Пример #1
HRESULT CProxyDirect3DDevice9::Reset                          ( D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS* pPresentationParameters )
	WriteDebugEvent ( "CProxyDirect3DDevice9::Reset" );

    GetVideoModeManager ()->PreReset ( pPresentationParameters );

    HRESULT hResult;

    // Call our event handler.
    CDirect3DEvents9::OnInvalidate ( m_pDevice );

    // Call the real reset routine.
    hResult = m_pDevice->Reset ( pPresentationParameters );

    GetVideoModeManager ()->PostReset ( pPresentationParameters );

    // Update our data.
    m_pData->StoreViewport ( 0, 0, 
                            pPresentationParameters->BackBufferHeight );

    // Call our event handler.
    CDirect3DEvents9::OnRestore ( m_pDevice );

    return hResult;   
Пример #2
HRESULT    CProxyDirect3D9::CreateDevice                ( UINT Adapter, D3DDEVTYPE DeviceType, HWND hFocusWindow, DWORD BehaviorFlags, D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS* pPresentationParameters, IDirect3DDevice9** ppReturnedDeviceInterface )
    HRESULT hResult;

	WriteDebugEvent ( "CProxyDirect3D9::CreateDevice" );

    // Change the window title to MTA: San Andreas
    #ifdef MTA_DEBUG
        SetWindowText ( hFocusWindow, "MTA: San Andreas [DEBUG]" );
        SetWindowText ( hFocusWindow, "MTA: San Andreas" );

	// Enable the auto depth stencil parameter
	pPresentationParameters->EnableAutoDepthStencil = true;
    GetVideoModeManager ()->PreCreateDevice ( pPresentationParameters );

    // Create our object.
    hResult = m_pDevice->CreateDevice ( Adapter, DeviceType, hFocusWindow, BehaviorFlags, pPresentationParameters, ppReturnedDeviceInterface );

    GetVideoModeManager ()->PostCreateDevice ( *ppReturnedDeviceInterface, pPresentationParameters );

	// Pass the device to the core and store the rendering window in the direct 3d data
	CCore::GetSingleton ().SetRenderDevice ( *ppReturnedDeviceInterface );
    CDirect3DData::GetSingleton ().StoreDeviceWindow ( pPresentationParameters->hDeviceWindow );

	// Apply input hook
	CMessageLoopHook::GetSingleton ( ).ApplyHook ( hFocusWindow );

    // Make sure the object was created successfully.
    if ( hResult == D3D_OK )
        // We must first store the presentation values.
        CDirect3DData::GetSingleton ( ).StoreViewport ( 0, 0,
                                                        pPresentationParameters->BackBufferHeight );
        // Now create the proxy device.
        *ppReturnedDeviceInterface = new CProxyDirect3DDevice9 ( *ppReturnedDeviceInterface );
    return hResult;
Пример #3
// Hook CCore::OnPreCreateDevice
// Modify paramters
void CCore::OnPreCreateDevice(IDirect3D9* pDirect3D, UINT Adapter, D3DDEVTYPE DeviceType, HWND hFocusWindow, DWORD& BehaviorFlags,
                              D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS* pPresentationParameters)

    if (!UsingAltD3DSetup())


    uint uiPrevResult = GetApplicationSettingInt("diagnostics", "last-create-device-result");
    if (uiPrevResult)
        // Failed last time, so as a test for logging, try a create device with no modifications
        WriteDebugEvent(SString("Previous CreateDevice failed with: %08x", uiPrevResult));
        WriteDebugEvent("  Test unmodified:");
        WriteDebugEvent(ToString(Adapter, DeviceType, hFocusWindow, BehaviorFlags, *pPresentationParameters));
        IDirect3DDevice9* pReturnedDeviceInterface = NULL;
        HRESULT hResult = pDirect3D->CreateDevice(Adapter, DeviceType, hFocusWindow, BehaviorFlags, pPresentationParameters, &pReturnedDeviceInterface);
        WriteDebugEvent(SString("  Unmodified result is: %08x", hResult));

    // Save original values for later
    BehaviorFlagsOrig = BehaviorFlags;
    presentationParametersOrig = *pPresentationParameters;

    WriteDebugEvent("  Original paramters:");
    WriteDebugEvent(ToString(Adapter, DeviceType, hFocusWindow, BehaviorFlags, *pPresentationParameters));

    // Make sure DirectX Get...() calls will work
    BehaviorFlags &= ~D3DCREATE_PUREDEVICE;

    // Enable the auto depth stencil parameter
    pPresentationParameters->EnableAutoDepthStencil = true;


