Пример #1
*函 数 名: AttitudeEstimate
*功能说明: 姿态估计
*形    参: 角速度测量值 加速度测量值 磁场强度测量值
*返 回 值: 无
void AttitudeEstimate(Vector3f_t gyro, Vector3f_t acc, Vector3f_t mag)
    Vector3f_t accCompensate;
    static uint64_t previousT;
    float deltaT = (GetSysTimeUs() - previousT) * 1e-6;
    deltaT = ConstrainFloat(deltaT, 0.0005, 0.002);
    previousT = GetSysTimeUs();

    if(!AttitudeInitAlignment(&kalmanRollPitch, &kalmanYaw, acc, mag))

    accCompensate = AccSportCompensate(acc, GetSportAccEf(), ahrs.angle, ahrs.accBfOffset);

    accCompensate = Vector3f_Sub(accCompensate, ahrs.centripetalAccBf);

    accCompensate = Vector3f_Sub(accCompensate, ahrs.accBfOffset);

    AttitudeEstimateUpdate(&ahrs.angle, gyro, accCompensate, mag, deltaT);

    TransAccToEarthFrame(ahrs.angle, acc, &ahrs.accEf, &ahrs.accEfLpf, &ahrs.accBfOffset);

    GyroEfUpdate(gyro, ahrs.angle, &ahrs.gyroEf);

    CentripetalAccUpdate(&ahrs.centripetalAcc, GetCopterVelocity(), ahrs.gyroEf.z);

    EarthFrameToBodyFrame(ahrs.angle, ahrs.centripetalAcc, &ahrs.centripetalAccBf);
Пример #2
status_t TimedTextMatroskaSource::read(
        int64_t *startTimeUs, int64_t *endTimeUs, Parcel *parcel,
        const MediaSource::ReadOptions *options) {
    MediaBuffer *textBuffer = NULL;
    status_t err = mSource->read(&textBuffer, options);
    if (err != OK) {
        return err;

    if (textBuffer == NULL) {
        /* let TextPlayer do read after post some time. */
        return WOULD_BLOCK;

    if (textBuffer->range_length() ==0) {
        /* let TextPlayer do read after post some time. */

        return WOULD_BLOCK;

    int64_t curSysTimeUs = GetSysTimeUs();

    if ((mPreGetFrmTimeUs >0) &&
            abs(curSysTimeUs - mPreGetFrmTimeUs) <SEND_MKV_TIMED_TEXT_MIN_DELTA_US) {

        /* skip this frame */

        return WOULD_BLOCK;

    if (mPreGetFrmTimeUs == -1) {
        mPreGetFrmTimeUs = curSysTimeUs;

    int32_t durMs = 0;
    *startTimeUs = 0;
    *endTimeUs = 0;

    textBuffer->meta_data()->findInt64(kKeyTime, startTimeUs);
    textBuffer->meta_data()->findInt32(kKeySubtitleDuration, &durMs);
    *endTimeUs = *startTimeUs + durMs*1000;

    CHECK_GE(*startTimeUs, 0);

    if ((mTimedMkvSource.srcMimeType == MKV_TIMED_SRC_MIME_VOBSUB) && mObserver) {
        mObserver->notifyObserver(MKV_TIMED_MSG_VOBSUB_GET, textBuffer);
    } else {
        extractAndAppendLocalDescriptions(*startTimeUs, textBuffer, parcel);

    ALOGV("read one mkv text frame, size: %d, timeUs: %lld, durMs: %d",
        textBuffer->range_length(), *startTimeUs, durMs);
    mPreGetFrmTimeUs = curSysTimeUs;

    // endTimeUs is a dummy parameter for Matroska timed text format.
    // Set a negative value to it to mark it is unavailable.
    return OK;

Пример #3
*函 数 名: MagCalibration
*功能说明: 磁力计校准
*形    参: 磁力计原始数据
*返 回 值: 无
void MagCalibration(void)
    static Vector3f_t samples[6];
    static uint32_t cnt_m=0;
    static float cali_rotate_angle = 0;
    static Vector3f_t new_offset;
    static Vector3f_t new_scale;
    Vector3f_t magRaw;
    static float earthMag = 0;

    static uint64_t previousT;
    float deltaT = (GetSysTimeUs() - previousT) * 1e-6;
    previousT = GetSysTimeUs();


        //校准分两个阶段:1.水平旋转 2.机头朝上或朝下然后水平旋转
        if(mag.cali.step == 1)
            cali_rotate_angle += GyroGetData().z * deltaT;
        else if(mag.cali.step == 2)
            cali_rotate_angle += GyroGetData().x * deltaT;

        if(cnt_m == 0)
            mag.cali.step = 1;
            cali_rotate_angle  = 0;

