Пример #1
void UPC_KBridge_Signal_Deliver(int sig)
    int core = ProcessorCoreID();
    int hwtid = ProcessorThreadID();
    CoreState_t *pCS = &(NodeState.CoreState[core]);
    HWThreadState_t *pHWT = &(pCS->HWThreads[hwtid]);
    if (pHWT->pUpci_ActiveKThread) {
        Signal_Deliver(pHWT->pUpci_ActiveKThread->pAppProc, GetTID(pHWT->pUpci_ActiveKThread), sig);
Пример #2
codegen::Value TileGroup::TileGroupAccess::Row::LoadColumn(
    CodeGen &codegen, uint32_t col_idx) const {
  PL_ASSERT(col_idx < layout_.size());
  return tile_group_.LoadColumn(codegen, GetTID(), layout_[col_idx]);
Пример #3
static int Futex_WakeQueue(Futex_State_t* futexTableEntry, int maxToWake, Futex_State_t* secondaryFutexTableEntry, uint16_t *unblockList)

    int numberAwoken = 0;
    int thd_index = ProcessorID();

    TRACE( TRACE_Futex, ("(I) %s[%d]: table:%p (vaddr:%p) num2wake:%d secondary:%p\n",
                           __func__, thd_index,
                           futexTableEntry, (futexTableEntry ? futexTableEntry->futex_vaddr : 0LL),

    if (!futexTableEntry)
        TRACE( TRACE_Futex, ("(I) %s[%d]: futexTableEntry == NULL\n",  __func__, thd_index));
        return numberAwoken;

    KThread_t* thread;

    for (thread = futexTableEntry->pKThr_Waiter_Next; thread; thread = futexTableEntry->pKThr_Waiter_Next)

        // TRACE( TRACE_Futex, ("(D) %s[%d]: process thread:%08x (next->%08x\n", __func__, core, (unsigned)thread, (unsigned)(thread->FutexQueueNext)));

        // If we haven't hit the limit, wake up the thread:
        if ( numberAwoken < maxToWake )
            // Advance the futex table to the next entry now because we will be destroying the link
            // in the current entry:
            futexTableEntry->pKThr_Waiter_Next = thread->FutexQueueNext;
            TRACE( TRACE_Futex, ("(I) %s[%d]: waking kthread:%p processorid:%d for futex:%p\n", __func__, thd_index, thread, thread->ProcessorID, thread->FutexVAddr));

            thread->Reg_State.gpr[3] = 0; // this is the result of the futex syscall
            thread->FutexQueueNext   = (KThread_t *)0;
            thread->FutexVAddr       = NULL;
            thread->FutexValue       = 0;
            thread->FutexTimeout     = 0;
            thread->FutexIsShared    = 0;
            //thread->pad3 = 1; // TEMP PROBLEM ANALYSIS
	    unblockList[numberAwoken] = GetTID(thread); // save the kthread in an abbreviated 2-byte format.
        else if ( secondaryFutexTableEntry )
            // We are requeueing ... move the entire FIFO to the secondary
            // futex queue.  Since the FIFO is a linked list, we can do
            // this by simply snipping off the remaining chain and pasting
            // it onto the secondary:

            KThread_t** tail;

            for (tail = &(secondaryFutexTableEntry->pKThr_Waiter_Next); *tail; tail = &((*tail)->FutexQueueNext)); // find the end of the secondary queue

            futexTableEntry->pKThr_Waiter_Next = 0; // The old queue is now empty
            *tail = thread;                            // Paste the queue remainder onto the end of the existing queue

            // Now update the entries
            for ( ; thread; thread = thread->FutexQueueNext )
                thread->FutexVAddr = secondaryFutexTableEntry->futex_vaddr;
                thread->FutexValue = *thread->FutexVAddr;

            TRACE( TRACE_Futex, ("(I) %s[%d]: some waiters requeued to futex:%016lx (sys:%p) \n",
                                   __func__, thd_index, (uint64_t)secondaryFutexTableEntry->futex_vaddr, secondaryFutexTableEntry ));

    // If the waiter list is now empty, then remove the entry from the table:
    if ( futexTableEntry->pKThr_Waiter_Next == NULL )
        futexTableEntry->futex_vaddr = 0;
    if ( secondaryFutexTableEntry && (secondaryFutexTableEntry->pKThr_Waiter_Next == NULL) )
        secondaryFutexTableEntry->futex_vaddr = 0;

    // TRACE( TRACE_Futex, ("(<) %s[%d]\n", __func__, core));
    return numberAwoken;