Пример #1
void CWmvSearch::Mount(CArcFile* archive)
	SFileInfo file_info;

	// Get start address
	file_info.start = archive->GetArcPointer();
	archive->Seek(GetHeaderSize(), FILE_CURRENT);

	// Search the auxiliary header
	if (!SearchFooter(archive))

	// Amount of progress advanced by the search bar
	const u64 search_offset = archive->GetArcPointer() - file_info.start - GetHeaderSize();

	// Get file size
	archive->Seek(23, FILE_CURRENT);
	archive->Read(&file_info.sizeOrg, 4);
	file_info.sizeCmp = file_info.sizeOrg;

	// Get exit address
	file_info.end = file_info.start + file_info.sizeOrg;

	// Go to the end of the WMV file
	archive->Seek(file_info.end, FILE_BEGIN);
	archive->GetProg()->UpdatePercent(file_info.sizeOrg - search_offset);

	archive->AddFileInfo(file_info, GetNumFiles(), _T(".wmv"));
Пример #2
	int c = GetCurrentNum() + 1;
	int n = GetNumFiles();
	return (c >= n);
Пример #3
void OnStart( const std::string& RootPath )
	auto FS = make_intrusive<clFileSystem>();

	FS->Mount( "" );
	FS->Mount( RootPath );
	FS->AddAliasMountPoint( RootPath, "assets" );

	const char* ArchiveName = "test.zip";

	auto File = FS->CreateReader( ArchiveName );
	auto Reader = make_intrusive<clArchiveReader>();

	if ( !Reader->OpenArchive( File ) )
		LOGI( "Bad archive: %s", ArchiveName );

	/// Iterate the files in archive
	for ( size_t i = 0; i != Reader->GetNumFiles(); i++ )
		LOGI( "File[%i]: %s", i, Reader->GetFileName( i ).c_str() );

		const char* Data = reinterpret_cast<const char*>( Reader->GetFileDataIdx( i ) );

		LOGI( "Data: %s", std::string( Data, static_cast<size_t>( Reader->GetFileSizeIdx( i ) ) ).c_str() );
Пример #4
void CMpgSearch::Mount(CArcFile* archive)
	// Corresponds to CVM
	LPCTSTR file_extension = (lstrcmpi(archive->GetArcExten(), _T(".cvm")) == 0) ? _T(".sfd") : _T(".mpg");

	SFileInfo file_info;

	// Get start address
	file_info.start = archive->GetArcPointer();
	archive->Seek(GetHeaderSize(), FILE_CURRENT);

	// Get footer
	if (!SearchFooter(archive))

	// Get exit address
	file_info.end = archive->GetArcPointer();

	// Get file size
	file_info.sizeOrg = file_info.end - file_info.start;
	file_info.sizeCmp = file_info.sizeOrg;

	archive->AddFileInfo(file_info, GetNumFiles(), file_extension);
Пример #5
void CAhxSearch::Mount(CArcFile* archive)
    SFileInfo file_info;

    // Get start address
    file_info.start = archive->GetArcPointer();

    // Get file ssize
    archive->Seek(GetHeaderSize() + 2, FILE_CURRENT);
    archive->Read(&file_info.sizeOrg, 4);
    file_info.sizeOrg = BitUtils::Swap32(file_info.sizeOrg) << 1;

    // Search footer
    if (!SearchFooter(archive))

    // Get exit address
    file_info.end = archive->GetArcPointer();

    // Get compressedfile size
    file_info.sizeCmp = file_info.end - file_info.start;

    archive->AddFileInfo(file_info, GetNumFiles(), _T(".ahx"));
Пример #6
// Purpose: 
// Input  : index - 
// Output : char const
char const *CLoadDialog::GetFile( int index )
	if ( index < 0 || index >= GetNumFiles() )
		return "";

	return m_FileNames[ index ].fn;
Пример #7
void CMidSearch::Mount(CArcFile* archive)
	SFileInfo file_info;

	// Get the head position
	file_info.start = archive->GetArcPointer();

	// Get the number of tracks
	u16 tracks;
	archive->SeekCur(GetHeaderSize() + 2);
	tracks = BitUtils::Swap16(tracks);

	// Get end positions
	for (unsigned short cnt = 0; cnt < tracks; cnt++)
		std::array<u8, 4> marker;
		archive->Read(marker.data(), marker.size());

		// Invalid MIDI
		if (std::memcmp(marker.data(), "MTrk", marker.size()) != 0)

		// Get track size
		u32 track_size;
		track_size = BitUtils::Swap32(track_size);

