Пример #1
std::string GetAbsolutePath(std::string path) {
    if (path.length() && path.find(":") == std::string::npos) {
        path = GetExecutableDirectory() + "\\" + path;
        path = GetRealPath(path);
    return path;
Пример #2
// Mac OS X:        _NSGetExecutablePath() (man 3 dyld)
// Linux:           readlink /proc/self/exe
// Solaris:         getexecname()
// BSD with procfs: readlink /proc/curproc/file
// Windows:         GetModuleFileName() with hModule = NULL
std::string GetProcessExecutableFile()
	std::string procExeFilePath = "";
	// error will only be used if procExeFilePath stays empty
	const char* error = NULL;

#ifdef __linux__
	char file[512];
	const int ret = readlink("/proc/self/exe", file, sizeof(file)-1);
	if (ret >= 0) {
		file[ret] = '\0';
		procExeFilePath = std::string(file);
	} else {
		error = "Failed to read /proc/self/exe";
#elif WIN32
	// with NULL, it will return the handle
	// for the main executable of the process
	const HMODULE hModule = GetModuleHandle(NULL);

	// fetch
	TCHAR procExeFile[MAX_PATH+1];
	const int ret = ::GetModuleFileName(hModule, procExeFile, sizeof(procExeFile));

	if ((ret != 0) && (ret != sizeof(procExeFile))) {
		procExeFilePath = std::string(procExeFile);
	} else {
		error = "Unknown";

#elif __APPLE__
	uint32_t pathlen = PATH_MAX;
	char path[PATH_MAX];
	int err = _NSGetExecutablePath(path, &pathlen);
	if (err == 0) {
		procExeFilePath = GetRealPath(path);
#elif defined(__FreeBSD__)
	int mib[4];
	mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
	mib[1] = KERN_PROC;
	mib[3] = -1;
	char buf[PATH_MAX];
	size_t cb = sizeof(buf);
	int err = sysctl(mib, 4, buf, &cb, NULL, 0);
	if (err == 0) {
		procExeFilePath = buf;
	#error implement this

	if (procExeFilePath.empty()) {
		LOG_L(L_WARNING, "Failed to get file path of the process executable, reason: %s", error);

	return procExeFilePath;
Пример #3
static void RenameMainBundle(EvalContext *ctx, Policy *policy)
    assert(policy != NULL);
    assert(ctx != NULL);
    assert(policy->bundles != NULL);
    char *const entry_point = GetRealPath(EvalContextGetEntryPoint(ctx));
    if (NULL_OR_EMPTY(entry_point))
    Seq *bundles = policy->bundles;
    int length = SeqLength(bundles);
    bool removed = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
        Bundle *const bundle = SeqAt(bundles, i);
        if (StringSafeEqual(bundle->name, "__main__"))
            char *abspath = GetRealPath(bundle->source_path);
            if (StringSafeEqual(abspath, entry_point))
                    "Redefining __main__ bundle from file %s to be main",
                strncpy(bundle->name, "main", 4+1);
                // "__main__" is always big enough for "main"
                    "Dropping __main__ bundle from file %s (entry point: %s)",
                removed = true;
                SeqSet(bundles, i, NULL); // SeqSet calls destroy function
    if (removed)
Пример #4
void Parser::AddDependency(const char *prefix, const CC_STRING& filename)

	if( GetRealPath(filename, rp) ) {
		deptext += prefix;
		deptext += rp;
		deptext += "\n";
Пример #5
void Parser::IncludedFile::produce_cr_text()
	if(!virtual_root->sub_chains.IsEmpty()) {
		CC_STRING apath;
		GetRealPath(ifile->name, apath);
		cr_text = apath;
		cr_text += "\n";
		WalkThrough(virtual_root, WalkThrough::MED_BF, NULL, save_conditional, this);
Пример #6
RString RageFile::GetPath() const
	if ( !IsOpen() )
		return RString();

	RString sRet = m_File->GetDisplayPath();
	if( sRet != "" )
		return sRet;

	return GetRealPath();
Пример #7
std::string GetModuleFile(std::string moduleName)
	std::string moduleFilePath = "";
	// this will only be used if moduleFilePath stays empty
	const char* error = NULL;

