Пример #1
static void Keccak( unsigned int rate, unsigned int capacity, const unsigned char * input, HB_SIZE inputByteLen, unsigned char delimitedSuffix, unsigned char * output, HB_SIZE outputByteLen )
   HB_U8        state[ 200 ];
   unsigned int rateInBytes = rate / 8;
   unsigned int blockSize   = 0;
   unsigned int i;

   if( ( ( rate + capacity ) != 1600 ) || ( ( rate % 8 ) != 0 ) )

   /* === Initialize the state === */
   memset( state, 0, sizeof( state ) );

   /* === Absorb all the input blocks === */
   while( inputByteLen > 0 )
      blockSize = HB_MIN( ( unsigned int ) inputByteLen, rateInBytes );
      for( i = 0; i < blockSize; i++ )
         state[ i ] ^= input[ i ];
      input        += blockSize;
      inputByteLen -= blockSize;

      if( blockSize == rateInBytes )
         KeccakF1600_StatePermute( state );
         blockSize = 0;

   /* === Do the padding and switch to the squeezing phase === */
   /* Absorb the last few bits and add the first bit of padding (which coincides with the delimiter in delimitedSuffix) */
   state[ blockSize ] ^= delimitedSuffix;
   /* If the first bit of padding is at position rate-1, we need a whole new block for the second bit of padding */
   if( ( ( delimitedSuffix & 0x80 ) != 0 ) && ( blockSize == ( rateInBytes - 1 ) ) )
      KeccakF1600_StatePermute( state );
   /* Add the second bit of padding */
   state[ rateInBytes - 1 ] ^= 0x80;
   /* Switch to the squeezing phase */
   KeccakF1600_StatePermute( state );

   /* === Squeeze out all the output blocks === */
   while( outputByteLen > 0 )
      blockSize = HB_MIN( ( unsigned int ) outputByteLen, rateInBytes );
      memcpy( output, state, blockSize );
      output        += blockSize;
      outputByteLen -= blockSize;

      if( outputByteLen > 0 )
         KeccakF1600_StatePermute( state );
Пример #2
static long s_sockexRead( PHB_SOCKEX pSock, void * data, long len, HB_MAXINT timeout )
   long lRead = HB_MIN( pSock->inbuffer, len );

   if( lRead > 0 )
      memcpy( data, pSock->buffer + pSock->posbuffer, lRead );
      pSock->inbuffer -= lRead;
      if( pSock->inbuffer )
         pSock->posbuffer += lRead;
         pSock->posbuffer = 0;
      len -= lRead;
      if( len == 0 || pSock->sd == HB_NO_SOCKET )
         return lRead;
      data = ( HB_BYTE * ) data + lRead;
      timeout = 0;
   else if( pSock->sd == HB_NO_SOCKET )
      hb_socketSetError( HB_SOCKET_ERR_INVALIDHANDLE );
      return -1;

   len = pSock->cargo ? hb_znetRead( HB_ZNET_GET( pSock ), pSock->sd, data, len, timeout ) :
                        hb_socketRecv( pSock->sd, data, len, 0, timeout );

   return lRead > 0 ? HB_MAX( len, 0 ) + lRead : len;
Пример #3
static long s_sockexRead( PHB_SOCKEX pSock, void * data, long len, HB_MAXINT timeout )
   long lRecv;

   if( pSock->inbuffer > 0 && len > 0 )
      lRecv = HB_MIN( pSock->inbuffer, len );
      memcpy( data, pSock->buffer + pSock->posbuffer, lRecv );
      if( ( pSock->inbuffer -= lRecv ) > 0 )
         pSock->posbuffer += lRecv;
         pSock->posbuffer = 0;
      lRecv = hb_sockexRead( pBF->sock, data, len, timeout );
      if( lRecv > 0 )
         HB_BYTE * pData = ( HB_BYTE * ) data;
         long l;

         for( l = 0; l < lRecv; ++l )
            if( ( pBF->decoded & ( HB_BF_CIPHERBLOCK - 1 ) ) == 0 )
               s_bf_hash( &pBF->bf, pBF->decryptkey, pBF->decounter );
               pBF->decoded = 0;
            pData[ l ] ^= pBF->decryptkey[ pBF->decoded++ ];
   return lRecv;
Пример #4
HB_ISIZ hb_strAtTBM( const char * needle, HB_ISIZ m, const char * haystack, HB_ISIZ n )
   HB_ISIZ r = 0;
   HB_ISIZ bcShift, j, shift, u, v, turboShift;
   HB_ISIZ bmBc[ ASIZE ];
   HB_ISIZ * bmGs;

   bmGs = ( HB_ISIZ * ) hb_xgrab( m * sizeof( HB_ISIZ ) );

