void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::RepeatDrawItem( wxDC* DC )
    SCH_ITEM*   repeater = GetRepeatItem();

    if( !repeater )

    //D( repeater>Show( 0, std::cout ); )

    // clone the repeater, move it, insert into display list, then save a copy
    // via SetRepeatItem();

    SCH_ITEM* my_clone = (SCH_ITEM*) repeater->Clone();

    // If cloning a component then put into 'move' mode.
    if( my_clone->Type() == SCH_COMPONENT_T )
        wxPoint pos = GetCrossHairPosition() -
                      ( (SCH_COMPONENT*) my_clone )->GetPosition();

        my_clone->SetFlags( IS_NEW );
        ( (SCH_COMPONENT*) my_clone )->SetTimeStamp( GetNewTimeStamp() );
        my_clone->Move( pos );
        my_clone->Draw( m_canvas, DC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), g_XorMode );
        PrepareMoveItem( my_clone, DC );
        my_clone->Move( GetRepeatStep() );

        if( my_clone->CanIncrementLabel() )
            ( (SCH_TEXT*) my_clone )->IncrementLabel( GetRepeatDeltaLabel() );

        GetScreen()->Append( my_clone );

        if( my_clone->IsConnectable() )
            my_clone->Draw( m_canvas, DC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), GR_DEFAULT_DRAWMODE );

        SaveCopyInUndoList( my_clone, UR_NEW );

    // clone my_clone, now that it has been moved, thus saving new position.
    SetRepeatItem( my_clone );
void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::OnPreferencesOptions( wxCommandEvent& event )
    wxArrayString units;
    GRIDS grid_list = GetScreen()->GetGrids();
    bool saveProjectConfig = false;


    units.Add( GetUnitsLabel( INCHES ) );
    units.Add( GetUnitsLabel( MILLIMETRES ) );

    dlg.SetUnits( units, g_UserUnit );
    dlg.SetGridSizes( grid_list, GetScreen()->GetGridCmdId() );
    dlg.SetBusWidth( GetDefaultBusThickness() );
    dlg.SetLineWidth( GetDefaultLineThickness() );
    dlg.SetTextSize( GetDefaultTextSize() );
    dlg.SetRepeatHorizontal( GetRepeatStep().x );
    dlg.SetRepeatVertical( GetRepeatStep().y );
    dlg.SetRepeatLabel( GetRepeatDeltaLabel() );
    dlg.SetAutoSaveInterval( GetAutoSaveInterval() / 60 );
    dlg.SetRefIdSeparator( LIB_PART::GetSubpartIdSeparator(),
                           LIB_PART::GetSubpartFirstId() );

    dlg.SetShowGrid( IsGridVisible() );
    dlg.SetShowHiddenPins( m_showAllPins );
    dlg.SetEnableMousewheelPan( m_canvas->GetEnableMousewheelPan() );
    dlg.SetEnableZoomNoCenter( m_canvas->GetEnableZoomNoCenter() );
    dlg.SetEnableAutoPan( m_canvas->GetEnableAutoPan() );
    dlg.SetEnableHVBusOrientation( GetForceHVLines() );
    dlg.SetShowPageLimits( m_showPageLimits );
    dlg.SetFootprintPreview( m_footprintPreview );
    dlg.SetAutoplaceFields( m_autoplaceFields );
    dlg.SetAutoplaceJustify( m_autoplaceJustify );
    dlg.SetAutoplaceAlign( m_autoplaceAlign );
    dlg.SetMinSize( dlg.GetSize() );
    dlg.SetTemplateFields( m_TemplateFieldNames.GetTemplateFieldNames() );

    if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL )

    g_UserUnit = (EDA_UNITS_T)dlg.GetUnitsSelection();

    wxRealPoint  gridsize = grid_list[ (size_t) dlg.GetGridSelection() ].m_Size;
    m_LastGridSizeId = GetScreen()->SetGrid( gridsize );

    int sep, firstId;
    dlg.GetRefIdSeparator( sep, firstId);

    if( sep != (int)LIB_PART::GetSubpartIdSeparator() ||
        firstId != (int)LIB_PART::GetSubpartFirstId() )
        LIB_PART::SetSubpartIdNotation( sep, firstId );
        saveProjectConfig = true;

    SetDefaultBusThickness( dlg.GetBusWidth() );
    SetDefaultLineThickness( dlg.GetLineWidth() );

    if( dlg.GetTextSize() != GetDefaultTextSize() )
        SetDefaultTextSize( dlg.GetTextSize() );
        saveProjectConfig = true;

    wxPoint step;
    step.x = dlg.GetRepeatHorizontal();
    step.y = dlg.GetRepeatVertical();
    SetRepeatStep( step );
    SetRepeatDeltaLabel( dlg.GetRepeatLabel() );

    SetAutoSaveInterval( dlg.GetAutoSaveInterval() * 60 );
    SetGridVisibility( dlg.GetShowGrid() );
    m_showAllPins = dlg.GetShowHiddenPins();
    m_canvas->SetEnableMousewheelPan( dlg.GetEnableMousewheelPan() );
    m_canvas->SetEnableZoomNoCenter( dlg.GetEnableZoomNoCenter() );
    m_canvas->SetEnableAutoPan( dlg.GetEnableAutoPan() );
    SetForceHVLines( dlg.GetEnableHVBusOrientation() );
    m_showPageLimits = dlg.GetShowPageLimits();
    m_autoplaceFields = dlg.GetAutoplaceFields();
    m_autoplaceJustify = dlg.GetAutoplaceJustify();
    m_autoplaceAlign = dlg.GetAutoplaceAlign();
    m_footprintPreview = dlg.GetFootprintPreview();

    // Delete all template fieldnames and then restore them using the template field data from
    // the options dialog
    TEMPLATE_FIELDNAMES newFieldNames = dlg.GetTemplateFields();

    for( TEMPLATE_FIELDNAMES::iterator dlgfld = newFieldNames.begin();
         dlgfld != newFieldNames.end(); ++dlgfld )
        TEMPLATE_FIELDNAME fld = *dlgfld;
        AddTemplateFieldName( fld );

    SaveSettings( config() );  // save values shared by eeschema applications.

    if( saveProjectConfig )
        SaveProjectSettings( true );

    m_canvas->Refresh( true );