#if defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
#ifdef __APPLE__
	void* moduleAddress = NULL;

	// find an address in the module we are looking for
	if (moduleName.empty()) {
		// look for current module
		moduleAddress = (void*) GetModuleFile;
	} else {
		// look for specified module

		// add extension if it is not in the file name
		// it could also be "libXZY.so-1.2.3"
		// -> does not have to be the end, my friend
		if (moduleName.find("." SHARED_LIBRARY_EXTENSION) == std::string::npos) {
			moduleName = moduleName + "." SHARED_LIBRARY_EXTENSION;

		// will not not try to load, but return the libs address
		// if it is already loaded, NULL otherwise
		moduleAddress = dlopen(moduleName.c_str(), RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_NOLOAD);

		if (moduleAddress == NULL) {
			// if not found, try with "lib" prefix
			moduleName = "lib" + moduleName;
			moduleAddress = dlopen(moduleName.c_str(), RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_NOLOAD);

	if (moduleAddress != NULL) {
		// fetch info about the module containing the address we just evaluated
		Dl_info moduleInfo;
		const int ret = dladdr(moduleAddress, &moduleInfo);
		if ((ret != 0) && (moduleInfo.dli_fname != NULL)) {
			moduleFilePath = moduleInfo.dli_fname;
			// required on APPLE; does not hurt elsewhere
			moduleFilePath = GetRealPath(moduleFilePath);
		} else {
			error = dlerror();
			if (error == NULL) {
				error = "Unknown";
	} else {
		error = "Not loaded";

#elif WIN32
	HMODULE hModule = NULL;
	if (moduleName.empty()) {
		hModule = GetCurrentModule();
	} else {
		// If this fails, we get a NULL handle
		hModule = GetModuleHandle(moduleName.c_str());

	if (hModule != NULL) {
		// fetch module file name
		TCHAR moduleFile[MAX_PATH+1];
		const int ret = ::GetModuleFileName(hModule, moduleFile, sizeof(moduleFile));

		if ((ret != 0) && (ret != sizeof(moduleFile))) {
			moduleFilePath = std::string(moduleFile);
		} else {
			error = + "Unknown";
	} else {
		error = "Not found";
	#warning implement this (or use linux version)

	if (moduleFilePath.empty()) {
		if (moduleName.empty()) {
			moduleName = "<current>";
		LOG_L(L_WARNING, "Failed to get file path of the module \"%s\", reason: %s", moduleName.c_str(), error);

	return UnQuote(moduleFilePath);
Пример #8
main(int argc, char **argv)
  nsresult rv;
  char *lastSlash;

  char iniPath[MAXPATHLEN];
  char tmpPath[MAXPATHLEN];
  char greDir[MAXPATHLEN];
  PRBool greFound = PR_FALSE;

#if defined(XP_MACOSX)
  CFBundleRef appBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
  if (!appBundle)
    return 1;

  CFURLRef resourcesURL = CFBundleCopyResourcesDirectoryURL(appBundle);
  if (!resourcesURL)
    return 1;

  CFURLRef absResourcesURL = CFURLCopyAbsoluteURL(resourcesURL);
  if (!absResourcesURL)
    return 1;

  CFURLRef iniFileURL =
  if (!iniFileURL)
    return 1;

  CFStringRef iniPathStr =
    CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(iniFileURL, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle);
  if (!iniPathStr)
    return 1;

  CFStringGetCString(iniPathStr, iniPath, sizeof(iniPath),


#ifdef XP_WIN
  wchar_t wide_path[MAX_PATH];
  if (!::GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, wide_path, MAX_PATH))
    return 1;

  WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wide_path,-1,
		      iniPath, MAX_PATH, NULL, NULL);

#elif defined(XP_OS2)
   PPIB ppib;
   PTIB ptib;

   DosGetInfoBlocks(&ptib, &ppib);
   DosQueryModuleName(ppib->pib_hmte, sizeof(iniPath), iniPath);

#elif defined(XP_BEOS)
   BEntry e((const char *)argv[0], true); // traverse symlink
   BPath p;
   status_t err;
   err = e.GetPath(&p);
   NS_ASSERTION(err == B_OK, "realpath failed");

   if (err == B_OK)
     // p.Path returns a pointer, so use strcpy to store path in iniPath
     strcpy(iniPath, p.Path());