   /* Preprocessing */
   preBmGs( needle, m, bmGs );
   preBmBc( needle, m, bmBc );

   /* Searching */
   j = u = 0;
   shift = m;
   while( j <= n - m )
      HB_ISIZ i = m - 1;
      while( i >= 0 && needle[ i ] == haystack[ i + j ] )
         if( u != 0 && i == m - 1 - shift )
            i -= u;

      if( i < 0 )
         r = j + 1;
#if 0 /* To continue search */
         shift = bmGs[ 0 ];
         u = m - shift;
         v = m - 1 - i;
         turboShift = u - v;
         bcShift = bmBc[ ( HB_UCHAR ) haystack[ i + j ] ] - m + 1 + i;
         shift = HB_MAX( turboShift, bcShift );
         shift = HB_MAX( shift, bmGs[ i ] );
         if( shift == bmGs[ i ] )
            u = HB_MIN( m - shift, v );
            if( turboShift < bcShift )
               shift = HB_MAX( shift, u + 1 );
            u = 0;
      j += shift;

   hb_xfree( bmGs );

   return r;
Пример #5
static int hb_win_ComSetTimeouts( HANDLE hCommPort, LPCOMMTIMEOUTS Timeouts, DWORD dwBaudRate, int iParity, int iByteSize, int iStopBits )
   COMMTIMEOUTS NewTimeouts;

   /* Maximum time, in milliseconds, allowed to elapse between the arrival of two characters on
      the communications line. During a ReadFile operation, the time period begins when the first
      character is received. If the interval between the arrival of any two characters exceeds this
      amount, the ReadFile operation is completed and any buffered data is returned. A value of zero
      indicates that interval time-outs are not used. */

   /* A value of MAXDWORD, combined with zero values for both the ReadTotalTimeoutConstant and
      ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier members, specifies that the read operation is to return
      immediately with the characters that have already been received, even if no characters
      have been received. */
   NewTimeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = ( Timeouts->ReadIntervalTimeout == ( DWORD ) -1 ? MAXDWORD : Timeouts->ReadIntervalTimeout );

   /* Multiplier, in milliseconds, used to calculate the total time-out period for read operations.
      For each read operation, this value is multiplied by the requested number of bytes to be read. */
   NewTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = ( Timeouts->ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier == ( DWORD ) -1 ? 0 : Timeouts->ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier );

   /* Constant, in milliseconds, used to calculate the total time-out period for read operations.
      For each read operation, this value is added to the product of the ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier
      member and the requested number of bytes. */
   NewTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = ( Timeouts->ReadTotalTimeoutConstant == ( DWORD ) -1 ? 0 : Timeouts->ReadTotalTimeoutConstant );

   /* A value of zero for both the ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier and ReadTotalTimeoutConstant members
      indicates that total time-outs are not used for read operations ...
      and MAXDWORD, 0 and 0 are what we use by default */

   /* Multiplier, in milliseconds, used to calculate the total time-out period for write operations.
      For each write operation, this value is multiplied by the number of bytes to be written. */
   if( Timeouts->WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier == ( DWORD ) -1 )
      /* float of 1.0 makes whole expression float */
      NewTimeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = HB_MIN( 1, ( DWORD ) ( ( 1.0 / dwBaudRate ) *
          ( iByteSize + 1 + ( iParity == NOPARITY ? 0 : 1 ) + ( iStopBits == ONESTOPBIT ? 1 : iStopBits == ONE5STOPBITS ? 1.5 : 2 ) ) * 1000 ) );
   /* Constant, in milliseconds, used to calculate the total time-out period for write operations.
      For each write operation, this value is added to the product of the WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier member and the number of bytes to be written. */
      NewTimeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = Timeouts->WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier;

   /* 50 ms is a thumb-suck - seems long enough and not too long! */
   NewTimeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = Timeouts->WriteTotalTimeoutConstant == ( DWORD ) -1 ? 50 : Timeouts->WriteTotalTimeoutConstant;

