Пример #1
int SetRichTextRTF(HWND hwnd, const char *text)
	st.flags = ST_DEFAULT;
	st.codepage = CP_UTF8;
	SendMessage(hwnd, EM_SETTEXTEX, (WPARAM)&st, (LPARAM)text);

	return GetRichTextLength(hwnd, 1200, FALSE);
Пример #2
char* GetRichTextUtf(HWND hwnd)
	int textBufferSize = GetRichTextLength(hwnd, CP_UTF8, TRUE);
	if (textBufferSize == 0)
		return NULL;

	char *textBuffer = (char*)mir_alloc(textBufferSize);

	GETTEXTEX  gt = { 0 };
	gt.cb = textBufferSize;
	gt.flags = GT_USECRLF;
	gt.codepage = CP_UTF8;
	SendMessage(hwnd, EM_GETTEXTEX, (WPARAM)&gt, (LPARAM)textBuffer);
	return textBuffer;
Пример #3
UINT CreateGCMenu(HWND hwndDlg, HMENU *hMenu, int iIndex, POINT pt, SESSION_INFO *si, TCHAR* pszUID, TCHAR* pszWordText)
	HMENU hSubMenu = 0;
	*hMenu = GetSubMenu(g_hMenu, iIndex);

	GCMENUITEMS gcmi = { 0 };
	gcmi.pszID = si->ptszID;
	gcmi.pszModule = si->pszModule;
	gcmi.pszUID = pszUID;

	if (iIndex == 1) {
		int i = GetRichTextLength(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_LOG));

		EnableMenuItem(*hMenu, ID_CLEARLOG, MF_ENABLED);
		EnableMenuItem(*hMenu, ID_COPYALL, MF_ENABLED);
		ModifyMenu(*hMenu, 4, MF_GRAYED | MF_BYPOSITION, 4, NULL);
		if (!i) {
			EnableMenuItem(*hMenu, ID_COPYALL, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED);
			if (pszWordText && pszWordText[0])
				ModifyMenu(*hMenu, 4, MF_ENABLED | MF_BYPOSITION, 4, NULL);

		if (pszWordText && pszWordText[0]) {
			TCHAR szMenuText[4096];
			mir_sntprintf(szMenuText, _countof(szMenuText), TranslateT("Look up '%s':"), pszWordText);
			ModifyMenu(*hMenu, 4, MF_STRING | MF_BYPOSITION, 4, szMenuText);
		else ModifyMenu(*hMenu, 4, MF_STRING | MF_GRAYED | MF_BYPOSITION, 4, TranslateT("No word to look up"));
		gcmi.Type = MENU_ON_LOG;
	else if (iIndex == 0) {
		TCHAR szTemp[50];
		if (pszWordText)
			mir_sntprintf(szTemp, TranslateT("&Message %s"), pszWordText);
			mir_tstrncpy(szTemp, TranslateT("&Message"), _countof(szTemp) - 1);

		if (mir_tstrlen(szTemp) > 40)
			mir_tstrcpy(szTemp + 40, _T("..."));
		ModifyMenu(*hMenu, ID_MESS, MF_STRING | MF_BYCOMMAND, ID_MESS, szTemp);
		gcmi.Type = MENU_ON_NICKLIST;

	NotifyEventHooks(pci->hBuildMenuEvent, 0, (WPARAM)&gcmi);

	if (gcmi.nItems > 0)
		AppendMenu(*hMenu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0);

	for (int i = 0; i < gcmi.nItems; i++) {
		TCHAR* ptszText = TranslateTS(gcmi.Item[i].pszDesc);
		DWORD dwState = gcmi.Item[i].bDisabled ? MF_GRAYED : 0;

