Пример #1
* Function
*	GfModFreeInfoList
* Description
*	Free a modules info list without unloading the modules
* Parameters
*	modlist	(in/out) list of info to free
* Return
*	0	Ok
*	-1	Error
* Remarks
int GfModFreeInfoList(tModList **modlist)
    tModList	*curMod;
    tModList	*nextMod;
    curMod = *modlist;
    if (curMod == 0)
	return 0;

	nextMod = curMod->next;

	GfModInfoFreeNC(curMod->modInfo, curMod->modInfoSize);

	curMod = nextMod;
    while (curMod != *modlist);
    *modlist = 0;

    return 0;
Пример #2
 * Function
 *	linuxModUnloadList
 * Description
 *	Unload the modules of a list
 * Parameters
 *	modlist	(in/out) list of modules to unload
 * Return
 *	0	Ok
 *	-1	Error
 * Remarks
static int
linuxModUnloadList(tModList **modlist)
	tModList		*curMod;
	tModList		*nextMod;
	int                 termSts;
	int                 unloadSts = 0;
	curMod = *modlist;
	if (curMod == 0)
		return 0;
		nextMod = curMod->next;
		/* Terminate the module */
		termSts = GfModTerminate(curMod->handle, curMod->sopath);
		if (termSts)
			unloadSts = termSts;
		// Comment out for valgrind runs, be aware that the driving with the keyboard does
		// just work to first time this way.
		GfLogInfo("Unloaded module %s\n", curMod->sopath);
		GfModInfoFreeNC(curMod->modInfo, curMod->modInfoSize);
		curMod = nextMod;
	while (curMod != *modlist);
	*modlist = (tModList *)NULL;
	return unloadSts;
Пример #3
 * Function
 *	GfModInitialize
 * Description
 *	Initialize the module with given handle and library file path
 * Parameters
 *	soHandle (in)	handle of the loaded shared library
 *	soPath   (in)	path of the loaded shared library
 *	gfid     (in)	id of the gaming framework that the module MUST implement to be initialized
 *	                (Not taken into account if == GfIdAny)
 *	mod      (in)	address of module entry to allocate and initialize  
 *	                (0 if any error occured or modules not retained for bad GFId)
 * Return
 *	0	if initialization succeeded (even if the module was rejected for bad GFId)
 *	-1	if any error occured
 * Remarks
int GfModInitialize(tSOHandle soHandle, const char *soPath, unsigned int gfid, tModList **mod)
    tfModInfoWelcome    fModInfoWelcome; /* function to exchange  information with the module at welcome time */
    tfModInfoInitialize	fModInfoInit = 0;	 /* init function of the module */
    int   initSts = 0;	 /* returned status */
    int	  retained = 1;
    char  soName[256];
    char  soDir[1024];
    char* lastSlash;
    /* Allocate module entry in list */
    if (!(*mod = (tModList*)calloc(1, sizeof(tModList))))
		GfLogError("GfModInitialize: Failed to allocate tModList for module %s\n", soPath);
		return -1;
    /* Determine the shared library / DLL name and load dir */
    strcpy(soDir, soPath);
    lastSlash = strrchr(soDir, '/');
    if (lastSlash)
		strcpy(soName, lastSlash+1);
		*lastSlash = 0;
		strcpy(soName, soPath);
		*soDir = 0;
    soName[strlen(soName) - SOFileExtLen] = 0; /* cut so file extension */

    /* Welcome the module : exchange informations with it :
       1) Call the dedicated module function if present */
    if ((fModInfoWelcome = (tfModInfoWelcome)dlsym(SOHandle(soHandle), GfModInfoWelcomeFuncName)) != 0) 
        /* Prepare information to give to the module */
		tModWelcomeIn welcomeIn;
		welcomeIn.itfVerMajor = 1;
		welcomeIn.itfVerMinor = 0;
		welcomeIn.name = soName;

		/* Prepare a place for the module-given information */
		tModWelcomeOut welcomeOut;

		/* Call the welcome function */
		if ((initSts = fModInfoWelcome(&welcomeIn, &welcomeOut)) != 0)
			GfLogError("GfModInitialize: Module welcome function failed %s\n", soPath);
			/* Save information given by the module */
			(*mod)->modInfoSize = welcomeOut.maxNbItf;

    /* 2) If not present, default number of interfaces (backward compatibility) */
        (*mod)->modInfoSize = GfModInfoDefaultMaxItf;

    /* Get module initialization function if welcome succeeded :
       1) Try the new sheme (fixed name) */
    if (initSts == 0)
		fModInfoInit =
			(tfModInfoInitialize)dlsym(SOHandle(soHandle), GfModInfoInitializeFuncName);
		//GfLogDebug("GfModInitialize: fModInfoInit(%s) @ %p\n",
		//		   GfModInfoInitializeFuncName, fModInfoInit);
	/* 2) Backward compatibility (dll name) */
	if (initSts == 0 && !fModInfoInit)
		fModInfoInit = (tfModInfoInitialize)dlsym(SOHandle(soHandle), soName);
		//GfLogDebug("GfModInitialize: fModInfoInit(%s) @ %p\n", soName, fModInfoInit);
    /* Call module initialization function if welcome succeeded and init function found */
    if (initSts == 0 && fModInfoInit) 
		/* Allocate module interfaces info array according to the size we got */
		tModInfo* constModInfo;
		if ((constModInfo = GfModInfoAllocate((*mod)->modInfoSize)) != 0) 
			/* Library loaded, init function exists, call it... */
			if ((initSts = fModInfoInit(constModInfo)) == 0)
				/* Duplicate strings in each interface, in case the module gave us static data ! */
				if (((*mod)->modInfo = GfModInfoDuplicate(constModInfo, (*mod)->modInfoSize)) != 0) 
					/* Reject module if not of requested gaming framework Id */
					if (gfid != GfIdAny && (*mod)->modInfo[0].gfId != gfid) 
						GfLogTrace("GfModInitialize: Module not retained %s\n", soPath);
						GfModInfoFreeNC((*mod)->modInfo, (*mod)->modInfoSize);
						retained = 0;
					/* Free the module info data returned by the module (we have a copy) */
					initSts = -1;
				GfLogError("GfModInitialize: Module init function failed %s\n", soPath);
			initSts = -1;

    /* If init function not found, we have a problem ... */
		GfLogError("GfModInitialize: Module init function %s not found ...  %s\n", 
				soPath, dlerror());
		initSts = -1;

    /* Store other module information */
    if (initSts == 0 && retained)
        GfOut("Initialized module %s (maxItf=%d)\n", soPath, (*mod)->modInfoSize);
		(*mod)->handle = (tSOHandle)soHandle;
		(*mod)->sopath = strdup(soPath);
		*mod = 0;

    return initSts;