   /* A value of zero for both the WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier and WriteTotalTimeoutConstant members
      indicates that total time-outs are not used for write operations ...
      and if flow control is enabled the program will "hang" or if it is not enabled the data will
      be lost (potentially), so we set a minimum of 1ms (baud rates higher than 4800) */

   return SetCommTimeouts( hCommPort, &NewTimeouts );
Пример #6
static long s_sockexRead( PHB_SOCKEX pSock, void * data, long len, HB_MAXINT timeout )
   long lRecv = 0;

   if( pSock->inbuffer > 0 && len > 0 )
      lRecv = HB_MIN( pSock->inbuffer, len );
      memcpy( data, pSock->buffer + pSock->posbuffer, lRecv );
      if( ( pSock->inbuffer -= lRecv ) > 0 )
         pSock->posbuffer += lRecv;
         pSock->posbuffer = 0;
      return lRecv;
   else if( pZ->fDecompressIn )
      int err = Z_OK;

      pZ->z_read.next_out  = ( Bytef * ) data;
      pZ->z_read.avail_out = ( uInt ) len;
      pZ->z_read.total_out = 0;

      while( pZ->z_read.avail_out )
         if( err == Z_BUF_ERROR && pZ->z_read.avail_in == 0 )
            lRecv = hb_sockexRead( pZ->sock, pZ->rdbuf, HB_ZSOCK_RDBUFSIZE,
                                   pZ->z_read.total_out == 0 ? timeout : 0 );
            if( lRecv <= 0 )
            pZ->z_read.next_in = ( Bytef * ) pZ->rdbuf;
            pZ->z_read.avail_in = ( uInt ) lRecv;
         else if( err != Z_OK )
            hb_socketSetError( HB_ZSOCK_ERROR_BASE - err );
            lRecv = -1;
         err = inflate( &pZ->z_read, Z_SYNC_FLUSH );

      if( pZ->z_read.total_out != 0 )
         lRecv = ( long ) pZ->z_read.total_out;

      return pZ->z_read.total_out != 0 ? ( long ) pZ->z_read.total_out : lRecv;
      return hb_sockexRead( pZ->sock, data, len, timeout );
Пример #7
static long s_inetRecv( PHB_SOCKET_STRUCT socket, char * buffer, long size, HB_BOOL readahead )
   long rec = 0;

   if( readahead && socket->inbuffer == 0 && socket->readahead > size )
      if( socket->buffer == NULL )
         socket->buffer = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( socket->readahead );
      socket->posbuffer = 0;
      if( socket->recvFunc )
         rec = socket->recvFunc( socket->stream, socket->sd,
                                 socket->buffer, socket->readahead,
                                 socket->iTimeout );
         rec = hb_socketRecv( socket->sd, socket->buffer, socket->readahead,
                              0, socket->iTimeout );
      socket->inbuffer = HB_MAX( 0, rec );
      readahead = HB_FALSE;

   if( socket->inbuffer > 0 )
      rec = HB_MIN( size, socket->inbuffer );
      memcpy( buffer, socket->buffer + socket->posbuffer, rec );
      socket->posbuffer += rec;
      socket->inbuffer -= rec;
      if( size > rec && ! readahead )
         if( socket->recvFunc )
            rec = socket->recvFunc( socket->stream, socket->sd,
                                    buffer + rec, size - rec,
                                    socket->iTimeout );
            size = hb_socketRecv( socket->sd, buffer + rec, size - rec, 0, 0 );

         if( size > 0 )
            rec += size;
   else if( ! readahead )
      if( socket->recvFunc )
         rec = socket->recvFunc( socket->stream, socket->sd,
                                 buffer, size, socket->iTimeout );
         rec = hb_socketRecv( socket->sd, buffer, size, 0, socket->iTimeout );

   return rec;
Пример #8
static HB_BOOL s_getKeyValue( LPCTSTR lpKey, LPTSTR lpBuffer, int iLen )
   LPTSTR lpPtr;
   int iSize, iPos, iCount;

   if( lpKey == ( LPCTSTR ) -1 )
      return GetModuleFileName( s_hInstDll, lpBuffer, iLen );

