Пример #1
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
	const char *opn = GetOpName(OP_PUBKEY);
	assert(!strcmp(opn, "OP_PUBKEY"));

	assert(!strcmp(opn, "OP_UNKNOWN"));


	return 0;
Пример #2
std::string FormatScript(const CScript& script)
    std::string ret;
    CScript::const_iterator it = script.begin();
    opcodetype op;
    while (it != script.end()) {
        CScript::const_iterator it2 = it;
        std::vector<unsigned char> vch;
        if (script.GetOp2(it, op, &vch)) {
            if (op == OP_0) {
                ret += "0 ";
            } else if ((op >= OP_1 && op <= OP_16) || op == OP_1NEGATE) {
                ret += strprintf("%i ", op - OP_1NEGATE - 1);
            } else if (op >= OP_NOP && op <= OP_NOP10) {
                std::string str(GetOpName(op));
                if (str.substr(0, 3) == std::string("OP_")) {
                    ret += str.substr(3, std::string::npos) + " ";
            if (vch.size() > 0) {
                ret += strprintf("0x%x 0x%x ", HexStr(it2, it - vch.size()), HexStr(it - vch.size(), it));
            } else {
                ret += strprintf("0x%x ", HexStr(it2, it));
        ret += strprintf("0x%x ", HexStr(it2, script.end()));
    return ret.substr(0, ret.size() - 1);
void CTDLFindTaskExpressionListCtrl::BuildListCtrl()

	for (int nParam = 0; nParam < GetRuleCount(); nParam++)
		const SEARCHPARAM& sp = m_aSearchParams[nParam];

		// attrib
		CString sAttrib = m_cbAttributes.GetAttributeName(sp);
		int nItem = InsertItem(nParam, sAttrib);

		// operator
		CString sOp = GetOpName(sp.GetOperator());
		SetItemText(nItem, OPERATOR, sOp);

		// value

		// and/or (but not for last row)
		if (nParam < GetRuleCount() - 1)
			CEnString sAndOr(sp.GetAnd() ? IDS_FP_AND : IDS_FP_OR);
			SetItemText(nItem, ANDOR, sAndOr);

Пример #4
 * Create the assembly string representation of a CScript object.
 * @param[in] script    CScript object to convert into the asm string representation.
 * @param[in] fAttemptSighashDecode    Whether to attempt to decode sighash types on data within the script that matches the format
 *                                     of a signature. Only pass true for scripts you believe could contain signatures. For example,
 *                                     pass false, or omit the this argument (defaults to false), for scriptPubKeys.
std::string ScriptToAsmStr(const CScript& script, const bool fAttemptSighashDecode)
    std::string str;
    opcodetype opcode;
    std::vector<unsigned char> vch;
    CScript::const_iterator pc = script.begin();
    while (pc < script.end()) {
        if (!str.empty()) {
            str += " ";
        if (!script.GetOp(pc, opcode, vch)) {
            str += "[error]";
            return str;
        if (0 <= opcode && opcode <= OP_PUSHDATA4) {
            if (vch.size() <= static_cast<std::vector<unsigned char>::size_type>(4)) {
                str += strprintf("%d", CScriptNum(vch, false).getint());
            } else {
                // the IsUnspendable check makes sure not to try to decode OP_RETURN data that may match the format of a signature
                if (fAttemptSighashDecode && !script.IsUnspendable()) {
                    std::string strSigHashDecode;
                    // goal: only attempt to decode a defined sighash type from data that looks like a signature within a scriptSig.
                    // this won't decode correctly formatted public keys in Pubkey or Multisig scripts due to
                    // the restrictions on the pubkey formats (see IsCompressedOrUncompressedPubKey) being incongruous with the
                    // checks in CheckSignatureEncoding.
                    uint32_t flags = SCRIPT_VERIFY_STRICTENC;
                    if (vch.back() & SIGHASH_FORKID) {
                        // If the transaction is using SIGHASH_FORKID, we need
                        // to set the apropriate flag.
                        // TODO: Remove after the Hard Fork.
                        flags |= SCRIPT_ENABLE_SIGHASH_FORKID;
                    if (CheckSignatureEncoding(vch, flags, NULL)) {
                        const uint8_t chSigHashType = vch.back() &  0xBF;
                        if (mapSigHashTypes.count(chSigHashType)) {
                            const bool forkIdSet = (vch.back() & SIGHASH_FORKID) == SIGHASH_FORKID;
                            strSigHashDecode = "[" + mapSigHashTypes.find(chSigHashType)->second
                                    + (forkIdSet ? "|FORKID]" : "]");
                            vch.pop_back(); // remove the sighash type byte. it will be replaced by the decode.
                    str += HexStr(vch) + strSigHashDecode;
                } else {
                    str += HexStr(vch);
        } else {
            str += GetOpName(opcode);
    return str;
int CTDLFindTaskExpressionListCtrl::InsertRule(int nRow, const SEARCHPARAM& sp)
	m_aSearchParams.InsertAt(nRow, SEARCHPARAM(sp));

