Пример #1
static pascal OSStatus InputRateTextEventHandler (EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerRef, EventRef inEvent, void *inUserData)
	OSStatus	err, result = eventNotHandledErr;
	HIViewRef	ctl, slider;
	HIViewID	cid;
	SInt32		value;
	char		num[10];

	err = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeControlRef, NULL, sizeof(ControlRef), NULL, &ctl);
	if (err == noErr)
		cid.signature = 'snd_';
		cid.id = iNibSInputRate;
		HIViewFindByID(HIViewGetSuperview(ctl), cid, &slider);
		value = GetControl32BitValue(slider);

		value /= 50;
		value *= 50;
		if (value > 33000)
			value = 33000;
		if (value < 31000)
			value = 31000;

		SetControl32BitValue(slider, value);
		sprintf(num, "%ld", value);
		SetEditTextCStr(ctl, num, true);

		result = noErr;

	return (result);
Пример #2
static pascal OSStatus AspectRatioTextEventHandler (EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerRef, EventRef inEvent, void *inUserData)
	OSStatus	err, result = eventNotHandledErr;
	HIViewRef	ctl, slider;
	HIViewID	cid;
	float		w, h, v;
	int			iw, ih;

	err = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeControlRef, NULL, sizeof(ControlRef), NULL, &ctl);
	if (err == noErr)
		cid.signature = 'grap';
		cid.id = iNibGAspectRatio;
		HIViewFindByID(HIViewGetSuperview(ctl), cid, &slider);

		GetGameDisplay(&iw, &ih);
		w = (float) iw;
		h = (float) ih;

		v = (float) SNES_WIDTH / (float) SNES_HEIGHT * h;
		macAspectRatio = (int) (((4.0f / 3.0f) * h - v) / (w - v) * 10000.0f);

		SetControl32BitValue(slider, macAspectRatio);

		result = noErr;

	return (result);
Пример #3
TextViewDefaultSettings( HIViewRef textView )
	OSStatus status = paramErr;
	static const CFStringRef taskCFStr = CFSTR("TaskDefault");
	WindowRef window;
	status = AddTextToTheTextView( textView );
	check_noerr( status );
	status = TextViewEditCommandSupport( textView, true );
	check_noerr( status );
	status = TextViewFontPanelSupport( textView, false );
	check_noerr( status );
	status = TextViewSpellingSupport( textView, false );
	check_noerr( status );
	status = TextViewScrollingOptions( textView, (UInt32)kTXNAutoScrollInsertionIntoView );
	check_noerr( status );
	status = TXNSetSelection(HITextViewGetTXNObject(textView), kTXNStartOffset, kTXNStartOffset);
	check_noerr( status );
	status = HIScrollViewNavigate(HIViewGetSuperview(textView),kHIScrollViewScrollToTop) ;
	check_noerr( status );

	status = SignalHelpMessage( HIViewGetWindow( textView ), taskCFStr );

	return status;
Пример #4
static void SelectTabPane (HIViewRef tabControl, SInt16 index)
	HIViewRef	sup, userPane, selectedPane = NULL;
	HIViewID	cid;

	lastTabIndex = index;

	sup = HIViewGetSuperview(tabControl);
	cid.signature = 'tabs';

	for (int i = 1; i < tabList[0] + 1; i++)
		cid.id = tabList[i];
		HIViewFindByID(sup, cid, &userPane);

		if (i == index)
			selectedPane = userPane;
			HIViewSetVisible(userPane, false);

	if (selectedPane != NULL)
		HIViewSetVisible(selectedPane, true);

	HIViewSetNeedsDisplay(tabControl, true);
void CAccountManagerInfoPage::CreateControls()
////@begin CAccountManagerInfoPage content construction
    CAccountManagerInfoPage* itemWizardPage23 = this;

    wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer24 = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);

    m_pTitleStaticCtrl = new wxStaticText;
    m_pTitleStaticCtrl->Create( itemWizardPage23, wxID_STATIC, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
    m_pTitleStaticCtrl->SetFont(wxFont(10, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxBOLD, FALSE, _T("Verdana")));
    itemBoxSizer24->Add(m_pTitleStaticCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5);

