bool GetSkin () { struct shmem sh; SkinStruct * pSkin = (SkinStruct *)GetSharedMem(&sh); if (NULL == pSkin) return false; copy_skin(pSkin); ReleaseSharedMem(&sh); return true; }
EXTERN_C BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpReserved) { const char *szNewDllName = NULL; const char *szNewDllBaseName; switch (fdwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: if (VERBOSITY > 0) { debugPrintf("inject: DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH\n"); } g_hThisModule = hinstDLL; if (VERBOSITY > 0) { char szProcess[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, szProcess, sizeof szProcess); debugPrintf("inject: attached to process %s\n", szProcess); } /* * Calling LoadLibrary inside DllMain is strongly discouraged. But it * works quite well, provided that the loaded DLL does not require or do * anything special in its DllMain, which seems to be the general case. * * See also: * - * - */ if (!USE_SHARED_MEM) { szNewDllName = getenv("INJECT_DLL"); if (!szNewDllName) { debugPrintf("inject: warning: INJECT_DLL not set\n"); return FALSE; } } else { static char szSharedMemCopy[MAX_PATH]; GetSharedMem(szSharedMemCopy, sizeof szSharedMemCopy); szNewDllName = szSharedMemCopy; } if (VERBOSITY > 0) { debugPrintf("inject: loading %s\n", szNewDllName); } g_hHookModule = LoadLibraryA(szNewDllName); if (!g_hHookModule) { debugPrintf("inject: warning: failed to load %s\n", szNewDllName); return FALSE; } /* * Hook kernel32.dll functions, and its respective Windows API Set. * * (Windows 8.1) * (Windows 8) */ registerLibraryLoaderHooks("kernel32.dll"); registerLibraryLoaderHooks("api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-1-0.dll"); registerLibraryLoaderHooks("api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-1-1.dll"); registerLibraryLoaderHooks("api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-2-0.dll"); registerLibraryLoaderHooks("api-ms-win-core-kernel32-legacy-l1-1-0.dll"); registerLibraryLoaderHooks("api-ms-win-core-kernel32-legacy-l1-1-1.dll"); registerProcessThreadsHooks("kernel32.dll"); registerProcessThreadsHooks("api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-0.dll"); registerProcessThreadsHooks("api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-1.dll"); registerProcessThreadsHooks("api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-2.dll"); szNewDllBaseName = getBaseName(szNewDllName); if (stricmp(szNewDllBaseName, "dxgitrace.dll") == 0) { registerModuleHooks("dxgi.dll", g_hHookModule); registerModuleHooks("d3d10.dll", g_hHookModule); registerModuleHooks("d3d10_1.dll", g_hHookModule); registerModuleHooks("d3d11.dll", g_hHookModule); registerModuleHooks("d3d9.dll", g_hHookModule); // for D3DPERF_* } else if (stricmp(szNewDllBaseName, "d2d1trace.dll") == 0) { registerModuleHooks("d2d1.dll", g_hHookModule); registerModuleHooks("dwrite.dll", g_hHookModule); } else { registerModuleHooks(szNewDllBaseName, g_hHookModule); } dumpRegisteredHooks(); patchAllModules(ACTION_HOOK); break; case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: break; case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: if (VERBOSITY > 0) { debugPrintf("inject: DLL_PROCESS_DETACH\n"); } patchAllModules(ACTION_UNHOOK); if (g_hHookModule) { FreeLibrary(g_hHookModule); } break; } return TRUE; }
EXTERN_C BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpReserved) { const char *szNewDllName = NULL; HMODULE hNewModule = NULL; const char *szNewDllBaseName; switch (fdwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: if (VERBOSITY > 0) { debugPrintf("DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH\n"); } g_hThisModule = hinstDLL; { char szProcess[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, szProcess, sizeof szProcess); if (VERBOSITY > 0) { debugPrintf(" attached to %s\n", szProcess); } } /* * Calling LoadLibrary inside DllMain is strongly discouraged. But it * works quite well, provided that the loaded DLL does not require or do * anything special in its DllMain, which seems to be the general case. * * See also: * - * - */ if (!USE_SHARED_MEM) { szNewDllName = getenv("INJECT_DLL"); if (!szNewDllName) { debugPrintf("warning: INJECT_DLL not set\n"); return FALSE; } } else { static char szSharedMemCopy[MAX_PATH]; GetSharedMem(szSharedMemCopy, sizeof szSharedMemCopy); szNewDllName = szSharedMemCopy; } if (VERBOSITY > 0) { debugPrintf(" injecting %s\n", szNewDllName); } hNewModule = LoadLibraryA(szNewDllName); if (!hNewModule) { debugPrintf("warning: failed to load %s\n", szNewDllName); return FALSE; } szNewDllBaseName = getBaseName(szNewDllName); if (stricmp(szNewDllBaseName, "dxgitrace.dll") == 0) { replacements[numReplacements].szMatchModule = "dxgi.dll"; replacements[numReplacements].hReplaceModule = hNewModule; ++numReplacements; replacements[numReplacements].szMatchModule = "d3d10.dll"; replacements[numReplacements].hReplaceModule = hNewModule; ++numReplacements; replacements[numReplacements].szMatchModule = "d3d10_1.dll"; replacements[numReplacements].hReplaceModule = hNewModule; ++numReplacements; replacements[numReplacements].szMatchModule = "d3d11.dll"; replacements[numReplacements].hReplaceModule = hNewModule; ++numReplacements; } else { replacements[numReplacements].szMatchModule = szNewDllBaseName; replacements[numReplacements].hReplaceModule = hNewModule; ++numReplacements; } hookAllModules(); break; case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: break; case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: if (VERBOSITY > 0) { debugPrintf("DLL_PROCESS_DETACH\n"); } break; } return TRUE; }
//=========================================================================== int HookWindow (HWND hwnd, int early) { LONG_PTR lStyle = GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_STYLE); // if it does not have a caption, there is nothing to skin. if (WS_CAPTION != (lStyle & WS_CAPTION)) { //send_log(hwnd, "no caption"); return 0; } LONG_PTR lExStyle = GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE); // child windows are excluded unless they have a sysmenu or are MDI clients if ((lStyle & WS_CHILD) && false == (lStyle & WS_SYSMENU) && false == (WS_EX_MDICHILD & lExStyle) ) { //send_log(hwnd, "child, no sysmenu, not a MDI"); return 0; } // if it is already hooked, dont fall into loop if (get_WinInfo(hwnd)) { //send_log(hwnd, "already hooked"); return 0; } // being skeptical about windows without sysmenu if (false == (lStyle & WS_SYSMENU) && false == (lStyle & WS_VISIBLE)) { //if (0 == early) send_log(hwnd, "invisible without sysmenu"); return early; } // check for something like a vertical titlebar, erm... if (lExStyle & WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW) { RECT rc; GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rc); ScreenToClient(hwnd, (LPPOINT)&rc.left); if ( > -10) { //if (0 == early) send_log(hwnd, "abnormal caption"); return early; } } // ------------------------------------------------------ // now check the exclusion list int found = 0; struct shmem sh; SkinStruct *pSkin = (SkinStruct *)GetSharedMem(&sh); if (NULL == pSkin) return 0; copy_skin(pSkin); char sClassName[200]; sClassName[0] = 0; GetClassName(hwnd, sClassName, sizeof sClassName); char sFileName[200]; sFileName[0] = 0; get_module(hwnd, sFileName, sizeof sFileName); struct exclusion_item *ei = pSkin->exInfo.ei; for (int i = pSkin->exInfo.count; i; --i) { char *f, *c = (f = ei->buff) + ei->flen; // if filename matches and if class matches or is empty... bool r = match(sFileName, f) && (0 == *c || match(sClassName, c)); //dbg_printf("check [%d,%d] %s:%s", r, ei->option, f, c); if (r) { found = 1 == ei->option ? -1 : 1; // check 'hook-early' option break; } ei = (struct exclusion_item *)(c + ei->clen); } ReleaseSharedMem(&sh); // ------------------------------------------------------ if (early && 0 == found) { //send_log(hwnd, "Checking later:"); return 1; } // send message to log_window if (mSkin.enableLog) { char msg[100]; sprintf_s(msg, 100, "%s%s", found > 0 ? "Excluded" : early ? "Hooked early" : "Hooked", IsWindowVisible(hwnd) ? "" : " invisible"); send_log(hwnd, msg); } // return when excluded; if (found > 0) return 0; // skin it. subclass_window(hwnd); return 2; }