   lpPtr = lpBuffer;
   iSize = iLen - 1;
   iPos = 0;
   for( ;; )
      TCHAR c = lpKey[ iPos++ ];
      if( c == TEXT( '$' ) || c == TEXT( '@' ) || c == TEXT( '\0' ) )
         if( --iPos )
            iCount = HB_MIN( iPos, iSize );
            memcpy( lpPtr, lpKey, iCount * sizeof( TCHAR ) );
            lpKey += iPos;
            lpPtr += iCount;
            iSize -= iCount;
            if( iSize == 0 )
            iPos = 0;
         if( c == TEXT( '\0' ) )
            LPCTSTR lpVal = c == TEXT( '$' ) ? s_lpClsName : s_lpClsId;
            iCount = ( int ) HB_STRNLEN( lpVal, iSize );
            memcpy( lpPtr, lpVal, iCount * sizeof( TCHAR ) );
            lpPtr += iCount;
            iSize -= iCount;
            if( iSize == 0 )
   *lpPtr = TEXT( '\0' );

   return iSize != 0;
Пример #9
static long s_sockexRead( PHB_SOCKEX pSock, void * data, long len, HB_MAXINT timeout )
   long lRead = HB_MIN( pSock->inbuffer, len );

   if( lRead > 0 )
      memcpy( data, pSock->buffer + pSock->posbuffer, lRead );
      pSock->inbuffer -= lRead;
      if( pSock->inbuffer )
         pSock->posbuffer += lRead;
         pSock->posbuffer = 0;
      return lRead;
   else if( pSock->sd == HB_NO_SOCKET )
      hb_socketSetError( HB_SOCKET_ERR_INVALIDHANDLE );
      return -1;
   return hb_ssl_socketRead( HB_SSLSOCK_GET( pSock ), pSock->sd, data, len, timeout );
Пример #10
HB_ERRCODE hb_dbTransStruct( AREAP lpaSource, AREAP lpaDest,
                             LPDBTRANSINFO lpdbTransInfo,
                             PHB_ITEM * pStruct, PHB_ITEM pFields )
   HB_USHORT uiFields, uiSize, uiCount, uiPosSrc, uiPosDst, uiSizeSrc, uiSizeDst;
   HB_ERRCODE errCode;
   const char * szField;
   HB_BOOL fAll;

   errCode = SELF_FIELDCOUNT( lpaSource, &uiSizeSrc );
   if( errCode != HB_SUCCESS )
      return errCode;

   if( lpaDest )
      errCode = SELF_FIELDCOUNT( lpaDest, &uiSizeDst );
      if( errCode != HB_SUCCESS )
         return errCode;
      uiSize = HB_MIN( uiSizeDst, uiSizeSrc );
      uiSize = uiSizeDst = uiSizeSrc;

   if( ! uiSize )
      return HB_FAILURE;
   if( hb_itemType( pFields ) & HB_IT_ARRAY )
      uiFields = ( HB_USHORT ) hb_arrayLen( pFields );
      if( uiFields )
         uiSize = uiFields;
      uiFields = 0;

   fAll = ( uiSizeDst == uiSizeSrc );

   lpdbTransInfo->lpaSource    = lpaSource;
   lpdbTransInfo->lpaDest      = lpaDest;
   lpdbTransInfo->lpTransItems = ( LPDBTRANSITEM )
                                    hb_xgrab( uiSize * sizeof( DBTRANSITEM ) );

   if( ! lpaDest )
      *pStruct = hb_itemNew( NULL );
      hb_arrayNew( *pStruct, 0 );

   if( uiFields == 0 )
      if( lpaDest )
         PHB_ITEM pItem = hb_itemNew( NULL );
         uiSize = 0;
         for( uiCount = 1; uiCount <= uiSizeSrc; ++uiCount )
            if( SELF_FIELDINFO( lpaSource, uiCount, DBS_NAME, pItem ) != HB_SUCCESS )
               uiSize = 0;
            szField = hb_itemGetCPtr( pItem );
            uiPosDst = hb_rddFieldExpIndex( lpaDest, szField );
            if( uiPosDst != uiCount )
               fAll = HB_FALSE;
            if( uiPosDst )
               HB_USHORT ui;

