Пример #1
CCard * CardConnect(const std::string &csReader,
                    CContext *poContext, CPinpad *poPinpad, CDynamicLib &oCardPluginLib)
    CCard *poCard = NULL;
    long lErrCode = EIDMW_ERR_CHECK; // should never be returned
    const char *strReader = NULL;

    if (poContext->m_ulConnectionDelay != 0)

    // Try if we can connect to the card via a normal SCardConnect()
    SCARDHANDLE hCard = 0;
        hCard = poContext->m_oPCSC.Connect(csReader);
        if (hCard == 0)
            goto done;
    catch(CMWException &e)
        if (e.GetError() == (long)EIDMW_ERR_NO_CARD)
            goto done;
        if (e.GetError() != (long)EIDMW_ERR_CANT_CONNECT && e.GetError() != (long)EIDMW_ERR_CARD_COMM)
        lErrCode = e.GetError();
        hCard = 0;

    // So a card is present, get the names of the available plugin libs
    if (!m_bPluginNamesOK)

    strReader = csReader.c_str();

    if (hCard != 0)
        // 1. A card is present and we could connect to it via a normal SCardConnect()

        for (size_t i = 0; poCard == NULL && i < m_Plugins.size(); i++)
            tPluginInfo &plugin = m_Plugins.at(i);
            if (plugin.csReader.size() != 0 && plugin.csReader.compare(0, string::npos, strReader, plugin.csReader.length()))
            poCard = GetCardInstance(strReader, hCard, poContext, poPinpad, plugin.csPath, oCardPluginLib);

#ifdef CAL_BEID
        if (poCard == NULL)
            poCard = BeidCardGetInstance(PLUGIN_VERSION, strReader, hCard, poContext, poPinpad);

        //if (poCard == NULL)
        //	poCard = SISPluginReadData(strReader, hCard, poContext, poPinpad, oCardPluginLib);

        /* SIS support no longer in the CardLayer�, only via the plugins */

        if (poCard == NULL && StartsWith(csReader.c_str(), "ACS ACR38"))
#ifdef __APPLE__
            poContext->m_oPCSC.Disconnect(hCard, DISCONNECT_RESET_CARD);
            poCard = SISCardConnectGetInstance(PLUGIN_VERSION, strReader, poContext, poPinpad);
            poCard = SISCardGetInstance(PLUGIN_VERSION, strReader, hCard, poContext, poPinpad);
        // Emulated reader doesn't start with "ACS ACR38"
        if (poCard == NULL)
            poCard = SISCardGetInstance(PLUGIN_VERSION, strReader, hCard, poContext, poPinpad);

#endif // SIS_IN_CAL

#endif // CAL_BEID

#ifndef __APPLE__
        // If no other CCard subclass could be found
        if (poCard == NULL)
            poCard = new CUnknownCard(hCard, poContext, poPinpad, CByteArray());
        // On Mac OS X, SCardConnect() always works when reading a SIS card on an ACR38U,
        // but not the following SCardTransmit() to read out the data. So we set hCard
        // to 0 which will cause SISCardConnectGetInstance() below to first switch to
        // the correct mode to read out the SIS card.
        hCard = 0;

    if (hCard == 0)
        // 2. A card is present, but connecting to it is reader-specific (e.g. synchron. cards)

        strReader = csReader.c_str();
        for (size_t i = 0; poCard == NULL && i < m_Plugins.size(); i++)
            tPluginInfo &plugin = m_Plugins.at(i);
            if (!plugin.bFull || (plugin.csReader.size() != 0 && plugin.csReader.compare(0, string::npos, strReader, plugin.csReader.length())))
            poCard = ConnectGetCardInstance(strReader, poContext, poPinpad,
                                            plugin.csPath, oCardPluginLib);

#ifdef CAL_BEID
//		if (poCard == NULL)
//			poCard = SISPluginReadData(strReader, hCard, poContext, poPinpad, oCardPluginLib);

        if (poCard == NULL)
            poCard = new CUnknownCard(hCard, poContext, poPinpad, CByteArray());

        /* SIS support no longer in the CardLayer�, only via the plugins */
        if (poCard == NULL  && StartsWith(csReader.c_str(), "ACS ACR38"))
            poCard = SISCardConnectGetInstance(PLUGIN_VERSION, strReader, poContext, poPinpad);
#endif // SIS_IN_CAL

#endif // CAL_BEID

        // If the card is still not recognized here, then it may as well
        // be an badly inserted card, so we'll throw the exception that we
        // caught in the beginnin of this function
        if (poCard == NULL)
            throw CMWEXCEPTION(lErrCode);

    return poCard;
Пример #2
int main (int argc, char** argv) {

    // Creates runtime and base app
	pI::Application app;
	pI::Runtime runtime(app.GetRuntime());

    std::cerr << "Plugin dir: " << app.FindPIPluginDir() << std::endl;
	app.LoadPluginLibraries (app.FindPIPluginDir().c_str());

	std::vector<std::string> names(GetPluginNames (runtime));
	const pI_int count(names.size());

	std::cout << "{" << std::endl;

	appendValue(std::cout, API_VERSION, runtime.GetRuntimeVersion());
	appendValue(std::cout, PLUGIN_COUNT, count);

