BOOL CBonfireDoc::OnNewDocument() { if (!CDocument::OnNewDocument()) return FALSE; m_xTextBuffer.InitNew(); ((CMainFrame*)AfxGetMainWnd())->m_wndProjectBar.LoadFile(this); // MAYBE PUT IN SETPATHNAME() LATER // set the syntax highlighting parser this->m_fnParse = LookupParser( NULL ); // draw icon POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition(); CChildFrame* pChild = (CChildFrame*)GetNextView(pos)->GetParentFrame(); pChild->UpdateIcon(""); UpdateTabs( NULL ); // initialize the document title UpdateDocumentTitle( NULL ); SwitchToFirstView(); return TRUE; }
BOOL CFT2OpenCVDoc::OnNewDocument() { if (!CDocument::OnNewDocument()) return FALSE; //get a pointer to the view object POSITION posV = GetFirstViewPosition(); CFT2OpenCVView * view = (CFT2OpenCVView *) GetNextView(posV); ASSERT_VALID(view); if (!view) { AfxMessageBox(_T("Failed to get view!")); OnCloseDocument(); } //start the kinect m_hWnd = view->GetParentFrame()->m_hWnd; m_FTHelper.Init(m_hWnd, FTHelperCallingBack, this); namedWindow("dxColor", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); namedWindow("dxDepth", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); return TRUE; }
void COleDocument::OnIdle() { ASSERT_VALID(this); // determine if any visible views are on this document BOOL bVisible = FALSE; POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CView* pView = GetNextView(pos); ENSURE_VALID(pView); CFrameWnd* pFrameWnd = pView->EnsureParentFrame(); if (pFrameWnd->GetStyle() & WS_VISIBLE) { bVisible = TRUE; break; } } // when state has changed, call OnShowViews if (bVisible != m_bLastVisible) { OnShowViews(bVisible); m_bLastVisible = bVisible; } }
BOOL CHtmlViewOWMDoc::OnOpenDocument(LPCTSTR lpszPathName) { //if (!CDocument::OnOpenDocument(lpszPathName)) // return FALSE; CString strURL = lpszPathName; CString strPath = lpszPathName; int posPot = strPath.ReverseFind('.'); if(posPot > 0) { CString strExt = strPath.Right(strPath.GetLength() - posPot -1); strExt.MakeUpper(); if(strExt == "BLP") { strURL = "tcl:<file>"; strURL += lpszPathName; } } POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition(); CHtmlViewOWMView* pView = (CHtmlViewOWMView*)GetNextView(pos); pView->Navigate2(strURL); return TRUE; }
void CSpiroDoc::DeleteContents() { INT_PTR nLast = m_arrPFigures.GetUpperBound(); CFigure* pFig; POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition(); CSpiroView* pView; if (pos != NULL) // on shut down the view has been destroyed already { pView = (CSpiroView*)GetNextView(pos); ENSURE(pView != NULL && pView->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CSpiroView))); delete pView->m_pAnchor; delete pView->m_pWheel; pView->m_pAnchor = NULL; pView->m_pWheel = NULL; } for (int i = 0; i <= nLast; i++) { pFig = (CFigure*)m_arrPFigures.GetAt(i); delete pFig; } m_arrPFigures.RemoveAll(); delete m_pFigureCurrent; m_pFigureCurrent = NULL; CDocument::DeleteContents(); }
void CPackageToolDoc::OnOpenGameResouce(CString strFolder) { m_nDisplayOriInfo = 2; if(m_pOriginResource) { m_pOriginResource->GetFilesInfo()->SetDisplayWnd(NULL); m_pOriginResource->Save(); } if(m_pClientResource) { delete m_pClientResource;m_pClientResource=NULL; } string strTempt = strFolder; Packages TemptPackages; m_pClientResource = new CClientResource(GAME_RES,strTempt,TemptPackages,m_strFileInfoName); //装载客户端资源文件 m_pClientResource->LoadEx(); POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition(); CView* pView = GetNextView(pos); if(pView) { //m_pClientResource->GetFilesInfo()->SetDisplayWnd(pView->m_hWnd); //m_pClientResource->GetFilesInfo()->UpdateAllInfoToView(NULL); m_pClientResource->GetFilesInfo()->UpdateAllInfoToViewEx(pView->m_hWnd); } }
