Пример #1
bool StartMe::OnInitialize(int /*argc*/, char* /*argv*/ [])
  if (!csInitializer::SetupConfigManager (GetObjectRegistry (),
    return ReportError ("Error reading config file %s!",
			CS::Quote::Single ("startme.cfg"));

  // RequestPlugins() will load all plugins we specify. In addition
  // it will also check if there are plugins that need to be loaded
  // from the config system (both the application config and CS or
  // global configs). In addition it also supports specifying plugins
  // on the commandline.
  if (!csInitializer::RequestPlugins(GetObjectRegistry(),
      CS_REQUEST_PLUGIN ("crystalspace.cegui.wrapper", iCEGUI),
    return ReportError ("Failed to initialize plugins!");


  // Now we need to setup an event handler for our application.
  // Crystal Space is fully event-driven. Everything (except for this
  // initialization) happens in an event.
  if (!RegisterQueue (GetObjectRegistry(), csevAllEvents(GetObjectRegistry())))
    return ReportError ("Failed to set up event handler!");

  return true;
Пример #2
bool StartMe::OnLogoClicked (const CEGUI::EventArgs& e)
  csRef<iEventQueue> q =
    csQueryRegistry<iEventQueue> (GetObjectRegistry());
  if (q.IsValid()) q->GetEventOutlet()->Broadcast(csevQuit(GetObjectRegistry()));
  return true;
Пример #3
bool AppWaterdemo2::Application()
  iObjectRegistry* r = GetObjectRegistry();

  // Open the main system. This will open all the previously loaded plugins
  // (i.e. all windows will be opened).
  if (!OpenApplication(r))
    return ReportError("Error opening system!");

  // Now get the pointer to various modules we need.  We fetch them from the
  // object registry.  The RequestPlugins() call we did earlier registered all
  // loaded plugins with the object registry.  It is also possible to load
  // plugins manually on-demand.
  g3d = csQueryRegistry<iGraphics3D> (r);
  if (!g3d)
    return ReportError("Failed to locate 3D renderer!");

  engine = csQueryRegistry<iEngine> (r);
  if (!engine)
    return ReportError("Failed to locate 3D engine!");
  vc = csQueryRegistry<iVirtualClock> (r);
  if (!vc) return ReportError("Failed to locate Virtual Clock!");

  kbd = csQueryRegistry<iKeyboardDriver> (r);
  if (!kbd) return ReportError("Failed to locate Keyboard Driver!");

  loader = csQueryRegistry<iLoader> (r);
  if (!loader) return ReportError("Failed to locate Loader!");
  rotY = 0;
  rotX = 0;

  if(!LoadMap()) return 0;
  room = engine->FindSector ("room");

  engine->Prepare ();

  view.AttachNew(new csView (engine, g3d));
  iGraphics2D* g2d = g3d->GetDriver2D ();
  view->SetRectangle (0, 0, g2d->GetWidth (), g2d->GetHeight ());

  view->GetCamera ()->SetSector (room);
  view->GetCamera ()->GetTransform ().SetOrigin (csVector3 (0, 3, 0));
  printer.AttachNew (new FramePrinter (GetObjectRegistry ()));

  //****************** END OF INITIALIZATION STUFFS ***********************//
  // Start the default run/event loop.  This will return only when some code,
  // such as OnKeyboard(), has asked the run loop to terminate.

  return true;
Пример #4
void Simple::CreateRoom ()
  // We create a new sector called "room".
  room = engine->CreateSector ("room");

  // Create our world.
  ReportInfo ("Creating world!...");

  loader->LoadTexture ("stone", "/lib/std/stone4.gif");
  csRef<iPluginManager> plugin_mgr (
    csQueryRegistry<iPluginManager> (GetObjectRegistry()));
  // Initialize the python plugin.
  csRef<iScript> is = csQueryRegistry<iScript> (GetObjectRegistry());
  if (is)
    char const* module = "pysimp";
    csRef<iCommandLineParser> cmd =
      csQueryRegistry<iCommandLineParser> (GetObjectRegistry());
    if (cmd.IsValid())
      char const* file = cmd->GetName(0);
      if (file != 0)
        module = file;

    // Load a python module.
    ReportInfo ("Loading script file %s...", CS::Quote::Single (module));
    if (!is->LoadModule (module))

    // Set up our room.
    // Execute one method defined in pysimp.py
    // This will create the polygons in the room.
    csString run;
    run << module << ".CreateRoom";
    // prepare arguments
    csRefArray<iScriptValue> args;
    // run method
    csRef<iScriptValue> ret = is->Call(run,args);
      ReportError ("Failed running '%s.CreateRoom'...",module);
    ReportError ("Could not load Python plugin");

  csRef<iLight> light;
  light = engine->CreateLight (0, csVector3 (0, 5, 0), 10,
    csColor (1, 0, 0));
  room->GetLights ()->Add (light);
Пример #5
void AvatarTest::CreateRoom ()
  // Creating the background
  // First we make a primitive for our geometry.
  CS::Geometry::DensityTextureMapper bgMapper (0.3f);
  CS::Geometry::TesselatedBox bgBox (csVector3 (-4000), csVector3 (4000));
  bgBox.SetMapper (&bgMapper);
  bgBox.SetFlags (CS::Geometry::Primitives::CS_PRIMBOX_INSIDE);
  // Now we make a factory and a mesh at once.
  csRef<iMeshWrapper> background =
    CS::Geometry::GeneralMeshBuilder::CreateFactoryAndMesh (engine, room,
				   "background", "background_factory", &bgBox);

  csRef<iMaterialWrapper> bgMaterial =
    (GetObjectRegistry (), "background", csColor (0.398f));
  background->GetMeshObject()->SetMaterialWrapper (bgMaterial);

