Пример #1
/* Copy from FE_StrColl(), macfe/utility/locale.cp. */
static short mac_get_script_sort_id(const short scriptcode)
	short itl2num;
	ItlbRecord **ItlbRecordHandle;

	/* get itlb of the system script */
	ItlbRecordHandle = (ItlbRecord **) GetResource('itlb', scriptcode);
	/* get itl2 number of current system script from itlb if possible
	 * otherwise, try script manager (Script manager won't update 
	 * itl2 number when the change on the fly )
	if(ItlbRecordHandle != NULL)
		if(*ItlbRecordHandle == NULL)
		if(*ItlbRecordHandle != NULL)
			itl2num = (*ItlbRecordHandle)->itlbSort;
			itl2num = GetScriptVariable(scriptcode, smScriptSort);
	} else {	/* Use this as fallback */
		itl2num = GetScriptVariable(scriptcode, smScriptSort);
	return itl2num;
Пример #2
static void mac_updatelicence(WindowPtr window)
    Handle h;
    int len;
    long fondsize;
    Rect textrect;

    fondsize = GetScriptVariable(smRoman, smScriptSmallFondSize);
    h = Get1Resource('TEXT', wLicence);
    len = GetResourceSizeOnDisk(h);
    GetPortBounds(GetWindowPort(window), &textrect);
    textrect = window->portRect;
    if (h != NULL) {
	TETextBox(*h, len, &textrect, teFlushDefault);
Пример #3
void _glfwHandleMacKeyChange( UInt32 keyCode, int action )
    switch ( keyCode )
        case MAC_KEY_ESC:         _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_ESC,         action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_F1:          _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_F1,          action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_F2:          _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_F2,          action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_F3:          _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_F3,          action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_F4:          _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_F4,          action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_F5:          _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_F5,          action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_F6:          _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_F6,          action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_F7:          _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_F7,          action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_F8:          _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_F8,          action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_F9:          _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_F9,          action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_F10:         _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_F10,         action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_F11:         _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_F11,         action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_F12:         _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_F12,         action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_F13:         _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_F13,         action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_F14:         _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_F14,         action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_F15:         _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_F15,         action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_UP:          _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_UP,          action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_DOWN:        _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_DOWN,        action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_LEFT:        _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_LEFT,        action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_RIGHT:       _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_RIGHT,       action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_TAB:         _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_TAB,         action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_BACKSPACE:   _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_BACKSPACE,   action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_HELP:        _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_INSERT,      action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_DEL:         _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_DEL,         action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_PAGEUP:      _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_PAGEUP,      action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_PAGEDOWN:    _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_PAGEDOWN,    action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_HOME:        _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_HOME,        action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_END:         _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_END,         action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_KP_0:        _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_KP_0,        action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_KP_1:        _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_KP_1,        action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_KP_2:        _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_KP_2,        action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_KP_3:        _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_KP_3,        action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_KP_4:        _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_KP_4,        action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_KP_5:        _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_KP_5,        action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_KP_6:        _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_KP_6,        action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_KP_7:        _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_KP_7,        action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_KP_8:        _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_KP_8,        action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_KP_9:        _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_KP_9,        action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_KP_DIVIDE:   _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_KP_DIVIDE,   action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_KP_MULTIPLY: _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_KP_MULTIPLY, action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_KP_SUBTRACT: _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_KP_SUBTRACT, action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_KP_ADD:      _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_KP_ADD,      action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_KP_DECIMAL:  _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_KP_DECIMAL,  action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_KP_EQUAL:    _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_KP_EQUAL,    action); break;
        case MAC_KEY_KP_ENTER:    _glfwInputKey( GLFW_KEY_KP_ENTER,    action); break;
                UInt32 state = 0;
                const void *KCHR = (const void *)GetScriptVariable(smCurrentScript, smKCHRCache);
                char charCode = (char)KeyTranslate( KCHR, keyCode, &state );
                UppercaseText( &charCode, 1, smSystemScript );
                _glfwInputKey( charCode, action );
Пример #4
int _glfwPlatformInit( void )
    struct timeval tv;
    UInt32 nullDummy = 0;