		if (gcmi.Item[i].uType == MENU_NEWPOPUP) {
			hSubMenu = CreateMenu();
			AppendMenu(*hMenu, dwState | MF_POPUP, (UINT_PTR)hSubMenu, ptszText);
		else if (gcmi.Item[i].uType == MENU_POPUPHMENU)
			AppendMenu(hSubMenu == 0 ? *hMenu : hSubMenu, dwState | MF_POPUP, gcmi.Item[i].dwID, ptszText);
		else if (gcmi.Item[i].uType == MENU_POPUPITEM)
			AppendMenu(hSubMenu == 0 ? *hMenu : hSubMenu, dwState | MF_STRING, gcmi.Item[i].dwID, ptszText);
		else if (gcmi.Item[i].uType == MENU_POPUPCHECK)
			AppendMenu(hSubMenu == 0 ? *hMenu : hSubMenu, dwState | MF_CHECKED | MF_STRING, gcmi.Item[i].dwID, ptszText);
		else if (gcmi.Item[i].uType == MENU_POPUPSEPARATOR)
			AppendMenu(hSubMenu == 0 ? *hMenu : hSubMenu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, ptszText);
		else if (gcmi.Item[i].uType == MENU_SEPARATOR)
			AppendMenu(*hMenu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, ptszText);
		else if (gcmi.Item[i].uType == MENU_HMENU)
			AppendMenu(*hMenu, dwState | MF_POPUP, gcmi.Item[i].dwID, ptszText);
		else if (gcmi.Item[i].uType == MENU_ITEM)
			AppendMenu(*hMenu, dwState | MF_STRING, gcmi.Item[i].dwID, ptszText);
		else if (gcmi.Item[i].uType == MENU_CHECK)
			AppendMenu(*hMenu, dwState | MF_CHECKED | MF_STRING, gcmi.Item[i].dwID, ptszText);
	return TrackPopupMenu(*hMenu, TPM_RETURNCMD, pt.x, pt.y, 0, hwndDlg, NULL);
Пример #4
void Log_StreamInEvent(HWND hwndDlg, LOGINFO* lin, SESSION_INFO *si, bool bRedraw)
	CHARRANGE oldsel, sel, newsel;
	POINT point = { 0 };

	TWindowData *dat = (TWindowData*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, GWLP_USERDATA);
	if (hwndDlg == 0 || lin == 0 || si == 0 || dat == 0)

	HWND hwndRich = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_CHAT_LOG);

	memset(&streamData, 0, sizeof(streamData));
	streamData.hwnd = hwndRich;
	streamData.si = si;
	streamData.lin = lin;
	streamData.bStripFormat = FALSE;
	streamData.dat = dat;

	if (!bRedraw && (si->iType == GCW_CHATROOM || si->iType == GCW_PRIVMESS) && si->bFilterEnabled && (si->iLogFilterFlags & lin->iType) == 0)

	bool bFlag = false, fDoReplace;

	EDITSTREAM stream = { 0 };
	stream.pfnCallback = Log_StreamCallback;
	stream.dwCookie = (DWORD_PTR)& streamData;

	SCROLLINFO scroll = { 0 };
	scroll.cbSize = sizeof(SCROLLINFO);
	scroll.fMask = SIF_RANGE | SIF_POS | SIF_PAGE;
	GetScrollInfo(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_CHAT_LOG), SB_VERT, &scroll);
	SendMessage(hwndRich, EM_GETSCROLLPOS, 0, (LPARAM)&point);

	// do not scroll to bottom if there is a selection
	SendMessage(hwndRich, EM_EXGETSEL, 0, (LPARAM)&oldsel);
	if (oldsel.cpMax != oldsel.cpMin)
		SendMessage(hwndRich, WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0);

	//set the insertion point at the bottom
	sel.cpMin = sel.cpMax = GetRichTextLength(hwndRich);
	SendMessage(hwndRich, EM_EXSETSEL, 0, (LPARAM)&sel);

	// fix for the indent... must be a M$ bug
	if (sel.cpMax == 0)
		bRedraw = TRUE;

	// should the event(s) be appended to the current log

	//get the number of pixels per logical inch
	if (bRedraw) {
		HDC hdc = GetDC(NULL);
		pci->logPixelSY = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY);
		pci->logPixelSX = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSX);
		ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc);
		SendMessage(hwndRich, WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0);
		bFlag = true;
		//			SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW));

	// stream in the event(s)
	streamData.lin = lin;
	streamData.bRedraw = bRedraw;
	SendMessage(hwndRich, EM_STREAMIN, wp, (LPARAM)&stream);

	// for new added events, only replace in message or action events.
	// no need to replace smileys or math formulas elsewhere
	fDoReplace = (bRedraw || (lin->ptszText && (lin->iType == GC_EVENT_MESSAGE || lin->iType == GC_EVENT_ACTION)));