  // Set up of the physical collider for the roof
  if (physicsEnabled)
    dynamicSystem->AttachColliderPlane (csPlane3 (csVector3 (0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), 0.0f),
					10.0f, 0.0f);
  // Creating lights
  csRef<iLight> light;
  iLightList* ll = room->GetLights ();

  // This light is for the background
  // TODO: putting instead the following line creates a black background, otherwise it is grey
  // the behavior doesn't persist if the other lights are removed
  //light = engine->CreateLight(0, csVector3(1, 1, -1), 9000, csColor (1));
  light = engine->CreateLight(0, csVector3(1, 1, 0), 9000, csColor (1));
  light->SetAttenuationMode (CS_ATTN_NONE);
  ll->Add (light);

  // Other lights
  light = engine->CreateLight (0, csVector3 (3, 0, 0), 8, csColor (1));
  light->SetAttenuationMode (CS_ATTN_REALISTIC);
  ll->Add (light);

  light = engine->CreateLight (0, csVector3 (-3, 0,  0), 8, csColor (1));
  light->SetAttenuationMode (CS_ATTN_REALISTIC);
  ll->Add (light);

  light = engine->CreateLight (0, csVector3 (0, 0, -3), 8, csColor (1));
  light->SetAttenuationMode (CS_ATTN_REALISTIC);
  ll->Add (light);

  light = engine->CreateLight (0, csVector3 (0, 0, 3), 8, csColor (1));
  light->SetAttenuationMode (CS_ATTN_REALISTIC);
  ll->Add (light);

  light = engine->CreateLight (0, csVector3 (0, -3, 0), 8, csColor (1));
  light->SetAttenuationMode (CS_ATTN_REALISTIC);
  ll->Add (light);

  engine->Prepare ();

  CS::Lighting::SimpleStaticLighter::ShineLights (room, engine, 4);
Пример #6
bool SelfShadowDemo::Application ()
  // Default behavior from DemoApplication
  if (!DemoApplication::Application ())
    return false;

  // Add keys descriptions
  hudManager->GetKeyDescriptions()->Push ("w a s d keys: rotate light");
  hudManager->GetKeyDescriptions()->Push ("r: recompute splitting function");
  hudManager->GetKeyDescriptions()->Push ("t: show render textures");
  hudManager->GetKeyDescriptions()->Push ("g: dynamic grass");
  hudManager->GetKeyDescriptions()->Push ("n: next scene");
  hudManager->GetKeyDescriptions()->Push ("p: previous scene");

  /* NOTE: Config settings for render managers are stored in 'engine.cfg' 
   * and are needed when loading a render manager. Normally these settings 
   * are added by the engine when it loads a render manager. However, since
   * we are loading the shadow_pssm render manager manually we must also manually
   * add the proper config file. */
  csRef<iConfigManager> cfg = 
    csQueryRegistry<iConfigManager> (GetObjectRegistry());
    ("/config/engine.cfg", vfs, iConfigManager::ConfigPriorityPlugin);

  csRef<iRenderManager> rm = csLoadPlugin<iRenderManager> 
    (GetObjectRegistry(), "crystalspace.rendermanager.osm");
  if (!rm)
    return ReportError("Failed to load OSM Render Manager!");

  // Load debuger for changing various settings
  rm_dbg = scfQueryInterface<iDebugHelper>(rm);
  sceneNumber = 5;
  rotateGrass = false;

  cfg->RemoveDomain ("/config/engine.cfg");


  // Create the scene
  if (!CreateScene ())
    return false;

  // Run the application

  return true;
Пример #7
void IslandDemo::PrintHelp ()
  csCommandLineHelper commandLineHelper;

  // Printing help
    (GetObjectRegistry (), "csisland", "csisland", "Crystal Space's island environment demo.");
Пример #8
void SelfShadowDemo::PrintHelp ()
  csCommandLineHelper commandLineHelper;

  // Printing help
    (GetObjectRegistry (), "selfshadowdemo", "selfshadowdemo", 
      "Crystal Space's self shadow RM demo.");
Пример #9
bool EventTest::OnInitialize(int /*argc*/, char* /*argv*/ [])
  // RequestPlugins() will load all plugins we specify. In addition
  // it will also check if there are plugins that need to be loaded
  // from the config system (both the application config and CS or
  // global configs). In addition it also supports specifying plugins
  // on the commandline.
  if (!csInitializer::RequestPlugins(GetObjectRegistry(),
    return ReportError("Failed to initialize plugins!");

  // Attempt to load a joystick plugin.
  csRef<iStringArray> joystickClasses =
    iSCF::SCF->QueryClassList ("crystalspace.device.joystick.");
  if (joystickClasses.IsValid())
    csRef<iPluginManager> plugmgr = 
      csQueryRegistry<iPluginManager> (object_reg);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < joystickClasses->GetSize (); i++)
      const char* className = joystickClasses->Get (i);
      csRef<iBase> b = plugmgr->LoadPlugin (className);

      csReport (object_reg, CS_REPORTER_SEVERITY_NOTIFY,
        "crystalspace.application.joytest", "Attempt to load plugin '%s' %s",
        className, (b != 0) ? "successful" : "failed");
      if (b != 0) b->DecRef ();

