Пример #1
// Purpose: 
int C_TF_PlayerResource::GetCountForPlayerClass( int iTeam, int iClass, bool bExcludeLocalPlayer /*=false*/ )
	int count = 0;
	int iLocalPlayerIndex = GetLocalPlayerIndex();

	for ( int i = 1 ; i <= MAX_PLAYERS ; i++ )
		if ( bExcludeLocalPlayer && ( i == iLocalPlayerIndex ) )

		if ( ( GetTeam( i ) == iTeam ) && ( GetPlayerClass( i ) == iClass ) )

	return count;
Пример #2
// Purpose: Calculates the players "accuracy" level
void CBaseTFPlayer::CalculateAccuracy( void )
	static flLastTime = 0;

	// Get the time since the last calculation
	float flTimeSlice = (gpGlobals->curtime - flLastTime);
	m_flTargetAccuracy = 0;

	if ( !GetPlayerClass()  )

	// Get the base accuracy from the current weapon
	if ( m_hActiveWeapon )
		m_flTargetAccuracy = m_hActiveWeapon->GetAccuracy();

		// Accuracy is increased if the player's crouching
		if ( GetFlags() & FL_DUCKING )
			m_flTargetAccuracy *= m_hActiveWeapon->GetDuckingMultiplier();

		// Accuracy is decreased if the player's moving
		if ( m_vecVelocity.Length2D() > ( GetPlayerClass()->GetMaxSpeed() * 0.5 ) )
			m_flTargetAccuracy *= m_hActiveWeapon->GetRunningMultiplier();

	// Accuracy is decreased if the player's arms are injured

	// Accuracy is increased if there's an Officer nearby

	// Accuracy is decreased if this player's being supressed (bullets/explosions impacting nearby)
	float flFarTime = (m_flLastRicochetNearby + ACC_RICOCHET_TIME);
	if ( gpGlobals->curtime <= flFarTime )
		m_flTargetAccuracy *= 1 + (m_flNumberOfRicochets * ACC_RICOCHET_MULTIPLE) * (ACCMULT_RICOCHET * ((flFarTime - gpGlobals->curtime) / ACC_RICOCHET_TIME));

	// Accuracy is decreased if the player's just been hit by a bullet/explosion

	// Now float towards the target accuracy
	if ( m_bSnapAccuracy )
		m_bSnapAccuracy = false;
		m_flAccuracy = m_flTargetAccuracy;
		if ( m_flAccuracy < m_flTargetAccuracy )
			m_flAccuracy += (flTimeSlice * ACCURACY_CHANGE_SPEED);
			if ( m_flAccuracy > m_flTargetAccuracy )
				m_flAccuracy = m_flTargetAccuracy ;
		else if ( m_flAccuracy > m_flTargetAccuracy )
			m_flAccuracy -= (flTimeSlice * ACCURACY_CHANGE_SPEED);
			if ( m_flAccuracy < m_flTargetAccuracy )
				m_flAccuracy = m_flTargetAccuracy ;

	// Clip to prevent silly accuracies
	if ( m_flAccuracy > 1024 )
		m_flAccuracy = 1024;

	flLastTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
Пример #3
void cChat::ChatAddStats(DWORD aIndex, LPCSTR IpBuffer, BYTE CMD_STATS_TYPE) 

	int Points = atoi(IpBuffer);
	char* Name;
	Name = (char*)gObj_GetChar(aIndex,gObjNick);

	if(Config.IsAdd == 0)
		GCServerMsgStringSend(MSG07,aIndex, 1);

	else if((int)gObj_GetLevel(aIndex) < Config.AddLevel)
		char levelmsg[120];
		GCServerMsgStringSend(levelmsg, aIndex, 1);
		Log.outError("[Add] [%s]: [%s] not enought Level \n",gObj->AccountID,Name);

	else if(strlen(IpBuffer) <1 || Points<1)
		GCServerMsgStringSend(MSG09, aIndex, 1);
		Log.outError("[Add] [%s]: [%s] syntax error \n",gObj->AccountID,Name);

	else if((int) gObj_GetInt(aIndex,gObjLupp)<Points)
		GCServerMsgStringSend(MSG10, aIndex, 1);
		Log.outError("[Add] [%s]: [%s] lacking points \n",gObj->AccountID,Name);

	else if(gObj->Money < Config.AddCost)
		char OutputZenLack[120]={0};
		Log.outError("[Add] [%s]: [%s] lacking Zend \n",gObj->AccountID,Name);

	else if (Points>Config.AddMaxPoints)
		char exceedpoint[120];
		Log.outError("[Add] [%s]: [%s] exceed points \n",gObj->AccountID,Name);

	else if(CMD_STATS_TYPE == 4 && GetPlayerClass(aIndex) != 64 && GetPlayerClass(aIndex) != 66)
		GCServerMsgStringSend(MSG13, aIndex, 1);
		Log.outError("[Add] [%s]: [%s] syntax error \n",gObj->AccountID,Name);