	// replace marked nicknames with hyperlinks to make the nicks clickable
	if (g_Settings.bClickableNicks) {
		FINDTEXTEX fi, fi2;

		memset(&cf2, 0, sizeof(CHARFORMAT2));
		cf2.cbSize = sizeof(cf2);

		fi2.lpstrText = _T("#++~~");
		fi.chrg.cpMin = bRedraw ? 0 : sel.cpMin;
		fi.chrg.cpMax = -1;
		fi.lpstrText = _T("~~++#");

		while (SendMessage(hwndRich, EM_FINDTEXTEX, FR_DOWN, (LPARAM)&fi) > -1) {
			fi2.chrg.cpMin = fi.chrgText.cpMin;
			fi2.chrg.cpMax = -1;

			if (SendMessage(hwndRich, EM_FINDTEXTEX, FR_DOWN, (LPARAM)&fi2) > -1) {

				SendMessage(hwndRich, EM_EXSETSEL, 0, (LPARAM)&fi.chrgText);
				SendMessage(hwndRich, EM_REPLACESEL, TRUE, (LPARAM)_T(""));
				fi2.chrgText.cpMin -= fi.chrgText.cpMax - fi.chrgText.cpMin;
				fi2.chrgText.cpMax -= fi.chrgText.cpMax - fi.chrgText.cpMin;
				SendMessage(hwndRich, EM_EXSETSEL, 0, (LPARAM)&fi2.chrgText);
				SendMessage(hwndRich, EM_REPLACESEL, TRUE, (LPARAM)_T(""));
				fi2.chrgText.cpMax = fi2.chrgText.cpMin;

				fi2.chrgText.cpMin = fi.chrgText.cpMin;
				SendMessage(hwndRich, EM_EXSETSEL, 0, (LPARAM)&fi2.chrgText);
				cf2.dwMask = CFM_PROTECTED;
				cf2.dwEffects = CFE_PROTECTED;
				SendMessage(hwndRich, EM_SETCHARFORMAT, SCF_SELECTION, (LPARAM)&cf2);
			fi.chrg.cpMin = fi.chrgText.cpMax;
		SendMessage(hwndRich, EM_SETSEL, -1, -1);

	// run smileyadd
	if (PluginConfig.g_SmileyAddAvail && fDoReplace) {
		newsel.cpMax = -1;
		newsel.cpMin = sel.cpMin;
		if (newsel.cpMin < 0)
			newsel.cpMin = 0;

		SMADD_RICHEDIT3 sm = { sizeof(sm) };
		sm.hwndRichEditControl = hwndRich;
		sm.Protocolname = si->pszModule;
		sm.rangeToReplace = bRedraw ? NULL : &newsel;
		sm.disableRedraw = TRUE;
		sm.hContact = si->hContact;

	// trim the message log to the number of most recent events
	// this uses hidden marks in the rich text to find the events which should be deleted
	if (si->bTrimmed) {
		TCHAR szPattern[50];
		mir_sntprintf(szPattern, _T("~-+%d+-~"), si->pLogEnd);

		fi.lpstrText = szPattern;
		fi.chrg.cpMin = 0;
		fi.chrg.cpMax = -1;
		if (SendMessage(hwndRich, EM_FINDTEXTEX, FR_DOWN, (LPARAM)&fi) != 0) {
			rng.cpMin = 0;
			rng.cpMax = 20;
			SendMessage(hwndRich, EM_SETSEL, 0, fi.chrgText.cpMax + 1);
			SendMessage(hwndRich, EM_REPLACESEL, TRUE, (LPARAM)_T(""));
		si->bTrimmed = FALSE;

	// scroll log to bottom if the log was previously scrolled to bottom, else restore old position
	if ((bRedraw || (UINT)scroll.nPos >= (UINT)scroll.nMax - scroll.nPage - 5 || scroll.nMax - scroll.nMin - scroll.nPage < 50))
		SendMessage(GetParent(hwndRich), GC_SCROLLTOBOTTOM, 0, 0);
		SendMessage(hwndRich, EM_SETSCROLLPOS, 0, (LPARAM)&point);

	// do we need to restore the selection
	if (oldsel.cpMax != oldsel.cpMin) {
		SendMessage(hwndRich, EM_EXSETSEL, 0, (LPARAM)&oldsel);
		SendMessage(hwndRich, WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE, 0);
		InvalidateRect(hwndRich, NULL, TRUE);

	// need to invalidate the window
	if (bFlag) {
		sel.cpMin = sel.cpMax = GetRichTextLength(hwndRich);
		SendMessage(hwndRich, EM_EXSETSEL, 0, (LPARAM)&sel);
		SendMessage(hwndRich, WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE, 0);
		InvalidateRect(hwndRich, NULL, TRUE);
Пример #5
void Log_StreamInEvent(HWND hwndDlg,  LOGINFO* lin, SESSION_INFO *si, BOOL bRedraw, BOOL bPhaseTwo)
	CHARRANGE oldsel, sel, newsel;
	POINT point ={0};

	if (hwndDlg == 0 || lin == 0 || si == 0)

