScope)) bar->HidePage(pageIndex); else if (ShouldRename(pageScope)) page->SetLabel(GetNewName(pageScope)); wxWindowList & children = page->GetChildren(); for(auto childIt = children.begin();childIt != children.end();++childIt) { wxWindow * child = *childIt; if (!child) continue; if (wxRibbonPanel * panel = dynamic_cast<wxRibbonPanel*>(child)) { ApplyBranding(panel, pageScope); } } } } bar->Realize(); }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { int i, j, err; char *pattern; char *filename; char newname[NAME_LEN]; verbose = FALSE; debug = FALSE; copyFiles = FALSE; preserveFiles = FALSE; progname = argv[0]; if (argc < 3) UsageAbort(); pattern = argv[argc-1]; for (i=1; i<argc-1; i++) { filename = argv[i]; if (filename[0] == '-') { for (j=1; filename[j]!='\0'; j++) { switch( filename[j] ) { case 'v': verbose = 1; fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", VERSION); break; case 'd': debug = 1; fprintf(stderr, "%s: debugging output activated\n", progname); break; default: UsageAbort(); break; } } } else { err = GetNewName( filename, pattern, newname ); if (err==ERR_PATMATCH) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: filename \"%s\" does not match pattern \"%s\"\n", progname, filename, pattern); } else if (err==ERR_PATINVAL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid pattern \"%s\", aborting\n", progname, pattern); exit( 1 ); } else if (err==ERR_TOOCOMPL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: pattern \"%s\" too complicated, aborting\n" ,progname, pattern); exit( 1 ); } else { if (strcmp(filename, newname)==0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error, \"%s\": old and new names match\n", progname, filename); } else { MoveFile( filename, newname ); } } } } return( 0 ); }
static void AddToLinkerComdat( symbol *sym ) /******************************************/ /* this tries to add "size" bytes to an existing comdat segment, and if it * can't, it creates a new segment for the data */ { seg_leader * leader; class_entry * class; offset seglen; section * sect; segdata * sdata; byte alloc; byte align; sdata = sym->p.seg; alloc = sdata->alloc; align = sdata->align; leader = CDatSegments[alloc]; if( leader == NULL ) { sdata->u.name = GetNewName(); sym->addr.off = 0; if( !(FmtData.type & MK_OVERLAYS) || !(alloc & 1) ) { sect = Root; } else { sect = NonSect; /* data in an overlaid app */ } class = FindClass( sect, CDatClassNames[alloc], alloc > 1, alloc & 1 ); } else {
wxString RebrandingHelper::ApplyBranding(wxString str, wxString scope) { wxString updatedStr = str; wxString strScope = scope + "." + str; if (ShouldRename(strScope)) updatedStr = GetNewName(strScope); return updatedStr; }
void RebrandingHelper::ApplyBranding(wxPropertyGrid * grid, wxString scope) { wxPropertyGridIterator it = grid->GetIterator(); while (!it.AtEnd()) { wxPGProperty * property = it.GetProperty(); it.Next(); if (property) { wxString propertyScope = scope + "." + property->GetName(); if (ShouldDelete(propertyScope)) property->Hide(true); else if(ShouldRename(propertyScope)) property->SetLabel(GetNewName(propertyScope)); } } }
void RebrandingHelper::ApplyBranding(wxTreeCtrl * treeCtrl, wxTreeItemId item, wxString scope) { while(item.IsOk()) { wxTreeItemId next = treeCtrl->GetNextSibling(item); wxString itemScope = scope + "." + treeCtrl->GetItemText(item); if (ShouldDelete(itemScope)) treeCtrl->Delete(item); else { if (treeCtrl->ItemHasChildren(item)) { void * cookie; ApplyBranding(treeCtrl, treeCtrl->GetFirstChild(item, cookie), itemScope); } if (ShouldRename(itemScope)) treeCtrl->SetItemText(item, GetNewName(itemScope)); } item = next; } }
void RebrandingHelper::ApplyBranding(wxMenu & menu, wxString scope) { size_t separatorIndex = 0; wxMenuItemList & itemsList = menu.GetMenuItems(); for(auto itemIt = itemsList.begin(); itemIt != itemsList.end();++itemIt) { wxMenuItem * item = *itemIt; if (!item) continue; wxString name = menu.GetLabelText(item->GetId()); if (item->GetId() == wxID_SEPARATOR) { name = "Separator_"; name << separatorIndex; separatorIndex++; } wxString itemScope = scope + "." + name; if (ShouldDelete(itemScope)) menu.Destroy(item); else if (ShouldRename(itemScope)) item->SetItemLabel(GetNewName(itemScope)); } }
