Пример #1
bool FWebJSScripting::HandleReleaseUObjectMessage(CefRefPtr<CefListValue> MessageArguments)
	FGuid ObjectKey;
	// Message arguments are Name, Value, bGlobal
	if (MessageArguments->GetSize() != 1 || MessageArguments->GetType(0) != VTYPE_STRING)
		// Wrong message argument types or count
		return false;

	if (!FGuid::Parse(FString(MessageArguments->GetString(0).ToWString().c_str()), ObjectKey))
		// Invalid GUID
		return false;

	UObject* Object = GuidToPtr(ObjectKey);
	if ( Object == nullptr )
		// Invalid object
		return false;
	return true;
Пример #2
bool FWebJSScripting::HandleExecuteUObjectMethodMessage(CefRefPtr<CefListValue> MessageArguments)
	FGuid ObjectKey;
	// Message arguments are Name, Value, bGlobal
	if (MessageArguments->GetSize() != 4
		|| MessageArguments->GetType(0) != VTYPE_STRING
		|| MessageArguments->GetType(1) != VTYPE_STRING
		|| MessageArguments->GetType(2) != VTYPE_STRING
		|| MessageArguments->GetType(3) != VTYPE_LIST
		// Wrong message argument types or count
		return false;

	if (!FGuid::Parse(FString(MessageArguments->GetString(0).ToWString().c_str()), ObjectKey))
		// Invalid GUID
		return false;

	// Get the promise callback and use that to report any results from executing this function.
	FGuid ResultCallbackId;
	if (!FGuid::Parse(FString(MessageArguments->GetString(2).ToWString().c_str()), ResultCallbackId))
		// Invalid GUID
		return false;

	UObject* Object = GuidToPtr(ObjectKey);
	if (Object == nullptr)
		// Unknown uobject id
		InvokeJSErrorResult(ResultCallbackId, TEXT("Unknown UObject ID"));
		return true;

	FName MethodName = MessageArguments->GetString(1).ToWString().c_str();
	UFunction* Function = Object->FindFunction(MethodName);
	if (!Function)
		InvokeJSErrorResult(ResultCallbackId, TEXT("Unknown UObject Function"));
		return true;
	// Coerce arguments to function arguments.
	uint16 ParamsSize = Function->ParmsSize;
	TArray<uint8> Params;
	UProperty* ReturnParam = nullptr;

	// Convert cef argument list to a dictionary, so we can use FStructDeserializer to convert it for us
	CefRefPtr<CefDictionaryValue> NamedArgs = CefDictionaryValue::Create();
		int32 CurrentArg = 0;
		CefRefPtr<CefListValue> CefArgs = MessageArguments->GetList(3);
		for ( TFieldIterator<UProperty> It(Function); It; ++It )
			UProperty* Param = *It;
			if (Param->PropertyFlags & CPF_Parm)
				if (Param->PropertyFlags & CPF_ReturnParm)
					ReturnParam = Param;
					CopyContainerValue(NamedArgs, CefArgs, CefString(*Param->GetName()), CurrentArg);

		if (ParamsSize > 0)
			// UFunction is a subclass of UStruct, so we can treat the arguments as a struct for deserialization
			UStruct* TypeInfo = Cast<UStruct>(Function);

			FWebJSStructDeserializerBackend Backend = FWebJSStructDeserializerBackend(SharedThis(this), NamedArgs);
			FStructDeserializer::Deserialize(Params.GetData(), *TypeInfo, Backend);

	Object->ProcessEvent(Function, Params.GetData());
	if ( ReturnParam )
		FWebJSParam Results[1] = {ConvertResult(ReturnParam, Params.GetData())};
		InvokeJSFunction(ResultCallbackId, 1, Results, false);
		InvokeJSFunction(ResultCallbackId, 0, nullptr, false);
	return true;
Пример #3
bool FWebJSScripting::HandleExecuteUObjectMethodMessage(CefRefPtr<CefListValue> MessageArguments)
	FGuid ObjectKey;
	// Message arguments are Name, Value, bGlobal
	if (MessageArguments->GetSize() != 4
		|| MessageArguments->GetType(0) != VTYPE_STRING
		|| MessageArguments->GetType(1) != VTYPE_STRING
		|| MessageArguments->GetType(2) != VTYPE_STRING
		|| MessageArguments->GetType(3) != VTYPE_LIST
		// Wrong message argument types or count
		return false;

	if (!FGuid::Parse(FString(MessageArguments->GetString(0).ToWString().c_str()), ObjectKey))
		// Invalid GUID
		return false;

