Пример #1
UINT WINAPI GetRoleTextA(DWORD role, LPSTR lpRole, UINT rolemax)
    UINT length;
    WCHAR *roletextW;

    TRACE("%u %p %u\n", role, lpRole, rolemax);

    length = GetRoleTextW(role, NULL, 0);
    if((length == 0) || (lpRole && !rolemax))
        return 0;

    roletextW = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, (length + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
        return 0;

    GetRoleTextW(role, roletextW, length + 1);

    length = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, roletextW, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );

        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, roletextW);
        return length - 1;

    WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, roletextW, -1, lpRole, rolemax, NULL, NULL );

    if(rolemax < length){
        lpRole[rolemax-1] = '\0';
        length = rolemax;

    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, roletextW);

    return length - 1;
Пример #2
static void test_getroletext(void)
    INT ret, role;
    CHAR buf[2], *buff;
    WCHAR bufW[2], *buffW;

    /* wrong role number */
    ret = GetRoleTextA(-1, NULL, 0);
    ok(ret == 0, "GetRoleTextA doesn't return zero on wrong role number, got %d\n", ret);
    buf[0] = '*';
    ret = GetRoleTextA(-1, buf, 2);
    ok(ret == 0, "GetRoleTextA doesn't return zero on wrong role number, got %d\n", ret);
    ok(buf[0] == 0, "GetRoleTextA doesn't return NULL char on wrong role number\n");
    buf[0] = '*';
    ret = GetRoleTextA(-1, buf, 0);
    ok(ret == 0, "GetRoleTextA doesn't return zero on wrong role number, got %d\n", ret);
    ok(buf[0] == '*', "GetRoleTextA modified buffer on wrong role number\n");

    ret = GetRoleTextW(-1, NULL, 0);
    ok(ret == 0, "GetRoleTextW doesn't return zero on wrong role number, got %d\n", ret);
    bufW[0] = '*';
    ret = GetRoleTextW(-1, bufW, 2);
    ok(ret == 0, "GetRoleTextW doesn't return zero on wrong role number, got %d\n", ret);
    ok(bufW[0] == '\0', "GetRoleTextW doesn't return NULL char on wrong role number\n");
    bufW[0] = '*';
    ret = GetRoleTextW(-1, bufW, 0);
    ok(ret == 0, "GetRoleTextW doesn't return zero on wrong role number, got %d\n", ret);

    /* zero role number - not documented */
    ret = GetRoleTextA(0, NULL, 0);
    ok(ret > 0, "GetRoleTextA doesn't return (>0) for zero role number, got %d\n", ret);
    ret = GetRoleTextW(0, NULL, 0);
    ok(ret > 0, "GetRoleTextW doesn't return (>0) for zero role number, got %d\n", ret);

    /* NULL buffer, return length */
    ret = GetRoleTextA(ROLE_SYSTEM_TITLEBAR, NULL, 0);
    ok(ret > 0, "GetRoleTextA doesn't return length on NULL buffer, got %d\n", ret);
    ret = GetRoleTextA(ROLE_SYSTEM_TITLEBAR, NULL, 1);
    ok(ret > 0, "GetRoleTextA doesn't return length on NULL buffer, got %d\n", ret);
    ret = GetRoleTextW(ROLE_SYSTEM_TITLEBAR, NULL, 0);
    ok(ret > 0, "GetRoleTextW doesn't return length on NULL buffer, got %d\n", ret);
    ret = GetRoleTextW(ROLE_SYSTEM_TITLEBAR, NULL, 1);
    ok(ret > 0, "GetRoleTextW doesn't return length on NULL buffer, got %d\n", ret);

    /* use a smaller buffer */
    bufW[0] = '*';
    ret = GetRoleTextA(ROLE_SYSTEM_TITLEBAR, buf, 0);
    ok(!ret, "GetRoleTextA doesn't return 0, got %d\n", ret);
    ok(buf[0] == '*', "GetRoleTextA modified buffer\n");
    buffW = NULL;
    ret = GetRoleTextW(ROLE_SYSTEM_TITLEBAR, (WCHAR*)&buffW, 0);
    ok(ret, "GetRoleTextW doesn't return length\n");
    ok(buffW != NULL, "GetRoleTextW doesn't modify buffer\n");
    buf[0] = '*';
    ret = GetRoleTextA(ROLE_SYSTEM_TITLEBAR, buf, 1);
    ok(ret == 0, "GetRoleTextA returned wrong length\n");
    ok(buf[0] == '\0', "GetRoleTextA returned not zero-length buffer\n");
    buf[0] = '*';
    ret = GetRoleTextA(ROLE_SYSTEM_TITLEBAR, buf, 2);
    ok(!ret, "GetRoleTextA returned wrong length, got %d, expected 0\n", ret);
    ok(!buf[0] || broken(buf[0]!='*') /* WinXP */,
            "GetRoleTextA returned not zero-length buffer : (%c)\n", buf[0]);

    bufW[0] = '*';
    ret = GetRoleTextW(ROLE_SYSTEM_TITLEBAR, bufW, 1);
    ok(ret == 0, "GetRoleTextW returned wrong length, got %d, expected 1\n", ret);
    ok(bufW[0] == '\0', "GetRoleTextW returned not zero-length buffer\n");
    bufW[1] = '*';
    ret = GetRoleTextW(ROLE_SYSTEM_TITLEBAR, bufW, 2);
    ok(ret == 1, "GetRoleTextW returned wrong length, got %d, expected 1\n", ret);
    ok(bufW[1] == '\0', "GetRoleTextW returned not zero-length buffer\n");

    /* use bigger buffer */
    ret = GetRoleTextA(ROLE_SYSTEM_TITLEBAR, NULL, 0);
    buff = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, 2*ret);
    buff[2*ret-1] = '*';
    ret = GetRoleTextA(ROLE_SYSTEM_TITLEBAR, buff, 2*ret);
    ok(buff[2*ret-1] == '*', "GetRoleTextA shouldn't modify this part of buffer\n");
    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, buff);

    ret = GetRoleTextW(ROLE_SYSTEM_TITLEBAR, NULL, 0);
    buffW = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, 2*ret*sizeof(WCHAR));
    buffW[2*ret-1] = '*';
    ret = GetRoleTextW(ROLE_SYSTEM_TITLEBAR, buffW, 2*ret);
    ok(buffW[2*ret-1] == '*', "GetRoleTextW shouldn't modify this part of buffer\n");
    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, buffW);

    /* check returned length for all roles */
    for(role = 0; role <= ROLE_SYSTEM_OUTLINEBUTTON; role++){
        CHAR buff2[100];
        WCHAR buff2W[100];

        /* NT4 and W2K don't clear the buffer on a nonexistent role in the A-call */
        memset(buff2, 0, sizeof(buff2));

        ret = GetRoleTextA(role, NULL, 0);
        ok(ret > 0, "Expected the role to be present\n");

        GetRoleTextA(role, buff2, sizeof(buff2));
        ok(ret == lstrlenA(buff2),
           "GetRoleTextA: returned length doesn't match returned buffer for role %d\n", role);

        /* Win98 and WinMe don't clear the buffer on a nonexistent role in the W-call */
        memset(buff2W, 0, sizeof(buff2W));

        ret = GetRoleTextW(role, NULL, 0);
        GetRoleTextW(role, buff2W, ARRAY_SIZE(buff2W));
        ok(ret == lstrlenW(buff2W),
           "GetRoleTextW: returned length doesn't match returned buffer for role %d\n", role);