Пример #1
																				//	computes the objective function of a direction
	double CsPCAGrid::CalcObj ( const double dCos, const double dSin			//	the direction to be examined
								, double &dScat									//	(output) the scatter of a matrix cbind (m_vSumLoadThis, m_vSumLoadOthers) projected onto a direction (dCos, dSin)
								, double &dScatOrth)							//	(output) the scatter of a matrix cbind (m_vSumLoadThis, m_vSumLoadOthers) projected onto a direction (dSin, dCos)
																				//			(-> maybe dSin and dCos are mixed up in this comment)
		dScat = CalcProjScat (dCos, dSin) ;

		if (m_dwCheckOrth)														//	don't care about the experimental "m_dwCheckOrth" - option so far
		{																		//	it's always off for sPCAgrid
//			CalcMaha (dScat) ;

			dScatOrth = CalcProjScat (-dSin, dCos) ;
//			CalcMaha (dScatOrth) ;

			return ngpf (dScat / dScatOrth) + GetPenalty (dCos, dSin); ;

////			dCurObj /= ngpf (dScatOrth + dCurScat * 0.001) ;
////			dCurObj /= (m_dGloScatter + ngpf (dScatOrth)) ;
		return																	//	the objective function's value:
			  ngpf (dScat)														//	the scatter (or variance) of the data projected onto the current direction
																				//	ngpf(x) returns either x, or x^2, depending on the definition of GLOBAL_POWER
																				//	NOTE: GLOBAL_POWER is now deprecated, as a "q" and an "s" parameter are available in "GetPenalty", which do provide the same functionality

			+ GetPenalty (dCos, dSin)											//	+ the penalty function for the current direction
			* m_dGloScatter;													//	* some normalization factor for the overall variance of the data in the currently considered subspace
Пример #2
CTextWrap::word CTextWrap::SplitWord(CTextWrap::word& w, float wantedWidth, bool smart)
	// returns two pieces 'L'eft and 'R'ight of the split word (returns L, *wi becomes R)

	word w2;
	w2.pos = w.pos;

	const float spaceAdvance = GetGlyph(spaceUTF16).advance;
	if (w.isLineBreak) {
		// shouldn't happen
		w2 = w;
		w.isSpace = true;
	} else if (w.isSpace) {
		const int split = (int)std::floor(wantedWidth / spaceAdvance);
		w2.isSpace   = true;
		w2.numSpaces = split;
		w2.width     = spaceAdvance * w2.numSpaces;
		w.numSpaces -= split;
		w.width      = spaceAdvance * w.numSpaces;
		w.pos       += split;
	} else {
		if (smart) {
			if (
				(wantedWidth < 8 * spaceAdvance) ||
				(w.text.length() < 1)
			) {
				w2.isSpace = true;
				return w2;

		float width = 0.0f;
		int i = 0;
		float min_penalty = 1e9;
		unsigned int goodbreak = 0;
		char32_t c = Utf8GetNextChar(w.text,i);
		const GlyphInfo* curGlyph = &GetGlyph(c);
		const GlyphInfo* nextGlyph = curGlyph;

		do {
			const int lastCharPos = i;
			const char32_t co     = c;
			curGlyph = nextGlyph;
			c = Utf8GetNextChar(w.text,i);
			nextGlyph = &GetGlyph(c);
			width += GetKerning(*curGlyph, *nextGlyph);

			if (width > wantedWidth) {

			if (smart) {
				const float penalty = GetPenalty(co, lastCharPos, w.text.length());
				if (penalty < min_penalty) {
					min_penalty = penalty;
					goodbreak   = lastCharPos;
			} else {
				goodbreak = i;
		} while(i < w.text.length());

		w2.text  = toustring(w.text.substr(0,goodbreak));
		w2.width = GetTextWidth(w2.text);
		w.width  = GetTextWidth(w.text);
		w.pos   += goodbreak;
	return w2;