    WriteDebugEvent("  Modified paramters:");
    WriteDebugEvent(ToString(Adapter, DeviceType, hFocusWindow, BehaviorFlags, *pPresentationParameters));
Пример #4
// Hook CCore::OnPostCreateDevice
// Wrap device or log failure
HRESULT CCore::OnPostCreateDevice(HRESULT hResult, IDirect3D9* pDirect3D, UINT Adapter, D3DDEVTYPE DeviceType, HWND hFocusWindow, DWORD BehaviorFlags,
                                  D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS* pPresentationParameters, IDirect3DDevice9** ppReturnedDeviceInterface)
    if (!UsingAltD3DSetup())
        return D3D_OK;

    // - Allow create device with no changes
    // - Check caps and report diff with GTA caps
    // - Release device
    WriteDebugEvent("CCore::OnPostCreateDevice - Alt startup used");

    if (hResult != D3D_OK)
        WriteDebugEvent(SString("Initial CreateDevice failed: %08x", hResult));
        WriteDebugEvent("Initial CreateDevice succeeded");

    AddCapsReport(Adapter, pDirect3D, *ppReturnedDeviceInterface, false);


    // - Create device with required changes
    // - Check caps and report diff with GTA caps
    // - Fix GTA caps if needed

    // Save original values for later
    BehaviorFlagsOrig = BehaviorFlags;
    presentationParametersOrig = *pPresentationParameters;

    WriteDebugEvent("  Original paramters:");
    WriteDebugEvent(ToString(Adapter, DeviceType, hFocusWindow, BehaviorFlags, *pPresentationParameters));

    // Make sure DirectX Get...() calls will work
    BehaviorFlags &= ~D3DCREATE_PUREDEVICE;

    // Enable the auto depth stencil parameter
    pPresentationParameters->EnableAutoDepthStencil = true;


    WriteDebugEvent("  Modified paramters:");
    WriteDebugEvent(ToString(Adapter, DeviceType, hFocusWindow, BehaviorFlags, *pPresentationParameters));

    hResult = CreateDeviceInsist(2, 1000, pDirect3D, Adapter, DeviceType, hFocusWindow, BehaviorFlags, pPresentationParameters, ppReturnedDeviceInterface);

    if (hResult != D3D_OK)
        WriteDebugEvent(SString("MTA CreateDevice failed: %08x", hResult));
        WriteDebugEvent("MTA CreateDevice succeeded");

    AddCapsReport(Adapter, pDirect3D, *ppReturnedDeviceInterface, true);

    // Change the window title to MTA: San Andreas
    #ifdef MTA_DEBUG
    SetWindowTextW(hFocusWindow, MbUTF8ToUTF16("MTA: San Andreas [DEBUG]").c_str());
    SetWindowTextW(hFocusWindow, MbUTF8ToUTF16("MTA: San Andreas").c_str());

    // Log graphic card name
    pDirect3D->GetAdapterIdentifier(Adapter, 0, &AdapterIdent);

    // Store the rendering window in the direct 3d data

    // Apply input hook

    // Make sure the object was created successfully.
    if (hResult == D3D_OK)
        WriteDebugEvent("CreateDevice succeeded");
        GetVideoModeManager()->PostCreateDevice(*ppReturnedDeviceInterface, pPresentationParameters);

        // We must first store the presentation values.
        CDirect3DData::GetSingleton().StoreViewport(0, 0, pPresentationParameters->BackBufferWidth, pPresentationParameters->BackBufferHeight);

        // Calc and store readable depth format for shader use
        ERenderFormat ReadableDepthFormat = CDirect3DEvents9::DiscoverReadableDepthFormat(*ppReturnedDeviceInterface, pPresentationParameters->MultiSampleType,
                                                                                          pPresentationParameters->Windowed != 0);

        // Now create the proxy device.
        *ppReturnedDeviceInterface = new CProxyDirect3DDevice9(*ppReturnedDeviceInterface);

        // Debug output

        WriteDebugEvent("   Used creation parameters:");
        WriteDebugEvent(SString("    Adapter:%d  DeviceType:%d  BehaviorFlags:0x%x  ReadableDepth:%s", parameters.AdapterOrdinal, parameters.DeviceType,
                                parameters.BehaviorFlags, ReadableDepthFormat ? std::string((char*)&ReadableDepthFormat, 4).c_str() : "None"));

    bool bDetectOptimus = (GetModuleHandle("nvd3d9wrap.dll") != NULL);

    // Calc log level to use
    uint uiDiagnosticLogLevel = 0;
    if (GetApplicationSettingInt("nvhacks", "optimus") || bDetectOptimus)
        uiDiagnosticLogLevel = 1;            // Log and continue
    if (hResult != D3D_OK)
        uiDiagnosticLogLevel = 2;            // Log and wait - If fail status

    // Do diagnostic log now if needed
    if (uiDiagnosticLogLevel)
        // Prevent statup warning in loader