    m_pDescriptionStaticCtrl = new wxStaticText;
    m_pDescriptionStaticCtrl->Create( itemWizardPage23, wxID_STATIC, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
    itemBoxSizer24->Add(m_pDescriptionStaticCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5);

    wxFlexGridSizer* itemFlexGridSizer3 = new wxFlexGridSizer(2, 1, 0, 0);
    itemBoxSizer24->Add(itemFlexGridSizer3, 1, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);

    m_pProjectListCtrl = new CProjectListCtrl;
    m_pProjectListCtrl->Create( itemWizardPage23 );
    itemFlexGridSizer3->Add(m_pProjectListCtrl, 0, wxGROW|wxRIGHT, 10);

    wxFlexGridSizer* itemFlexGridSizer11 = new wxFlexGridSizer(2, 1, 0, 0);
    itemBoxSizer24->Add(itemFlexGridSizer11, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 0);

    wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer22 = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
    itemFlexGridSizer11->Add(itemBoxSizer22, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 0);

    wxFlexGridSizer* itemFlexGridSizer14 = new wxFlexGridSizer(1, 2, 0, 0);
    itemBoxSizer24->Add(itemFlexGridSizer14, 0, wxGROW|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxRIGHT, 10);

    m_pProjectUrlStaticCtrl = new wxStaticText;
    m_pProjectUrlStaticCtrl->Create( itemWizardPage23, ID_PROJECTURLSTATICCTRL, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
    itemFlexGridSizer14->Add(m_pProjectUrlStaticCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5);

    m_pProjectUrlCtrl = new wxTextCtrl;
    m_pProjectUrlCtrl->Create( itemWizardPage23, ID_PROJECTURLCTRL, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(200, -1), 0 );
    itemFlexGridSizer14->Add(m_pProjectUrlCtrl, 0, wxGROW|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5);

    // Set validators
    m_pProjectUrlCtrl->SetValidator( CValidateURL( & m_strProjectURL ) );
#ifdef __WXMAC__
    HIViewRef listView = (HIViewRef)m_pProjectListCtrl->GetHandle();
    HIObjectRef   theObject = (HIObjectRef)HIViewGetSuperview(listView);
    HIObjectSetAccessibilityIgnored(theObject, true);
////@end CAccountManagerInfoPage content construction
Пример #6
static void HIOpenGLViewSetContextWindowAndBounds (HIOpenGLViewData* inData)
    if (inData == nil) return;
    if (inData->mControl == nil) return;
    if (inData->mContext == nil) return;

    // Determine the AGL_BUFFER_RECT for the control. The coordinate
    // system for this rectangle is relative to the owning window, with
    // the origin at the bottom left corner and the y-axis inverted.
    HIRect ctrlBounds, winBounds;
    HIViewGetBounds(inData->mControl, &ctrlBounds);
    WindowRef window = GetControlOwner(inData->mControl);
    ControlRef root = nil;
    GetRootControl(window, &root);
    HIViewGetBounds(root, &winBounds);
    HIViewConvertRect(&ctrlBounds, inData->mControl, root);
    GLint bufferRect[4] = { (int)ctrlBounds.origin.x, (int)((winBounds.size.height) - (ctrlBounds.origin.y + ctrlBounds.size.height)),
                            (int)ctrlBounds.size.width, (int)ctrlBounds.size.height };
    // Associate the OpenGL context with the control's window, and establish the buffer rect.
    aglSetDrawable(inData->mContext, GetWindowPort(window));
    aglSetInteger(inData->mContext, AGL_BUFFER_RECT, bufferRect);
    aglEnable(inData->mContext, AGL_BUFFER_RECT);
    // Establish the clipping region for the OpenGL context. To properly handle clipping
    // within the view hierarchy, I'm walking the hierarchy to determine the intersection
    // of this view's bounds with its parents. Is there an easier way to do this?
    CGRect clipBounds = ctrlBounds;
    HIViewRef parent = HIViewGetSuperview(inData->mControl);
    while (parent != root)
        CGRect parentBounds;
        HIViewGetBounds(parent, &parentBounds);
        HIViewConvertRect(&parentBounds, parent, root);
        clipBounds = CGRectIntersection(clipBounds, parentBounds);
        parent = HIViewGetSuperview(parent);
    Rect rgnBounds = { (int)clipBounds.origin.y, (int)clipBounds.origin.x, (int)(clipBounds.origin.y + clipBounds.size.height), (int)(clipBounds.origin.x + clipBounds.size.width) };
    RgnHandle rgn = NewRgn();
    RectRgn(rgn, &rgnBounds);
    aglSetInteger(inData->mContext, AGL_CLIP_REGION, (const GLint*)rgn);
    aglEnable(inData->mContext, AGL_CLIP_REGION);
Пример #7
IPopupMenu* IGraphicsCarbon::CreateIPopupMenu(IPopupMenu* pMenu, IRECT* pAreaRect)
  // Get the plugin gui frame rect within the host's window
  HIRect rct;
  HIViewGetFrame(this->mView, &rct);