  // "Warm up" the event handler so it can interact with the world

  // Now we need to register the event handler for our application.
  // Crystal Space is fully event-driven. Everything (except for this
  // initialization) happens in an event.
  if (!RegisterQueue(GetObjectRegistry(), csevAllEvents(GetObjectRegistry())))
    return ReportError("Failed to set up event handler!");

  return true;
Пример #10
bool AvatarTest::OnKeyboard (iEvent &ev)
  csKeyEventType eventtype = csKeyEventHelper::GetEventType(&ev);
  if (eventtype == csKeyEventTypeDown)
    // Check for ESC key
    if (csKeyEventHelper::GetCookedCode (&ev) == CSKEY_ESC)
      csRef<iEventQueue> q (csQueryRegistry<iEventQueue> (GetObjectRegistry ()));
      if (q) q->GetEventOutlet()->Broadcast (csevQuit (GetObjectRegistry ()));
      return true;

    // Check for switching of model
    else if (csKeyEventHelper::GetCookedCode (&ev) == 'm')
      if (avatarModel == MODEL_FRANKIE)
	avatarModel = MODEL_KRYSTAL;
	delete avatarScene;
	avatarScene = new KrystalScene (this);

	avatarModel = MODEL_FRANKIE;
	delete avatarScene;
	avatarScene = new FrankieScene (this);

      if (!avatarScene->CreateAvatar ())
	printf ("Problem loading model. Exiting.\n");
	csRef<iEventQueue> q (csQueryRegistry<iEventQueue> (GetObjectRegistry ()));
	if (q) q->GetEventOutlet()->Broadcast (csevQuit (GetObjectRegistry ()));
	return true;

      return true;

  return avatarScene->OnKeyboard (ev);
Пример #11
bool AppWaterdemo2::LoadMap ()
  // Set VFS current directory to the level we want to load.
  csRef<iVFS> VFS (csQueryRegistry<iVFS> (GetObjectRegistry ()));
  VFS->ChDir ("/lev/oceantest");
  // Load the level file which is called 'world'.
  if (!loader->LoadMapFile ("world"))
    ReportError("Error couldn't load level!");

  return true;
Пример #12
bool EventTest::Application()
  // Open the main system. This will open all the previously loaded plug-ins.
  // i.e. all windows will be opened.
  if (!OpenApplication(GetObjectRegistry()))
    return ReportError("Error opening system!");


  return true;
Пример #13
bool Simple::OnInitialize(int /*argc*/, char* /*argv*/ [])
  // RequestPlugins() will load all plugins we specify. In addition
  // it will also check if there are plugins that need to be loaded
  // from the config system (both the application config and CS or
  // global configs). In addition it also supports specifying plugins
  // on the commandline.
  if (!csInitializer::RequestPlugins(GetObjectRegistry(),
    CS_REQUEST_PLUGIN( "crystalspace.script.python", iScript ),
    return ReportError("Failed to initialize plugins!");

  // "Warm up" the event handler so it can interact with the world

  // Now we need to register the event handler for our application.
  // Crystal Space is fully event-driven. Everything (except for this
  // initialization) happens in an event.
  // Rather than simply handling all events, we subscribe to the
  // particular events we're interested in.
  csEventID events[] = {
    csevFrame (GetObjectRegistry()),
    csevKeyboardEvent (GetObjectRegistry()),
  if (!RegisterQueue(GetObjectRegistry(), events))
    return ReportError("Failed to set up event handler!");

  // Report success
  return true;
Пример #14
bool AppWaterdemo2::OnInitialize(int argc, char* argv[])
  iObjectRegistry* r = GetObjectRegistry();

  // Load application-specific configuration file.
//  if (!csInitializer::SetupConfigManager(r,
//      "/my/vfs/path/AppWaterdemo2.cfg", GetApplicationName()))
//    return ReportError("Failed to initialize configuration manager!");

  // RequestPlugins() will load all plugins we specify.  In addition it will
  // also check if there are plugins that need to be loaded from the
  // configuration system (both the application configuration and CS or global
  // configurations).  It also supports specifying plugins on the command line
  // via the --plugin= option.
  if (!csInitializer::RequestPlugins(r,
    return ReportError("Failed to initialize plugins!");

  // "Warm up" the event handler so it can interact with the world
  // Set up an event handler for the application.  Crystal Space is fully
  // event-driven.  Everything (except for this initialization) happens in
  // response to an event.
  if (!RegisterQueue (r, csevAllEvents(GetObjectRegistry())))
    return ReportError("Failed to set up event handler!");

  return true;
Пример #15
bool StartMe::OnKeyboard(iEvent& ev)
  // We got a keyboard event.
  csKeyEventType eventtype = csKeyEventHelper::GetEventType(&ev);
  if (eventtype == csKeyEventTypeDown)
    // The user pressed a key (as opposed to releasing it).
    utf32_char code = csKeyEventHelper::GetCookedCode(&ev);
    if (code == CSKEY_ESC)
        // The user pressed escape to exit the application.
        // The proper way to quit a Crystal Space application
        // is by broadcasting a csevQuit event. That will cause the
        // main runloop to stop. To do that we get the event queue from
        // the object registry and then post the event.
      csRef<iEventQueue> q = 
        csQueryRegistry<iEventQueue> (GetObjectRegistry());
      if (q.IsValid()) 
  return false;
Пример #16
bool SelfShadowDemo::OnInitialize (int argc, char* argv[])
  // Default behavior from csDemoApplication
  if (!DemoApplication::OnInitialize (argc, argv))
    return false;