	CString sItem = m_cbAttributes.GetAttributeName(sp);
	int nNew = InsertItem(nRow, sItem);

	SetItemText(nNew, OPERATOR, GetOpName(sp.GetOperator()));

	// Fixup And/or column

	return nNew;
Пример #6
 * Create the assembly string representation of a CScript object.
 * @param[in] script    CScript object to convert into the asm string representation.
 * @param[in] fAttemptSighashDecode    Whether to attempt to decode sighash types on data within the script that matches the format
 *                                     of a signature. Only pass true for scripts you believe could contain signatures. For example,
 *                                     pass false, or omit the this argument (defaults to false), for scriptPubKeys.
std::string ScriptToAsmStr(const CScript& script, const bool fAttemptSighashDecode)
    std::string str;
    opcodetype opcode;
    std::vector<unsigned char> vch;
    CScript::const_iterator pc = script.begin();
    while (pc < script.end()) {
        if (!str.empty()) {
            str += " ";
        if (!script.GetOp(pc, opcode, vch)) {
            str += "[error]";
            return str;
        if (0 <= opcode && opcode <= OP_PUSHDATA4) {
            if (vch.size() <= static_cast<std::vector<unsigned char>::size_type>(4)) {
                str += strprintf("%d", CScriptNum(vch, false).getint());
            } else {
                // the IsUnspendable check makes sure not to try to decode OP_RETURN data that may match the format of a signature
                if (fAttemptSighashDecode && !script.IsUnspendable()) {
                    std::string strSigHashDecode;
                    // goal: only attempt to decode a defined sighash type from data that looks like a signature within a scriptSig.
                    // this won't decode correctly formatted public keys in Pubkey or Multisig scripts due to
                    // the restrictions on the pubkey formats (see IsCompressedOrUncompressedPubKey) being incongruous with the
                    // checks in CheckSignatureEncoding.
                    if (CheckSignatureEncoding(vch, SCRIPT_VERIFY_STRICTENC | SCRIPT_ALLOW_NON_FORKID, nullptr)) {
                        const unsigned char chSigHashType = vch.back();
                        if (mapSigHashTypes.count(chSigHashType)) {
                            strSigHashDecode = "[" + mapSigHashTypes.find(chSigHashType)->second + "]";
                            vch.pop_back(); // remove the sighash type byte. it will be replaced by the decode.
                    str += HexStr(vch) + strSigHashDecode;
                } else {
                    str += HexStr(vch);
        } else {
            str += GetOpName(opcode);
    return str;
int CTDLFindTaskExpressionListCtrl::InsertRule(int nRow, const SEARCHPARAM& sp)
	m_aSearchParams.InsertAt(nRow, sp);

	CString sItem = m_cbAttributes.GetAttributeName(sp);
	int nNew = InsertItem(nRow, sItem);

	SetItemText(nNew, OPERATOR, GetOpName(sp.GetOperator()));

	// omit and/or for last rule
	if (nRow < GetRuleCount() - 1)
		CEnString sAndOr(sp.GetAnd() ? IDS_FP_AND : IDS_FP_OR);
		SetItemText(nNew, ANDOR, sAndOr);

	return nNew;
void CTDLFindTaskExpressionListCtrl::ValidateListData() const
#ifdef _DEBUG
	for (int nRule = 0; nRule < GetRuleCount(); nRule++)
		const SEARCHPARAM& rule = m_aSearchParams[nRule];

		// check matching attribute text 
		CString sRuleAttrib = m_cbAttributes.GetAttributeName(rule);
		CString sListAttrib = GetItemText(nRule, ATTRIB);
		ASSERT (sRuleAttrib == sListAttrib);

		// check matching operator text 
		CString sRuleOp = GetOpName(rule.GetOperator());
		CString sListOp = GetItemText(nRule, OPERATOR);
		ASSERT (sListOp.IsEmpty() || sRuleOp == sListOp);