  // on unix, there is no official way to get the path of the current binary.
  // instead of using the MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME hack, which doesn't scale to
  // multiple applications, we will try a series of techniques:
  // 1) use realpath() on argv[0], which works unless we're loaded from the
  //    PATH
  // 2) manually walk through the PATH and look for ourself
  // 3) give up

  struct stat fileStat;

  if (!realpath(argv[0], iniPath) || stat(iniPath, &fileStat)) {
    const char *path = getenv("PATH");
    if (!path)
      return 1;

    char *pathdup = strdup(path);
    if (!pathdup)
      return 1;

    PRBool found = PR_FALSE;
    char *token = strtok(pathdup, ":");
    while (token) {
      sprintf(tmpPath, "%s/%s", token, argv[0]);
      if (realpath(tmpPath, iniPath) && stat(iniPath, &fileStat) == 0) {
        found = PR_TRUE;
      token = strtok(NULL, ":");
    free (pathdup);
    if (!found)
      return 1;

  lastSlash = strrchr(iniPath, PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR);
  if (!lastSlash)
    return 1;

  *(++lastSlash) = '\0';

  // On Linux/Win, look for XULRunner in appdir/xulrunner

  snprintf(greDir, sizeof(greDir),
           "%sxulrunner" XPCOM_FILE_PATH_SEPARATOR XPCOM_DLL,

  greFound = FolderExists(greDir);

  strncpy(lastSlash, "application.ini", sizeof(iniPath) - (lastSlash - iniPath));


  // If -app parameter was passed in, it is now time to take it under 
  // consideration.
  const char *appDataFile;
  appDataFile = getenv("XUL_APP_FILE");
  if (!appDataFile || !*appDataFile) 
    if (argc > 1 && IsArg(argv[1], "app")) {
      if (argc == 2) {
        Output(PR_FALSE, "specify APP-FILE (optional)\n");
        return 1;
      argv[1] = argv[0];

      appDataFile = argv[1];
      argv[1] = argv[0];

      char kAppEnv[MAXPATHLEN];
      snprintf(kAppEnv, MAXPATHLEN, "XUL_APP_FILE=%s", appDataFile);
      if (putenv(kAppEnv)) 
        Output(PR_FALSE, "Couldn't set %s.\n", kAppEnv);

      char *result = (char*) calloc(sizeof(char), MAXPATHLEN);
      if (NS_FAILED(GetRealPath(appDataFile, &result))) {
        Output(PR_TRUE, "Invalid application.ini path.\n");
        return 1;
      // We have a valid application.ini path passed in to the -app parameter 
      // but not yet a valid greDir, so lets look for it also on the same folder
      // as the stub.
      if (!greFound) {
        lastSlash = strrchr(iniPath, PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR);
        if (!lastSlash)
          return 1;

        *(++lastSlash) = '\0';

        snprintf(greDir, sizeof(greDir), "%s" XPCOM_DLL, iniPath);
        greFound = FolderExists(greDir);
      // copy it back.
      strcpy(iniPath, result);
  nsINIParser parser;
  rv = parser.Init(iniPath);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Could not read application.ini\n");
    return 1;

#ifdef WINCE
  // On Windows Mobile and WinCE, we can save a lot of time by not
  // waiting for XUL and XPCOM to load up.  Let's see if we can find
  // an existing app window to forward our command-line to now.

  // Shouldn't attempt this if the -no-remote parameter has been provided.
  bool noRemote = false;
  for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
    if (IsArg(argv[i], "no-remote")) {
      noRemote = true;

  if (!noRemote) {
    char windowName[512];  // Is there a const for appname like VERSION_MAXLEN?
    rv = parser.GetString("App", "Name", windowName, sizeof(windowName));
    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't figure out the application name\n");
      return 1;

    // Lookup the hidden message window created by nsNativeAppSupport
    strncat(windowName, "MessageWindow", sizeof(windowName) - strlen(windowName));
    WCHAR wWindowName[512];
    MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, windowName, -1, wWindowName, sizeof(wWindowName));
    HWND wnd = ::FindWindowW(wWindowName, NULL);
    if (wnd) {
      // Forward the command-line and bail out
      return 0;

  if (!greFound) {
    char minVersion[VERSION_MAXLEN];

