Пример #1
const deque<interval> Styler_Syntax::GetScopeIntervals(unsigned int pos) const {
	wxASSERT(pos <= m_doc.GetLength());
	if(!HaveActiveSyntax()) return deque<interval>();

	deque<interval> intervals;
	deque<const wxString*> scopes;

	GetSubScopeIntervals(pos, m_topMatches, scopes, 0, &intervals);
	// expand scope intervals
	if (!intervals.empty()) {
		while(intervals.back().start > 0) {
			if (!ExpandScopeIntervals(intervals.back().start-1, scopes, intervals))
		while(intervals.back().end < m_doc.GetLength()) {
			if (!ExpandScopeIntervals(intervals.back().end, scopes, intervals))

	const wxString& topScope = m_topMatches.subMatcher->GetName();
	if (!topScope.empty()) {
		intervals.push_front(interval(0, m_doc.GetLength()));
	return intervals;
Пример #2
const deque<interval> Styler_Syntax::GetScopeIntervals(unsigned int pos) const {
	wxASSERT(pos <= m_doc.GetLength());
	if(!m_topMatches.subMatcher) return deque<interval>(); // no active syntax

	deque<interval> scopes;
	const wxString& topScope = m_topMatches.subMatcher->GetName();
	if (!topScope.empty()) {
		scopes.push_back(interval(0, m_doc.GetLength()));

	GetSubScopeIntervals(pos, 0, m_topMatches, scopes);

	return scopes;
Пример #3
const deque<const wxString*> Styler_Syntax::GetScope(unsigned int pos) {
	wxASSERT(pos <= m_doc.GetLength());
	if(!HaveActiveSyntax()) return deque<const wxString*>();

	// Make sure the syntax is valid

	deque<const wxString*> scopes;
	const wxString& topScope = m_topMatches.subMatcher->GetName();
	if (!topScope.empty()) {

	GetSubScopeIntervals(pos, m_topMatches, scopes);
	return scopes;
Пример #4
void Styler_Syntax::GetSubScopeIntervals(unsigned int pos, unsigned int offset, const submatch& sm, deque<interval>& scopes) const {
	for (auto_vector<stxmatch>::const_iterator p = sm.matches.begin(); p != sm.matches.end(); ++p) {
		const stxmatch& m = *(*p);

		if (pos >= m.start && pos < m.end) {
			if (!m.m_name.empty()) {
				scopes.push_back(interval(offset+m.start, offset+m.end));

			// Check if there are submatches
			if (m.subMatch.get()) {
				wxASSERT(pos >= m.start);
				GetSubScopeIntervals(pos - m.start, offset+m.start, *m.subMatch, scopes);
		else if (m.start > pos) break;
Пример #5
bool Styler_Syntax::ExpandScopeIntervals(unsigned int pos, deque<const wxString*>& scopes, deque<interval>& intervals) const {
	deque<const wxString*>::const_iterator i, j;
	deque<interval>::const_iterator from;
	deque<interval>::iterator to;

	deque<interval> new_intervals;
	deque<const wxString*> new_scopes;

	GetSubScopeIntervals(pos, m_topMatches, new_scopes, 0, &new_intervals);
	wxASSERT(new_scopes.size() == new_intervals.size());

	// new scope can contain more captures than original scope
	deque<interval> part_intervals;
	for(i = scopes.begin(), j = new_scopes.begin(), from = new_intervals.begin(); i != scopes.end(); ++j, ++from) {
		if (j == new_scopes.end())
			return false;
		if (*(*i) == *(*j)) {
	if (i != scopes.end()) // but last capture must be the same
		return false;

	// same scope, merge intervals
	wxASSERT(intervals.size() == part_intervals.size());

	for(from = part_intervals.begin(), to = intervals.begin(); from != part_intervals.end(); ++from, ++to) {
		if (from->end == to->start)
			to->start = from->start;
		else if (from->start == to->end)
			to->end = from->end;
			wxASSERT(from->start >= to->start && from->end <= to->end);
	return true;