Пример #1
String TPropertyHandler::GetClassNamesValues(TComponent* comp, String prName)
	TObject *subObj = (TObject *)GetOrdProp(comp, prName);
	if (subObj == NULL) return ""; // In case the prop-value is empty (like Action).

/*  TObject* subObj is needed to find out if the subprop points to
	another Component (like ActiveControl).
	If it is only the value of that property is returned (ie.: "CheckBox1").
	If it is a class like Font all of the props+values of
	comp->Font are returned. */

	if (dynamic_cast<TComponent*>(subObj))
	{   // Find out if subObj points to another Component by casting.
		return prName + "=" + GetValue((TComponent*)subObj,"Name");

/*  subObj does not point to another Component, but we can convert
	it to a TComponent* subComp so it can be used te get the subProps+values.
	This sounds weird but don't forget that a TFont encapsulated in a TForm
	becomes a descendant of TForm, which is a descendant of TComponent!! */

	TComponent* subComp = (TComponent*)subObj;

	TStringList *tempList = new TStringList;
	String temp;
		PTypeInfo TypeInfo = (PTypeInfo)subComp->ClassInfo();
		PPropInfo* PropList = new TPropList;
		GetPropInfos(TypeInfo, (PPropList)PropList);

		tempList->Sorted = true;
		for (int i=0; i < PropertyCount(subComp); i++)
			String subProp = String(PropList[i]->Name);
				prName + "." + subProp
				+ "=" + GetPropValue(subComp, subProp, true) );

		delete[] PropList;

		temp = tempList->Text;
		// Remove trailing carriage-returns:
		int cr = temp.LastDelimiter("\r");
		if (cr) temp.Delete(cr, 2);
		delete tempList;

	return temp;
Пример #2
void __fastcall TCacheDemoForm::ToggleUpdateMode(System::TObject* Sender) {
	bool NewState;
	// Toggle the state of the CachedUpdates property
	if (IsPublishedProp(FDataSet, "CachedUpdates")) {
		NewState = !GetOrdProp(FDataSet, "CachedUpdates");
		SetOrdProp(FDataSet, "CachedUpdates", NewState);
		// Enable/Disable Controls
Пример #3
void TPropertyHandler::SetNameValue(TComponent* comp, String prName_Value)
	if (prName_Value.LastDelimiter("\r\n"))
	{  // Multi-line string, so call SetNamesValues():
		SetNamesValues(comp, prName_Value);

	String name2, name1, value; // Reads like this: "name2.name1=value".
	int sep = prName_Value.Pos("=");

	String names = prName_Value.SubString(1, sep - 1);
	value = prName_Value.SubString(sep + 1, prName_Value.Length() - sep + 1);

	sep = names.Pos(".");
	if (sep)
	{	// Format is "propname.subprop=val":
		name1 = names.SubString(sep + 1, names.Length() - sep + 1);
		name2 = names.SubString(1, sep - 1);
		// name2 is the subcomp of comp.
		if (!IsPublishedProp(comp, name2)) // No warning.
		{  /*	name2 is not a component of comp,
				but it might be a component of its own,
				like CheckBox1 is a sub-component of Form1. */
			if ((comp = GetSubComponent(comp, name2)) == NULL) return;
				SetPropValue(comp, name1, value);
		if (!IsClass(comp, name2)) return;
		// Get pointer to subObj:
		TObject *subObj = (TObject *)GetOrdProp(comp, name2);
		if (subObj == NULL) return;

		SetPropValue(subObj, name1, value);
	{	// Format is "propname=val":
		SetPropValue(comp, names, value);