Пример #1
void AActor::RerunConstructionScripts()
	checkf(!HasAnyFlags(RF_ClassDefaultObject), TEXT("RerunConstructionScripts should never be called on a CDO as it can mutate the transient data on the CDO which then propagates to instances!"));

	FEditorScriptExecutionGuard ScriptGuard;
	// don't allow (re)running construction scripts on dying actors
	bool bAllowReconstruction = !IsPendingKill() && !HasAnyFlags(RF_BeginDestroyed|RF_FinishDestroyed);
	if(bAllowReconstruction && GIsEditor)
		// Generate the blueprint hierarchy for this actor
		TArray<UBlueprint*> ParentBPStack;
		bAllowReconstruction = UBlueprint::GetBlueprintHierarchyFromClass(GetClass(), ParentBPStack);
			for(int i = ParentBPStack.Num() - 1; i > 0 && bAllowReconstruction; --i)
				const UBlueprint* ParentBP = ParentBPStack[i];
				if(ParentBP && ParentBP->bBeingCompiled)
					// don't allow (re)running construction scripts if a parent BP is being compiled
					bAllowReconstruction = false;
		// Set global flag to let system know we are reconstructing blueprint instances
		TGuardValue<bool> GuardTemplateNameFlag(GIsReconstructingBlueprintInstances, true);

		// Temporarily suspend the undo buffer; we don't need to record reconstructed component objects into the current transaction
		ITransaction* CurrentTransaction = GUndo;
		GUndo = NULL;
		// Create cache to store component data across rerunning construction scripts
		FActorTransactionAnnotation* ActorTransactionAnnotation = CurrentTransactionAnnotation.Get();
		FComponentInstanceDataCache* InstanceDataCache;
		FTransform OldTransform = FTransform::Identity;
		FName  SocketName;
		AActor* Parent = NULL;
		USceneComponent* ParentComponent = NULL;

		bool bUseRootComponentProperties = true;

		// Struct to store info about attached actors
		struct FAttachedActorInfo
			AActor* AttachedActor;
			FName AttachedToSocket;
			bool bSetRelativeTransform;
			FTransform RelativeTransform;

		// Save info about attached actors
		TArray<FAttachedActorInfo> AttachedActorInfos;

		if (ActorTransactionAnnotation)
			InstanceDataCache = &ActorTransactionAnnotation->ComponentInstanceData;

			if (ActorTransactionAnnotation->bRootComponentDataCached)
				OldTransform = ActorTransactionAnnotation->RootComponentData.Transform;
				Parent = ActorTransactionAnnotation->RootComponentData.AttachedParentInfo.Actor.Get();
				if (Parent)
					USceneComponent* AttachParent = ActorTransactionAnnotation->RootComponentData.AttachedParentInfo.AttachParent.Get();
					ParentComponent = (AttachParent ? AttachParent : FindObjectFast<USceneComponent>(Parent, ActorTransactionAnnotation->RootComponentData.AttachedParentInfo.AttachParentName));
					SocketName = ActorTransactionAnnotation->RootComponentData.AttachedParentInfo.SocketName;

				for (const auto& CachedAttachInfo : ActorTransactionAnnotation->RootComponentData.AttachedToInfo)
					AActor* AttachedActor = CachedAttachInfo.Actor.Get();
					if (AttachedActor)
						FAttachedActorInfo Info;
						Info.AttachedActor = AttachedActor;
						Info.AttachedToSocket = CachedAttachInfo.SocketName;
						Info.bSetRelativeTransform = true;
						Info.RelativeTransform = CachedAttachInfo.RelativeTransform;


				bUseRootComponentProperties = false;
			InstanceDataCache = new FComponentInstanceDataCache(this);

			// If there are attached objects detach them and store the socket names
			TArray<AActor*> AttachedActors;

			for (AActor* AttachedActor : AttachedActors)
				USceneComponent* EachRoot = AttachedActor->GetRootComponent();
				// If the component we are attached to is about to go away...
				if (EachRoot && EachRoot->AttachParent && EachRoot->AttachParent->IsCreatedByConstructionScript())
					// Save info about actor to reattach
					FAttachedActorInfo Info;
					Info.AttachedActor = AttachedActor;
					Info.AttachedToSocket = EachRoot->AttachSocketName;
					Info.bSetRelativeTransform = false;