void CMUSHclientDoc::CheckTickTimers () { // timer has kicked in unexpectedly - ignore it if (m_CurrentPlugin) return; // check for selection change in command window // I know, this is a crappy way of doing it, but the CEditView does // not notify of selection changes. for(POSITION commandpos=GetFirstViewPosition();commandpos!=NULL;) { CView* pView = GetNextView(commandpos); if (pView->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CSendView))) { CSendView* pmyView = (CSendView*)pView; pmyView->CheckForSelectionChange (); } // end of being a CSendView } SendToAllPluginCallbacks (ON_PLUGIN_TICK); } // end of CMUSHclientDoc::CheckTickTimers
void CNuGenDimensionDoc::OnSTLImport() { CString Path; CFileDialog dlg( TRUE, NULL, // Open File Dialog _T("*.stl"), // Default extension OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, // No default filename _T("STL (*.stl)|*.stl||"));// Filter string if (dlg.DoModal() != IDOK) return; Path = dlg.GetPathName(); GetDocTemplate()->OpenDocumentFile(NULL); sgFileManager::ImportSTL(sgGetScene(),Path.GetBuffer()); POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CView* pView = GetNextView(pos); pView->OnInitialUpdate(); } //AfxMessageBox("Sorry, its DEMO"); }
void CServerDoc::OnSetItemRects(LPCRECT lpPosRect, LPCRECT lpClipRect) { // get first view of document POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition(); ASSERT(pos != NULL); CServerView* pView = (CServerView*)GetNextView(pos); ASSERT_KINDOF(CServerView, pView); ASSERT_VALID(pView); CSize sizeNum(lpPosRect->right - lpPosRect->left, lpPosRect->bottom - lpPosRect->top); // for denom -- get extent in device // create a view dc CServerDC dc(pView); // set zoom to 100% dc.SetViewportExt(CSize(1,1)); dc.SetWindowExt(CSize(1,1)); // get extents in device CSize sizeDenom = pView->CalcActualItemSize(m_pRoot, &dc); // notify first view of potential zoom factor change! pView->SetZoomFactor(sizeNum, sizeDenom); // resize the window COleServerDoc::OnSetItemRects(lpPosRect, lpClipRect); // set scrollbar state (if necessary) pView->SetScrollInfo(); }
void CDrawDoc::ComputePageSize() { CSize new_size(850, 1100); // 8.5" x 11" default CPrintDialog dlg(FALSE); if (AfxGetApp()->GetPrinterDeviceDefaults(&dlg.m_pd)) { // GetPrinterDC returns a HDC so attach it CDC dc; HDC hDC= dlg.CreatePrinterDC(); ASSERT(hDC != NULL); dc.Attach(hDC); // Get the size of the page in loenglish = MulDiv(dc.GetDeviceCaps(HORZSIZE), 1000, 254); = MulDiv(dc.GetDeviceCaps(VERTSIZE), 1000, 254); } // if size changed then iterate over views and reset if (new_size != m_size) { m_size = new_size; POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition(); while (pos != NULL) ((CDrawView*)GetNextView(pos))->SetPageSize(m_size); } }
// ************************************************************************** // RouteCmdMsg () // // Description: // Routes a message onto all inactive views or until one of the views // processes the message. // // Parameters: // CView *pActiveView Pointer to the active view. // UINT nID Specifies the container for the // command identifier. // int nCode Identifies the command notification // code. // void *pExtra Used according to the value of // nCode. // AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO *pHandlerInfo If not NULL, OnCmdMsg fills in the // pTarget and pmf members of the // pHandlerInfo structure instead of // dispatching the command. Typically, // this parameter should be