            MessageSensorCaliFeedbackEnable(MAG, mag.cali.step, mag.cali.success);
        else if(cnt_m == 1)
            earthMag = Pythagorous3(magRaw.x, magRaw.y, magRaw.z);
            samples[MaxX] = samples[MinX] = magRaw;
            samples[MaxY] = samples[MinY] = magRaw;
            samples[MaxZ] = samples[MinZ] = magRaw;
            earthMag = earthMag * 0.998f + Pythagorous3(magRaw.x, magRaw.y, magRaw.z) * 0.002f;

            if(Pythagorous3(magRaw.x, magRaw.y, magRaw.z) < earthMag * 1.5f)
                if(magRaw.x > samples[MaxX].x)
                    LowPassFilter1st(&samples[MaxX], magRaw, 0.3);
                if(magRaw.x < samples[MinX].x)
                    LowPassFilter1st(&samples[MinX], magRaw, 0.3);
                if(magRaw.y > samples[MaxY].y)
                    LowPassFilter1st(&samples[MaxY], magRaw, 0.3);
                if(magRaw.y < samples[MinY].y)
                    LowPassFilter1st(&samples[MinY], magRaw, 0.3);
                if(magRaw.z > samples[MaxZ].z)
                    LowPassFilter1st(&samples[MaxZ], magRaw, 0.3);
                if(magRaw.z < samples[MinZ].z)
                    LowPassFilter1st(&samples[MinZ], magRaw, 0.3);
                earthMag = earthMag;

            if(mag.cali.step == 1)
                MavlinkSendNoticeProgress(abs(cali_rotate_angle) / 72);
            else if(mag.cali.step == 2)
                MavlinkSendNoticeProgress((abs(cali_rotate_angle) + 360) / 72);

            if(mag.cali.step == 1 && abs(cali_rotate_angle) > 360)
                mag.cali.step = 2;
                cali_rotate_angle  = 0;
                MessageSensorCaliFeedbackEnable(MAG, mag.cali.step, mag.cali.success);
            if(mag.cali.step == 2 && abs(cali_rotate_angle ) > 360)
                cnt_m = 0;
                mag.cali.should_cali = 0;
                mag.cali.step = 3;
                cali_rotate_angle  = 0;
                earthMag = 0;

                for(u8 i=0; i<3; i++)
                    earthMag += Pythagorous3((samples[i*2].x - samples[i*2+1].x) * 0.5f,
                                             (samples[i*2].y - samples[i*2+1].y) * 0.5f,
                                             (samples[i*2].z - samples[i*2+1].z) * 0.5f);
                earthMag /= 3;

                float initBeta[6];
                initBeta[0] = (samples[MaxX].x + samples[MinX].x) * 0.5f;
                initBeta[1] = (samples[MaxY].y + samples[MinY].y) * 0.5f;
                initBeta[2] = (samples[MaxZ].z + samples[MinZ].z) * 0.5f;
                initBeta[3] = 1 / earthMag;
                initBeta[4] = 1 / earthMag;
                initBeta[5] = 1 / earthMag;

                LevenbergMarquardt(samples, &new_offset, &new_scale, initBeta, earthMag);

                if(isnan(new_scale.x) || isnan(new_scale.y) || isnan(new_scale.z))
                    mag.cali.success = false;
                else if(fabsf(new_scale.x-1.0f) > 0.8f || fabsf(new_scale.y-1.0f) > 0.8f || fabsf(new_scale.z-1.0f) > 0.8f)
                    mag.cali.success = false;
                else if(fabsf(new_offset.x) > (earthMag * 2) || fabsf(new_offset.y) > (earthMag * 2) || fabsf(new_offset.z) > (earthMag * 2))
                    mag.cali.success = false;
                    mag.cali.success = true;

                    mag.cali.offset = new_offset;
                    mag.cali.scale = new_scale;
                    mag.earthMag = earthMag;

                    ParamUpdateData(PARAM_MAG_OFFSET_X, &mag.cali.offset.x);
                    ParamUpdateData(PARAM_MAG_OFFSET_Y, &mag.cali.offset.y);
                    ParamUpdateData(PARAM_MAG_OFFSET_Z, &mag.cali.offset.z);
                    ParamUpdateData(PARAM_MAG_SCALE_X, &mag.cali.scale.x);
                    ParamUpdateData(PARAM_MAG_SCALE_Y, &mag.cali.scale.y);
                    ParamUpdateData(PARAM_MAG_SCALE_Z, &mag.cali.scale.z);
                    ParamUpdateData(PARAM_MAG_EARTH_MAG, &mag.earthMag);
                    MavParamSetValue(CAL_MAG0_XOFF, mag.cali.offset.x);
                    MavParamSetValue(CAL_MAG0_YOFF, mag.cali.offset.y);
                    MavParamSetValue(CAL_MAG0_ZOFF, mag.cali.offset.z);
                    MavParamSetValue(CAL_MAG0_XSCALE, mag.cali.scale.x);
                    MavParamSetValue(CAL_MAG0_YSCALE, mag.cali.scale.y);
                    MavParamSetValue(CAL_MAG0_XSCALE, mag.cali.scale.z);


                MessageSensorCaliFeedbackEnable(MAG, mag.cali.step, mag.cali.success);

                mag.cali.step = 0;
                earthMag = 0;