        // Run diagnostic
        CCore::GetSingleton().GetNetwork()->ResetStub('dia3', *ms_strExtraLogBuffer, uiDiagnosticLogLevel);

    // Handle fatal error
    if (hResult != D3D_OK)
        // Inform user
        SString strMessage;
        strMessage += "There was a problem starting MTA:SA\n\n";
        strMessage += SString("Direct3D CreateDevice error: %08x", hResult);
        BrowseToSolution("d3dcreatedevice-fail", EXIT_GAME_FIRST | ASK_GO_ONLINE, strMessage);

    return hResult;
Пример #5
// HandleCreateDeviceResult
// Log result and possibly fix everything
HRESULT HandleCreateDeviceResult(HRESULT hResult, IDirect3D9* pDirect3D, UINT Adapter, D3DDEVTYPE DeviceType, HWND hFocusWindow, DWORD BehaviorFlags,
                                 D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS* pPresentationParameters, IDirect3DDevice9** ppReturnedDeviceInterface)
    // Log graphic card name
    pDirect3D->GetAdapterIdentifier(Adapter, 0, &AdapterIdent);

    uint uiCurrentStatus = 0;            //  0-unknown  1-fail  2-success after retry  3-success

    if (hResult == D3D_OK)
        // Log success and creation parameters
        WriteDebugEvent("CreateDevice success");
        uiCurrentStatus = CREATE_DEVICE_SUCCESS;
        WriteDebugEvent(ToString(Adapter, DeviceType, hFocusWindow, BehaviorFlags, *pPresentationParameters));

    if (hResult != D3D_OK)
        // Handle failure of initial create device call
        WriteDebugEvent(SString("CreateDevice failed #0: %08x", hResult));

        // Try create device again
        hResult = DoCreateDevice(pDirect3D, Adapter, DeviceType, hFocusWindow, BehaviorFlags, pPresentationParameters, ppReturnedDeviceInterface);

        // Handle retry result
        if (hResult != D3D_OK)
            WriteDebugEvent("--CreateDevice failed after retry");
            uiCurrentStatus = CREATE_DEVICE_FAIL;
            WriteDebugEvent("++CreateDevice succeeded after retry");
            uiCurrentStatus = CREATE_DEVICE_RETRY_SUCCESS;

            // Apply input hook

            GetVideoModeManager()->PostCreateDevice(*ppReturnedDeviceInterface, pPresentationParameters);

            // We must first store the presentation values.
            CDirect3DData::GetSingleton().StoreViewport(0, 0, pPresentationParameters->BackBufferWidth, pPresentationParameters->BackBufferHeight);

            // Calc and store readable depth format for shader use
            ERenderFormat ReadableDepthFormat = CDirect3DEvents9::DiscoverReadableDepthFormat(
                *ppReturnedDeviceInterface, pPresentationParameters->MultiSampleType, pPresentationParameters->Windowed != 0);

            // Now create the proxy device.
            *ppReturnedDeviceInterface = new CProxyDirect3DDevice9(*ppReturnedDeviceInterface);

            // Debug output
            D3DDEVICE_CREATION_PARAMETERS parameters;

            WriteDebugEvent(SString("    Adapter:%d  DeviceType:%d  BehaviorFlags:0x%x  ReadableDepth:%s", parameters.AdapterOrdinal, parameters.DeviceType,
                                    parameters.BehaviorFlags, ReadableDepthFormat ? std::string((char*)&ReadableDepthFormat, 4).c_str() : "None"));

    uint uiLastStatus = GetApplicationSettingInt("diagnostics", "createdevice-last-status");
    SetApplicationSettingInt("diagnostics", "createdevice-last-status", uiCurrentStatus);

    // Calc log level to use
    uint uiDiagnosticLogLevel = 0;
    if (uiLastStatus == CREATE_DEVICE_FAIL && uiCurrentStatus != CREATE_DEVICE_FAIL)
        uiDiagnosticLogLevel = 1;            // Log and continue - If changing from fail status
    if (uiCurrentStatus == CREATE_DEVICE_FAIL)
        uiDiagnosticLogLevel = 2;            // Log and wait - If fail status

    bool bDetectOptimus = (GetModuleHandle("nvd3d9wrap.dll") != NULL);

    bool bFixCaps = false;
    if (GetApplicationSettingInt("nvhacks", "optimus") || bDetectOptimus)
        bFixCaps = true;
        if (uiDiagnosticLogLevel == 0)
            uiDiagnosticLogLevel = 1;