NULL. // // Returns: // BOOL - TRUE if message was processed. // ************************************************************************** BOOL CKDocument::RouteCmdMsg (CView *pActiveView, UINT nID, int nCode, void *pExtra, AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO *pHandlerInfo) { // Get the position of the first view in the list of views associated // with this document: POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition (); // Exhaust all views. When we get to end of list of views, pos will be NULL: while (pos != NULL) { // Get pointer to view at present POSITION (pos). Function will // automatically reset pos to POSITION of next view, or NULL if // end of list: CView *pNextView = GetNextView (pos); // By definition, we do no send message to active view: // (We shouldn't get called if active view processes the message.) if (pNextView != pActiveView) { // If the view processes the message then we are a success. Return TRUE // to indicate message was processed: if (((CCmdTarget *) pNextView)->OnCmdMsg (nID, nCode, pExtra, pHandlerInfo)) return (TRUE); } } // If we make it here, then message not processed. Return FALSE to // indicate that message was not processed. return (FALSE); }
CFracticeView *CFracticeDoc::GetView() const { POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition(); CFracticeView *View = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CFracticeView, GetNextView(pos)); ASSERT(View); return(View); }
void CPhotoPubDoc::OnBnClickedWatch() { char szDir[MAX_PATH]; BROWSEINFO bi; ITEMIDLIST *pidl; bi.hwndOwner = NULL; bi.pidlRoot = NULL; bi.pszDisplayName = szDir; bi.lpszTitle = "请选择要监视的文件夹:"; bi.ulFlags = BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS; bi.lpfn = NULL; bi.lParam = 0; bi.iImage = 0; pidl = SHBrowseForFolder(&bi); if(pidl == NULL) return; if(!SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl, szDir)) return; CString SrcPath(szDir); POSITION pos=GetFirstViewPosition(); CPhotoPubView* pView=(CPhotoPubView*) GetNextView(pos); if (!pView->SetupWatching(SrcPath)) return; m_bWatching=true; ((CMainFrame *)pView->GetParentFrame())->SetWatching(m_bWatching); }
void CABMOfficeSystemcppDoc::Serialize(CArchive& ar) { if (ar.IsStoring()) { // TODO: add storing code here } else { // TODO: add loading code here } // Calling the base class COleDocument enables serialization // of the container document's COleClientItem objects. COleDocument::Serialize(ar); // activate the first one if (!ar.IsStoring()) { POSITION posItem = GetStartPosition(); if (posItem != NULL) { CDocItem* pItem = GetNextItem(posItem); POSITION posView = GetFirstViewPosition(); COleDocObjectItem *pDocObjectItem = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(COleDocObjectItem, pItem); if (posView != NULL && pDocObjectItem != NULL) { CView* pView = GetNextView(posView); pDocObjectItem->DoVerb(OLEIVERB_SHOW, pView); } } } }
//当打开一个文件时调用 void CPackageToolDoc::OnOpenfolder(CString strFolder) { if(strFolder == "") return; if(m_nDisplayOriInfo == 1) { ::AfxMessageBox("已打开原始资源信息!"); return; } m_nDisplayOriInfo=1; m_strCurFolder = strFolder; if(m_pOriginResource) { delete m_pOriginResource; } POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition(); CView* pView = GetNextView(pos); if(pView) { Packages TemptPackages; m_pOriginResource = new CClientResource(ORIGIN_RES,m_strCurFolder,TemptPackages,m_strFileInfoName, pView->m_hWnd); m_pOriginResource->LoadClientResource(); } }