  // Load furmesh for krystal scene
  if (!csInitializer::RequestPlugins (GetObjectRegistry (),
    return ReportError ("Failed to initialize plugins!");

  return true;
Пример #17
bool Simple::Application()
  // Open the main system. This will open all the previously loaded plug-ins.
  // i.e. all windows will be opened.
  if (!OpenApplication(GetObjectRegistry()))
    return ReportError("Error opening system!");

  if (SetupModules())
    // This calls the default runloop. This will basically just keep
    // broadcasting process events to keep the game going.

  return true;
Пример #18
bool StartMe::OnMouseMove (iEvent& ev)
  if (rotationStatus == OVER_EXIT)
    return false;

  // Compute the angle and distance to the bottom right corner of the window
  csRef<iGraphics2D> g2d = csQueryRegistry<iGraphics2D> (GetObjectRegistry ());
  float x = g2d->GetWidth () - csMouseEventHelper::GetX(&ev) - 104.0f;
  float y = g2d->GetHeight () - csMouseEventHelper::GetY(&ev) + 4.0f;
  float distance = csQsqrt (x * x + y * y);
  float angle = atan2 (y - 4.0f, x + 104.0f);

  float angleDistance = 1.0f - fabs (PI * 0.27f - angle) / (PI * 0.25f);
  distance -= angleDistance * 50.0f;

  // If the mouse is too far away then rotate at default speed
  if (distance < 170.0f || distance > 380.0f)
    rotationStatus = ROTATE_NORMAL;
    rotationSpeed = DEFAULT_ROTATION_SPEED;
    return false;

  // If the mouse is near the center then stop the rotation
  if (angle > PI * 0.166f && angle < PI * 0.333f)
    rotationStatus = ROTATE_SELECTING;

  // If the mouse is on the side, then rotate faster
    rotationStatus = ROTATE_SEARCHING;

    if (angle > PI * 0.333f)
      float distance = angle - PI * 0.333f;
      rotationSpeed = - DEFAULT_ROTATION_SPEED * distance * 15.0f;

      float distance = PI * 0.166f - angle;
      rotationSpeed = DEFAULT_ROTATION_SPEED * distance * 15.0f;

  return false;
Пример #19
bool Simple::SetupModules ()
  // Now get the pointer to various modules we need. We fetch them
  // from the object registry. The RequestPlugins() call we did earlier
  // registered all loaded plugins with the object registry.
  g3d = csQueryRegistry<iGraphics3D> (GetObjectRegistry());
  if (!g3d) return ReportError("Failed to locate 3D renderer!");

  engine = csQueryRegistry<iEngine> (GetObjectRegistry());
  if (!engine) return ReportError("Failed to locate 3D engine!");

  vc = csQueryRegistry<iVirtualClock> (GetObjectRegistry());
  if (!vc) return ReportError("Failed to locate Virtual Clock!");

  kbd = csQueryRegistry<iKeyboardDriver> (GetObjectRegistry());
  if (!kbd) return ReportError("Failed to locate Keyboard Driver!");

  loader = csQueryRegistry<iLoader> (GetObjectRegistry());
  if (!loader) return ReportError("Failed to locate Loader!");

  // We need a View to the virtual world.
  view.AttachNew(new csView (engine, g3d));
  iGraphics2D* g2d = g3d->GetDriver2D ();
  // We use the full window to draw the world.
  view->SetRectangle (0, 0, g2d->GetWidth (), g2d->GetHeight ());

  // Here we create our world.

  // Let the engine prepare all lightmaps for use and also free all images 
  // that were loaded for the texture manager.
  engine->Prepare ();
  rm = engine->GetRenderManager();

  // these are used store the current orientation of the camera
  rotY = rotX = 0;

  // Now we need to position the camera in our world.
  view->GetCamera ()->SetSector (room);
  view->GetCamera ()->GetTransform ().SetOrigin (csVector3 (0, 5, -3));

  // We use some other "helper" event handlers to handle 
  // pushing our work into the 3D engine and rendering it
  // to the screen.
  //drawer.AttachNew(new FrameBegin3DDraw (GetObjectRegistry (), view));
  printer.AttachNew(new FramePrinter (GetObjectRegistry ()));

  return true;
Пример #20
bool StartMe::OnClick (const CEGUI::EventArgs& e)
  // TODO: don't relaunch if it was multi clicked
  if (rotationStatus != ROTATE_SELECTING)
    return true;

  const CEGUI::WindowEventArgs& args = static_cast<const CEGUI::WindowEventArgs&>(e);