	HWND hwndRich = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_LOG);
	ZeroMemory(&streamData, sizeof(streamData));
	streamData.hwnd = hwndRich;
	streamData.si = si;
	streamData.lin = lin;
	streamData.bStripFormat = FALSE;

	if (bRedraw || si->iType != GCW_CHATROOM || !si->bFilterEnabled || (si->iLogFilterFlags & lin->iType) != 0) {
		BOOL bFlag = FALSE;

		EDITSTREAM stream = { 0 };
		stream.pfnCallback = Log_StreamCallback;
		stream.dwCookie = (DWORD_PTR) & streamData;

		SCROLLINFO scroll;
		scroll.cbSize = sizeof(SCROLLINFO);
		scroll.fMask= SIF_RANGE | SIF_POS|SIF_PAGE;
		GetScrollInfo(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_LOG), SB_VERT, &scroll);
		SendMessage(hwndRich, EM_GETSCROLLPOS, 0, (LPARAM) &point);

		// do not scroll to bottom if there is a selection
		SendMessage(hwndRich, EM_EXGETSEL, 0, (LPARAM) &oldsel);
		if (oldsel.cpMax != oldsel.cpMin)
			SendMessage(hwndRich, WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0);

		//set the insertion point at the bottom
		sel.cpMin = sel.cpMax = GetRichTextLength(hwndRich);
		SendMessage(hwndRich, EM_EXSETSEL, 0, (LPARAM) &sel);

		// fix for the indent... must be a M$ bug
		if (sel.cpMax == 0)
			bRedraw = TRUE;

		// should the event(s) be appended to the current log

		//get the number of pixels per logical inch
		if (bRedraw) {
			HDC hdc = GetDC(NULL);
			pci->logPixelSY = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY);
			pci->logPixelSX = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSX);
			ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc);
			SendMessage(hwndRich, WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0);
			bFlag = TRUE;

		// stream in the event(s)
		streamData.lin = lin;
		streamData.bRedraw = bRedraw;
		SendMessage(hwndRich, EM_STREAMIN, wp, (LPARAM) & stream);

		// do smileys
		if (SmileyAddInstalled && (bRedraw
			|| (lin->ptszText
			&& lin->iType != GC_EVENT_JOIN
			&& lin->iType != GC_EVENT_NICK
			&& lin->iType != GC_EVENT_ADDSTATUS
			&& lin->iType != GC_EVENT_REMOVESTATUS )))
			SMADD_RICHEDIT3 sm = {0};

			newsel.cpMax = -1;
			newsel.cpMin = sel.cpMin;
			if (newsel.cpMin < 0)
				newsel.cpMin = 0;
			ZeroMemory(&sm, sizeof(sm));
			sm.cbSize = sizeof(sm);
			sm.hwndRichEditControl = hwndRich;
			sm.Protocolname = si->pszModule;
			sm.rangeToReplace = bRedraw?NULL:&newsel;
			sm.disableRedraw = TRUE;
			sm.hContact = si->hContact;

		// scroll log to bottom if the log was previously scrolled to bottom, else restore old position
		if (bRedraw ||  (UINT)scroll.nPos >= (UINT)scroll.nMax-scroll.nPage-5 || scroll.nMax-scroll.nMin-scroll.nPage < 50)
			SendMessage(GetParent(hwndRich), GC_SCROLLTOBOTTOM, 0, 0);
			SendMessage(hwndRich, EM_SETSCROLLPOS, 0, (LPARAM) &point);

		// do we need to restore the selection
		if (oldsel.cpMax != oldsel.cpMin) {
			SendMessage(hwndRich, EM_EXSETSEL, 0, (LPARAM) & oldsel);
			SendMessage(hwndRich, WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE, 0);
			InvalidateRect(hwndRich, NULL, TRUE);

		// need to invalidate the window
		if (bFlag) {
			sel.cpMin = sel.cpMax = GetRichTextLength(hwndRich);
			SendMessage(hwndRich, EM_EXSETSEL, 0, (LPARAM) &sel);
			SendMessage(hwndRich, WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE, 0);
			InvalidateRect(hwndRich, NULL, TRUE);
}	}	}