void CPackageToolDoc::OpenDefaultProject() { if(m_nDisplayOriInfo == 1) { AfxMessageBox("已打开原始资源信息!"); return; } m_nDisplayOriInfo=1; if(m_pOriginResource) { delete m_pOriginResource; } POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition(); CView* pView = GetNextView(pos); if(pView) { Packages TemptPackages; m_pOriginResource = new CClientResource(ORIGIN_RES,m_strCurFolder,TemptPackages,m_strFileInfoName,pView->m_hWnd); CString strTempt2(""); if(m_pOriginResource->Load()==false) { CString str; str.Format("没有信息文件,请重新打开该文件夹进行信息统计."); AfxMessageBox((LPCTSTR)str); } } }
void CMUSHclientDoc::SetWorldWindowStatus(short Parameter) { CFrameWnd* pParent = NULL; for(POSITION pos=GetFirstViewPosition();pos!=NULL;) { CView* pView = GetNextView(pos); if (pView->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CSendView))) { CSendView* pmyView = (CSendView*)pView; pParent = pmyView->GetParentFrame (); break; } } if (pParent) { switch (Parameter) { case 1: pParent->ShowWindow(SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED); break; case 2: pParent->ShowWindow(SW_MINIMIZE); break; case 3: pParent->ShowWindow(SW_RESTORE); break; case 4: pParent->ShowWindow(SW_SHOWNORMAL); break; } // end of switch } // have parent } // end of CMUSHclientDoc::SetWorldWindowStatus
BOOL CDocument::CanCloseFrame(CFrameWnd* pFrameArg) // permission to close all views using this frame // (at least one of our views must be in this frame) { ASSERT_VALID(pFrameArg); UNUSED(pFrameArg); // unused in release builds POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CView* pView = GetNextView(pos); ASSERT_VALID(pView); CFrameWnd* pFrame = pView->GetParentFrame(); // assume frameless views are ok to close if (pFrame != NULL) { // assumes 1 document per frame ASSERT_VALID(pFrame); if (pFrame->m_nWindow > 0) return TRUE; // more than one frame refering to us } } // otherwise only one frame that we know about return SaveModified(); }
void CMUSHclientDoc::MoveWorldWindowX(long Left, long Top, long Width, long Height, short Which) { int i = 0; for(POSITION pos=GetFirstViewPosition();pos!=NULL;) { CView* pView = GetNextView(pos); if (pView->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CSendView))) { CSendView* pmyView = (CSendView*)pView; i++; if (i != Which) continue; // wrong one pmyView->GetParentFrame ()->MoveWindow (Left, Top, Width, Height); break; } } } // end of CMUSHclientDoc::MoveWorldWindowX
// warning - different in Lua BSTR CMUSHclientDoc::GetWorldWindowPositionX(short Which) { CString strResult; int i = 0; CWindowPlacement wp; for(POSITION pos=GetFirstViewPosition();pos!=NULL;) { CView* pView = GetNextView(pos); if (pView->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CSendView))) { CSendView* pmyView = (CSendView*)pView; i++; if (i != Which) continue; // wrong one pmyView->GetParentFrame ()->GetWindowPlacement(&wp); windowPositionHelper (strResult, wp.rcNormalPosition); break; } } return strResult.AllocSysString(); } // end of CMUSHclientDoc::GetWorldWindowPositionX
void CLlinesDoc::GetView() { // Позиция первого Вида, связанного с Документом POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition(); // Указатель на первый Вид из списка всех Видов Документа pView =(CLlinesView*) GetNextView(pos); }
void CMUSHclientDoc::NoteHr() { // wrap up previous line if necessary if (m_pCurrentLine->len > 0) StartNewLine (true, 0); // mark line as HR line m_pCurrentLine->flags = HORIZ_RULE; StartNewLine (true, 0); // now finish this line // refresh views for(POSITION pos=GetFirstViewPosition();pos!=NULL;) { CView* pView = GetNextView(pos); if (pView->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CMUSHView))) { CMUSHView* pmyView = (CMUSHView*)pView; pmyView->addedstuff(); } } } // end of CMUSHclientDoc::NoteHr
