Пример #1
void CWakeOnAccess::SaveToXML()
  CXBMCTinyXML xmlDoc;
  TiXmlElement xmlRootElement("onaccesswakeup");
  TiXmlNode *pRoot = xmlDoc.InsertEndChild(xmlRootElement);
  if (!pRoot) return;

  XMLUtils::SetInt(pRoot, "netinittimeout", m_netinit_sec);
  XMLUtils::SetInt(pRoot, "netsettletime", m_netsettle_ms);

  for (EntriesVector::const_iterator i = m_entries.begin(); i != m_entries.end(); ++i)
    TiXmlElement xmlSetting("wakeup");
    TiXmlNode* pWakeUpNode = pRoot->InsertEndChild(xmlSetting);
    if (pWakeUpNode)
      XMLUtils::SetString(pWakeUpNode, "host", i->host);
      XMLUtils::SetString(pWakeUpNode, "mac", i->mac);
      XMLUtils::SetInt(pWakeUpNode, "pingport", i->ping_port);
      XMLUtils::SetInt(pWakeUpNode, "pingmode", i->ping_mode);
      XMLUtils::SetInt(pWakeUpNode, "timeout", GetTotalSeconds(i->timeout));
      XMLUtils::SetInt(pWakeUpNode, "waitonline", i->wait_online1_sec);
      XMLUtils::SetInt(pWakeUpNode, "waitonline2", i->wait_online2_sec);
      XMLUtils::SetInt(pWakeUpNode, "waitservices", i->wait_services_sec);

void CAlarmHandler::LogFault(DataDictionary alarmdata)
	std::string filename;
	std::vector<DataDictionary>	 tempdata;
	// Use blank types... Duration already formatted to hr:min:sec
	// Write to common fault history file for display
		boost::mutex::scoped_lock  lock(_alarm_mutex);
		_csvarchiver.append(filename.c_str(),_faultitems, DataDictionary(), tempdata);
	// Use blank types... TBF,TTR  formatted to hr:min:sec change back to seconds
	tempdata.back()["TBF"] = ToString<double>(GetTotalSeconds(alarmdata["TBF"]));
	tempdata.back()["TTR"] = ToString<double>(GetTotalSeconds(alarmdata["TTR"]));
	// We are skipping the first fault, if the timing is just started from when we started. Skews #s.
		_csvarchiver.append(filename.c_str(),_faultitems, DataDictionary(), tempdata);	
Пример #3
FString FTimespan::ToString( const TCHAR* Format ) const
	FString Result;

	while (*Format != TCHAR('\0'))
		if ((*Format == TCHAR('%')) && (*++Format != TCHAR('\0')))
			switch (*Format)
			case TCHAR('n'): if (Ticks < 0) Result += TCHAR('-'); break;
			case TCHAR('N'): Result += (Ticks < 0) ? TCHAR('-') : TCHAR('+'); break;
			case TCHAR('d'): Result += FString::Printf(TEXT("%i"), FMath::Abs(GetDays())); break;
			case TCHAR('h'): Result += FString::Printf(TEXT("%02i"), FMath::Abs(GetHours())); break;
			case TCHAR('m'): Result += FString::Printf(TEXT("%02i"), FMath::Abs(GetMinutes())); break;
			case TCHAR('s'): Result += FString::Printf(TEXT("%02i"), FMath::Abs(GetSeconds())); break;
			case TCHAR('f'): Result += FString::Printf(TEXT("%03i"), FMath::Abs(GetMilliseconds())); break;
			case TCHAR('D'): Result += FString::Printf(TEXT("%f"), FMath::Abs(GetTotalDays())); break;
			case TCHAR('H'): Result += FString::Printf(TEXT("%f"), FMath::Abs(GetTotalHours())); break;
			case TCHAR('M'): Result += FString::Printf(TEXT("%f"), FMath::Abs(GetTotalMinutes())); break;
			case TCHAR('S'): Result += FString::Printf(TEXT("%f"), FMath::Abs(GetTotalSeconds())); break;
			case TCHAR('F'): Result += FString::Printf(TEXT("%f"), FMath::Abs(GetTotalMilliseconds())); break;


				Result += *Format;
			Result += *Format;


	return Result;
Пример #4
void CWakeOnAccess::LoadFromXML()
  bool enabled = CSettings::GetInstance().GetBool(CSettings::SETTING_POWERMANAGEMENT_WAKEONACCESS);

  CXBMCTinyXML xmlDoc;
  if (!xmlDoc.LoadFile(GetSettingFile()))
    if (enabled)
      CLog::Log(LOGNOTICE, "%s - unable to load:%s", __FUNCTION__, GetSettingFile().c_str());