  // Get the host's window rect within the screen
  Rect wrct;
  GetWindowBounds(this->mWindow, kWindowContentRgn, &wrct);

  #ifdef RTAS_API
  int xpos = wrct.left + this->GetLeftOffset() + pAreaRect->L;
  int ypos = wrct.top + this->GetTopOffset() + pAreaRect->B + 5;
  HIViewRef contentView;
  HIViewFindByID(HIViewGetRoot(this->mWindow), kHIViewWindowContentID, &contentView);
  HIViewConvertRect(&rct, HIViewGetSuperview((HIViewRef)this->mView), contentView);

  int xpos = wrct.left + rct.origin.x + pAreaRect->L;
  int ypos = wrct.top + rct.origin.y + pAreaRect->B + 5;

  MenuRef menuRef = CreateMenu(pMenu);

  if (menuRef)
    int32_t popUpItem = 1;
    int32_t PopUpMenuItem = PopUpMenuSelect(menuRef, ypos, xpos, popUpItem);

    short result = LoWord(PopUpMenuItem) - 1;
    short menuIDResult = HiWord(PopUpMenuItem);
    IPopupMenu* resultMenu = 0;

    if (menuIDResult != 0)
      MenuRef usedMenuRef = GetMenuHandle(menuIDResult);

      if (usedMenuRef)
        if (GetMenuItemRefCon(usedMenuRef, 0, (URefCon*)&resultMenu) == noErr)


    return resultMenu;
    return 0;
Пример #8
  Hacks to glue AGL to an HIView
QRegion qt_mac_get_widget_rgn(const QWidget *widget)
    if(!widget->isVisible() || widget->isMinimized())
        return QRegion();
    const QRect wrect = QRect(qt_mac_posInWindow(widget), widget->size());
        return QRegion();

    RgnHandle macr = qt_mac_get_rgn();
    GetControlRegion((HIViewRef)widget->winId(), kControlStructureMetaPart, macr);
    OffsetRgn(macr, wrect.x(), wrect.y());
    QRegion ret = qt_mac_convert_mac_region(macr);

    QPoint clip_pos = wrect.topLeft();
    for(const QWidget *last_clip = 0, *clip = widget; clip; last_clip = clip, clip = clip->parentWidget()) {
        if(clip != widget) {
            GetControlRegion((HIViewRef)clip->winId(), kControlStructureMetaPart, macr);
            OffsetRgn(macr, clip_pos.x(), clip_pos.y());
            ret &= qt_mac_convert_mac_region(macr);
        const QObjectList &children = clip->children();
        for(int i = children.size()-1; i >= 0; --i) {
            if(QWidget *child = qobject_cast<QWidget*>(children.at(i))) {
                if(child == last_clip)

                // This check may seem weird, but when we are using a unified toolbar
                // The widget is actually being owned by that toolbar and not by Qt.
                // This means that the geometry it reports will be wrong
                // and will accidentally cause problems when calculating the region
                // So, it is better to skip these widgets since they aren't the hierarchy
                // anyway.
                if (HIViewGetSuperview(HIViewRef(child->winId())) != HIViewRef(clip->winId()))

                if(child->isVisible() && !child->isMinimized() && !child->isTopLevel()) {
                    const QRect childRect = QRect(clip_pos+child->pos(), child->size());
                    if(childRect.isValid() && wrect.intersects(childRect)) {
                        GetControlRegion((HIViewRef)child->winId(), kControlStructureMetaPart, macr);
                        OffsetRgn(macr, childRect.x(), childRect.y());
                        ret -= qt_mac_convert_mac_region(macr);
        clip_pos -= clip->pos();
    return ret;
Пример #9
static pascal void InputRateSliderActionProc (HIViewRef slider, HIViewPartCode partCode)
	HIViewRef	ctl;
	HIViewID	cid;
	char		num[10];