               /* check for replicated field names in source area */
               for( ui = 0; ui < uiSize; ++ui )
                  if( lpdbTransInfo->lpTransItems[ ui ].uiDest == uiPosDst )
               if( ui == uiSize )
                  lpdbTransInfo->lpTransItems[ uiSize ].uiSource = uiCount;
                  lpdbTransInfo->lpTransItems[ uiSize++ ].uiDest = uiPosDst;
         hb_itemRelease( pItem );
         hb_tblStructure( lpaSource, *pStruct, 0 );
         uiSize = ( HB_USHORT ) hb_arrayLen( *pStruct );
         for( uiCount = 0; uiCount < uiSize; ++uiCount )
            lpdbTransInfo->lpTransItems[ uiCount ].uiSource =
            lpdbTransInfo->lpTransItems[ uiCount ].uiDest = uiCount + 1;
      uiSize = 0;
      for( uiCount = 1; uiCount <= uiFields; ++uiCount )
         szField = hb_dbTransFieldPos( pFields, uiCount );
         if( szField )
            uiPosSrc = hb_rddFieldExpIndex( lpaSource, szField );
            if( ! uiPosSrc )
            if( lpaDest )
               uiPosDst = hb_rddFieldExpIndex( lpaDest, szField );
               uiPosDst = uiSize + 1;
            if( uiPosDst )
               if( uiPosSrc != uiPosDst )
                  fAll = HB_FALSE;
               lpdbTransInfo->lpTransItems[ uiSize ].uiSource = uiPosSrc;
               lpdbTransInfo->lpTransItems[ uiSize++ ].uiDest = uiPosDst;
               if( ! lpaDest )
                  hb_arraySize( *pStruct, uiSize );
                  hb_fldStructure( lpaSource, uiPosSrc, 0,
                                   hb_arrayGetItemPtr( *pStruct, uiSize ) );

   if( uiSize != uiSizeSrc )
      fAll = HB_FALSE;

   if( fAll && lpaDest )
      PHB_ITEM pSrcItm = hb_itemNew( NULL ),
               pDstItm = hb_itemNew( NULL );
       * if fAll is HB_TRUE here then it means that all fields are included
       * and they are on the same positions in both tables, so now check
       * if their types and sizes are also equal
      for( uiCount = 1; uiCount <= uiSize; ++uiCount )
         if( SELF_FIELDINFO( lpaSource, uiCount, DBS_TYPE, pSrcItm ) != HB_SUCCESS ||
             SELF_FIELDINFO( lpaDest,   uiCount, DBS_TYPE, pDstItm ) != HB_SUCCESS )
            uiSize = 0;
         if( hb_stricmp( hb_itemGetCPtr( pSrcItm ),
                         hb_itemGetCPtr( pDstItm ) ) != 0 )
            fAll = HB_FALSE;
         if( SELF_FIELDINFO( lpaSource, uiCount, DBS_LEN, pSrcItm ) != HB_SUCCESS ||
             SELF_FIELDINFO( lpaDest,   uiCount, DBS_LEN, pDstItm ) != HB_SUCCESS )
            uiSize = 0;
         if( hb_itemGetNL( pSrcItm ) != hb_itemGetNL( pDstItm ) )
            fAll = HB_FALSE;
         if( SELF_FIELDINFO( lpaSource, uiCount, DBS_DEC, pSrcItm ) != HB_SUCCESS ||
             SELF_FIELDINFO( lpaDest,   uiCount, DBS_DEC, pDstItm ) != HB_SUCCESS )
            uiSize = 0;
         if( hb_itemGetNL( pSrcItm ) != hb_itemGetNL( pDstItm ) )
            fAll = HB_FALSE;
#ifdef DBS_FLAG
         if( SELF_FIELDINFO( lpaSource, uiCount, DBS_FLAG, pSrcItm ) != HB_SUCCESS ||
             SELF_FIELDINFO( lpaDest,   uiCount, DBS_FLAG, pDstItm ) != HB_SUCCESS )
            uiSize = 0;
         if( hb_itemGetNL( pSrcItm ) != hb_itemGetNL( pDstItm ) )
            fAll = HB_FALSE;
      hb_itemRelease( pSrcItm );
      hb_itemRelease( pDstItm );

   lpdbTransInfo->uiFlags = fAll ? DBTF_MATCH : 0;
   lpdbTransInfo->uiItemCount = uiSize;

   return uiSize ? HB_SUCCESS : HB_FAILURE;
Пример #11
/* the contents of the inserted bytes are indeterminate, i.e. you'll have to
     write to them before they mean anything */
static int _ins_buff( PFT_TEXT ft_text, HB_ISIZ iLen )
   char *     ReadBuff  = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( BUFFSIZE );
   char *     WriteBuff = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( BUFFSIZE );
   char *     SaveBuff;
   HB_FOFFSET fpRead, fpWrite;
   HB_ISIZ    WriteLen, ReadLen;
   HB_ISIZ    SaveLen;
   HB_ISIZ    iLenRemaining = iLen;