    // If a gecko maxVersion is not specified, we assume that the app uses only
    // frozen APIs, and is therefore compatible with any xulrunner 1.x.
    char maxVersion[VERSION_MAXLEN] = "1.*";

    GREVersionRange range = {

    rv = parser.GetString("Gecko", "MinVersion", minVersion, sizeof(minVersion));
    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
              "The application.ini does not specify a [Gecko] MinVersion\n");
      return 1;

    rv = parser.GetString("Gecko", "MaxVersion", maxVersion, sizeof(maxVersion));
    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv))
      range.upperInclusive = PR_TRUE;

    static const GREProperty kProperties[] = {
      { "xulrunner", "true" }

    rv = GRE_GetGREPathWithProperties(&range, 1,
                                      kProperties, NS_ARRAY_LENGTH(kProperties),
                                      greDir, sizeof(greDir));
    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
      // XXXbsmedberg: Do something much smarter here: notify the
      // user/offer to download/?

             "Could not find compatible GRE between version %s and %s.\n",
             range.lower, range.upper);
      return 1;
#ifdef XP_UNIX
    // Using a symlinked greDir will fail during startup. Not sure why, but if
    // we resolve the symlink, everything works as expected.
    char resolved_greDir[MAXPATHLEN] = "";  
    if (realpath(greDir, resolved_greDir) && *resolved_greDir) {
      strncpy(greDir, resolved_greDir, MAXPATHLEN);

#ifdef XP_OS2
  // On OS/2 we need to set BEGINLIBPATH to be able to find XULRunner DLLs
  strcpy(tmpPath, greDir);
  lastSlash = strrchr(tmpPath, PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR);
  if (lastSlash) {
    *lastSlash = '\0';

  rv = XPCOMGlueStartup(greDir);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
    if (rv == NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY) {
      char applicationName[2000] = "this application";
      parser.GetString("App", "Name", applicationName, sizeof(applicationName));
      Output(PR_TRUE, "Not enough memory available to start %s.\n",
    } else {
      Output(PR_TRUE, "Couldn't load XPCOM.\n");
    return 1;

  static const nsDynamicFunctionLoad kXULFuncs[] = {
    { "XRE_CreateAppData", (NSFuncPtr*) &XRE_CreateAppData },
    { "XRE_FreeAppData", (NSFuncPtr*) &XRE_FreeAppData },
    { "XRE_main", (NSFuncPtr*) &XRE_main },
    { nsnull, nsnull }

  rv = XPCOMGlueLoadXULFunctions(kXULFuncs);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
    Output(PR_TRUE, "Couldn't load XRE functions.\n");
    return 1;


  int retval;

  { // Scope COMPtr and AutoAppData
    nsCOMPtr<nsILocalFile> iniFile;
#ifdef XP_WIN
    // On Windows and Windows CE, iniPath is UTF-8 encoded,
    // so we need to convert it.
    rv = NS_NewLocalFile(NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(iniPath), PR_FALSE,
    rv = NS_NewNativeLocalFile(nsDependentCString(iniPath), PR_FALSE,
    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
      Output(PR_TRUE, "Couldn't find application.ini file.\n");
      return 1;

    AutoAppData appData(iniFile);
    if (!appData) {
      Output(PR_TRUE, "Error: couldn't parse application.ini.\n");
      return 1;

    NS_ASSERTION(appData->directory, "Failed to get app directory.");

    if (!appData->xreDirectory) {
      // chop "libxul.so" off the GRE path
      lastSlash = strrchr(greDir, PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR);
      if (lastSlash) {
        *lastSlash = '\0';
#ifdef XP_WIN
      // same as iniPath.
      NS_NewLocalFile(NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(greDir), PR_FALSE,
      NS_NewNativeLocalFile(nsDependentCString(greDir), PR_FALSE,

    retval = XRE_main(argc, argv, appData);



  return retval;
Пример #9
main(int argc, char **argv)
  nsresult rv;
  char *lastSlash;

  char iniPath[MAXPATHLEN];
  char tmpPath[MAXPATHLEN];
  char greDir[MAXPATHLEN];
  bool greFound = false;