    _glfwWin.MacWindow = NULL;
    _glfwWin.AGLContext = NULL;
    _glfwWin.WindowFunctions = NULL;
    _glfwWin.MouseUPP = NULL;
    _glfwWin.CommandUPP = NULL;
    _glfwWin.KeyboardUPP = NULL;
    _glfwWin.WindowUPP = NULL;
    _glfwInput.Modifiers = 0;
        = CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier( CFSTR( "com.apple.opengl" ) );
    if( _glfwLibs.OpenGLFramework == NULL )
        return GL_FALSE;

    _glfwDesktopVideoMode = CGDisplayCurrentMode( kCGDirectMainDisplay );
    if( _glfwDesktopVideoMode == NULL )
        return GL_FALSE;


    if( !_glfwChangeToResourcesDirectory() )
        return GL_FALSE;

    if( !_glfwInstallEventHandlers() )
        return GL_FALSE;

    // Ugly hack to reduce the nasty jump that occurs at the first non-
    // sys keypress, caused by OS X loading certain meta scripts used
    // for lexical- and raw keycode translation - instead of letting
    // this happen while our application is running, we do some blunt
    // function calls in advance just to get the script caching out of
    // the way, BEFORE our window/screen is opened. These calls might
    // generate err return codes, but we don't care in this case.
    // NOTE: KCHRPtr is declared globally, because we need it later on.
    KCHRPtr = (void *)GetScriptVariable( smCurrentScript, smKCHRCache );
    KeyTranslate( KCHRPtr, 0, &nullDummy );
    UppercaseText( (char *)&nullDummy, 0, smSystemScript );

    gettimeofday( &tv, NULL );
    _glfwTimer.t0 = tv.tv_sec + (double) tv.tv_usec / 1000000.0;

    return GL_TRUE;
Пример #5
static void
    Display *display)
    static Boolean latin1_initialized = false;
    static SInt16 lastKeyLayoutID = -1;

    SInt16 keyScript;
    SInt16 keyLayoutID;

    keyScript = GetScriptManagerVariable(smKeyScript);
    keyLayoutID = GetScriptVariable(keyScript,smScriptKeys);

    if (!latin1_initialized || (lastKeyLayoutID != keyLayoutID)) {
        int keycode;
        KeySym keysym;
        int state;
        int modifiers;

        latin1_initialized = true;
        lastKeyLayoutID = keyLayoutID;

        memset(latin1Table, 0, sizeof(latin1Table));
         * In the common X11 implementations, a keymap has four columns
         * "plain", "Shift", "Mode_switch" and "Mode_switch + Shift".  We
         * don't use "Mode_switch", but we use "Option" instead.  (This is
         * similar to Apple's X11 implementation, where "Mode_switch" is used
         * as an alias for "Option".)
         * So here we go through all 4 columns of the keymap and find all
         * Latin-1 compatible keycodes.  We go through the columns
         * back-to-front from the more exotic columns to the more simple, so
         * that simple keycode-modifier combinations are preferred in the
         * resulting table.

        for (state = 3; state >= 0; state--) {
            modifiers = 0;
            if (state & 1) {
                modifiers |= shiftKey;
            if (state & 2) {
                modifiers |= optionKey;

            for (keycode = 0; keycode <= MAC_KEYCODE_MAX; keycode++) {
                keysym = XKeycodeToKeysym(display,keycode<<16,state);
                if (keysym <= LATIN1_MAX) {
                    latin1Table[keysym] = keycode | modifiers;
Пример #6
HFONT AFXAPI _AfxGetHelpFont()
	LONG nFondAndSize;
	LOGFONT logfont;

	nFondAndSize = GetScriptVariable(smSystemScript, smScriptHelpFondSize);

	memset(&logfont, 0, sizeof(logfont));
	logfont.lfWeight = FW_NORMAL;
	logfont.lfPitchAndFamily = VARIABLE_PITCH | FF_SWISS;
	logfont.lfHeight = -MulDiv(LOWORD(nFondAndSize), afxData.cyPixelsPerInch, 72);
	GetFontName(HIWORD(nFondAndSize), (StringPtr) logfont.lfFaceName);
	p2cstr((StringPtr) logfont.lfFaceName);
	return ::CreateFontIndirect(&logfont);
int _glfwPlatformInit( void )
    struct timeval tv;
    UInt32 nullDummy = 0;

    _glfwWin.window = NULL;
    _glfwWin.aglContext = NULL;
    _glfwWin.cglContext = NULL;
    _glfwWin.windowUPP = NULL;