		// Advance to next track

	file_info.end = archive->GetArcPointer();

	// Get file size
	file_info.size_org = file_info.end - file_info.start;
	file_info.size_cmp = file_info.size_org;

	// Update progress bar

	archive->AddFileInfo(file_info, GetNumFiles(), _T(".mid"));
Пример #8
void TimeGridWindCurv::Draw(Rect r, WorldRect view, double refScale, double arrowScale,double arrowDepth, Boolean bDrawArrows, Boolean bDrawGrid, RGBColor arrowColor) 
{	// use for curvilinear
	WorldPoint wayOffMapPt = {-200*1000000,-200*1000000};
	double timeAlpha;
	Point p;
	Rect c;
	Seconds startTime,endTime;
	Seconds time = model->GetModelTime();
	OSErr err = 0;
	char errmsg[256];
	if(bDrawArrows || bDrawGrid)
		if (bDrawGrid) 	// make sure to draw grid even if don't draw arrows
		if (bDrawArrows)
		{ // we have to draw the arrows
			long numVertices,i;
			LongPointHdl ptsHdl = 0;
			long timeDataInterval;
			Boolean loaded;
			TTriGridVel* triGrid = (TTriGridVel*)fGrid;
			err = this -> SetInterval(errmsg, model->GetModelTime());	// AH 07/17/2012
			if(err) return;
			loaded = this -> CheckInterval(timeDataInterval, model->GetModelTime());	// AH 07/17/2012
			if(!loaded) return;
			ptsHdl = triGrid -> GetPointsHdl();
				numVertices = _GetHandleSize((Handle)ptsHdl)/sizeof(**ptsHdl);
				numVertices = 0;
			// Check for time varying wind 
			if( (GetNumTimesInFile()>1 || GetNumFiles()>1 )&& loaded && !err)
				// Calculate the time weight factor
				startTime = (*fTimeHdl)[fStartData.timeIndex] + fTimeShift;
				//endTime = (*fTimeHdl)[fEndData.timeIndex] + fTimeShift;
				//timeAlpha = (endTime - time)/(double)(endTime - startTime);
				if (fEndData.timeIndex == UNASSIGNEDINDEX && (time > startTime || time < startTime) && fAllowExtrapolationInTime)
					timeAlpha = 1;
				{	//return false;
					endTime = (*fTimeHdl)[fEndData.timeIndex] + fTimeShift;
					timeAlpha = (endTime - time)/(double)(endTime - startTime);
			for(i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
			 	// get the value at each vertex and draw an arrow
				LongPoint pt = INDEXH(ptsHdl,i);
				long ptIndex=-1,iIndex,jIndex;
				WorldPoint wp,wp2;
				Point p,p2;
				VelocityRec velocity = {0.,0.};
				Boolean offQuickDrawPlane = false;				
				wp.pLat = pt.v;
				wp.pLong = pt.h;
				ptIndex = INDEXH(fVerdatToNetCDFH,i);
				iIndex = ptIndex/(fNumCols+1);
				jIndex = ptIndex%(fNumCols+1);
				if (iIndex>0 && jIndex<fNumCols)
					ptIndex = (iIndex-1)*(fNumCols)+jIndex;
					ptIndex = -1;
				// for now draw arrow at midpoint of diagonal of gridbox
				// this will result in drawing some arrows more than once
				if (GetLatLonFromIndex(iIndex-1,jIndex+1,&wp2)!=-1)	// may want to get all four points and interpolate
					wp.pLat = (wp.pLat + wp2.pLat)/2.;
					wp.pLong = (wp.pLong + wp2.pLong)/2.;
				p = GetQuickDrawPt(wp.pLong, wp.pLat, &r, &offQuickDrawPlane);	// should put velocities in center of grid box
				// Should check vs fFillValue
				// Check for constant wind 
				if(   ((  GetNumTimesInFile()==1 &&!(GetNumFiles()>1)  ) || timeAlpha == 1) && ptIndex!=-1)
					velocity.u = INDEXH(fStartData.dataHdl,ptIndex).u;
					velocity.v = INDEXH(fStartData.dataHdl,ptIndex).v;
				else if (ptIndex!=-1)// time varying wind
					// need to rescale velocities for Navy case, store angle
					velocity.u = timeAlpha*INDEXH(fStartData.dataHdl,ptIndex).u + (1-timeAlpha)*INDEXH(fEndData.dataHdl,ptIndex).u;
					velocity.v = timeAlpha*INDEXH(fStartData.dataHdl,ptIndex).v + (1-timeAlpha)*INDEXH(fEndData.dataHdl,ptIndex).v;
				if ((velocity.u != 0 || velocity.v != 0) && (velocity.u != fFillValue && velocity.v != fFillValue))
					float inchesX = (velocity.u * refScale) / arrowScale;