    AddCapsReport(Adapter, pDirect3D, *ppReturnedDeviceInterface, bFixCaps);

    if (uiDiagnosticLogLevel)
        // Prevent statup warning in loader
        CCore::GetSingleton().GetNetwork()->ResetStub('dia3', *ms_strExtraLogBuffer, uiDiagnosticLogLevel);

    if (hResult != D3D_OK)
        // Handle fatal error
        SString strMessage;
        strMessage += "There was a problem starting MTA:SA\n\n";
        strMessage += SString("Direct3D CreateDevice error: %08x", hResult);
        BrowseToSolution("d3dcreatedevice-fail", EXIT_GAME_FIRST | ASK_GO_ONLINE, strMessage);

    return hResult;
Пример #6
HRESULT CProxyDirect3D9::CreateDevice(UINT Adapter, D3DDEVTYPE DeviceType, HWND hFocusWindow, DWORD BehaviorFlags,
                                      D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS* pPresentationParameters, IDirect3DDevice9** ppReturnedDeviceInterface)
    // Do not change the code at the start of this function.
    // Some graphic card drivers seem sensitive to the content of the CreateDevice function.
    HRESULT hResult;


    WriteDebugEvent(SString("    Adapter:%d  DeviceType:%d  BehaviorFlags:0x%x", Adapter, DeviceType, BehaviorFlags));

    // Make sure DirectX Get calls will work
    BehaviorFlags &= ~D3DCREATE_PUREDEVICE;

    WriteDebugEvent(SString("    BackBufferWidth:%d  Height:%d  Format:%d  Count:%d", pPresentationParameters->BackBufferWidth,
                            pPresentationParameters->BackBufferHeight, pPresentationParameters->BackBufferFormat, pPresentationParameters->BackBufferCount));

    WriteDebugEvent(SString("    MultiSampleType:%d  Quality:%d", pPresentationParameters->MultiSampleType, pPresentationParameters->MultiSampleQuality));

    WriteDebugEvent(SString("    SwapEffect:%d  Windowed:%d  EnableAutoDepthStencil:%d  AutoDepthStencilFormat:%d  Flags:0x%x",
                            pPresentationParameters->SwapEffect, pPresentationParameters->Windowed, pPresentationParameters->EnableAutoDepthStencil,
                            pPresentationParameters->AutoDepthStencilFormat, pPresentationParameters->Flags));

    WriteDebugEvent(SString("    FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz:%d  PresentationInterval:0x%08x", pPresentationParameters->FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz,

    // Change the window title to MTA: San Andreas
    #ifdef MTA_DEBUG
    SetWindowTextW(hFocusWindow, MbUTF8ToUTF16("MTA: San Andreas [DEBUG]").c_str());
    SetWindowTextW(hFocusWindow, MbUTF8ToUTF16("MTA: San Andreas").c_str());

    // Detect if second call to CreateDevice
    if (CreateDeviceSecondCallCheck(hResult, m_pDevice, Adapter, DeviceType, hFocusWindow, BehaviorFlags, pPresentationParameters, ppReturnedDeviceInterface))
        return hResult;

    // Enable the auto depth stencil parameter
    pPresentationParameters->EnableAutoDepthStencil = true;


    // Create our object.
    hResult = m_pDevice->CreateDeviceEx(Adapter, DeviceType, hFocusWindow, BehaviorFlags, pPresentationParameters, NULL, (IDirect3DDevice9Ex**)ppReturnedDeviceInterface);

    // Store the rendering window in the direct 3d data

    // Make sure the object was created successfully.
    if (hResult == D3D_OK)
        // Apply input hook

        GetVideoModeManager()->PostCreateDevice(*ppReturnedDeviceInterface, pPresentationParameters);

        // We must first store the presentation values.
        CDirect3DData::GetSingleton().StoreViewport(0, 0, pPresentationParameters->BackBufferWidth, pPresentationParameters->BackBufferHeight);

        // Calc and store readable depth format for shader use
        ERenderFormat ReadableDepthFormat = CDirect3DEvents9::DiscoverReadableDepthFormat(*ppReturnedDeviceInterface, pPresentationParameters->MultiSampleType,
                                                                                          pPresentationParameters->Windowed != 0);

        // Now create the proxy device.
        *ppReturnedDeviceInterface = new CProxyDirect3DDevice9(*ppReturnedDeviceInterface);

        // Debug output

        WriteDebugEvent(SString("    Adapter:%d  DeviceType:%d  BehaviorFlags:0x%x  ReadableDepth:%s", parameters.AdapterOrdinal, parameters.DeviceType,
                                parameters.BehaviorFlags, ReadableDepthFormat ? std::string((char*)&ReadableDepthFormat, 4).c_str() : "None"));

    hResult =
        HandleCreateDeviceResult(hResult, m_pDevice, Adapter, DeviceType, hFocusWindow, BehaviorFlags, pPresentationParameters, ppReturnedDeviceInterface);

    return hResult;
Пример #7
// CRenderItemManager::GetDxStatus
void CRenderItemManager::GetDxStatus ( SDxStatus& outStatus )
    outStatus.testMode = m_TestMode;