void CTimeSliceDoc::initAllViews() { POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition(); CTimeSliceView* pView = NULL; unsigned int uiCameraToView = 0; while ( pos != NULL ) { pView = (CTimeSliceView*)GetNextView( pos ); if( uiCameraToView >= m_uiNumCameras ) { // // Special case - the last view is the panning view. // pView->setViewType( PANNING ); } else { pView->setCamera( uiCameraToView ); pView->setViewType( SINGLE_CAMERA ); } uiCameraToView++; } }
void DviDoc::OnIdle () { try { CDocument::OnIdle (); DviFileStatus oldStatus = fileStatus; DviFileStatus newStatus = GetDviFileStatus(); if (newStatus == DVIFILE_MODIFIED) { YapLog (T_("document has been modified")); POSITION posView = GetFirstViewPosition(); while (posView != 0) { CView * pView = GetNextView(posView); if (pView->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(DviView))) { DviView * pDviView = reinterpret_cast<DviView*>(pView); if (! pDviView->PostMessage(WM_COMMAND, ID_VIEW_REFRESH)) { // unexpected } } } } else if (pDvi != 0) { pSession->UnloadFilenameDatabase (); // <fixme/> } } catch (const exception &) { } }
void CxEditDoc::Serialize(CArchive& ar) { POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition(); CxEditView* pView = (CxEditView*)GetNextView(pos); ASSERT_KINDOF(CxEditView, pView); pView->SerializeRaw(ar); }
/***************************************************************************************** << --- CNPainterDoc::computePageSize 2013-12-04 --- >> 说明:根据系统设定的打印机得到itobjPage信息 参数: 返回值: *****************************************************************************************/ void CNPainterDoc::computePageSize() { PRINTDLG pd = {0}; CSize oldSize = m_objAdmin.getPager()->getPaperInfo().bsSize.toMSSize();// m_objPaper.getPaperInfo().bsSize.toMSSize(); if(AfxGetApp()->GetPrinterDeviceDefaults(&pd)) { DEVMODE *pdev = (DEVMODE*)GlobalLock(pd.hDevMode); if(pdev) { gtc::BSPaperInfo &paper = m_objAdmin.getPager()->getPaperInfo(); paper.iOrientation = pdev->dmOrientation; paper.iSize = pdev->dmPaperSize; paper.bsSize.width = pdev->dmPaperWidth; paper.bsSize.height = pdev->dmPaperLength; paper.wsName = pdev->dmFormName; GlobalUnlock(pd.hDevMode); m_objAdmin.getPager()->refresh(); } } //if(oldSize != m_objPaper.getPaperInfo().bsSize.toMSSize()) { // 刷新工作区 POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition(); if(pos != NULL) ((CNPainterView*)GetNextView(pos))->OnUpdate(nullptr, HINT_UPDATE_WINDOW, nullptr); } }
CProjectView* CProjectDoc::GetProjectView() { POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition(); if (pos == NULL) return NULL; else return (CProjectView*)GetNextView(pos); }
CDComView *CDComDoc::GetView() { POSITION viewPos; CDComView *pView; viewPos = GetFirstViewPosition(); pView = (CDComView*)GetNextView(viewPos); return pView; }
/** * @brief Stash away our view pointer. */ void CDirDoc::SetDirView(CDirView * newView) { m_pDirView = newView; // MFC has a view list for us, so lets check against it POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition(); CDirView * temp = static_cast<CDirView *>(GetNextView(pos)); ASSERT(temp == m_pDirView); // verify that our stashed pointer is the same as MFC's }
BOOL CScintillaDoc::OnSaveDocument(LPCTSTR lpszPathName) { POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition(); CScintillaView *pFirstView = (CScintillaView*)GetNextView( pos ); // assume only one view if (pFirstView != NULL) return pFirstView->Save(lpszPathName); return CDocument::OnSaveDocument(lpszPathName); }