	cid.signature = 'snd_';
	cid.id = iNibSInputRateText;
	HIViewFindByID(HIViewGetSuperview(slider), cid, &ctl);

	sprintf(num, "%ld", GetControl32BitValue(slider));
	SetStaticTextCStr(ctl, num, true);
Пример #10
static pascal void AutofireSliderActionProc (HIViewRef slider, HIViewPartCode partCode)
	HIViewRef	ctl;
	HIViewID	cid;
	char		num[10];

	GetControlID(slider, &cid);
	cid.signature = 'Num_';
	HIViewFindByID(HIViewGetSuperview(slider), cid, &ctl);

	sprintf(num, "%ld", GetControl32BitValue(slider));
	SetStaticTextCStr(ctl, num, true);
Пример #11
static pascal void LittleArrowsActionProc (HIViewRef arrows, HIViewPartCode partCode)
	HIViewRef	ctl;
	HIViewID	cid = { 'msc2', iNibMTurboSkipText };
	char		num[8];

	if (partCode == kControlUpButtonPart)
		SetControl32BitValue(arrows, GetControl32BitValue(arrows) + 1);
	if (partCode == kControlDownButtonPart)
		SetControl32BitValue(arrows, GetControl32BitValue(arrows) - 1);

	HIViewFindByID(HIViewGetSuperview(arrows), cid, &ctl);
	sprintf(num, "%ld", GetControl32BitValue(arrows));
	SetStaticTextCStr(ctl, num, true);
Пример #12
void SkOSWindow::updateSize()
	Rect	r;

	GetWindowBounds((WindowRef)fHWND, kWindowContentRgn, &r);
	this->resize(r.right - r.left, r.bottom - r.top);

#if 0
    HIRect    frame;
    HIViewRef imageView = (HIViewRef)getHVIEW();
    HIViewRef parent = HIViewGetSuperview(imageView);

    HIViewGetBounds(imageView, &frame);
    SkDebugf("------ %d bounds %g %g %g %g\n", r.right - r.left,
             frame.origin.x, frame.origin.y, frame.size.width, frame.size.height);
Пример #13
TextViewFocusInWindow( WindowRef window )
	OSStatus status = paramErr;
	HIViewRef textView = NULL;
	HIViewRef scrollView = NULL;
	// Get the HITextView from the window
	status = GetTextViewFromWindow( window, textView );
	require_action( textView != NULL, EXIT, status = paramErr );
	scrollView = HIViewGetSuperview( textView );
	require_action( scrollView != NULL, EXIT, status = paramErr );
	HIViewSetFirstSubViewFocus( HIViewGetRoot(window), textView );
	status = HIViewSetNextFocus( scrollView, NULL );
	status = HIViewAdvanceFocus ( scrollView, 0 /*modifiers*/ );