    _glfwInput.Modifiers = 0;

    _glfwLibrary.Unbundled = 0;

    _glfwLibrary.Libs.OpenGLFramework =
        CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier( CFSTR( "com.apple.opengl" ) );
    if( _glfwLibrary.Libs.OpenGLFramework == NULL )
        fprintf( stderr, "glfwInit failing because you aren't linked to OpenGL\n" );
        return GL_FALSE;

    _glfwPlatformGetDesktopMode( &_glfwLibrary.desktopMode );

    // Install atexit routine
    atexit( glfw_atexit );



    // Ugly hack to reduce the nasty jump that occurs at the first non-
    // sys keypress, caused by OS X loading certain meta scripts used
    // for lexical- and raw keycode translation - instead of letting
    // this happen while our application is running, we do some blunt
    // function calls in advance just to get the script caching out of
    // the way BEFORE our window/screen is opened. These calls might
    // generate err return codes, but we don't care in this case.
    // NOTE: KCHRPtr is declared globally, because we need it later on.
    KCHRPtr = (void *)GetScriptVariable( smCurrentScript, smKCHRCache );
    KeyTranslate( KCHRPtr, 0, &nullDummy );
    UppercaseText( (char *)&nullDummy, 0, smSystemScript );

    gettimeofday( &tv, NULL );
    _glfwLibrary.Timer.t0 = tv.tv_sec + (double) tv.tv_usec / 1000000.0;

    return GL_TRUE;
Пример #8
char *MCScreenDC::charsettofontname(uint1 charset, const char *oldfontname)
	char *fname = new char[255];
	strcpy(fname, oldfontname);
	char *sptr = fname;
	if ((sptr = strchr(fname, ',')) != NULL)
		*sptr = '\0';
	char *tmpname = strclone(fname);//make a copy of the font name
	short ffamilyid;		    //font family ID
	StringPtr reqnamePascal = c2pstr(tmpname);
	GetFNum(reqnamePascal, &ffamilyid);
	delete tmpname;
	if (FontToScript(ffamilyid) != MCS_charsettolangid(charset))
		                              smScriptAppFond), (unsigned char *)fname);
		p2cstr((unsigned char *)fname);
	return fname;
Пример #9
static void mac_createeventlog(Session *s)
    Rect view;
    ListBounds bounds = { 0, 0, 0, 1 }; /* 1 column, 0 rows */
    Point csize = { 0, 0 };
    GrafPtr saveport;
    long fondsize;
    WinInfo *wi;

    s->eventlog_window = GetNewWindow(wEventLog, NULL, (WindowPtr)-1);
    wi = snew(WinInfo);
    memset(wi, 0, sizeof(*wi));
    wi->s = s;
    wi->wtype = wEventLog;
    wi->click = &mac_clickeventlog;
    wi->activate = &mac_activateeventlog;
    wi->grow = &mac_groweventlog;
    wi->update = &mac_updateeventlog;
    wi->close = &mac_closeeventlog;
    SetWRefCon(s->eventlog_window, (long)wi);
    fondsize = GetScriptVariable(smRoman, smScriptSmallFondSize);
    GetPortBounds(GetWindowPort(s->eventlog_window), &view);
    view = s->eventlog_window->portRect;
    view.right -= 15; /* Scrollbar */
    s->eventlog = LNew(&view, &bounds, csize, 0, s->eventlog_window,
		       TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE);
    SetListSelectionFlags(s->eventlog, lExtendDrag | lNoDisjoint | lNoExtend);
    (*s->eventlog)->selFlags = lExtendDrag | lNoDisjoint | lNoExtend;
Пример #10
char *
    int fontId)
    int script, lang;
    char *name;
    Map *mapPtr;
    script = FontToScript(fontId);    
    lang = GetScriptVariable(script, smScriptLang);
    name = NULL;
    if (script == smRoman) {
        for (mapPtr = romanMap; mapPtr->strKey != NULL; mapPtr++) {
            if (mapPtr->numKey == lang) {
                name = mapPtr->strKey;
    } else if (script == smCyrillic) {
        for (mapPtr = cyrillicMap; mapPtr->strKey != NULL; mapPtr++) {
            if (mapPtr->numKey == lang) {
                name = mapPtr->strKey;
    if (name == NULL) {
        for (mapPtr = scriptMap; mapPtr->strKey != NULL; mapPtr++) {
            if (mapPtr->numKey == script) {
                name = mapPtr->strKey;
    return name;
Пример #11
void slowPoll( void )
	RANDOM_STATE randomState;
	BYTE buffer[ RANDOM_BUFSIZE + 8 ];
	ProcessSerialNumber psn;
	GDHandle deviceHandle;
	GrafPtr currPort;
	QElemPtr queuePtr;
	QHdrPtr queueHdr;
	static BOOLEAN addedFixedItems = FALSE;