#if defined(XP_MACOSX)
  CFBundleRef appBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
  if (!appBundle)
    return 1;

  CFURLRef resourcesURL = CFBundleCopyResourcesDirectoryURL(appBundle);
  if (!resourcesURL)
    return 1;

  CFURLRef absResourcesURL = CFURLCopyAbsoluteURL(resourcesURL);
  if (!absResourcesURL)
    return 1;

  CFURLRef iniFileURL =
  if (!iniFileURL)
    return 1;

  CFStringRef iniPathStr =
    CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(iniFileURL, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle);
  if (!iniPathStr)
    return 1;

  CFStringGetCString(iniPathStr, iniPath, sizeof(iniPath),


#ifdef XP_WIN
  wchar_t wide_path[MAX_PATH];
  if (!::GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, wide_path, MAX_PATH))
    return 1;

  WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wide_path,-1,
		      iniPath, MAX_PATH, NULL, NULL);

#elif defined(XP_OS2)
   PPIB ppib;
   PTIB ptib;

   DosGetInfoBlocks(&ptib, &ppib);
   DosQueryModuleName(ppib->pib_hmte, sizeof(iniPath), iniPath);

  // on unix, there is no official way to get the path of the current binary.
  // instead of using the MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME hack, which doesn't scale to
  // multiple applications, we will try a series of techniques:
  // 1) use realpath() on argv[0], which works unless we're loaded from the
  //    PATH
  // 2) manually walk through the PATH and look for ourself
  // 3) give up

  struct stat fileStat;
  strncpy(tmpPath, argv[0], sizeof(tmpPath));
  lastSlash = strrchr(tmpPath, '/');
  if (lastSlash) {
    *lastSlash = 0;
    realpath(tmpPath, iniPath);
  } else {
    const char *path = getenv("PATH");
    if (!path)
      return 1;

    char *pathdup = strdup(path);
    if (!pathdup)
      return 1;

    bool found = false;
    char *token = strtok(pathdup, ":");
    while (token) {
      sprintf(tmpPath, "%s/%s", token, argv[0]);
      if (stat(tmpPath, &fileStat) == 0) {
        found = true;
        lastSlash = strrchr(tmpPath, '/');
        *lastSlash = 0;
        realpath(tmpPath, iniPath);
      token = strtok(NULL, ":");
    free (pathdup);
    if (!found)
      return 1;
  lastSlash = iniPath + strlen(iniPath);
  *lastSlash = '/';

#ifndef XP_UNIX
  lastSlash = strrchr(iniPath, PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR);
  if (!lastSlash)
    return 1;

  *(++lastSlash) = '\0';

  // On Linux/Win, look for XULRunner in appdir/xulrunner

  snprintf(greDir, sizeof(greDir),
           "%sxulrunner" XPCOM_FILE_PATH_SEPARATOR XPCOM_DLL,

  greFound = FolderExists(greDir);

#ifdef XP_UNIX
  if (greFound) {
    char resolved_greDir[MAXPATHLEN] = "";
    if (realpath(greDir, resolved_greDir) && *resolved_greDir) {
      strncpy(greDir, resolved_greDir, MAXPATHLEN);

  strncpy(lastSlash, "application.ini", sizeof(iniPath) - (lastSlash - iniPath));


  // If -app parameter was passed in, it is now time to take it under 
  // consideration.
  const char *appDataFile;
  appDataFile = getenv("XUL_APP_FILE");
  if (!appDataFile || !*appDataFile) 
    if (argc > 1 && IsArg(argv[1], "app")) {
      if (argc == 2) {
        Output(false, "specify APP-FILE (optional)\n");
        return 1;
      argv[1] = argv[0];

      appDataFile = argv[1];
      argv[1] = argv[0];

      char kAppEnv[MAXPATHLEN];
      snprintf(kAppEnv, MAXPATHLEN, "XUL_APP_FILE=%s", appDataFile);
      if (putenv(kAppEnv)) 
        Output(false, "Couldn't set %s.\n", kAppEnv);

      char *result = (char*) calloc(sizeof(char), MAXPATHLEN);
      if (NS_FAILED(GetRealPath(appDataFile, &result))) {
        Output(true, "Invalid application.ini path.\n");
        return 1;
      // We have a valid application.ini path passed in to the -app parameter 
      // but not yet a valid greDir, so lets look for it also on the same folder
      // as the stub.
      if (!greFound) {
        lastSlash = strrchr(iniPath, PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR);
        if (!lastSlash)
          return 1;