					float inchesY = (velocity.v * refScale) / arrowScale;
					short pixX = inchesX * PixelsPerInchCurrent();
					short pixY = inchesY * PixelsPerInchCurrent();
					p2.h = p.h + pixX;
					p2.v = p.v - pixY;
					MyMoveTo(p.h, p.v);
					MyLineTo(p2.h, p2.v);
	if (bDrawGrid) fGrid->Draw(r,view,wayOffMapPt,refScale,arrowScale,0.,false,true,arrowColor);
Пример #9
void TimeGridWindRect::Draw(Rect r, WorldRect view, double refScale, double arrowScale,double arrowDepth, Boolean bDrawArrows, Boolean bDrawGrid, RGBColor arrowColor)
{	// Use this for regular grid
	short row, col, pixX, pixY;
	long dLong, dLat, index, timeDataInterval;
	float inchesX, inchesY;
	double timeAlpha;
	Seconds startTime, endTime, time = model->GetModelTime();
	Point p, p2;
	WorldPoint wp;
	WorldRect boundsRect, bounds;
	VelocityRec velocity;
	Rect c, newGridRect = {0, 0, fNumRows - 1, fNumCols - 1}; // fNumRows, fNumCols members of TimeGridVel
	Boolean offQuickDrawPlane = false, loaded;
	char errmsg[256];
	OSErr err = 0;
	TRectGridVel* rectGrid = (TRectGridVel*)fGrid;	
	if (!bDrawArrows && !bDrawGrid) return;
	bounds = rectGrid->GetBounds();
	// need to get the bounds from the grid
	dLong = (WRectWidth(bounds) / fNumCols) / 2;
	dLat = (WRectHeight(bounds) / fNumRows) / 2;
	boundsRect = bounds;
	InsetWRect (&boundsRect, dLong, dLat);
	if (bDrawArrows)
		err = this -> SetInterval(errmsg, model->GetModelTime()); // AH 07/17/2012
		if(err && !bDrawGrid) return;	// want to show grid even if there's no wind data
		loaded = this -> CheckInterval(timeDataInterval, model->GetModelTime());	
		if(!loaded && !bDrawGrid) return;
		if((GetNumTimesInFile()>1 || GetNumFiles()>1) && loaded && !err)
			// Calculate the time weight factor
			if (GetNumFiles()>1 && fOverLap)
				startTime = fOverLapStartTime + fTimeShift;
				startTime = (*fTimeHdl)[fStartData.timeIndex] + fTimeShift;
			if (fEndData.timeIndex == UNASSIGNEDINDEX && (time > startTime || time < startTime) && fAllowExtrapolationInTime)
				timeAlpha = 1;
			{	//return false;
				endTime = (*fTimeHdl)[fEndData.timeIndex] + fTimeShift;
				timeAlpha = (endTime - time)/(double)(endTime - startTime);
	for (row = 0 ; row < fNumRows ; row++)
		for (col = 0 ; col < fNumCols ; col++) {
			SetPt(&p, col, row);
			wp = ScreenToWorldPoint(p, newGridRect, boundsRect);
			velocity.u = velocity.v = 0.;
			if (loaded && !err)
				index = dynamic_cast<TimeGridWindRect *>(this)->GetVelocityIndex(wp);	
				if (bDrawArrows && index >= 0)
					// Check for constant wind pattern 
					if((GetNumTimesInFile()==1 && !(GetNumFiles()>1)) || timeAlpha==1)
						velocity.u = INDEXH(fStartData.dataHdl,index).u;
						velocity.v = INDEXH(fStartData.dataHdl,index).v;
					else // time varying wind
						velocity.u = timeAlpha*INDEXH(fStartData.dataHdl,index).u + (1-timeAlpha)*INDEXH(fEndData.dataHdl,index).u;
						velocity.v = timeAlpha*INDEXH(fStartData.dataHdl,index).v + (1-timeAlpha)*INDEXH(fEndData.dataHdl,index).v;
			p = GetQuickDrawPt(wp.pLong, wp.pLat, &r, &offQuickDrawPlane);
			MySetRect(&c, p.h - 1, p.v - 1, p.h + 1, p.v + 1);
			if (bDrawGrid && bDrawArrows && (velocity.u != 0 || velocity.v != 0)) 
				PaintRect(&c);	// should check fill_value
			if (bDrawGrid && !bDrawArrows) 
				PaintRect(&c);	// should check fill_value
			if (bDrawArrows && (velocity.u != 0 || velocity.v != 0))
				inchesX = (velocity.u * refScale) / arrowScale;
				inchesY = (velocity.v * refScale) / arrowScale;
				pixX = inchesX * PixelsPerInchCurrent();
				pixY = inchesY * PixelsPerInchCurrent();
				p2.h = p.h + pixX;
				p2.v = p.v - pixY;
				MyMoveTo(p.h, p.v);
				MyLineTo(p2.h, p2.v);
Пример #10
void CLoadDialog::OnOK() 
	UpdateData( TRUE );