  for (size_t i = 0 ; i < demos.GetSize () ; i++)
    if (demos[i].window == args.window)
      csRef<iCommandLineParser> cmdline = csQueryRegistry<iCommandLineParser> (GetObjectRegistry());
      csString appdir = cmdline->GetAppDir ();
      if (system (csString("\"") << appdir << CS_PATH_SEPARATOR <<
		  csInstallationPathsHelper::GetAppFilename (
		    demos[i].exec) << "\" " << 
      else break;
  return true;
Пример #21
bool AppWaterdemo2::OnKeyboard(iEvent& ev)
  // We got a keyboard event.
  if (csKeyEventHelper::GetEventType(&ev) == csKeyEventTypeDown)
    // The user pressed a key (as opposed to releasing it).
    utf32_char code = csKeyEventHelper::GetCookedCode(&ev);
    if (code == CSKEY_ESC)
      // The user pressed escape, so terminate the application.  The proper way
      // to terminate a Crystal Space application is by broadcasting a
      // csevQuit event.  That will cause the main run loop to stop.  To do
      // so we retrieve the event queue from the object registry and then post
      // the event.
      csRef<iEventQueue> q =
        csQueryRegistry<iEventQueue> (GetObjectRegistry());
      if (q.IsValid())
//        q->GetEventOutlet()->Broadcast(csevQuit(GetObjectRegistry()));
  return false;
Пример #22
bool AvatarTest::Application ()
  if (!OpenApplication (GetObjectRegistry ()))
    return ReportError ("Error opening system!");

  g3d = csQueryRegistry<iGraphics3D> (GetObjectRegistry ());
  if (!g3d) return ReportError("Failed to locate 3D renderer!");

  engine = csQueryRegistry<iEngine> (GetObjectRegistry ());
  if (!engine) return ReportError("Failed to locate 3D engine!");

  vc = csQueryRegistry<iVirtualClock> (GetObjectRegistry ());
  if (!vc) return ReportError("Failed to locate Virtual Clock!");

  kbd = csQueryRegistry<iKeyboardDriver> (GetObjectRegistry ());
  if (!kbd) return ReportError("Failed to locate Keyboard Driver!");

  loader = csQueryRegistry<iLoader> (GetObjectRegistry ());
  if (!loader) return ReportError("Failed to locate Loader!");

  g2d = csQueryRegistry<iGraphics2D> (GetObjectRegistry ());
  if (!g2d) return ReportError("Failed to locate 2D renderer!");

  lookAtManager = csQueryRegistry<iSkeletonLookAtManager2> (GetObjectRegistry ());
  if (!lookAtManager) return ReportError("Failed to locate iLookAtManager plugin!");

  basicNodesManager =
    csQueryRegistry<iSkeletonBasicNodesManager2> (GetObjectRegistry ());
  if (!basicNodesManager)
    return ReportError("Failed to locate iSkeletonBasicNodesManager2 plugin!");

  printer.AttachNew (new FramePrinter (GetObjectRegistry ()));

  csRef<iFontServer> fs = g3d->GetDriver2D()->GetFontServer ();
  if (fs)
    courierFont = fs->LoadFont (CSFONT_COURIER);
  else return ReportError ("Failed to locate font server!");

  // Create the dynamic system
  if (physicsEnabled)
    dynamicSystem = dynamics->CreateSystem ();
    if (!dynamicSystem) 
	("Can't create dynamic system, continuing with reduced functionalities");
      physicsEnabled = false;

      // Load the ragdoll plugin
      csRef<iPluginManager> plugmgr = 
	csQueryRegistry<iPluginManager> (GetObjectRegistry ());
      ragdollManager = csLoadPlugin<iSkeletonRagdollManager2>
	(plugmgr, "crystalspace.mesh.animesh.controllers.ragdoll");
      if (!ragdollManager)
	  ("Can't load ragdoll plugin, continuing with reduced functionalities");
	physicsEnabled = false;

  // Create sector
  room = engine->CreateSector ("room");

  // Initialize camera
  view = csPtr<iView> (new csView (engine, g3d));
  view->GetCamera ()->SetSector (room);
  iGraphics2D* g2d = g3d->GetDriver2D ();
  view->SetRectangle (0, 0, g2d->GetWidth (), g2d->GetHeight ());

  // Create scene
  CreateRoom ();

  // Create avatar
  if (avatarModel == MODEL_KRYSTAL)
    avatarScene = new KrystalScene (this);
    avatarScene = new FrankieScene (this);
  if (!avatarScene->CreateAvatar ())
    return false;

  // Initialize camera position
  view->GetCamera ()->GetTransform ().SetOrigin (avatarScene->GetCameraStart ());

  // Run the application

  return true;
Пример #23
bool StartMe::Application()
  // Set up window transparency. Must happen _before_ system is opened!
  csRef<iGraphics2D> g2d = csQueryRegistry<iGraphics2D> (GetObjectRegistry ());
  if (!g2d) return ReportError ("Failed to obtain canvas!");
  natwin = scfQueryInterface<iNativeWindow> (g2d);
  if (natwin)
    natwin->SetWindowTransparent (true);

  // Open the main system. This will open all the previously loaded plug-ins.
  // i.e. all windows will be opened.
  if (!OpenApplication(GetObjectRegistry()))
    return ReportError("Error opening system!");

  // The window is open, so lets make it disappear! 
  if (natwin)
    natwin->SetWindowDecoration (iNativeWindow::decoCaption, false);
    natwin->SetWindowDecoration (iNativeWindow::decoClientFrame, false);