   /* set target move distance, this allows iLen to be greater than BUFFSIZE */
   iLen = HB_MIN( iLenRemaining, BUFFSIZE );
   iLenRemaining -= iLen;

   /* initialize file pointers */
   fpRead  = ft_text->offset[ ft_text->area ];
   fpWrite = ft_text->offset[ ft_text->area ] + iLen;

   /* do initial load of both buffers */
   WriteLen = hb_fileResult( hb_fileReadAt( ft_text->handles[ ft_text->area ], WriteBuff, BUFFSIZE, fpRead ) );
   fpRead  += WriteLen;

   ReadLen = hb_fileResult( hb_fileRead( ft_text->handles[ ft_text->area ], ReadBuff, BUFFSIZE, -1 ) );
   fpRead += ReadLen;

   ft_text->error[ ft_text->area ] = 0;

   while( ! ft_text->error[ ft_text->area ] && iLen > 0 )
      while( WriteLen > 0 )
         /* position to beginning of write area */
         if( hb_fileSeek( ft_text->handles[ ft_text->area ], fpWrite, FS_SET ) != fpWrite )
            ft_text->error[ ft_text->area ] = hb_fsError();

         if( ( SaveLen = hb_fileResult( hb_fileWrite( ft_text->handles[ ft_text->area ], WriteBuff, WriteLen, -1 ) ) ) == 0 )
            ft_text->error[ ft_text->area ] = hb_fsError();

         /* move write pointer */
         fpWrite += SaveLen;

         if( SaveLen != WriteLen )
            /* error, fetch errcode and quit */
            ft_text->error[ ft_text->area ] = hb_fsError();
#if 0
         WriteLen = SaveLen;

         /* swap buffers */
         SaveBuff  = WriteBuff;
         WriteBuff = ReadBuff;
         ReadBuff  = SaveBuff;
         WriteLen  = ReadLen;

         /* return to read area and read another buffer */
         ReadLen = hb_fileResult( hb_fileReadAt( ft_text->handles[ ft_text->area ], ReadBuff, BUFFSIZE, fpRead ) );
         fpRead += ReadLen;

      iLen = HB_MIN( iLenRemaining, BUFFSIZE );
      iLenRemaining -= iLen;

   /* store length in bytes, set legacy EOF marker */
   ft_text->lastbyte[ ft_text->area ] = hb_fileSeek( ft_text->handles[ ft_text->area ], fpWrite, FS_SET );
   hb_fileWrite( ft_text->handles[ ft_text->area ], WriteBuff, 0, -1 );

   /* clear last_rec so next gobot will recount the records */
   ft_text->last_rec[ ft_text->area ] = 0;
   hb_fileSeek( ft_text->handles[ ft_text->area ], ft_text->offset[ ft_text->area ], FS_SET );

   hb_xfree( ReadBuff  );
   hb_xfree( WriteBuff );

   return ft_text->error[ ft_text->area ];
Пример #12
/* read data using stream structure
long hb_znetRead( PHB_ZNETSTREAM pStream, HB_SOCKET sd, void * buffer, long len, HB_MAXINT timeout )
   long rec = 0;

   pStream->rd.next_out = ( Bytef * ) buffer;
   pStream->rd.avail_out = ( uInt ) len;
   pStream->err = Z_OK;

   while( pStream->rd.avail_out )
      if( pStream->rd.avail_in == 0 && pStream->err == Z_BUF_ERROR )
         if( pStream->skip_in )
            pStream->rd.next_in += pStream->skip_in;
            pStream->skip_in = 0;
         if( pStream->crypt_in && pStream->rd.next_in > pStream->inbuf )
            memmove( pStream->inbuf, pStream->rd.next_in, pStream->crypt_in );
         pStream->rd.next_in = pStream->inbuf;