  TiXmlElement* pRootElement = xmlDoc.RootElement();
  if (strcmpi(pRootElement->Value(), "onaccesswakeup"))
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - XML file %s doesnt contain <onaccesswakeup>", __FUNCTION__, GetSettingFile().c_str());


  CLog::Log(LOGNOTICE,"WakeOnAccess - Load settings :");


  int tmp;
  if (XMLUtils::GetInt(pRootElement, "netinittimeout", tmp, 0, 5 * 60))
    m_netinit_sec = tmp;
  CLog::Log(LOGNOTICE,"  -Network init timeout : [%d] sec", m_netinit_sec);
  if (XMLUtils::GetInt(pRootElement, "netsettletime", tmp, 0, 5 * 1000))
    m_netsettle_ms = tmp;
  CLog::Log(LOGNOTICE,"  -Network settle time  : [%d] ms", m_netsettle_ms);

  const TiXmlNode* pWakeUp = pRootElement->FirstChildElement("wakeup");
  while (pWakeUp)
    WakeUpEntry entry;

    std::string strtmp;
    if (XMLUtils::GetString(pWakeUp, "host", strtmp))
      entry.host = strtmp;

    if (XMLUtils::GetString(pWakeUp, "mac", strtmp))
      entry.mac = strtmp;

    if (entry.host.empty())
      CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - Missing <host> tag or it's empty", __FUNCTION__);
    else if (entry.mac.empty())
       CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - Missing <mac> tag or it's empty", __FUNCTION__);
      if (XMLUtils::GetInt(pWakeUp, "pingport", tmp, 0, USHRT_MAX))
        entry.ping_port = (unsigned short) tmp;

      if (XMLUtils::GetInt(pWakeUp, "pingmode", tmp, 0, USHRT_MAX))
        entry.ping_mode = (unsigned short) tmp;

      if (XMLUtils::GetInt(pWakeUp, "timeout", tmp, 10, 12 * 60 * 60))
        entry.timeout.SetDateTimeSpan (0, 0, 0, tmp);

      if (XMLUtils::GetInt(pWakeUp, "waitonline", tmp, 0, 10 * 60)) // max 10 minutes
        entry.wait_online1_sec = tmp;

      if (XMLUtils::GetInt(pWakeUp, "waitonline2", tmp, 0, 10 * 60)) // max 10 minutes
        entry.wait_online2_sec = tmp;

      if (XMLUtils::GetInt(pWakeUp, "waitservices", tmp, 0, 5 * 60)) // max 5 minutes
        entry.wait_services_sec = tmp;

      CLog::Log(LOGNOTICE,"  Registering wakeup entry:");
      CLog::Log(LOGNOTICE,"    HostName        : %s", entry.host.c_str());
      CLog::Log(LOGNOTICE,"    MacAddress      : %s", entry.mac.c_str());
      CLog::Log(LOGNOTICE,"    PingPort        : %d", entry.ping_port);
      CLog::Log(LOGNOTICE,"    PingMode        : %d", entry.ping_mode);
      CLog::Log(LOGNOTICE,"    Timeout         : %d (sec)", GetTotalSeconds(entry.timeout));
      CLog::Log(LOGNOTICE,"    WaitForOnline   : %d (sec)", entry.wait_online1_sec);
      CLog::Log(LOGNOTICE,"    WaitForOnlineEx : %d (sec)", entry.wait_online2_sec);
      CLog::Log(LOGNOTICE,"    WaitForServices : %d (sec)", entry.wait_services_sec);


    pWakeUp = pWakeUp->NextSiblingElement("wakeup"); // get next one
Пример #5
LONG CMSTimeSpan::GetSeconds() const throw()
	return( LONG( GetTotalSeconds()-(GetTotalMinutes()*60) ) );
Пример #6
// Gets number of seconds that have passed since last minute.
DWORD CMMTimer::GetCurrentSeconds() const
    return GetTotalSeconds() - GetTotalMinutes() * SECONDS_PER_MINUTE;
Пример #7
// Gets number of milliseconds that have passed since the last second.
DWORD CMMTimer::GetCurrentMilliseconds() const
    return m_Milliseconds - GetTotalSeconds() * MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND;
Пример #8
// Gets total number of minutes that have passed since this timer began.
DWORD CMMTimer::GetTotalMinutes() const
    return GetTotalSeconds() / SECONDS_PER_MINUTE;
Пример #9
long sltimespan::GetSeconds() const throw()
	return( long( GetTotalSeconds()-(GetTotalMinutes()*60) ) );