		// check valid operator
void CTDLFindTaskExpressionListCtrl::AddOperatorToCombo(FIND_OPERATOR nOp)
	int i = m_cbOperators.AddString(GetOpName(nOp)); 
	m_cbOperators.SetItemData(i, (DWORD)nOp); 
Пример #10
int main( ) {
	PrettyPrint pp;
	ClassAdParser parser;
	string buffer = "";
	string condString = "( ( MemoryRequirements < 234 ) || ( MemoryRequirements =?= undefined ) )";

	cout << "-------------" << endl;
	cout << "BOOLEXPR TEST" << endl;
	cout << "-------------" << endl;
	cout << "condString = " << condString << endl;
	cout << endl;

	ExprTree *condTree = NULL;
	if( !( condTree =  parser.ParseExpression( condString ) ) ) {
		cerr << "error parsing expression" << endl;

	Condition *cond = new Condition( );
	if( !( BoolExpr::ExprToCondition( condTree, cond ) ) ) {
		cerr << "error with ExprToCondition" << endl;

	cond->ToString( buffer );
	cout << "cond.ToString( ) = " << buffer << endl;
	buffer = "";
	cout << endl;

	string attr;
	Operation::OpKind op1 = Operation::__NO_OP__;
	Operation::OpKind op2 = Operation::__NO_OP__;
	Value val1, val2;
	Value::ValueType type;

	cond->GetAttr( attr );
	cout << "attr = " << attr << endl;

	cond->GetOp( op1 );
	GetOpName( op1, buffer );
	cout << "op1 = " << buffer << endl;
	cout << "op1 is op number " << (int)op1 << endl;
	buffer = "";

	cond->GetOp2( op2 );
	GetOpName( op2, buffer );
	cout << "op2 = " << buffer << endl;
	buffer = "";

	cond->GetVal( val1 );
	pp.Unparse( buffer, val1 );
	cout << "val1 = " << buffer << endl;
	buffer = "";

	cond->GetVal2( val2 );
	pp.Unparse( buffer, val2 );
	cout << "val2 = " << buffer << endl;
	buffer = "";

	cond->GetType( type );
	GetTypeName( type, buffer );
	cout << "type = " << buffer << endl;
	buffer = "";
Пример #11
CScript ParseScript(const std::string& s)
    CScript result;

    static std::map<std::string, opcodetype> mapOpNames;

    if (mapOpNames.empty())
        for (unsigned int op = 0; op <= MAX_OPCODE; op++)
            // Allow OP_RESERVED to get into mapOpNames
            if (op < OP_NOP && op != OP_RESERVED)

            const char* name = GetOpName((opcodetype)op);
            if (strcmp(name, "OP_UNKNOWN") == 0)
            std::string strName(name);
            mapOpNames[strName] = (opcodetype)op;
            // Convenience: OP_ADD and just ADD are both recognized:
            boost::algorithm::replace_first(strName, "OP_", "");
            mapOpNames[strName] = (opcodetype)op;

    std::vector<std::string> words;
    boost::algorithm::split(words, s, boost::algorithm::is_any_of(" \t\n"), boost::algorithm::token_compress_on);

    for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator w = words.begin(); w != words.end(); ++w)
        if (w->empty())
            // Empty string, ignore. (boost::split given '' will return one word)
        else if (all(*w, boost::algorithm::is_digit()) ||
            (boost::algorithm::starts_with(*w, "-") && all(std::string(w->begin()+1, w->end()), boost::algorithm::is_digit())))
            // Number
            int64_t n = atoi64(*w);
            result << n;
        else if (boost::algorithm::starts_with(*w, "0x") && (w->begin()+2 != w->end()) && IsHex(std::string(w->begin()+2, w->end())))
            // Raw hex data, inserted NOT pushed onto stack:
            std::vector<unsigned char> raw = ParseHex(std::string(w->begin()+2, w->end()));
            result.insert(result.end(), raw.begin(), raw.end());
        else if (w->size() >= 2 && boost::algorithm::starts_with(*w, "'") && boost::algorithm::ends_with(*w, "'"))
            // Single-quoted string, pushed as data. NOTE: this is poor-man's
            // parsing, spaces/tabs/newlines in single-quoted strings won't work.
            std::vector<unsigned char> value(w->begin()+1, w->end()-1);
            result << value;
        else if (mapOpNames.count(*w))
            // opcode, e.g. OP_ADD or ADD:
            result << mapOpNames[*w];
            throw std::runtime_error("script parse error");

    return result;