	m_nFlags = DetermineFlags();

	// Create list of filenames, if possible
	CButton *radioByDate = static_cast< CButton * >( GetDlgItem( IDC_LOADBYDATE ) );
	if ( radioByDate && radioByDate->GetCheck() == 1 )

		// Use dates to determine filename, otherwise, clicking the "choose files button probably
		//  created a list for us

		char const *starttime = m_strStartDate;
		char const *endtime = m_strEndDate;

		int m1, d1, y1;
		int m2, d2, y2;

		if ( SuckTimeFromString( starttime, &m1, &d1, &y1 ) &&
			SuckTimeFromString( endtime, &m2, &d2, &y2 ) )
			struct tm t1;
			struct tm t2;
			if ( ComposeDate( &t1, m1, d1, y1 ) &&
				ComposeDate( &t2, m2, d2, y2 ) )
				time_t start = mktime( &t1 );
				time_t end = mktime( &t2 );
				if ( start > end )
					time_t temp = start;
					start = end;
					end = temp;
				if ( difftime( end, start ) < FIVE_YEARS )
					// Create file list
					for ( time_t t = start; 
					t <= (time_t)( end + FSECONDS_PER_DAY ) || m_pStatus->IsInSameDay( t, end ) ; 
					t += (int)FSECONDS_PER_DAY )
						char const *fname = m_pStatus->FileNameForTime( t );
						ASSERT( fname );
						int i = m_FileNames.AddToTail();
						ASSERT( m_FileNames.IsValidIndex( i ) );
						FilenameList *entry = &m_FileNames[ i ];
						strncpy( entry->fn, fname, sizeof( entry->fn ) );
						entry->fn[ sizeof( entry->fn ) - 1 ] = 0;
					char sz[ 512 ];
					sprintf( sz, "(%i) files in list.", GetNumFiles() );
					m_staticNumFiles.SetWindowText( sz );

void BackUpFiles()
	int num_files = GetNumFiles(DIRECTORY);
	int i = 0;
	pthread_t threads[num_files];

	struct stat statbuf;
	DIR *cwd = opendir(DIRECTORY);
	struct dirent * file;

	int total_files = 0;

	while ( (file = readdir(cwd) ) != NULL )

		if(strcmp(file->d_name,".") != 0)
			if(strcmp(file->d_name,"..") != 0)
				if(strcmp(file->d_name,".mybackup") != 0)
					if(strcmp(file->d_name,"multithread_backup.c") != 0)
						if(strcmp(file->d_name,"a.out") != 0)

			char* full_dir = DirAppend(DIRECTORY,file->d_name);
			if(lstat(full_dir, &statbuf) == 0)
				if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode))
					// printf("DIR found: %s\n",file->d_name);

					struct file_info * backup = (struct file_info *)malloc(sizeof(struct file_info));
					backup->name = file->d_name;
					backup->to = BACKUP_DIRECTORY;
					backup->from = DirAppend(DIRECTORY,file->d_name);

					int rc = pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, Thread_BackupDir, backup);
						if (rc != 0)
							fprintf( stderr, "pthread_create() failed (%d): %s",
                			rc, strerror( rc ) );
					struct file_info * backup = (struct file_info *)malloc(sizeof(struct file_info));
					backup->name = file->d_name;
					backup->to = BACKUP_DIRECTORY;
					backup->from = DirAppend(DIRECTORY,file->d_name);

					int rc = pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, Thread_BackupFile, backup);
						if (rc != 0)
							fprintf( stderr, "pthread_create() failed (%d): %s",
                			rc, strerror( rc ) );
					//printf("File found: %s\n", file->d_name);