         if( ! pStream->crypt || pStream->crypt_in < 8 )
            if( pStream->rd.avail_out != ( uInt ) len )
               timeout = 0;
            rec = hb_socketRecv( sd, pStream->inbuf + pStream->crypt_in, HB_ZNET_BUFSIZE - pStream->crypt_in, 0, timeout );
            if( rec <= 0 )

         if( pStream->crypt )
            pStream->crypt_in += rec;
            if( pStream->crypt_size == 0 )
               if( pStream->crypt_in >= 8 )
                  hb_znetDecrypt( pStream, pStream->rd.next_in );
                  pStream->crypt_size = HB_GET_BE_UINT16( pStream->rd.next_in );
                  pStream->rd.next_in += 2;
                  pStream->crypt_in -= 8;
                  rec = HB_MIN( pStream->crypt_size, 6 );
                  pStream->crypt_size -= ( uInt ) rec;
                  pStream->rd.avail_in += ( uInt ) rec;
                  pStream->skip_in = ( uInt ) ( 6 - rec );
                  rec = 0;
            if( pStream->skip_in == 0 )
               long l = ( pStream->crypt_size + 0x07 ) & ~0x07;
               rec = pStream->crypt_in & ~0x07;
               if( rec > l )
                  rec = l;
               /* decrypt the buffer */
               for( l = 0; l < rec; l += 8 )
                  hb_znetDecrypt( pStream, pStream->rd.next_in + pStream->rd.avail_in + l );
               pStream->crypt_in -= rec;
               if( ( uInt ) rec > pStream->crypt_size )
                  pStream->skip_in = rec - pStream->crypt_size;
                  rec = pStream->crypt_size;
               pStream->crypt_size -= rec;
         pStream->rd.avail_in += ( uInt ) rec;
         if( pStream->rd.avail_in == 0 )
         rec = 0;
      pStream->err = inflate( &pStream->rd, Z_SYNC_FLUSH );
      if( pStream->err == Z_STREAM_END && pStream->rd.avail_in == 0 )
         pStream->err = Z_BUF_ERROR;
      if( pStream->err != Z_OK &&
          ! ( pStream->err == Z_BUF_ERROR && pStream->rd.avail_in == 0 ) )

   len -= pStream->rd.avail_out;

   return len == 0 ? rec : len;
Пример #13
static int hb_zipDeleteFile( const char * szZipFile, const char * szFileMask )
   char            szTempFile[ HB_PATH_MAX ];
   char            szCurrFile[ HB_PATH_MAX ];
   PHB_FNAME       pFileName;
   HB_FHANDLE      hFile;
   unzFile         hUnzip;
   zipFile         hZip;
   unz_global_info ugi;
   unz_file_info   ufi;
   zip_fileinfo    zfi;
   char *          pszGlobalComment = NULL;
   char *          pszFileComment   = NULL;
   void *          pExtraField      = NULL;
   void *          pLocalExtraField = NULL;
   int    iFilesLeft = 0;
   int    iFilesDel  = 0;
   int    iExtraFieldLen;
   int    method;
   int    level;
   int    iResult;
   char * pszFree;

   /* open source file */
   hUnzip = unzOpen( hb_fsNameConv( szZipFile, &pszFree ) );

   if( pszFree )
      hb_xfree( pszFree );

   if( hUnzip == NULL )
      return UNZ_ERRNO;

   pFileName = hb_fsFNameSplit( szZipFile );
   hFile     = hb_fsCreateTemp( pFileName->szPath, NULL, FC_NORMAL, szTempFile );
   hZip      = NULL;
   if( hFile != FS_ERROR )
      hb_fsClose( hFile );
      hZip = zipOpen( szTempFile, APPEND_STATUS_CREATE );
   hb_xfree( pFileName );

   if( hZip == NULL )
      unzClose( hUnzip );
      return UNZ_ERRNO;

   iResult = unzGetGlobalInfo( hUnzip, &ugi );
   if( iResult == UNZ_OK )
      if( ugi.size_comment > 0 )
         pszGlobalComment = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( ugi.size_comment + 1 );
         if( ( uLong ) unzGetGlobalComment( hUnzip, pszGlobalComment,
                                            ugi.size_comment ) != ugi.size_comment )
            iResult = UNZ_ERRNO;
         pszGlobalComment[ ugi.size_comment ] = '\0';
      if( iResult == UNZ_OK )
         iResult = unzGoToFirstFile( hUnzip );