    // Copy hardware settings
    outStatus.videoCard.strName = m_strVideoCardName;
    outStatus.videoCard.iInstalledMemoryKB = m_iVideoCardMemoryKBTotal;
    outStatus.videoCard.strPSVersion = m_strVideoCardPSVersion;
    outStatus.videoCard.depthBufferFormat = m_depthBufferFormat;
    outStatus.videoCard.iMaxAnisotropy = g_pDeviceState->AdapterState.MaxAnisotropicSetting;
    outStatus.videoCard.iNumSimultaneousRTs = g_pDeviceState->DeviceCaps.NumSimultaneousRTs;

    // State
    outStatus.state.iNumShadersUsingReadableDepthBuffer = m_ShadersUsingDepthBuffer.size();

    // Memory usage
    outStatus.videoMemoryKB.iFreeForMTA = m_iMemoryKBFreeForMTA;
    outStatus.videoMemoryKB.iUsedByFonts = m_iFontMemoryKBUsed;
    outStatus.videoMemoryKB.iUsedByTextures = m_iTextureMemoryKBUsed;
    outStatus.videoMemoryKB.iUsedByRenderTargets = m_iRenderTargetMemoryKBUsed;

    // Option settings
    CGameSettings* gameSettings = CCore::GetSingleton ().GetGame ()->GetSettings ();
    outStatus.settings.bWindowed = GetVideoModeManager()->IsDisplayModeWindowed();
    outStatus.settings.iFullScreenStyle = GetVideoModeManager()->GetFullScreenStyle();
    outStatus.settings.iFXQuality = gameSettings->GetFXQuality(); ;
    outStatus.settings.iDrawDistance = ( gameSettings->GetDrawDistance () - 0.925f ) / 0.8749f * 100;
    outStatus.settings.iAntiAliasing = gameSettings->GetAntiAliasing() - 1;
    outStatus.settings.bVolumetricShadows = false;
    outStatus.settings.bAllowScreenUpload = true;
    outStatus.settings.iStreamingMemory = 0;
    outStatus.settings.bGrassEffect = false;
    outStatus.settings.bHeatHaze = false;
    outStatus.settings.iAnisotropicFiltering = 0;
    outStatus.settings.aspectRatio = gameSettings->GetAspectRatio ();
    outStatus.settings.bHUDMatchAspectRatio = true;
    outStatus.settings.fFieldOfView = 70;
    outStatus.settings.bHighDetailVehicles = false;

    CVARS_GET ( "streaming_memory",     outStatus.settings.iStreamingMemory );
    CVARS_GET ( "volumetric_shadows",   outStatus.settings.bVolumetricShadows );
    CVARS_GET ( "allow_screen_upload",  outStatus.settings.bAllowScreenUpload );
    CVARS_GET ( "grass",                outStatus.settings.bGrassEffect );
    CVARS_GET ( "heat_haze",            outStatus.settings.bHeatHaze );
    CVARS_GET ( "anisotropic",          outStatus.settings.iAnisotropicFiltering );
    CVARS_GET ( "hud_match_aspect_ratio", outStatus.settings.bHUDMatchAspectRatio );
    CVARS_GET ( "fov",                  outStatus.settings.fFieldOfView );
    CVARS_GET ( "high_detail_vehicles", outStatus.settings.bHighDetailVehicles );

    if ( outStatus.settings.iFXQuality == 0 )
        // These are always off with low fx quality
        outStatus.settings.bVolumetricShadows = false;
        outStatus.settings.bGrassEffect = false;

    // Display color depth
    D3DFORMAT BackBufferFormat = g_pDeviceState->CreationState.PresentationParameters.BackBufferFormat;
    if ( BackBufferFormat >= D3DFMT_R5G6B5 && BackBufferFormat < D3DFMT_A8R3G3B2 )
        outStatus.settings.b32BitColor = 0;
        outStatus.settings.b32BitColor = 1;

    // Modify if using test mode
    if ( m_TestMode == DX_TEST_MODE_NO_MEM )
        outStatus.videoMemoryKB.iFreeForMTA = 0;

    if ( m_TestMode == DX_TEST_MODE_LOW_MEM )
        outStatus.videoMemoryKB.iFreeForMTA = 1;

    if ( m_TestMode == DX_TEST_MODE_NO_SHADER )
        outStatus.videoCard.strPSVersion = "0";
Пример #8
LRESULT CALLBACK CMessageLoopHook::ProcessMessage ( HWND hwnd, 
                                                    UINT uMsg, 
                                                    WPARAM wParam, 
                                                    LPARAM lParam )
    CMessageLoopHook *  pThis;

    // Get a pointer to ourself.
    pThis = CMessageLoopHook::GetSingletonPtr ( );

    if ( pThis )