	else if(Points > 100)
		WORD wStr,wDex,wViatality,wEnergy,wLeader ;
		DWORD dwLvUpPoint;
		PBYTE  pADataAddr ;
		pADataAddr = (PBYTE)(aIndex*gObjSize +gObjOffset) ;

			push eax
			push ebx
			mov eax,pADataAddr
			xor ebx,ebx
			mov bx,WORD PTR [eax+0xDC]
			mov wStr,bx
			mov bx,WORD PTR [eax+0xDE] 
			mov wDex,bx
			mov bx,WORD PTR [eax+0xE0]
			mov wViatality,bx
			mov bx,WORD PTR [eax+0xE2]
			mov wEnergy,bx
			mov bx,WORD PTR [eax+0x100]
			mov wLeader,bx
			mov ebx,DWORD PTR [eax+0xAC]
			mov dwLvUpPoint,ebx
			pop ebx
			pop eax
		Log.outNormal("[%s]: [%s] Before Add: %d Str %d Agi %d Vit %d Ene %d Lead %d \n",gObj->AccountID,Name,dwLvUpPoint,wStr,wDex,wViatality,wEnergy,wLeader);

		WORD wTmpAddPoint = 0 ;
		DWORD dwTmpAddPoint = 0 ;

		wTmpAddPoint = Points ;
		dwTmpAddPoint = wTmpAddPoint ;
		if ( wTmpAddPoint >0)
			switch (CMD_STATS_TYPE)
			case 0x00:
					push eax
					push ebx
					mov eax,pADataAddr
					xor ebx,ebx
					mov bx,WORD PTR [eax+0xDC]
					add bx,wTmpAddPoint
					mov WORD PTR [eax+0xDC],bx
					mov ebx,DWORD PTR [eax+0xAC]
					sub ebx,dwTmpAddPoint
					mov DWORD PTR [eax+0xAC],ebx
					pop ebx
					pop eax
			case 0x01: 
					push eax
					push ebx
					mov eax,pADataAddr
					xor ebx,ebx
					mov bx,WORD PTR [eax+0xDE]
					add bx,wTmpAddPoint
					mov WORD PTR [eax+0xDE],bx
					mov ebx,DWORD PTR [eax+0xAC]
					sub ebx,dwTmpAddPoint
					mov DWORD PTR [eax+0xAC],ebx
					pop ebx
					pop eax
			case 0x02:
					push eax
					push ebx
					mov eax,pADataAddr
					xor ebx,ebx
					mov bx,WORD PTR [eax+0xE0]
					add bx,wTmpAddPoint
					mov WORD PTR [eax+0xE0],bx
					mov ebx,DWORD PTR [eax+0xAC]
					sub ebx,dwTmpAddPoint
					mov DWORD PTR [eax+0xAC],ebx
					pop ebx
					pop eax
			case 0x03:
					push eax
					push ebx
					mov eax,pADataAddr
					xor ebx,ebx
					mov bx,WORD PTR [eax+0xE2]
					add bx,wTmpAddPoint
					mov WORD PTR [eax+0xE2],bx
					mov ebx,DWORD PTR [eax+0xAC]
					sub ebx,dwTmpAddPoint
					mov DWORD PTR [eax+0xAC],ebx
					pop ebx
					pop eax
			case 0x04:
					push eax
					push ebx
					mov eax,pADataAddr
					xor ebx,ebx
					mov bx,WORD PTR [eax+0x100]
					add bx,wTmpAddPoint
					mov WORD PTR [eax+0x100],bx
					mov ebx,DWORD PTR [eax+0xAC]
					sub ebx,dwTmpAddPoint
					mov DWORD PTR [eax+0xAC],ebx
					pop ebx
					pop eax
			push eax
			push ebx
			mov eax,pADataAddr
			xor ebx,ebx
			mov bx,WORD PTR [eax+0xDC]
			mov wStr,bx
			mov bx,WORD PTR [eax+0xDE]
			mov wDex,bx
			mov bx,WORD PTR [eax+0xE0]
			mov wViatality,bx
			mov bx,WORD PTR [eax+0xE2]
			mov wEnergy,bx
			mov bx,WORD PTR [eax+0x100]
			mov wLeader,bx
			mov ebx,DWORD PTR [eax+0xAC]
			mov dwLvUpPoint,ebx
			pop ebx
			pop eax

		gObj->Money = gObj->Money - Config.AddCost;

		Log.outNormal("[%s]: [%s] After Add: %d Str %d Agi %d Vit %d Ene %d Lead %d \n",gObj->AccountID,Name,dwLvUpPoint,wStr,wDex,wViatality,wEnergy,wLeader);
		GCServerMsgStringSend(MSG14, aIndex, 1);
