void pawsScrollBar::SetThumbLayout()
    int scrollBarSize = GetScrollBarSize();


    thumb->SetSize(scrollBarSize-2*THUMB_MARGIN, scrollBarSize-2*THUMB_MARGIN);

    if(maxValue == 0)
            thumb->MoveTo(screenFrame.xmin+scrollBarSize, screenFrame.ymin+THUMB_MARGIN);
            thumb->MoveTo(screenFrame.xmin+THUMB_MARGIN, screenFrame.ymin+scrollBarSize);
Пример #2
void GetChipSize( LPINT lpDx, LPINT lpDy )
GetScrollBarSize(lpDx, lpDy);
*lpDx += 1;
*lpDy += 1;
int pawsScrollBar::GetThumbScaleLength()
    int scrollBarSize = GetScrollBarSize();

        return screenFrame.Width()  - 3*scrollBarSize + 2*THUMB_MARGIN;
        return screenFrame.Height() - 3*scrollBarSize + 2*THUMB_MARGIN;
Пример #4
static void GetDispRect( HWND hWnd, LPRECT lpRect, int iHorzMode, int iVertMode )
// int iHorzMode; /* 0 = GetClientRect 1 = No Scrollbars 2 = With Scrollbars */
// int iVertMode; /* 0 = GetClientRect 1 = No Scrollbars 2 = With Scrollbars */
RECT rHorz, rVert;
int cy, cx;
LPDISPLAY lpDisplay;

GetScrollBarSize(&cx, &cy);
if (iHorzMode == 2)         // with horizontal scrollbar
    GetRealClientRect(hWnd, &rHorz);
    rHorz.bottom -= cy;
if (iHorzMode == 1)     // without horizontal scrollbar
    GetRealClientRect(hWnd, &rHorz);
    {           // actual client size
    GetClientRect(hWnd, &rHorz);
if (iVertMode == 2)     // with vertical scrollbar
    GetRealClientRect(hWnd, &rVert);
    rVert.right -= cx;
if (iVertMode == 1) // without horizontal scrollbar
    GetRealClientRect(hWnd, &rVert);
else                // actual client size
    GetClientRect(hWnd, &rVert);

lpRect->top = rHorz.top;
lpRect->bottom = rHorz.bottom;
lpRect->left = rVert.left;
lpRect->right = rVert.right;

lpDisplay = GetDisplayPtr(hWnd);
if (lpDisplay->HasRulers && !IsIconic(hWnd)) 
    lpRect->top += GetRulerSize();
    lpRect->left += GetRulerSize();

// adjust because our rects include right and bottom
lpRect->bottom -= 1;
lpRect->right -= 1;
void pawsScrollBar::SetThumbVisibility()
    if(thumb != NULL)
        if(GetScrollBarSize()*0.1 < GetThumbScaleLength())
void pawsScrollBar::SetButtonLayout()
    int scrollBarSize = GetScrollBarSize();
    if(upWidth == 0)
        upWidth = scrollBarSize;
    if(upHeight == 0)
        upHeight = scrollBarSize;
    if(downWidth == 0)
        downWidth = scrollBarSize;
    if(downHeight == 0)
        downHeight = scrollBarSize;

        upButton->SetRelativeFrame(upOffsetx, upOffsety, upWidth, upHeight);

        downButton->SetRelativeFrame(defaultFrame.Width()-downWidth-downOffsetx, defaultFrame.Height()-downHeight-downOffsety, downWidth, downHeight);
void pawsScrollBar::MoveThumbToMouse()
    psPoint mousePos;
    int relMouseCoord,     // coordinate of mouse cursor relative to the rectangle that constraints thumb movement
        rectBegin,         // coordinate of the constraint rectangle
        rectSize,          // size of the constraint rectangle
        thumbPos;          // coordinate of thumb relative to the constraint rectangle

    int scrollBarSize = GetScrollBarSize();

    mousePos = PawsManager::GetSingleton().GetMouse()->GetPosition();
        rectBegin = screenFrame.xmin + scrollBarSize;
        relMouseCoord = mousePos.x - rectBegin;
        rectBegin = screenFrame.ymin + scrollBarSize;
        relMouseCoord = mousePos.y - rectBegin;

    rectSize = GetThumbScaleLength();

        thumbPos = relMouseCoord - thumbDragPoint;
        thumbPos = relMouseCoord - (scrollBarSize - 2*THUMB_MARGIN) / 2;
    thumbPos = csMax(thumbPos, 0);
    thumbPos = csMin(thumbPos, rectSize);

        thumb->MoveTo(rectBegin+thumbPos, thumb->GetScreenFrame().ymin);
        thumb->MoveTo(thumb->GetScreenFrame().xmin, rectBegin+thumbPos);

    currentValue = minValue + (float(thumbPos) / rectSize * (maxValue-minValue));

    if(parent != NULL)
        parent->OnScroll(SCROLL_THUMB, this);
Пример #8
void CalcFullViewWindowSize( LPRECT lpWindowRect, LPRECT lpFileRect,
                              LFIXED FileRate, int npix, int nlin, int x,
                              int y, BOOL fHasRulers, BOOL fClipToImage )
int dx, dy, sx, sy, rs, iImageWidth, iImageHeight, iWidth, iHeight;
LFIXED DispRate;
int minsize;