    // Alternate alt-tab system
    if ( pThis && hwnd == pThis->GetHookedWindowHandle () )
        if ( uMsg == WM_ACTIVATE && LOWORD(wParam) == WA_ACTIVE )
        if ( uMsg == WM_ACTIVATE && LOWORD(wParam) == WA_INACTIVE )
        if ( uMsg == WM_PAINT )

    // Log our state
    if ( uMsg == WM_KILLFOCUS || (uMsg == WM_ACTIVATE && LOWORD(wParam) == WA_INACTIVE) )
        CSetCursorPosHook::GetSingleton ().DisableSetCursorPos ();
    else if ( uMsg == WM_SETFOCUS || (uMsg == WM_ACTIVATE && LOWORD(wParam) != WA_INACTIVE) )
        if ( !g_pCore->GetLocalGUI ()->InputGoesToGUI () )
            CSetCursorPosHook::GetSingleton ().EnableSetCursorPos ();

    // Prevent GTA from knowing about kill focuses. Prevents pausing.
    if ( uMsg == WM_KILLFOCUS || (uMsg == WM_ACTIVATE && LOWORD(wParam) == WA_INACTIVE) )
        return true;

    // Disable the system context menu by clicking in the process icon or pressing ALT+SPACE.
    if ( uMsg == WM_SYSCOMMAND )
        if ( wParam == 0xF093 || wParam == SC_KEYMENU || wParam == SC_MOUSEMENU )
            return 0;

    // Quit message?
    if ( uMsg == WM_CLOSE )
        g_pCore->Quit ();

    if ( uMsg == WM_COPYDATA )

        if ( pCDS->dwData == URI_CONNECT )
            LPSTR szConnectInfo      = (LPSTR) pCDS->lpData;
            CCommandFuncs::Connect ( szConnectInfo );

    // Make sure our pointers are valid.
    if ( pThis != NULL && hwnd == pThis->GetHookedWindowHandle () && g_pCore->AreModulesLoaded() )
        g_pCore->UpdateIsWindowMinimized ();  // Force update of stuff

        if ( uMsg == WM_TIMER && wParam == IDT_TIMER1 )
            g_pCore->WindowsTimerHandler();     // Used for 'minimized before first game' pulses

        // Handle IME if input is not for the GUI
        if ( !g_pCore->GetLocalGUI ()->InputGoesToGUI () )
            if ( uMsg == WM_KEYDOWN )
                // Recover virtual key
                if ( wParam == VK_PROCESSKEY )
                    wParam = MapVirtualKey ( lParam >> 16, MAPVK_VSC_TO_VK_EX );

                // Cancel, stop, block and ignore
                HIMC himc = ImmGetContext ( hwnd );
                ImmNotifyIME ( himc, NI_COMPOSITIONSTR, CPS_CANCEL, 0 );
                ImmReleaseContext ( hwnd, himc );
                return true;

        // Pass escape keyup to onClientKey
        if ( uMsg == WM_KEYUP && wParam == VK_ESCAPE )
            g_pCore->GetKeyBinds()->TriggerKeyStrokeHandler ( "escape", uMsg == WM_KEYDOWN, true );
            return true;

        // Suppress auto repeat of escape and console toggle keys
        if ( ( uMsg == WM_KEYDOWN || uMsg == WM_CHAR ) && ( wParam == VK_ESCAPE || wParam == VK_F8 || wParam == '`' ) )
            bool bFirstHit = ( lParam & 0x40000000 ) ? false:true;
            if ( !bFirstHit )
                return true;

        // Slightly hacky way of suppressing escape character when console is closed with escape key
        if ( uMsg == WM_CHAR && wParam == VK_ESCAPE )
            bool bTemp = ms_bIgnoreNextEscapeCharacter;
            ms_bIgnoreNextEscapeCharacter = false;
            if ( bTemp )
                return true;

        if ( CKeyBinds::IsFakeCtrl_L ( uMsg, wParam, lParam ) )
            return true;

        // See if this is message was caused by our asynchronous sockets
        if ( uMsg >= WM_ASYNCTRAP && uMsg <= ( WM_ASYNCTRAP + 511 ))
            /* ACHTUNG: uMsg - 10? Windows seems to add 10 or there's a bug in the message code. Hack! */
            // Let the CTCPManager handle it
            CTCPManager::GetSingletonPtr ()->HandleEvent ( ( uMsg - WM_ASYNCTRAP ), wParam, lParam );