	initRandomData( randomState, buffer, RANDOM_BUFSIZE );

	/* Walk through the list of graphics devices adding information about
	   a device (IM VI 21-21) */
	deviceHandle = GetDeviceList();
	while( deviceHandle != NULL )
		GDHandle currentHandle = deviceHandle;
		GDPtr devicePtr;

		HLock( ( Handle ) currentHandle );
		devicePtr = *currentHandle;
		deviceHandle = devicePtr->gdNextGD;
		addRandomData( randomState, devicePtr, sizeof( GDevice ) );
		HUnlock( ( Handle ) currentHandle );

	/* Walk through the list of processes adding information about each
	   process, including the name and serial number of the process, file and
	   resource information, memory usage information, the name of the
	   launching process, launch time, and accumulated CPU time (IM VI 29-17) */
	psn.highLongOfPSN = 0;
	psn.lowLongOfPSN = kNoProcess;
	while( !GetNextProcess( &psn ) )
		ProcessInfoRec infoRec;
		GetProcessInformation( &psn, &infoRec );
		addRandomData( randomState, &infoRec, sizeof( ProcessInfoRec ) );

	/* Get the command type, trap address, and parameters for all commands in
	   the file I/O queue.  The parameters are quite complex and are listed
	   on page 117 of IM IV, and include reference numbers, attributes, time
	   stamps, length and file allocation information, finder info, and large
	   amounts of other volume and filesystem-related data */
	if( ( queueHdr = GetFSQHdr() ) != NULL )
		queuePtr = queueHdr->qHead;
		while( queuePtr != NULL )
			/* The queue entries are variant records of variable length so we
			   need to adjust the length parameter depending on the record
			   type */
			addRandomData( randomState, queuePtr, 32 ); /* dunno how big.. */
			queuePtr = queuePtr->qLink;
	/* The following are fixed for the lifetime of the process so we only
	   add them once */
	if( !addedFixedItems )
		Str255 appName, volName;
		GDHandle deviceHandle;
		Handle appHandle;
		DrvSts driveStatus;
		MachineLocation machineLocation;
		ProcessInfoRec processInfo;
		QHdrPtr vblQueue;
		SysEnvRec sysEnvirons;
		SysPPtr pramPtr;
		DefStartRec startupInfo;
		DefVideoRec videoInfo;
		DefOSRec osInfo;
		XPPParamBlock appleTalkParams;
		unsigned char *driverNames[] = {
			"\p.AIn", "\p.AOut", "\p.AppleCD", "\p.ATP", "\p.BIn", "\p.BOut", "\p.MPP",
			"\p.Print", "\p.Sony", "\p.Sound", "\p.XPP", NULL
		SInt16 count, dummy, i, node, net, vRefNum, script;
		SInt32 lcount, volume;