	int total_bytes = 0;
	total_files = i;
		int *x;
		pthread_join(threads[i], (void*)&x);
		total_bytes += *x;
		total_files += x[1];
	printf("Successfully created %d files (%d bytes).\n",total_files,total_bytes );
void RestoreFiles()
	int num_files = GetNumFiles(BACKUP_DIRECTORY);
	int i = 0;
	pthread_t threads[num_files];

	struct stat statbuf;
	DIR *cwd = opendir(BACKUP_DIRECTORY);
	struct dirent * file;

	int total_files =0;

	if(cwd == NULL)
		perror("Error, .mybackup does not exist. Backup files before attempting to restore.\n");

	while ( (file = readdir(cwd) ) != NULL )

		if(strcmp(file->d_name,".") != 0)
			if(strcmp(file->d_name,"..") != 0)
				if(strcmp(file->d_name,".mybackup") != 0)
					if(strcmp(file->d_name,"multithread_backup.c") != 0)
						if(strcmp(file->d_name,"a.out") != 0)

		char* full_dir = DirAppend(BACKUP_DIRECTORY,file->d_name);
		if(lstat(full_dir, &statbuf) == 0)

			if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode))
				struct file_info * backup = (struct file_info *)malloc(sizeof(struct file_info));
				backup->name = file->d_name;
				backup->to = DIRECTORY;
				backup->from = DirAppend(BACKUP_DIRECTORY,file->d_name);
				int rc = pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, Thread_RestoreDir, backup);
					if (rc != 0)
						fprintf( stderr, "pthread_create() failed (%d): %s",
                		rc, strerror( rc ) );
				printf("Folder found to restore: %s\n",file->d_name );

				struct file_info * backup = (struct file_info *)malloc(sizeof(struct file_info));
				backup->name = file->d_name;
				backup->to = DIRECTORY;
				backup->from = DirAppend(BACKUP_DIRECTORY,file->d_name);

				int rc = pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, Thread_RestoreFile, backup);
					if (rc != 0)
						fprintf( stderr, "pthread_create() failed (%d): %s",
                		rc, strerror( rc ) );


	int total_bytes = 0;
	total_files = i;
		int *x;
		pthread_join(threads[i], (void*)&x);
		total_bytes += *x;
		total_files+= x[1];
	printf("Successfully restored %d files (%d bytes).\n",total_files,total_bytes );

void * Thread_RestoreDir(void * arg)
	unsigned int * num_bytes = (unsigned int *)malloc( sizeof( unsigned int ) *2	 );
	*num_bytes = 0;
	struct file_info * info = (struct file_info *)(arg);
		info->num_files = 0;

	char* new_dir = DirAppend(info->to,info->name);

	printf("[thread %u] Restoring  %s...\n",(unsigned int)pthread_self(),info->name );

	mkdir(new_dir, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH);
	printf("[thread %u] Created %s (or it already existed)\n",(unsigned int)pthread_self(),info->name );

	int num_files = GetNumFiles(info->from);
	int i = 0;
	pthread_t threads[num_files];

	struct stat statbuf;
	DIR *cwd = opendir(info->from);
	struct dirent * file;


	while ( (file = readdir(cwd) ) != NULL )

		if(strcmp(file->d_name,".") != 0)
			if(strcmp(file->d_name,"..") != 0)
				if(strcmp(file->d_name,".mybackup") != 0)
					if(strcmp(file->d_name,"multithread_backup.c") != 0)
						if(strcmp(file->d_name,"a.out") != 0)

			char* full_dir = DirAppend(info->from,file->d_name);
			if(lstat(full_dir, &statbuf) == 0)
				if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode))
					struct file_info * backup = (struct file_info *)malloc(sizeof(struct file_info));
					backup->name = file->d_name;
					backup->to = new_dir;
					backup->from = DirAppend(info->from,file->d_name);

					int rc = pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, Thread_RestoreDir, backup);
						if (rc != 0)
							fprintf( stderr, "pthread_create() failed (%d): %s",
                			rc, strerror( rc ) );

					struct file_info * backup = (struct file_info *)malloc(sizeof(struct file_info));
					backup->name = file->d_name;
					backup->to = new_dir;
					backup->from = DirAppend(info->from,file->d_name);

					int rc = pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, Thread_RestoreFile, backup);
						if (rc != 0)
							fprintf( stderr, "pthread_create() failed (%d): %s",
                			rc, strerror( rc ) );

	num_bytes[1] = i +1;
		int *x;
		pthread_join(threads[i], (void*)&x);
		*num_bytes += *x;

	return NULL;