        *(++lastSlash) = '\0';

        snprintf(greDir, sizeof(greDir), "%s" XPCOM_DLL, iniPath);
        greFound = FolderExists(greDir);
      // copy it back.
      strcpy(iniPath, result);
  nsINIParser parser;
  rv = parser.Init(iniPath);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Could not read application.ini\n");
    return 1;

  if (!greFound) {
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
    // Check for <bundle>/Contents/Frameworks/XUL.framework/libxpcom.dylib
    CFURLRef fwurl = CFBundleCopyPrivateFrameworksURL(appBundle);
    CFURLRef absfwurl = nullptr;
    if (fwurl) {
      absfwurl = CFURLCopyAbsoluteURL(fwurl);

    if (absfwurl) {
      CFURLRef xulurl =
        CFURLCreateCopyAppendingPathComponent(NULL, absfwurl,

      if (xulurl) {
        CFURLRef xpcomurl =
          CFURLCreateCopyAppendingPathComponent(NULL, xulurl,

        if (xpcomurl) {
          char tbuffer[MAXPATHLEN];

          if (CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation(xpcomurl, true,
                                               (UInt8*) tbuffer,
                                               sizeof(tbuffer)) &&
              access(tbuffer, R_OK | X_OK) == 0) {
            if (realpath(tbuffer, greDir)) {
              greFound = true;
            else {
              greDir[0] = '\0';



    if (!greFound) {
      Output(false, "Could not find the Mozilla runtime.\n");
      return 1;

#ifdef XP_OS2
  // On OS/2 we need to set BEGINLIBPATH to be able to find XULRunner DLLs
  strcpy(tmpPath, greDir);
  lastSlash = strrchr(tmpPath, PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR);
  if (lastSlash) {
    *lastSlash = '\0';
  rv = XPCOMGlueStartup(greDir);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
    if (rv == NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY) {
      char applicationName[2000] = "this application";
      parser.GetString("App", "Name", applicationName, sizeof(applicationName));
      Output(true, "Not enough memory available to start %s.\n",
    } else {
      Output(true, "Couldn't load XPCOM.\n");
    return 1;

  static const nsDynamicFunctionLoad kXULFuncs[] = {
    { "XRE_CreateAppData", (NSFuncPtr*) &XRE_CreateAppData },
    { "XRE_FreeAppData", (NSFuncPtr*) &XRE_FreeAppData },
    { "XRE_main", (NSFuncPtr*) &XRE_main },
    { nullptr, nullptr }

  rv = XPCOMGlueLoadXULFunctions(kXULFuncs);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
    Output(true, "Couldn't load XRE functions.\n");
    return 1;


  int retval;

  { // Scope COMPtr and AutoAppData
    nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> iniFile;
#ifdef XP_WIN
    // On Windows iniPath is UTF-8 encoded so we need to convert it.
    rv = NS_NewLocalFile(NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(iniPath), false,
    rv = NS_NewNativeLocalFile(nsDependentCString(iniPath), false,
    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
      Output(true, "Couldn't find application.ini file.\n");
      return 1;

    AutoAppData appData(iniFile);
    if (!appData) {
      Output(true, "Error: couldn't parse application.ini.\n");
      return 1;

    NS_ASSERTION(appData->directory, "Failed to get app directory.");

    if (!appData->xreDirectory) {
      // chop "libxul.so" off the GRE path
      lastSlash = strrchr(greDir, PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR);
      if (lastSlash) {
        *lastSlash = '\0';
#ifdef XP_WIN
      // same as iniPath.
      NS_NewLocalFile(NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(greDir), false,
      NS_NewNativeLocalFile(nsDependentCString(greDir), false,

    retval = XRE_main(argc, argv, appData, 0);


  return retval;