        bool bWasCaptureKey = false;
        CMainMenu* pMainMenu = g_pCore->GetLocalGUI ()->GetMainMenu ();
        if ( pMainMenu )
            CSettings* pSettings = pMainMenu->GetSettingsWindow ();
            if ( pSettings )
                if ( uMsg == WM_KEYDOWN && wParam == VK_ESCAPE && GetJoystickManager ()->IsCapturingAxis () )
                    GetJoystickManager ()->CancelCaptureAxis ( true );
                    return true;
                bWasCaptureKey = ( pSettings->IsCapturingKey () && pSettings->ProcessMessage ( uMsg, wParam, lParam ) );
                if ( !bWasCaptureKey )
                    // If Escape is pressed and we're playing ingame, we show/hide the menu
                    if ( uMsg == WM_KEYDOWN && wParam == VK_ESCAPE && g_pCore->IsConnected () )
                        // Hide the console
                        CConsoleInterface* pConsole = g_pCore->GetConsole ();
                        if ( pConsole->IsVisible () )
                            ms_bIgnoreNextEscapeCharacter = true;
                            pConsole->SetVisible ( false );
                            return true;

                        // The mainmenu makes sure it isn't hidden if UseIngameButtons == false
                        if ( !CCore::GetSingleton().IsOfflineMod () )
                            if ( g_pCore->GetKeyBinds()->TriggerKeyStrokeHandler ( "escape", uMsg == WM_KEYDOWN, true ) )
                                // Stop chat input
                                if ( CLocalGUI::GetSingleton ().IsChatBoxInputEnabled () )
                                    CLocalGUI::GetSingleton ().SetChatBoxInputEnabled ( false );
                                    return true;

                                CLocalGUI::GetSingleton ().SetMainMenuVisible ( !CLocalGUI::GetSingleton ().IsMainMenuVisible () );
                            return true;
                    if ( uMsg == WM_KEYDOWN && wParam == VK_ESCAPE && !g_pCore->IsConnected () )
                        // If Escape is pressed and we're not playing ingame, hide certain windows
                        CLocalGUI::GetSingleton ().GetMainMenu ()->OnEscapePressedOffLine ();

                    // If CTRL and Tab are pressed, Trigger a skip
                    if ( ( uMsg == WM_KEYDOWN && wParam == VK_TAB ) )
                        eSystemState systemState = g_pCore->GetGame ()->GetSystemState ();
                        if ( systemState == 7 || systemState == 8 || systemState == 9 )
                            short sCtrlState = GetKeyState ( VK_CONTROL );
                            short sShiftState = GetKeyState ( VK_SHIFT );
                            if ( sCtrlState & 0x8000 )
                                CSettings * pSettings = CLocalGUI::GetSingleton ().GetMainMenu ()->GetSettingsWindow ();
                                CServerBrowser * pServerBrowser = CLocalGUI::GetSingleton ().GetMainMenu ()->GetServerBrowser ();

                                if ( pSettings && pSettings->IsVisible ( ) && pSettings->IsActive ( ) )
                                    pSettings->TabSkip ( ( sShiftState & 0x8000 ) ? true : false );
                                else if ( pServerBrowser && pServerBrowser->IsVisible ( ) && pServerBrowser->IsActive ( ) )
                                    pServerBrowser->TabSkip ( ( sShiftState & 0x8000 ) ? true : false );
                    if ( ( uMsg == WM_KEYDOWN && ( wParam >= VK_1 && wParam <= VK_9 ) ) )
                        eSystemState systemState = g_pCore->GetGame ()->GetSystemState ();
                        if ( systemState == 7 || systemState == 8 || systemState == 9 )
                            short sCtrlState = GetKeyState ( VK_CONTROL );
                            if ( sCtrlState & 0x8000 )
                                CSettings * pSettings = CLocalGUI::GetSingleton ().GetMainMenu ()->GetSettingsWindow ();
                                CServerBrowser * pServerBrowser = CLocalGUI::GetSingleton ().GetMainMenu ()->GetServerBrowser ();

                                if ( pSettings && pSettings->IsVisible ( ) && pSettings->IsActive ( ) )
                                    pSettings->SetSelectedIndex ( ( wParam - VK_1 ) - 1 );
                                else if ( pServerBrowser && pServerBrowser->IsVisible ( ) && pServerBrowser->IsActive ( ) )
                                    pServerBrowser->SetSelectedIndex ( ( wParam - VK_1 ) - 1 );

                    // If F8 is pressed, we show/hide the console
                    if ( ( uMsg == WM_KEYDOWN && wParam == VK_F8 ) || ( uMsg == WM_CHAR && wParam == '`' ) )
                        eSystemState systemState = g_pCore->GetGame ()->GetSystemState ();
                        if ( CLocalGUI::GetSingleton ().IsConsoleVisible () || systemState == 7 || systemState == 8 || systemState == 9 ) /* GS_FRONTEND, GS_INIT_PLAYING_GAME, GS_PLAYING_GAME */
                            CLocalGUI::GetSingleton ().SetConsoleVisible ( !CLocalGUI::GetSingleton ().IsConsoleVisible () );           
                        return true;