		/* Get the current font family ID, node ID of the local AppleMumble
		   router, caret blink delay, CPU speed, double-click delay, sound
		   volume, application and system heap zone, the number of resource
		   types in the application, the number of sounds voices available,
		   the FRef of the current resource file, volume of the sysbeep,
		   primary line direction, computer SCSI disk mode ID, timeout before
		   the screen is dimmed and before the computer is put to sleep,
		   number of available threads in the thread pool, whether hard drive
		   spin-down is disabled, the handle to the i18n resources, timeout
		   time for the internal HDD, */
		addRandomValue( randomState, GetAppFont() );
		addRandomValue( randomState, GetBridgeAddress() );
		addRandomValue( randomState, GetCaretTime() );
/*		addRandomValue( randomState, GetCPUSpeed() ); */
		addRandomValue( randomState, GetDblTime() );
		GetSysBeepVolume( &volume );
		addRandomValue( randomState, volume );
		GetDefaultOutputVolume( &volume );
		addRandomValue( randomState, volume );
		addRandomValue( randomState, ApplicationZone() );
		addRandomValue( randomState, SystemZone() );
		addRandomValue( randomState, CountTypes() );
/*		CountVoices( &count ); ** seems to crash
		addRandomValue( randomState, count ); */
		addRandomValue( randomState, CurResFile() );
		GetSysBeepVolume( &lcount );
		addRandomValue( randomState, lcount );
		addRandomValue( randomState, GetSysDirection() );
/*		addRandomValue( randomState, GetSCSIDiskModeAddress() );
		addRandomValue( randomState, GetDimmingTimeout() );
		addRandomValue( randomState, GetSleepTimeout() ); */
		GetFreeThreadCount( kCooperativeThread, &count );
		addRandomValue( randomState, count );
/*		addRandomValue( randomState, IsSpindownDisabled() ); */
		addRandomValue( randomState, GetIntlResource( 0 ) );
		GetTimeout( &count );
		addRandomValue( randomState, count );

		/* Get the number of documents/files which were selected when the app
		   started and for each document get the vRefNum, name, type, and
		   version -- OBSOLETE
		CountAppFiles( &dummy, &count );
		addRandomValue( randomState, count );
		while( count > 0 )
			AppFile theFile;
			GetAppFiles( count, &theFile );
			addRandomData( randomState, &theFile, sizeof( AppFile ) );
			} */

		/* Get the app's name, resource file reference number, and handle to
		   the finder information -- OBSOLETE
		GetAppParams( appName, appHandle, &count );
		addRandomData( randomState, appName, sizeof( Str255 ) );
		addRandomValue( randomState, appHandle );
		addRandomValue( randomState, count ); */

		/* Get all sorts of statistics such as physical information, disk and
		   write-protect present status, error status, and handler queue
		   information, on floppy drives attached to the system.  Also get
		   the volume name, volume reference number and number of bytes free,
		   for the volume in the drive */
		if( !DriveStatus( 1, &driveStatus ) )
			addRandomData( randomState, &driveStatus, sizeof (DrvSts) );
		if( !GetVInfo( 1, volName, &vRefNum, &lcount ) )
			addRandomData( randomState, volName, sizeof( Str255 ) );
			addRandomValue( randomState, vRefNum );
			addRandomValue( randomState, lcount );
		if( !DriveStatus( 2, &driveStatus ) )
			addRandomData( randomState, &driveStatus, sizeof (DrvSts) );
		if( !GetVInfo( 2, volName, &vRefNum, &lcount ) )
			addRandomData( randomState, volName, sizeof( Str255 ) );
			addRandomValue( randomState, vRefNum );
			addRandomValue( randomState, lcount );
		/* Get information on the head and tail of the vertical retrace
		   queue */
		if( ( vblQueue = GetVBLQHdr() ) != NULL )
			addRandomData( randomState, vblQueue, sizeof( QHdr ) );
		/* Get the parameter RAM settings */
		pramPtr = GetSysPPtr();
		addRandomData( randomState, pramPtr, sizeof( SysParmType ) );

		/* Get information about the machines geographic location */
		ReadLocation( &machineLocation );
		addRandomData( randomState, &machineLocation,
					   sizeof( MachineLocation ) );

		/* Get information on current graphics devices including device
		   information such as dimensions and cursor information, and a
		   number of handles to device-related data blocks and functions, and
		   information about the dimentions and contents of the devices pixel
		   image as well as the images resolution, storage format, depth, and
		   colour usage */
		deviceHandle = GetDeviceList();
			GDPtr gdPtr;

			addRandomValue( randomState, deviceHandle );
			HLock( ( Handle ) deviceHandle );
			gdPtr = ( GDPtr ) *deviceHandle;
			addRandomData( randomState, gdPtr, sizeof( GDevice ) );
			addRandomData( randomState, gdPtr->gdPMap, sizeof( PixMap ) );
			HUnlock( ( Handle ) deviceHandle );
		while( ( deviceHandle = GetNextDevice( deviceHandle ) ) != NULL );