// normal window - to goal is to size the window to fit the view
// If FileRate == 0 or 1, then we make the window as big as possible
// for the FileRect provided.  If FileRate != 0, then we make the
// the window as big as possible to fit the image at that FileRate.
// If the fClipToImage flag and FileRate == 0, then we do not let
// the FileRate go over 100%.  This is used for a caller who wants
// to display the image pixel for pixel, if possible.
if (x < 0 || y < 0)
	GetDocumentPosition(&x, &y);

dx = 2 * GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFRAME);
dy = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION) + (2*GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFRAME)) - 1;

// get size of scrollbars and rulers for use later
GetScrollBarSize(&sx, &sy);
rs = GetRulerSize();

// determine maximum area for window to occupy
if (IsIconic(PictPubApp.Get_hWndAstral()))
    *lpWindowRect = rClient;
    GetClientRect(PictPubApp.Get_hClientAstral(), lpWindowRect);
lpWindowRect->top = y;
lpWindowRect->left = x;
lpWindowRect->right -= dx;
lpWindowRect->bottom -= (dy + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFRAME));

// start with this maximum Client Area size
minsize = MIN_WINDOW_SIZE+rs;
iWidth = RectWidth(lpWindowRect);
if ( iWidth < minsize )
    iWidth = minsize;
iHeight = RectHeight(lpWindowRect);
if ( iHeight < minsize )
    iHeight = minsize;

// If we already have a FileRate, calculate new size of window
// based on the image size
if (FileRate > TINYRATE)
    // calculate size of area for total image at this
    // FileRate
    DispRate = FGET(FUNITY, FileRate);
    iImageWidth = FMUL(npix, DispRate);
    iImageHeight = FMUL(nlin, DispRate);

    // add in additional space for rulers if necessary
    if (fHasRulers)
        iImageWidth += rs;
        iImageHeight += rs;
    if (iImageWidth > iWidth && iImageHeight < iHeight)
        iImageHeight += sy;
    if (iImageHeight > iHeight && iImageWidth < iWidth)
        iImageWidth += sx;

    // see if we don't need the total width
    // otherwise, use the maximum
    if (iImageWidth < iWidth)
        iWidth = iImageWidth;
    // see if we don't need the total height
    // otherwise, use the maximum
    if (iImageHeight < iHeight)
        iHeight = iImageHeight;
// if we have no FileRate, then somebody wants a specific
// FileRect, figure out how big the window needs to be and
// whether we need rulers
    // get width and height of area to be displayed
    iImageWidth = RectWidth(lpFileRect);
    iImageHeight = RectHeight(lpFileRect);

    // reduce the maximum area if we have rulers
    if (fHasRulers)
        iWidth -= rs;
        iHeight -= rs;

    // reduce the maximum area if we need scrollbars
    if (lpFileRect->left != 0 ||
        lpFileRect->right != npix-1 ||
        lpFileRect->top != 0 ||
        lpFileRect->bottom != nlin-1)
        iWidth -= sx;
        iHeight -= sy;

    // scale maximum client area size (not including rulers and
    // scrollbars) to fit aspect ratio of FileRect
    DispRate = ScaleToFit(&iWidth, &iHeight, iImageWidth, iImageHeight);

    // if caller wants to clip to hires to achieve 100% view,
    // clip.  But only if hires is smaller
    if (iImageWidth <= iWidth && iImageHeight <= iHeight && fClipToImage)
        iWidth = iImageWidth;
        iHeight = iImageHeight;

    // add ruler size back into client area
    if (fHasRulers)
        iWidth += rs;
        iHeight += rs;

    // add scrollbar size back into client area
    if (lpFileRect->left != 0 ||
        lpFileRect->right != npix-1 ||
        lpFileRect->top != 0 ||
        lpFileRect->bottom != nlin-1)
        iWidth += sx;
        iHeight += sy;
// Calculate new window size based on iWidth and iHeight */
lpWindowRect->right = lpWindowRect->left + iWidth + dx - 1;
lpWindowRect->bottom = lpWindowRect->top + iHeight + dy - 1;