					// Now detach it

		if (bUseRootComponentProperties && RootComponent != nullptr)
			// Do not need to detach if root component is not going away
			if (RootComponent->AttachParent != NULL && RootComponent->IsCreatedByConstructionScript())
				Parent = RootComponent->AttachParent->GetOwner();
				// Root component should never be attached to another component in the same actor!
				if (Parent == this)
					UE_LOG(LogActor, Warning, TEXT("RerunConstructionScripts: RootComponent (%s) attached to another component in this Actor (%s)."), *RootComponent->GetPathName(), *Parent->GetPathName());
					Parent = NULL;
				ParentComponent = RootComponent->AttachParent;
				SocketName = RootComponent->AttachSocketName;
				//detach it to remove any scaling 

			OldTransform = RootComponent->ComponentToWorld;
			OldTransform.SetTranslation(RootComponent->GetComponentLocation()); // take into account any custom location

		// Save the current construction script-created components by name
		TMap<const FName, UObject*> DestroyedComponentsByName;
		TInlineComponentArray<UActorComponent*> PreviouslyAttachedComponents;
		for (auto Component : PreviouslyAttachedComponents)
			if (Component)
				if (Component->IsCreatedByConstructionScript())

					DestroyedComponentsByName.Add(Component->GetFName(), Component);
					UActorComponent* OuterComponent = Component->GetTypedOuter<UActorComponent>();
					while (OuterComponent)
						if (OuterComponent->IsCreatedByConstructionScript())
							DestroyedComponentsByName.Add(Component->GetFName(), Component);
						OuterComponent = OuterComponent->GetTypedOuter<UActorComponent>();

		// Destroy existing components

		// Reset random streams

		// Exchange net roles before running construction scripts
		UWorld *OwningWorld = GetWorld();
		if (OwningWorld && !OwningWorld->IsServer())

		// Run the construction scripts
		ExecuteConstruction(OldTransform, InstanceDataCache);

			USceneComponent* ChildRoot = GetRootComponent();
			if (ParentComponent == NULL)
				ParentComponent = Parent->GetRootComponent();
			if (ChildRoot != NULL && ParentComponent != NULL)
				ChildRoot->AttachTo(ParentComponent, SocketName, EAttachLocation::KeepWorldPosition);

		// If we had attached children reattach them now - unless they are already attached
		for(FAttachedActorInfo& Info : AttachedActorInfos)
			// If this actor is no longer attached to anything, reattach
			if (!Info.AttachedActor->IsPendingKill() && Info.AttachedActor->GetAttachParentActor() == NULL)
				USceneComponent* ChildRoot = Info.AttachedActor->GetRootComponent();
				if (ChildRoot && ChildRoot->AttachParent != RootComponent)
					ChildRoot->AttachTo(RootComponent, Info.AttachedToSocket, EAttachLocation::KeepWorldPosition);
					if (Info.bSetRelativeTransform)

		// Restore the undo buffer
		GUndo = CurrentTransaction;

		// Create the mapping of old->new components and notify the editor of the replacements
		TMap<UObject*, UObject*> OldToNewComponentMapping;

		TInlineComponentArray<UActorComponent*> NewComponents;
		for (auto NewComp : NewComponents)
			const FName NewCompName = NewComp->GetFName();
			if (DestroyedComponentsByName.Contains(NewCompName))
				OldToNewComponentMapping.Add(DestroyedComponentsByName[NewCompName], NewComp);

		if (GEditor && (OldToNewComponentMapping.Num() > 0))

		if (ActorTransactionAnnotation)
			CurrentTransactionAnnotation = NULL;
			delete InstanceDataCache;

void FBlueprintCompileReinstancer::ReplaceInstancesOfClass(UClass* OldClass, UClass* NewClass, UObject*	OriginalCDO, TSet<UObject*>* ObjectsThatShouldUseOldStuff)
	USelection* SelectedActors;
	bool bSelectionChanged = false;
	TArray<UObject*> ObjectsToReplace;
	const bool bLogConversions = false; // for debugging

	// Map of old objects to new objects
	TMap<UObject*, UObject*> OldToNewInstanceMap;
	TMap<UClass*, UClass*>   OldToNewClassMap;
	OldToNewClassMap.Add(OldClass, NewClass);