		/* Get the current system environment, including the machine and
		   system software type, the keyboard type, where there's a colour
		   display attached, the AppleTalk driver version, and the VRefNum of
		   the system folder */
		SysEnvirons( curSysEnvVers, &sysEnvirons );
		addRandomData( randomState, &sysEnvirons, sizeof( SysEnvRec ) );

		/* Get the AppleTalk node ID and network number for this machine */
		if( GetNodeAddress( &node, &net ) )
			addRandomValue( randomState, node );
			addRandomValue( randomState, net );
		/* Get information on each device connected to the ADB including the
		   device handler ID, the devices ADB address, and the address of the
		   devices handler and storage area */
		count = CountADBs();
		while( count-- > 0 )
			ADBDataBlock adbInfo;

			GetIndADB( &adbInfo, count );
			addRandomData( randomState, &adbInfo, sizeof( ADBDataBlock ) );
		/* Open the most common device types and get the general device
		   status information and (if possible) device-specific status.  The
		   general device information contains the device handle and flags,
		   I/O queue information, event information, and other driver-related
		   details */

/* Try something like this again.. and ur a dead man, Peter ;-)
      -xmath */

/*		for( count = 0; driverNames[ count ] != NULL; count++ )
			AuxDCEHandle dceHandle;
			short driverRefNum;

			** Try and open the driver **
			if( OpenDriver( driverNames[ count ], &driverRefNum ) )

			** Get a handle to the driver control information (this could
			   also be done with GetDCtlHandle()) **
			Status( driverRefNum, 1, &dceHandle );
			HLock( dceHandle );
			addRandomData( randomState, *dceHandle,
							 sizeof( AuxDCE ) );
			HUnlock( dceHandle );
			CloseDriver( driverRefNum );
			} */

		/* Get the name and volume reference number for the current volume */
		GetVol( volName, &vRefNum );
		addRandomData( randomState, volName, sizeof( Str255 ) );
		addRandomValue( randomState, vRefNum );
		/* Get the time information, attributes, directory information and
		   bitmap, volume allocation information, volume and drive
		   information, pointers to various pieces of volume-related
		   information, and details on path and directory caches, for each
		   volume */
		if( ( queueHdr = GetVCBQHdr() ) != NULL )
			queuePtr = queueHdr->qHead;
			while ( queuePtr != NULL )
				addRandomData( randomState, queuePtr, sizeof( VCB ) );
				queuePtr = queuePtr->qLink;

		/* Get the driver reference number, FS type, and media size for each
		   drive */
		if( ( queueHdr = GetDrvQHdr() ) != NULL )
			queuePtr = queueHdr->qHead;
			while ( queuePtr != NULL )
				addRandomData( randomState, queuePtr, sizeof( DrvQEl ) );
				queuePtr = queuePtr->qLink;
		/* Get global script manager variables and vectors, including the
		   globals changed count, font, script, and i18n flags, various
		   script types, and cache information */
		for( count = 0; count < 30; count++ )
			addRandomValue( randomState, GetScriptManagerVariable( count ) );

		/* Get the script code for the font script the i18n script, and for
		   each one add the changed count, font, script, i18n, and display
		   flags, resource ID's, and script file information */
		script = FontScript();
		addRandomValue( randomState, script );
		for( count = 0; count < 30; count++ )
			addRandomValue( randomState, GetScriptVariable( script, count ) );
		script = IntlScript();
		addRandomValue( randomState, script );
		for( count = 0; count < 30; count++ )
			addRandomValue( randomState, GetScriptVariable( script, count ) );

		/* Get the device ID, partition, slot number, resource ID, and driver
		   reference number for the default startup device */
		GetDefaultStartup( &startupInfo );
		addRandomData( randomState, &startupInfo, sizeof( DefStartRec ) );
		/* Get the slot number and resource ID for the default video device */
		GetVideoDefault( &videoInfo );
		addRandomData( randomState, &videoInfo, sizeof( DefVideoRec ) );
		/* Get the default OS type */
		GetOSDefault( &osInfo );
		addRandomData( randomState, &osInfo, sizeof( DefOSRec ) );
		/* Get the AppleTalk command block and data size and number of
		   sessions */
		ASPGetParms( &appleTalkParams, FALSE );
		addRandomData( randomState, &appleTalkParams,
					   sizeof( XPPParamBlock ) );
		addedFixedItems = TRUE;

	/* Flush any remaining data through */
	endRandomData( randomState, 100 );