  // Now get the pointer to various modules we need. We fetch them
  // from the object registry. The RequestPlugins() call we did earlier
  // registered all loaded plugins with the object registry.
  g3d = csQueryRegistry<iGraphics3D> (GetObjectRegistry());
  if (!g3d) return ReportError("Failed to locate 3D renderer!");

  engine = csQueryRegistry<iEngine> (GetObjectRegistry());
  if (!engine) return ReportError("Failed to locate 3D engine!");

  vc = csQueryRegistry<iVirtualClock> (GetObjectRegistry());
  if (!vc) return ReportError("Failed to locate Virtual Clock!");

  kbd = csQueryRegistry<iKeyboardDriver> (GetObjectRegistry());
  if (!kbd) return ReportError("Failed to locate Keyboard Driver!");

  loader = csQueryRegistry<iLoader> (GetObjectRegistry());
  if (!loader) return ReportError("Failed to locate Loader!");

  vfs = csQueryRegistry<iVFS> (GetObjectRegistry());
  if (!vfs) return ReportError("Failed to locate VFS!");

  confman = csQueryRegistry<iConfigManager> (GetObjectRegistry());
  if (!confman) return ReportError("Failed to locate Config Manager!");

  cegui = csQueryRegistry<iCEGUI> (GetObjectRegistry());
  if (!cegui) return ReportError("Failed to locate CEGUI plugin");

  // Initialize the CEGUI wrapper
  cegui->Initialize ();
  // Let the CEGUI plugin take care of the rendering by itself
  cegui->SetAutoRender (true);
  // Set the logging level
  cegui->GetLoggerPtr ()->setLoggingLevel(CEGUI::Informative);

  vfs->ChDir ("/cegui/");

  // Load the 'ice' skin (which uses the Falagard skinning system)
  cegui->GetSchemeManagerPtr ()->create("ice.scheme");

  cegui->GetSystemPtr ()->setDefaultMouseCursor("ice", "MouseArrow");

  // Setup the fonts
  cegui->GetFontManagerPtr ()->createFreeTypeFont
    (FONT_NORMAL, 10, true, "/fonts/ttf/DejaVuSerif.ttf");
  cegui->GetFontManagerPtr ()->createFreeTypeFont
    (FONT_NORMAL_ITALIC, 10, true, "/fonts/ttf/DejaVuSerif-Italic.ttf");
  cegui->GetFontManagerPtr ()->createFreeTypeFont
    (FONT_TITLE, 15, true, "/fonts/ttf/DejaVuSerif-Bold.ttf");
  cegui->GetFontManagerPtr ()->createFreeTypeFont
    (FONT_TITLE_ITALIC, 15, true, "/fonts/ttf/DejaVuSerif-BoldItalic.ttf");

  CEGUI::WindowManager* winMgr = cegui->GetWindowManagerPtr ();

  // Load the CEGUI layout and set it as the root layout
  vfs->ChDir ("/data/startme/");
  cegui->GetSchemeManagerPtr ()->create ("crystal.scheme");
  cegui->GetSystemPtr ()->setGUISheet(winMgr->loadWindowLayout ("startme.layout"));

  // We need a View to the virtual world.
  view.AttachNew (new csView (engine, g3d));

  LoadConfig ();

  CEGUI::Window* logo = winMgr->getWindow("Logo");
      CEGUI::Event::Subscriber(&StartMe::OnLogoClicked, this));

  ///TODO: Using 'EventMouseEntersArea' is more correct but is only available 
  /// in 0.7.2+
      CEGUI::Event::Subscriber(&StartMe::OnEnterLogo, this));
      CEGUI::Event::Subscriber(&StartMe::OnLeaveLogo, this));

  vfs->ChDir ("/lib/startme");

  CEGUI::Window* root = winMgr->getWindow("root");

  for (size_t i = 0 ; i < demos.GetSize () ; i++)
    demos[i].window = winMgr->createWindow("crystal/Icon");
    demos[i].window->setSize(CEGUI::UVector2(CEGUI::UDim(0.0f, 128.0f), CEGUI::UDim(0.0f, 128.0f)));
    demos[i].window->setPosition(CEGUI::UVector2(CEGUI::UDim(0.0f, 0.0f), CEGUI::UDim(0.0f, 0.0f)));

    CEGUI::ImagesetManager* imsetmgr = cegui->GetImagesetManagerPtr();
    if (!imsetmgr->isDefined(demos[i].image))
      imsetmgr->createFromImageFile(demos[i].image, demos[i].image);
    std::string img = "set:"+std::string(demos[i].image)+" image:full_image";
    demos[i].window->setProperty("Image", img);


      CEGUI::Event::Subscriber(&StartMe::OnClick, this));

  // Initialize the starting position of the demo wheel to a random value
  csRandomFloatGen frandomGenerator;
  position = frandomGenerator.Get (demos.GetSize () - 1);

  // Let the engine prepare everything
  engine->Prepare ();
  printer.AttachNew (new FramePrinter (object_reg));

  // This calls the default runloop. This will basically just keep
  // broadcasting process events to keep the application going on.