	TMap<FStringAssetReference, UObject*> ReinstancedObjectsWeakReferenceMap;

	// actors being replace
	TArray<FActorReplacementHelper> ReplacementActors;

	// A list of objects (e.g. Blueprints) that potentially have editors open that we need to refresh
	TArray<UObject*> PotentialEditorsForRefreshing;

	// A list of component owners that need their construction scripts re-ran (because a component of theirs has been reinstanced)
	TSet<AActor*> OwnersToReconstruct;

	// Set global flag to let system know we are reconstructing blueprint instances
	TGuardValue<bool> GuardTemplateNameFlag(GIsReconstructingBlueprintInstances, true);

	struct FObjectRemappingHelper
		void OnObjectsReplaced(const TMap<UObject*, UObject*>& InReplacedObjects)

		TMap<UObject*, UObject*> ReplacedObjects;
	} ObjectRemappingHelper;

	FDelegateHandle OnObjectsReplacedHandle = GEditor->OnObjectsReplaced().AddRaw(&ObjectRemappingHelper,&FObjectRemappingHelper::OnObjectsReplaced);

	{ BP_SCOPED_COMPILER_EVENT_STAT(EKismetReinstancerStats_ReplaceInstancesOfClass);

		const bool bIncludeDerivedClasses = false;
		GetObjectsOfClass(OldClass, ObjectsToReplace, bIncludeDerivedClasses);
		SelectedActors = GEditor->GetSelectedActors();
		// Then fix 'real' (non archetype) instances of the class
		for (UObject* OldObject : ObjectsToReplace)
			// Skip non-archetype instances, EXCEPT for component templates
			const bool bIsComponent = NewClass->IsChildOf(UActorComponent::StaticClass());
			if ((!bIsComponent && OldObject->IsTemplate()) || OldObject->IsPendingKill())

			UBlueprint* CorrespondingBlueprint  = Cast<UBlueprint>(OldObject->GetClass()->ClassGeneratedBy);
			UObject*    OldBlueprintDebugObject = nullptr;
			// If this object is being debugged, cache it off so we can preserve the 'object being debugged' association
			if ((CorrespondingBlueprint != nullptr) && (CorrespondingBlueprint->GetObjectBeingDebugged() == OldObject))
				OldBlueprintDebugObject = OldObject;

			AActor*  OldActor = Cast<AActor>(OldObject);
			UObject* NewUObject = nullptr;
			// if the object to replace is an actor...
			if (OldActor != nullptr)
				FVector  Location = FVector::ZeroVector;
				FRotator Rotation = FRotator::ZeroRotator;
				if (USceneComponent* OldRootComponent = OldActor->GetRootComponent())
					Location = OldActor->GetActorLocation();
					Rotation = OldActor->GetActorRotation();

				// If this actor was spawned from an Archetype, we spawn the new actor from the new version of that archetype
				UObject* OldArchetype = OldActor->GetArchetype();
				UWorld*  World        = OldActor->GetWorld();
				AActor*  NewArchetype = Cast<AActor>(OldToNewInstanceMap.FindRef(OldArchetype));
				// Check that either this was an instance of the class directly, or we found a new archetype for it
				check(OldArchetype == OldClass->GetDefaultObject() || NewArchetype);

				// Spawn the new actor instance, in the same level as the original, but deferring running the construction script until we have transferred modified properties
				ULevel*  ActorLevel  = OldActor->GetLevel();
				UClass** MappedClass = OldToNewClassMap.Find(OldActor->GetClass());
				UClass*  SpawnClass  = MappedClass ? *MappedClass : NewClass;

				FActorSpawnParameters SpawnInfo;
				SpawnInfo.OverrideLevel      = ActorLevel;
				SpawnInfo.Template           = NewArchetype;
				SpawnInfo.bNoCollisionFail   = true;
				SpawnInfo.bDeferConstruction = true;

				// Temporarily remove the deprecated flag so we can respawn the Blueprint in the level
				const bool bIsClassDeprecated = SpawnClass->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Deprecated);
				SpawnClass->ClassFlags &= ~CLASS_Deprecated;