	// Get the promise callback and use that to report any results from executing this function.
	FGuid ResultCallbackId;
	if (!FGuid::Parse(FString(MessageArguments->GetString(2).ToWString().c_str()), ResultCallbackId))
		// Invalid GUID
		return false;

	UObject* Object = GuidToPtr(ObjectKey);
	if (Object == nullptr)
		// Unknown uobject id
		InvokeJSErrorResult(ResultCallbackId, TEXT("Unknown UObject ID"));
		return true;

	FName MethodName = MessageArguments->GetString(1).ToWString().c_str();
	UFunction* Function = Object->FindFunction(MethodName);
	if (!Function)
		InvokeJSErrorResult(ResultCallbackId, TEXT("Unknown UObject Function"));
		return true;
	// Coerce arguments to function arguments.
	uint16 ParamsSize = Function->ParmsSize;
	TArray<uint8> Params;
	UProperty* ReturnParam = nullptr;
	UProperty* PromiseParam = nullptr;

	// Convert cef argument list to a dictionary, so we can use FStructDeserializer to convert it for us
	if (ParamsSize > 0)
		CefRefPtr<CefDictionaryValue> NamedArgs = CefDictionaryValue::Create();
		int32 CurrentArg = 0;
		CefRefPtr<CefListValue> CefArgs = MessageArguments->GetList(3);
		for ( TFieldIterator<UProperty> It(Function); It; ++It )
			UProperty* Param = *It;
			if (Param->PropertyFlags & CPF_Parm)
				if (Param->PropertyFlags & CPF_ReturnParm)
					ReturnParam = Param;
					UStructProperty *StructProperty = Cast<UStructProperty>(Param);
					if (StructProperty && StructProperty->Struct->IsChildOf(FWebJSResponse::StaticStruct()))
						PromiseParam = Param;
						CopyContainerValue(NamedArgs, CefArgs, CefString(*Param->GetName()), CurrentArg);

		// UFunction is a subclass of UStruct, so we can treat the arguments as a struct for deserialization
		FWebJSStructDeserializerBackend Backend = FWebJSStructDeserializerBackend(SharedThis(this), NamedArgs);
		FStructDeserializer::Deserialize(Params.GetData(), *Function, Backend);

	if (PromiseParam)
		FWebJSResponse* PromisePtr = PromiseParam->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<FWebJSResponse>(Params.GetData());
		if (PromisePtr)
			*PromisePtr = FWebJSResponse(SharedThis(this), ResultCallbackId);

	Object->ProcessEvent(Function, Params.GetData());
	CefRefPtr<CefListValue> Results = CefListValue::Create();

	if ( ! PromiseParam ) // If PromiseParam is set, we assume that the UFunction will ensure it is called with the result
		if ( ReturnParam )
			FStructSerializerPolicies ReturnPolicies;
			ReturnPolicies.PropertyFilter = [&](const UProperty* CandidateProperty, const UProperty* ParentProperty)
				return ParentProperty != nullptr || CandidateProperty == ReturnParam;
			FWebJSStructSerializerBackend ReturnBackend(SharedThis(this));
			FStructSerializer::Serialize(Params.GetData(), *Function, ReturnBackend, ReturnPolicies);
			CefRefPtr<CefDictionaryValue> ResultDict = ReturnBackend.GetResult();

			// Extract the single return value from the serialized dictionary to an array
			CopyContainerValue(Results, ResultDict, 0, CefString(*ReturnParam->GetName()));
		InvokeJSFunction(ResultCallbackId, Results, false);
	return true;