  return true;
Пример #24
bool EventTest::HandleEvent (iEvent &ev)
  csRef<iEventNameRegistry> namereg = csEventNameRegistry::GetRegistry (
  	GetObjectRegistry ());
  if (CS_IS_KEYBOARD_EVENT (namereg, ev))
    utf32_char key = csKeyEventHelper::GetRawCode (&ev);
    utf32_char cooked = csKeyEventHelper::GetCookedCode (&ev);
    bool autorep = csKeyEventHelper::GetAutoRepeat (&ev);
    csKeyModifiers key_modifiers;
    csKeyEventHelper::GetModifiers (&ev, key_modifiers);
    uint32 modifiers = csKeyEventHelper::GetModifiersBits (key_modifiers);
    uint32 type = csKeyEventHelper::GetEventType (&ev);
    csString str = csInputDefinition::GetKeyString (namereg, key,
    	&key_modifiers, true);
    printf ("Key %s: raw=%" PRId32 "(%c) "
        "cooked=%" PRId32 "(%c) rep=%d mods=%08" PRIu32 " desc='%s'\n",
    	type == csKeyEventTypeUp ? "UP" : "DO",
	key, (key >= 32 && key < 128) ? (char)key : '-',
	cooked, (cooked >= 32 && cooked < 128) ? (char)cooked : '-',
	autorep, modifiers, str.GetData ());
    fflush (stdout);
  else if (CS_IS_MOUSE_EVENT (namereg, ev))
    uint device = csMouseEventHelper::GetNumber (&ev);
    csMouseEventType type = csMouseEventHelper::GetEventType (&ev);
    csKeyModifiers key_modifiers;
    csKeyEventHelper::GetModifiers (&ev, key_modifiers);
    uint32 modifiers = csMouseEventHelper::GetModifiers (&ev);

    csMouseEventData data;
    csMouseEventHelper::GetEventData (&ev, data);
    int x = csMouseEventHelper::GetX (&ev);
    int y = csMouseEventHelper::GetY (&ev);
    uint but = csMouseEventHelper::GetButton (&ev);
    bool butstate = csMouseEventHelper::GetButtonState (&ev);
    uint32 butmask = csMouseEventHelper::GetButtonMask (&ev);

    csInputDefinition def (namereg, &ev, modifiers, true); //do we want cooked?
    csString str = def.ToString ();
    printf ("Mouse %s: but=%d(state=%d,mask=%08" PRIu32 ") "
        "device=%d x=%d y=%d mods=%08" PRIu32 " desc='%s'\n",
	type == csMouseEventTypeMove ? "MOVE" :
    	type == csMouseEventTypeUp ? "UP" :
	type == csMouseEventTypeDown ? "DO" :
	type == csMouseEventTypeClick ? "CLICK" :
	type == csMouseEventTypeDoubleClick ? "DBL" :
	but, butstate, butmask, device, x, y,
	modifiers, str.GetData ());
    fflush (stdout);
  else if (CS_IS_JOYSTICK_EVENT (namereg, ev))
    uint device = csJoystickEventHelper::GetNumber (&ev);
    csKeyModifiers key_modifiers;
    csKeyEventHelper::GetModifiers (&ev, key_modifiers);
    uint32 modifiers = csJoystickEventHelper::GetModifiers (&ev);
    csJoystickEventData data;
    csJoystickEventHelper::GetEventData (&ev, data);
    csInputDefinition def (namereg, &ev, modifiers, true);
    csString str = def.ToString (false);
    csString desc ("");
    if (CS_IS_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_EVENT (namereg, ev, device))
      uint but = csJoystickEventHelper::GetButton (&ev);
      bool butstate = csJoystickEventHelper::GetButtonState (&ev);
      uint32 butmask = csJoystickEventHelper::GetButtonMask (&ev);
      printf ("Joystick %s: device=%d but=%d(state=%d,mask=%08" PRIu32 ") "
          "mods=%08" PRIu32 " desc='%s'\n",
          butstate ? "DO" : "UP", device, but, butstate, butmask,
          modifiers, str.GetData ());
    else if (CS_IS_JOYSTICK_MOVE_EVENT (namereg, ev, device))
      size_t pos = str.Find ("Axis");
      str.SubString (desc, pos + 4, (size_t)-1);
      uint axisnum = atoi(desc.GetData ());
      printf ("Joystick MOVE: device=%d axis=%" PRId32 " value=%d "
          "mods=%08" PRIu32 " desc='%s'\n",
          device, axisnum, data.axes[axisnum], modifiers, str.GetData ());

  return false;
Пример #25
bool AvatarTest::OnInitialize (int /*argc*/, char* /*argv*/ [])
  // Check for commandline help.
  if (csCommandLineHelper::CheckHelp (GetObjectRegistry ()))
    csPrintf ("Usage: avatartest\n");
    csPrintf ("Tests on animesh animation\n\n");
    csPrintf ("Options for avatartest:\n");
    csPrintf ("  -model=<name>:     set the starting model (frankie, krystal)\n");
    csPrintf ("  -no_physics:       disable physical animations\n");
    csCommandLineHelper::Help (GetObjectRegistry ());
    return false;

  if (!csInitializer::RequestPlugins (GetObjectRegistry (),
    CS_REQUEST_PLUGIN ("crystalspace.mesh.animesh.controllers.lookat",
    CS_REQUEST_PLUGIN ("crystalspace.mesh.animesh.controllers.basic",
    return ReportError ("Failed to initialize plugins!");

  csBaseEventHandler::Initialize (GetObjectRegistry ());
  if (!RegisterQueue (GetObjectRegistry (), csevAllEvents (GetObjectRegistry ())))
    return ReportError ("Failed to set up event handler!");