				AActor* NewActor = World->SpawnActor(SpawnClass, &Location, &Rotation, SpawnInfo);
				// Reassign the deprecated flag if it was previously assigned
				if (bIsClassDeprecated)
					SpawnClass->ClassFlags |= CLASS_Deprecated;

				check(NewActor != nullptr);
				NewUObject = NewActor;
				// store the new actor for the second pass (NOTE: this detaches 
				// OldActor from all child/parent attachments)
				// running the NewActor's construction-script is saved for that 
				// second pass (because the construction-script may reference 
				// another instance that hasn't been replaced yet).
				ReplacementActors.Add(FActorReplacementHelper(NewActor, OldActor));

				ReinstancedObjectsWeakReferenceMap.Add(OldObject, NewUObject);

				OldActor->DestroyConstructedComponents(); // don't want to serialize components from the old actor
				// Unregister native components so we don't copy any sub-components they generate for themselves (like UCameraComponent does)

				// Unregister any native components, might have cached state based on properties we are going to overwrite

				UEditorEngine::CopyPropertiesForUnrelatedObjects(OldActor, NewActor);
				// reset properties/streams
				// register native components

				// clean up the old actor (unselect it, remove it from the world, etc.)...

				if (OldActor->IsSelected())
					GEditor->SelectActor(OldActor, /*bInSelected =*/false, /*bNotify =*/false);
					bSelectionChanged = true;
				if (GEditor->Layers.IsValid()) // ensure(NULL != GEditor->Layers) ?? While cooking the Layers is NULL.

 				World->EditorDestroyActor(OldActor, /*bShouldModifyLevel =*/true);
 				OldToNewInstanceMap.Add(OldActor, NewActor);
				FName OldName(OldObject->GetFName());
				OldObject->Rename(NULL, OldObject->GetOuter(), REN_DoNotDirty | REN_DontCreateRedirectors);
				NewUObject = NewObject<UObject>(OldObject->GetOuter(), NewClass, OldName);
				check(NewUObject != nullptr);

				UEditorEngine::CopyPropertiesForUnrelatedObjects(OldObject, NewUObject);

				if (UAnimInstance* AnimTree = Cast<UAnimInstance>(NewUObject))
					// Initialising the anim instance isn't enough to correctly set up the skeletal mesh again in a
					// paused world, need to initialise the skeletal mesh component that contains the anim instance.
					if (USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComponent = Cast<USkeletalMeshComponent>(AnimTree->GetOuter()))


				OldToNewInstanceMap.Add(OldObject, NewUObject);

				if (bIsComponent)
					UActorComponent* Component = Cast<UActorComponent>(NewUObject);
					AActor* OwningActor = Component->GetOwner();
					if (OwningActor)

						// Check to see if they have an editor that potentially needs to be refreshed
						if (OwningActor->GetClass()->ClassGeneratedBy)

						// we need to keep track of actor instances that need 
						// their construction scripts re-ran (since we've just 
						// replaced a component they own)

			// If this original object came from a blueprint and it was in the selected debug set, change the debugging to the new object.
			if ((CorrespondingBlueprint) && (OldBlueprintDebugObject) && (NewUObject))

			if (bLogConversions)
				UE_LOG(LogBlueprint, Log, TEXT("Converted instance '%s' to '%s'"), *OldObject->GetPathName(), *NewUObject->GetPathName());


	// Now replace any pointers to the old archetypes/instances with pointers to the new one
	TArray<UObject*> SourceObjects;
	TArray<UObject*> DstObjects;

	OldToNewInstanceMap.GenerateValueArray(DstObjects); // Also look for references in new spawned objects.


	FReplaceReferenceHelper::IncludeCDO(OldClass, NewClass, OldToNewInstanceMap, SourceObjects, OriginalCDO);
	FReplaceReferenceHelper::FindAndReplaceReferences(SourceObjects, ObjectsThatShouldUseOldStuff, ObjectsToReplace, OldToNewInstanceMap, ReinstancedObjectsWeakReferenceMap);

	{ BP_SCOPED_COMPILER_EVENT_STAT(EKismetReinstancerStats_ReplacementConstruction);