	std::cout << "\"" << PLUGINS << "\":" << std::endl << "[" << std::endl;
	for (pI_int lv = 0; lv < count; ++lv) {
		std::cout << "{" << std::endl;
		appendValue(std::cout, NAME, names[lv]);

		if (names[lv] == "CImg/Functions") {
			// special treatment for CImg META plugin
			try {
				pI::pInPtr p(runtime.SpawnPlugin ((const pI_str) names[lv].c_str()));
				pI::Arguments params(p->GetParameterSignature());
				appendValue(std::cout, DESCRIPTION, p->GetDescription());
				appendValue(std::cout, PLUGIN_VERSION, p->GetpInVersion());
				appendValue(std::cout, API_VERSION, p->GetAPIVersion());
				appendValue(std::cout, AUTHOR, p->GetAuthor());
				appendValue(std::cout, COPYRIGHT, p->GetCopyright());
				appendValue(std::cout, OPTIONAL_INIT, "false");
				appendValue(std::cout, DEFAULT_INIT, "true");

				std::cout << "\"parameters\":" << std::endl << "[" << std::endl;
				for (pI_size lv2 = 0; lv2 < params.size(); ++lv2) {
					std::cout << runtime.SerializeArgument (params[lv2]);
					if (lv2 < params.size() - 1) {
						std::cout << ",";
					std::cout << std::endl;
				std::cout << "]," << std::endl;

				pI::StringSelection sts(params[0]);
				std::cout << "\"CImg functions\":" << std::endl << "[" << std::endl;
				for (pI_size lv2 = 0; lv2 < sts.GetCount(); ++lv2) {
					sts.SetIndex (lv2);
					p->Initialize (params);
					std::cout << "{" << std::endl;
					appendValue(std::cout, NAME, sts.GetSymbols (lv2));
					std::cout << "\"inputSignature\":" << std::endl << "[" << std::endl;
					pI::Arguments is(p->GetInputSignature());
					for (pI_size lv3 = 0; lv3 < is.size(); ++lv3) {
						std::cout << runtime.SerializeArgument (is[lv3]);
						if (lv3 < is.size() - 1)
							std::cout << ",";
					std::cout << std::endl << "]," << std::endl;
					std::cout << "\"outputSignature\":" << std::endl << "[" << std::endl;
					pI::Arguments os(p->GetOutputSignature());
					for (pI_size lv3 = 0; lv3 < os.size(); ++lv3) {
						std::cout << runtime.SerializeArgument (os[lv3]);
						if (lv3 < os.size() - 1)
							std::cout << ",";
					std::cout << std::endl << "]" << std::endl;
					std::cout << "}";
					if (lv2 < sts.GetCount() - 1)
						std::cout << ",";
					std::cout << std::endl;
				std::cout << "]" << std::endl;
			} catch (...) {}
		} else {
			try {
				pI::pInPtr p(runtime.SpawnPlugin ((const pI_str) names[lv].c_str()));
				appendValue(std::cout, DESCRIPTION, p->GetDescription());
				appendValue(std::cout, PLUGIN_VERSION, p->GetpInVersion());
				appendValue(std::cout, API_VERSION, p->GetAPIVersion());
				appendValue(std::cout, AUTHOR, p->GetAuthor());
				appendValue(std::cout, COPYRIGHT, p->GetCopyright());
				bool optional_init((p->GetInputSignature().size() > 0) ||
								   (p->GetOutputSignature().size() > 0));
				appendValue(std::cout, OPTIONAL_INIT, (optional_init ? "true" : "false"));

				std::cout << "\"" << PARAMETERS << "\":" << std::endl << "[" << std::endl;
				pI::Arguments params(p->GetParameterSignature());
				for (pI_size lv2 = 0; lv2 < params.size(); ++lv2) {
					std::cout << runtime.SerializeArgument (params[lv2]);
					if (lv2 < params.size() - 1) {
						std::cout << ",";
					std::cout << std::endl;
				std::cout << "]," << std::endl;
				bool default_init;
				try {
					p->Initialize (params);
					default_init = true;
				} catch (...) {
					default_init = false;
				appendValue(std::cout, DEFAULT_INIT, (default_init ? "true" : "false"), optional_init || default_init);

				if (optional_init || default_init) {
					std::cout << "\"" << INPUT_SIGNATURE << "\":" << std::endl << "[" << std::endl;
					pI::Arguments is(p->GetInputSignature());
					for (pI_size lv2 = 0; lv2 < is.size(); ++lv2) {
						std::cout << runtime.SerializeArgument (is[lv2]);
						if (lv2 < is.size() - 1)
							std::cout << ",";
					std::cout << std::endl << "]," << std::endl;
					std::cout << "\"" << OUTPUT_SIGNATURE << "\":" << std::endl << "[" << std::endl;
					pI::Arguments os(p->GetOutputSignature());
					for (pI_size lv2 = 0; lv2 < os.size(); ++lv2) {
						std::cout << runtime.SerializeArgument (os[lv2]);
						if (lv2 < os.size() - 1)
							std::cout << ",";
					std::cout << std::endl << "]" << std::endl;
				} else
					std::cout << std::endl;
			} catch (...) {}
		std::cout << "}";
		if (lv < count - 1)
			std::cout << ",";
		std::cout << std::endl;
	std::cout << "]" << std::endl << "}" << std::endl;
	return 0;