                    // If the console is accepting input, and we pressed down/up, scroll the console history
                    //                          or if we pressed tab, step through possible autocomplete matches
                    if ( CLocalGUI::GetSingleton ().GetConsole()->IsInputActive() )
                        if ( uMsg == WM_KEYDOWN )
                            if ( wParam == VK_DOWN )
                                CLocalGUI::GetSingleton ().GetConsole ()->SetPreviousHistoryText ();

                            if ( wParam == VK_UP )
                                CLocalGUI::GetSingleton ().GetConsole ()->SetNextHistoryText ();

                            if ( wParam == VK_TAB )
                                CLocalGUI::GetSingleton ().GetConsole ()->SetNextAutoCompleteMatch ();
                                CLocalGUI::GetSingleton ().GetConsole ()->ResetAutoCompleteMatch ();
                    else if ( uMsg == WM_KEYDOWN && CLocalGUI::GetSingleton().GetMainMenu()->GetServerBrowser()->IsAddressBarAwaitingInput() )
                        if ( wParam == VK_DOWN )
                            CLocalGUI::GetSingleton().GetMainMenu()->GetServerBrowser()->SetNextHistoryText ( true );

                        if ( wParam == VK_UP )
                            CLocalGUI::GetSingleton().GetMainMenu()->GetServerBrowser()->SetNextHistoryText ( false );


        if ( !bWasCaptureKey )
            // Store our keydown for backup unicode translation
            if ( uMsg == WM_KEYDOWN )
                m_LastVirtualKeyCode = wParam;
                m_LastScanCode = (BYTE)((lParam >> 16) & 0x000F);
                GetKeyboardState( m_LastKeyboardState );
            // If it was a question mark character, we may have an unprocessed unicode character
            if ( uMsg == WM_CHAR && wParam == 0x3F )
                wchar_t* wcsUnicode = new wchar_t[1];
                ToUnicodeEx ( m_LastVirtualKeyCode, m_LastScanCode, m_LastKeyboardState, wcsUnicode, 1, 0, GetKeyboardLayout(0) );
                wParam = (WPARAM)wcsUnicode[0];
                delete wcsUnicode;

            // Lead the message through the keybinds message processor
            g_pCore->GetKeyBinds ()->ProcessMessage ( hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );

            bool bProcessed = false, bClientProcessed = false;          

            // Check and see if the GUI should process this message
            bProcessed = CLocalGUI::GetSingleton ().ProcessMessage ( hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );
            // Check and see if the Core/mod should process this message
            if ( !CCore::GetSingleton ().GetGame ()->IsAtMenu() )
                pfnProcessMessage pfnClientMessageProcessor = CCore::GetSingleton ().GetClientMessageProcessor();
                if ( pfnClientMessageProcessor )
                    bClientProcessed = pfnClientMessageProcessor ( hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );

            // If GTA can process this key
            if ( !bProcessed && !bClientProcessed )
                // ALWAYS return true on escape to stop us getting to GTA's menu
                if ( uMsg == WM_KEYDOWN && wParam == VK_ESCAPE )
                    return true; 

                // Prevent game window auto-minimizing if full screen and:
                //     1. More than one monitor present
                // and 2. Minimizing option disabled
                // or
                //     1. Starting up (Main menu has not been displayed yet)
                if ( uMsg == WM_ACTIVATE ||
                    uMsg == WM_ACTIVATEAPP ||
                    uMsg == WM_NCACTIVATE ||
                    uMsg == WM_SETFOCUS ||
                    uMsg == WM_KILLFOCUS )
                    if ( !GetVideoModeManager ()->IsWindowed () )
                        if ( !CLocalGUI::GetSingleton ().GetMainMenu () || !CLocalGUI::GetSingleton ().GetMainMenu ()->HasStarted () )
                            return true;    // No auto-minimize

                        if ( GetVideoModeManager ()->IsMultiMonitor ()
                            && !GetVideoModeManager ()->IsMinimizeEnabled () )
                            return true;    // No auto-minimize
                // Should not really ever get here, just in case. 
                else if ( uMsg == WM_SIZE )
                    if ( wParam == SIZE_MINIMIZED )
                        ShowWindow ( pThis->GetHookedWindowHandle(), SW_RESTORE );
                        return true;

                if ( uMsg == WM_SYSCOMMAND && wParam == 0xF012 ) // SC_DRAGMOVE
                    CMessageLoopHook::GetSingleton().StartWindowMovement ();
                    return true;

                // If we handled mouse steering, don't let GTA.
                //if ( !CCore::GetSingleton ().GetMouseControl()->ProcessMouseMove ( uMsg, wParam, lParam ) )
                    // Call GTA's window procedure.
                    return CallWindowProcW ( pThis->m_HookedWindowProc, hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );

            // Don't allow DefWindowProc if processed here. (Important for IME)
            return true; 