   while( iResult == UNZ_OK )
      iResult = unzGetCurrentFileInfo( hUnzip, &ufi, szCurrFile, HB_PATH_MAX - 1, NULL, 0, NULL, 0 );
      if( iResult != UNZ_OK )

      if( hb_strMatchFile( szCurrFile, szFileMask ) )
         if( ufi.size_file_extra )
            pExtraField = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( ufi.size_file_extra );
         if( ufi.size_file_comment )
            pszFileComment = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( ufi.size_file_comment + 1 );

         iResult = unzGetCurrentFileInfo( hUnzip, &ufi, NULL, 0,
                                          pExtraField, ufi.size_file_extra,
                                          pszFileComment, ufi.size_file_comment );
         if( pszFileComment )
            pszFileComment[ ufi.size_file_comment ] = '\0';
         if( iResult != UNZ_OK )

         iResult = unzOpenCurrentFile2( hUnzip, &method, &level, 1 );
         if( iResult != UNZ_OK )

         iExtraFieldLen = unzGetLocalExtrafield( hUnzip, NULL, 0 );
         if( iExtraFieldLen < 0 )
            iResult = UNZ_ERRNO;
         else if( iExtraFieldLen > 0 )
            pLocalExtraField = hb_xgrab( iExtraFieldLen );
            if( unzGetLocalExtrafield( hUnzip, pLocalExtraField, iExtraFieldLen ) != iExtraFieldLen )
               iResult = UNZ_ERRNO;

         memset( &zfi, 0, sizeof( zfi ) );
         memcpy( &zfi.tmz_date, &ufi.tmu_date, sizeof( tm_unz ) );
         zfi.dosDate     = ufi.dosDate;
         zfi.internal_fa = ufi.internal_fa;
         zfi.external_fa = ufi.external_fa;

         iResult = zipOpenNewFileInZip2( hZip, szCurrFile, &zfi, pLocalExtraField, iExtraFieldLen, pExtraField, ufi.size_file_extra, pszFileComment, method, level, 1 );
         if( iResult != UNZ_OK )

         if( ufi.compressed_size )
            void * buffer = hb_xgrab( HB_Z_IOBUF_SIZE );
            uLong  ulLeft = ufi.compressed_size;

            while( ulLeft > 0 )
               int iRead = HB_MIN( ulLeft, HB_Z_IOBUF_SIZE );
               iResult = unzReadCurrentFile( hUnzip, ( voidp ) buffer, iRead );
               if( iResult < 0 )
               if( iResult != iRead )
                  iResult = UNZ_ERRNO;
               iResult = zipWriteInFileInZip( hZip, ( voidp ) buffer, iRead );
               if( iResult != UNZ_OK )
               ulLeft -= iRead;
            hb_xfree( buffer );
            if( iResult != UNZ_OK )

         iResult = zipCloseFileInZipRaw( hZip, ufi.uncompressed_size, ufi.crc );
         if( iResult != UNZ_OK )

         iResult = unzCloseCurrentFile( hUnzip );
         if( iResult != UNZ_OK )

         if( pExtraField )
            hb_xfree( pExtraField );
            pExtraField = NULL;
         if( pszFileComment )
            hb_xfree( pszFileComment );
            pszFileComment = NULL;
         if( pLocalExtraField )
            hb_xfree( pLocalExtraField );
            pLocalExtraField = NULL;
      iResult = unzGoToNextFile( hUnzip );

   if( pExtraField )
      hb_xfree( pExtraField );
   if( pszFileComment )
      hb_xfree( pszFileComment );
   if( pLocalExtraField )
      hb_xfree( pLocalExtraField );

   if( iFilesDel == 0 )
      iResult = UNZ_ERRNO;
   else if( iResult == UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE )
      iResult = UNZ_OK;

   if( iResult != UNZ_OK )
      zipClose( hZip, NULL );
      iResult = zipClose( hZip, pszGlobalComment );
   unzClose( hUnzip );
   if( pszGlobalComment )
      hb_xfree( pszGlobalComment );

   if( iResult != UNZ_OK )
      hb_fsDelete( szTempFile );
      hb_fsDelete( szZipFile );

      if( iFilesLeft == 0 )
         hb_fsDelete( szTempFile );
      else if( ! hb_fsRename( szTempFile, szZipFile ) )
         iResult = UNZ_ERRNO;

   return iResult;