		// the process of setting up new replacement actors is split into two 
		// steps (this here, is the second)...
		// the "finalization" here runs the replacement actor's construction-
		// script and is left until late to account for a scenario where the 
		// construction-script attempts to modify another instance of the 
		// same class... if this were to happen above, in the ObjectsToReplace 
		// loop, then accessing that other instance would cause an assert in 
		// UProperty::ContainerPtrToValuePtrInternal() (which appropriatly 
		// complains that the other instance's type doesn't match because it 
		// hasn't been replaced yet... that's why we wait until after 
		// FArchiveReplaceObjectRef to run construction-scripts).
		for (FActorReplacementHelper& ReplacementActor : ReplacementActors)

	if (bSelectionChanged)

	if (GEditor)
		// Refresh any editors for objects that we've updated components for
		for (auto BlueprintAsset : PotentialEditorsForRefreshing)
			FBlueprintEditor* BlueprintEditor = static_cast<FBlueprintEditor*>(FAssetEditorManager::Get().FindEditorForAsset(BlueprintAsset, /*bFocusIfOpen =*/false));
			if (BlueprintEditor)

	// in the case where we're replacing component instances, we need to make 
	// sure to re-run their owner's construction scripts
	for (AActor* ActorInstance : OwnersToReconstruct)
void FBlueprintNativeCodeGenUtils::GenerateCppCode(UObject* Obj, TSharedPtr<FString> OutHeaderSource, TSharedPtr<FString> OutCppSource)
	auto UDEnum = Cast<UUserDefinedEnum>(Obj);
	auto UDStruct = Cast<UUserDefinedStruct>(Obj);
	auto BPGC = Cast<UClass>(Obj);
	auto InBlueprintObj = BPGC ? Cast<UBlueprint>(BPGC->ClassGeneratedBy) : Cast<UBlueprint>(Obj);


	if (InBlueprintObj)
		if (EBlueprintStatus::BS_Error == InBlueprintObj->Status)
			UE_LOG(LogBlueprintCodeGen, Error, TEXT("Cannot convert \"%s\". It has errors."), *InBlueprintObj->GetPathName());

		check(InBlueprintObj->GetOutermost() != GetTransientPackage());
		if (!ensureMsgf(InBlueprintObj->GeneratedClass, TEXT("Invalid generated class for %s"), *InBlueprintObj->GetName()))

		FDisableGatheringDataOnScope DisableFib;

		const FString TempPackageName = FString::Printf(TEXT("/Temp/__TEMP_BP__/%s"), *InBlueprintObj->GetName());
		UPackage* TempPackage = CreatePackage(nullptr, *TempPackageName);

		UBlueprint* DuplicateBP = nullptr;
			FBlueprintDuplicationScopeFlags BPDuplicationFlags(
				FBlueprintDuplicationScopeFlags::NoExtraCompilation | FBlueprintDuplicationScopeFlags::TheSameTimelineGuid);
			DuplicateBP = DuplicateObject<UBlueprint>(InBlueprintObj, TempPackage, *InBlueprintObj->GetName());
		ensure((nullptr != DuplicateBP->GeneratedClass) && (InBlueprintObj->GeneratedClass != DuplicateBP->GeneratedClass));

		IBlueprintCompilerCppBackendModule& CodeGenBackend = (IBlueprintCompilerCppBackendModule&)IBlueprintCompilerCppBackendModule::Get();
		CodeGenBackend.GetOriginalClassMap().Add(*DuplicateBP->GeneratedClass, *InBlueprintObj->GeneratedClass);

			TSharedPtr<FBlueprintCompileReinstancer> Reinstancer = FBlueprintCompileReinstancer::Create(DuplicateBP->GeneratedClass);
			IKismetCompilerInterface& Compiler = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<IKismetCompilerInterface>(KISMET_COMPILER_MODULENAME);
			TGuardValue<bool> GuardTemplateNameFlag(GCompilingBlueprint, true);
			FCompilerResultsLog Results;

			FKismetCompilerOptions CompileOptions;
			CompileOptions.CompileType = EKismetCompileType::Cpp;
			CompileOptions.OutCppSourceCode = OutCppSource;
			CompileOptions.OutHeaderSourceCode = OutHeaderSource;

			Compiler.CompileBlueprint(DuplicateBP, CompileOptions, Results);


		if (EBlueprintType::BPTYPE_Interface == DuplicateBP->BlueprintType && OutCppSource.IsValid())
			OutCppSource->Empty(); // ugly temp hack
	else if ((UDEnum || UDStruct) && OutHeaderSource.IsValid())