  // Check if physics effects are enabled
  csRef<iCommandLineParser> clp =
    csQueryRegistry<iCommandLineParser> (GetObjectRegistry ());
  physicsEnabled = !clp->GetBoolOption ("no_physics", false);

  if (physicsEnabled)
    // Load the Bullet plugin
    csRef<iPluginManager> plugmgr = 
      csQueryRegistry<iPluginManager> (GetObjectRegistry ());
    dynamics = csLoadPlugin<iDynamics> (plugmgr, "crystalspace.dynamics.bullet");

    if (!dynamics)
	("Can't load Bullet plugin, continuing with reduced functionalities");
      physicsEnabled = false;

  // Read which model to display at first
  csString modelName = clp->GetOption ("model");
  if (modelName != "krystal")
    avatarModel = MODEL_FRANKIE;
    avatarModel = MODEL_KRYSTAL;

  return true;
Пример #26
void SelfShadowDemo::LoadKrystal()
  iSector* sector = engine->FindSector("Scene");

  if (!sector)
    ReportError("Could not find default room!");

  printf ("Loading Krystal...\n");

  // Load animesh factory
  csLoadResult rc = loader->Load ("/lib/krystal/krystal.xml");
  if (!rc.success)
    ReportError ("Can't load Krystal library file!");

  csRef<iMeshFactoryWrapper> meshfact =
    engine->FindMeshFactory ("krystal");
  if (!meshfact)
    ReportError ("Can't find Krystal's mesh factory!");

  csRef<CS::Mesh::iAnimatedMeshFactory> animeshFactory = 
    (meshfact->GetMeshObjectFactory ());
  if (!animeshFactory)
    ReportError ("Can't find Krystal's animesh factory!");

  // Create the animated mesh
  csRef<iMeshWrapper> avatarMesh =
    engine->CreateMeshWrapper (meshfact, "krystal",
    room, csVector3 (0.0f));

  csRef<CS::Mesh::iAnimatedMesh> animesh = 
    scfQueryInterface<CS::Mesh::iAnimatedMesh> (avatarMesh->GetMeshObject ());

  // Load some fur
  rc = loader->Load ("/lib/hairtest/krystal_furmesh.xml");
  if (!rc.success)
    ReportError ("Can't load krystal furmesh library!");

  csRef<iMeshWrapper> krystalFurmeshObject = 
    engine->FindMeshObject ("krystal_furmesh_object");
  if (!krystalFurmeshObject)
    ReportError ("Can't find fur mesh object!");


  // Load the fur material
  rc = loader->Load ("/lib/hairtest/fur_material_krystal.xml");
  if (!rc.success)
    ReportError ("Can't load Fur library file!");

  // Find the fur mesh plugin
  csRef<CS::Mesh::iFurMeshType> furMeshType = 
    csQueryRegistry<CS::Mesh::iFurMeshType> (GetObjectRegistry ());
  if (!furMeshType)
    ReportError("Failed to locate CS::Mesh::iFurMeshType plugin!");

  // Load the Marschner shader
  csRef<iMaterialWrapper> materialWrapper = 
    engine->FindMaterial ("hair_trans");
  if (!materialWrapper)
    ReportError ("Can't find marschner material!");

  // Create the fur properties for the hairs
  csRef<CS::Mesh::iFurMeshMaterialProperties> hairMeshProperties = 
    furMeshType->CreateHairMeshMarschnerProperties ("krystal_marschner");
  hairMeshProperties->SetMaterial(materialWrapper->GetMaterial ());
//   animesh->GetSubMesh (1)->SetMaterial (materialWrapper);

  csRef<CS::Animation::iFurAnimatedMeshControl> animationPhysicsControl = 
    (furMeshType->CreateFurAnimatedMeshControl ("krystal_hairs_animation"));

  animationPhysicsControl->SetAnimatedMesh (animesh);

  csRef<iMeshObject> imo = krystalFurmeshObject->GetMeshObject();

  // Get reference to the iFurMesh interface
  csRef<CS::Mesh::iFurMesh> furMesh = 
    scfQueryInterface<CS::Mesh::iFurMesh> (imo);

  csRef<CS::Mesh::iFurMeshState> ifms = 
    scfQueryInterface<CS::Mesh::iFurMeshState> (furMesh);

  animationPhysicsControl->SetDisplacement (ifms->GetDisplacement ());

  furMesh->SetFurMeshProperties (hairMeshProperties);

  // Shader variables
  csRef<iShaderVarStringSet> svStrings = 
    csQueryRegistryTagInterface<iShaderVarStringSet> (
    object_reg, "crystalspace.shader.variablenameset");

  if (!svStrings) 
   ReportError ("No SV names string set!\n");

  furMesh->SetAnimatedMesh (animesh);
  furMesh->SetMeshFactory (animeshFactory);
    (animesh->GetSubMesh (2)->GetFactorySubMesh ());
  furMesh->GenerateGeometry (view, room);

  furMesh->SetAnimationControl (animationPhysicsControl);
  furMesh->StartAnimationControl ();

  furMesh->SetGuideLOD (0);
  furMesh->SetStrandLOD (1);
  furMesh->SetControlPointsLOD (0.0f);

  furMesh->ResetMesh ();