Пример #1
// Purpose:
int GetWeaponFromDamage( const CTakeDamageInfo &info )
	int iWeapon = TF_WEAPON_NONE;

	// Work out what killed the player, and send a message to all clients about it
	const char *killer_weapon_name = TFGameRules()->GetKillingWeaponName( info, NULL );

	if ( !Q_strnicmp( killer_weapon_name, "tf_projectile", 13 ) )
		for( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( g_szProjectileNames ); i++ )
			if ( !Q_stricmp( &killer_weapon_name[ 3 ], g_szProjectileNames[ i ] ) )
				iWeapon = g_iProjectileWeapons[ i ];
		int iLen = Q_strlen( killer_weapon_name );

		// strip off _projectile from projectiles shot from other projectiles
		if ( ( iLen < 256 ) && ( iLen > 11 ) && !Q_stricmp( &killer_weapon_name[ iLen - 11 ], "_projectile" ) )
			char temp[ 256 ];
			Q_strcpy( temp, killer_weapon_name );
			temp[ iLen - 11 ] = 0;

			// set the weapon used
			iWeapon = GetWeaponId( temp );
			// set the weapon used
			iWeapon = GetWeaponId( killer_weapon_name );

	return iWeapon;
Пример #2
void Game_Actor::ChangeEquipment(int equip_type, int item_id) {
	int prev_item = SetEquipment(equip_type, item_id);

	if (prev_item != 0) {
		Main_Data::game_party->AddItem(prev_item, 1);
	if (item_id != 0) {
		Main_Data::game_party->RemoveItem(item_id, 1);

	// In case you have a two_handed weapon equipped, the other weapon is removed.
	const RPG::Item* item = ReaderUtil::GetElement(Data::items, GetWeaponId());
	const RPG::Item* item2 = ReaderUtil::GetElement(Data::items, GetShieldId());
	if (item && item2 && (item->two_handed || item2->two_handed)) {
		ChangeEquipment(equip_type == RPG::Item::Type_weapon ? equip_type + 1 : equip_type - 1, 0);
uint16 CStatsEntityIdRegistry::GetWeaponId( const char *pWeaponName ) const
	if( const IEntityClass *pClass = gEnv->pEntitySystem->GetClassRegistry()->FindClass(pWeaponName) )
		return GetWeaponId( pClass );
		int numWeaponExtensions = m_weaponExtensions.size();
		for( int i = 0; i < numWeaponExtensions; ++i )
			if( !stricmp( m_weaponExtensions[i].m_name.c_str(), pWeaponName ) )
				return m_weaponExtensions[i].m_id;
		return m_defaultWeapon;
Пример #4
// Purpose: 
void TFPlayerClassData_t::ParseData( KeyValues *pKeyValuesData )
	// Attributes.
	Q_strncpy( m_szClassName, pKeyValuesData->GetString( "name" ), TF_NAME_LENGTH );

	// Load the high res model or the lower res model.
	Q_strncpy( m_szHWMModelName, pKeyValuesData->GetString( "model_hwm" ), TF_NAME_LENGTH );
	Q_strncpy( m_szModelName, pKeyValuesData->GetString( "model" ), TF_NAME_LENGTH );
	Q_strncpy( m_szModelHandsName, pKeyValuesData->GetString("model_hands"), TF_NAME_LENGTH);
	Q_strncpy( m_szLocalizableName, pKeyValuesData->GetString( "localize_name" ), TF_NAME_LENGTH );

	m_flMaxSpeed = pKeyValuesData->GetFloat( "speed_max" );
	m_nMaxHealth = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "health_max" );
	m_nMaxArmor = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "armor_max" );

	// Weapons.
	int i;
	char buf[32];
	for ( i=0;i<TF_PLAYER_WEAPON_COUNT;i++ )
		Q_snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "weapon%d", i+1 );		
		m_aWeapons[i] = GetWeaponId( pKeyValuesData->GetString( buf ) );

	// Grenades.
	m_aGrenades[0] = GetWeaponId( pKeyValuesData->GetString( "grenade1" ) );
	m_aGrenades[1] = GetWeaponId( pKeyValuesData->GetString( "grenade2" ) );

	// Ammo Max.
	KeyValues *pAmmoKeyValuesData = pKeyValuesData->FindKey( "AmmoMax" );
	if ( pAmmoKeyValuesData )
		for ( int iAmmo = 1; iAmmo < TF_AMMO_COUNT; ++iAmmo )
			m_aAmmoMax[iAmmo] = pAmmoKeyValuesData->GetInt( g_aAmmoNames[iAmmo], 0 );

	// Buildables
	for ( i=0;i<TF_PLAYER_BUILDABLE_COUNT;i++ )
		Q_snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "buildable%d", i+1 );		
		m_aBuildable[i] = GetBuildableId( pKeyValuesData->GetString( buf ) );		

	// Temp animation flags
	m_bDontDoAirwalk = ( pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "DontDoAirwalk", 0 ) > 0 );
	m_bDontDoNewJump = ( pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "DontDoNewJump", 0 ) > 0 );

#ifdef GAME_DLL		// right now we only emit these sounds from server. if that changes we can do this in both dlls

	// Death Sounds
	Q_strncpy( m_szDeathSound, pKeyValuesData->GetString( "sound_death", "Player.Death" ), MAX_PLAYERCLASS_SOUND_LENGTH );
	Q_strncpy( m_szCritDeathSound, pKeyValuesData->GetString( "sound_crit_death", "TFPlayer.CritDeath" ), MAX_PLAYERCLASS_SOUND_LENGTH );
	Q_strncpy( m_szMeleeDeathSound, pKeyValuesData->GetString( "sound_melee_death", "Player.MeleeDeath" ), MAX_PLAYERCLASS_SOUND_LENGTH );
	Q_strncpy( m_szExplosionDeathSound, pKeyValuesData->GetString( "sound_explosion_death", "Player.ExplosionDeath" ), MAX_PLAYERCLASS_SOUND_LENGTH );


	// The file has been parsed.
	m_bParsed = true;