void CPhotoPubView::OnTimer(UINT_PTR nIDEvent) { KillTimer(1); CPhotoPubDoc* pDoc = GetDocument(); ASSERT_VALID(pDoc); // TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default int nFiles=m_CurFiles.size(); set<CString> CurFiles1; const int nFiles1=GetAllFolderFile(m_WatchingPath, "*.jpg", CurFiles1); if (nFiles==nFiles1) { SetTimer(1,500,NULL); return; }else if (nFiles>nFiles1){ AfxMessageBox("同步发生错误,无法恢复,请重新运行!\n"); exit(1); } //Here Comes a new Photo //wait transfering Sleep(1000); //process set<CString>::iterator it1; for (it1=CurFiles1.begin();it1!=CurFiles1.end();++it1) { if ( m_CurFiles.find(*it1)==m_CurFiles.end() ) //not exist before { ((CMainFrame*)GetParent())->ShowWindow(SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED); CClientDC cdc(this); CRect clrct; GetClientRect(&clrct); int width=clrct.Width(); int height=clrct.Height(); if (pDoc->m_pOpenedImage) ReleaseFImage(&pDoc->m_pOpenedImage); IplImage *pImg=pDoc->m_pOpenedImage=LoadFImage(m_WatchingPath+"\\"+*it1+".jpg"); m_ratio=min(double(width)/pImg->width,double(height)/pImg->height); ((CMainFrame*)GetParent())->SetRatio(int(m_ratio*100)); OnUpdate(NULL,NULL,NULL); DrawImage(&cdc,pImg); CString newname; int res; do { GetNewName(m_InitStr,newname); res=rename(m_WatchingPath+"\\"+*it1+".jpg",m_WatchingPath+"\\"+newname+".jpg"); }while( (res==0) ? false : (true, (errno==EEXIST) ? AfxMessageBox("文件名重复!请重试"): ( (errno==EINVAL) ? AfxMessageBox("文件名含非法字符!请重试"):AfxMessageBox("未知错误!请重试") ) ) ); m_CurFiles.insert(newname); m_InitStr=newname; CStringNumber snum(m_InitStr); snum.Increase(); snum.ToString(m_InitStr); //break; } } CScrollView::OnTimer(nIDEvent); SetTimer(1,500,NULL); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TCopyProgress::TimerTimer(TObject *Sender) { //Надо переделать постановку в очередь файлов загруженных в память и выгрузку их //переменные i,j,k static __int64 memsize,rwconst; static int i, j, k; static bool firstwrite; static int exitcode = EX_EOF, len; try { switch(FMode) { case cmInit: memsize = FMemoryBuffer; rwconst = FRWConst; i = 0; j = 0; k = 0; FMode = cmLoad; ReadingProgressBar->Position = ReadingProgressBar->Min; ReadingLabel->Show(); ReadingProgressBar->Show(); firstwrite = true; break; case cmLoad: if(i != FFileList->Files) { // if(FFileList->Selected[i]) // { AnsiString temp; if(!(FFile && FFileList->File[i]->Root)) temp = FFileList->File[i]->FullName; else temp = GetNewName(FDestinationName,FFileList->File[i]->FullName);//get name from mask if(!VerifyStatements(FTarget + temp,i)) { i++; break; } FMem[k] = new TFileCmd(FSource,FTarget,temp,FFileList->File[i],FBuffer,FAddFile); if(FMem[k]->SourceHandle == -1) throw EFOpenError("Couldn't open file " + FMem[k]->SourceName); if(FMem[k]->Type == fstFile) { AnsiString path = ExtractFilePath(FSource + FMem[k]->SourceName), temp = ExtractFileName(FMem[k]->SourceName); len = ReadingLabel->Canvas->TextWidth(temp); ReadingLabel->Caption = MinimizeName(path,ReadingLabel->Canvas, ReadingLabel->ClientWidth - len) + temp; ReadingProgressBar->Position = ReadingProgressBar->Min; } FMode = cmLoading; i++; // } // else // i++; } else { memsize = FMemoryBuffer; FMode = cmSave; } break; case cmLoading: exitcode = FMem[k]->LoadFileToMemory(memsize,rwconst); if(FMem[k]->Type == fstFile) ReadingProgressBar->Position = (int) ((FMem[k]->FileSourcePos + 1) * (ReadingProgressBar->Max - ReadingProgressBar->Min) / (FMem[k]->FileSize + 1)); switch(exitcode) { case EX_NEXT: rwconst = FRWConst; memsize = FMemoryBuffer; FMode = cmSave; break; case EX_EOF: k++; rwconst = FRWConst; FMode = cmLoad; } break; case cmSave: if(firstwrite) { WritingProgressBar->Position = WritingProgressBar->Min; WritingLabel->Show(); WritingProgressBar->Show(); firstwrite = false; } if(j == k && i == FFileList->Files && exitcode == EX_EOF) { for (i = k - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if(FMove && FMem[i]->Type == fstDirectory) { if(!RemoveDir(FMem[j]->SourcePath + FMem[j]->SourceName)) throw EInOutError("The directory " + FMem[j]->SourceName + " can't be deleted"); } delete FMem[i]; } FCopied = true; Close(); return; } if(!FMem[j]->SaveContinue) { FMem[j]->CreateFile(); if(FMem[j]->Type == fstFile) { AnsiString path = ExtractFilePath(FTarget + FMem[j]->DestinationName), temp = ExtractFileName(FMem[j]->DestinationName); len = WritingLabel->Canvas->TextWidth(temp); WritingLabel->Caption = MinimizeName(path,WritingLabel->Canvas, WritingLabel->ClientWidth - len) + temp; WritingProgressBar->Position = WritingProgressBar->Min; } } FMode = cmSaving;//verify if directory then next save (not saving) break; case cmSaving: exitcode = FMem[j]->SaveMemoryToFile(memsize,rwconst); if(FMem[j]->Type == fstFile) WritingProgressBar->Position = (int) ((FMem[j]->FileDestinationPos + 1) * (WritingProgressBar->Max - WritingProgressBar->Min) / (FMem[j]->FileSize + 1)); switch(exitcode) { case EX_EOF: if(FMove && FMem[j]->Type == fstFile) { if(!DeleteFile(FMem[j]->SourcePath + FMem[j]->SourceName)) throw EInOutError("Error occurs during deleting file " + FMem[j]->SourceName); } rwconst = FRWConst; j++; FMode = cmSave; break; case EX_NEXT: rwconst = FRWConst; memsize = FMemoryBuffer; FMode = cmLoading; break; case EX_TOBECONTINUED: break; } } } catch(...) { /* if(FMode == cmLoad) k --;*/ for(j = 0; j <= k; j++) delete FMem[j]; FCopied = true; Close(); return; } }