	return status;
Пример #14
// Each time a new window is first opened, call this one time function to set up
// the text view
SetUpTheTextView( WindowRef window )
	OSStatus status = noErr;
	HIViewRef textView = NULL;
	HIViewRef scrollView = NULL;
	HIViewRef scrollParentView = NULL;
	CMLTEViewData* mlteData = NULL;
	// Get the HITextView from the window
	status = GetTextViewFromWindow( window, textView );
	require_action( textView != NULL, EXIT, status = paramErr );
	// make a new custom C++ object to hold MLTE related data
	mlteData = new CMLTEViewData();
	// put the custom object in the HITextView for this window
	// as a control property so that we can retrieve it later when we need it.
	status = TextViewStoreMLTEInstanceData( textView, mlteData );
	require_action( textView != NULL, EXIT, status = paramErr );
	// Now set the text view as we like it
	status = TextViewDefaultSettings( textView );
	check_noerr( status );
	status = TextViewAddActionNameMapper( textView );
	check_noerr( status );
	status = TextViewSetMargins( textView, 0 /*top*/, 0 /*left*/, 0 /*right*/ );
	check_noerr( status );
	// get fancy - try to add a picture behind the textView
	scrollView = HIViewGetSuperview( textView );
	scrollParentView = HIViewGetSuperview( scrollView );
	if( scrollParentView != NULL )
		HIViewRef imageViewRef = AddImage( scrollParentView );
		if( imageViewRef != NULL )
			HIRect scrollFrame;
			HIViewGetFrame( scrollView, &scrollFrame );
			HIViewSetFrame( imageViewRef, &scrollFrame );
			status = HIViewSetZOrder( scrollView, kHIViewZOrderAbove, imageViewRef );
			check_noerr( status );
			HIViewSetVisible(imageViewRef, true);
			status = TextViewSetBGAlpha( textView, 0.75 );
			check_noerr( status );
	// register for menu handing
	status = TextViewInstallMenuHandlers( textView );
	return status;
Пример #15
void IGraphicsCarbon::CreateTextEntry(IControl* pControl, IText* pText, IRECT* pTextRect, const char* pString, IParam* pParam)
  if (!pControl || mTextEntryView || !mIsComposited) return; // Only composited carbon supports text entry

  WindowRef window = mWindow;
  TXNFrameOptions txnFrameOptions = kTXNMonostyledTextMask | kTXNDisableDragAndDropMask | kTXNSingleLineOnlyMask;
  TXNObject txnObject = 0;
  TXNFrameID frameID = 0;
  TXNObjectRefcon txnObjectRefCon = 0;

  HIRect rct;
  HIViewGetFrame(this->mView, &rct);

  HIViewRef contentView;
  HIViewFindByID (HIViewGetRoot(this->mWindow), kHIViewWindowContentID, &contentView);
  HIViewConvertRect(&rct, HIViewGetSuperview((HIViewRef)this->mView), contentView);

  Rect rect = { rct.origin.y + pTextRect->T,
                rct.origin.x + pTextRect->L,
                rct.origin.y + pTextRect->B + 1,
                rct.origin.x + pTextRect->R + 1

  if (TXNNewObject(NULL,
                   txnObjectRefCon) == noErr)
    TXNSetFrameBounds(txnObject, rect.top, rect.left, rect.bottom, rect.right, frameID);
    mTextEntryView = txnObject;

    // Set the text to display by defualt
    TXNSetData(mTextEntryView, kTXNTextData, pString, strlen(pString)/*+1*/, kTXNStartOffset, kTXNEndOffset); // center aligned text has problems with uneven string lengths

    RGBColor tc;
    tc.red = pText->mTextEntryFGColor.R * 257;
    tc.green = pText->mTextEntryFGColor.G * 257;
    tc.blue = pText->mTextEntryFGColor.B * 257;

    TXNBackground bg;
    bg.bgType         = kTXNBackgroundTypeRGB;
    bg.bg.color.red   = pText->mTextEntryBGColor.R * 257;
    bg.bg.color.green = pText->mTextEntryBGColor.G * 257;
    bg.bg.color.blue  = pText->mTextEntryBGColor.B * 257;

    TXNSetBackground(mTextEntryView, &bg);

    // Set justification
    SInt16 justification;
    Fract flushness;

    switch ( pText->mAlign )
      case IText::kAlignCenter:
        justification = kTXNCenter;  // seems to be buggy wrt dragging and alignement with uneven string lengths
        flushness = kATSUCenterAlignment;
      case IText::kAlignFar:
        justification = kTXNFlushRight;
        flushness = kATSUEndAlignment;
      case IText::kAlignNear:
        justification = kTXNFlushLeft;
        flushness = kATSUStartAlignment;

    TXNControlTag controlTag[1];
    TXNControlData controlData[1];
    controlTag[0] = kTXNJustificationTag;
    controlData[0].sValue = justification;
    TXNSetTXNObjectControls(mTextEntryView, false, 1, controlTag, controlData);

    ATSUFontID fontid = kATSUInvalidFontID;

    if (pText->mFont && pText->mFont[0])
      ATSUFindFontFromName(pText->mFont, strlen(pText->mFont),
                           kFontFullName /* kFontFamilyName? */ ,

    // font (NOT working)
    TXNTypeAttributes attributes[3];
    attributes[0].tag = kATSUFontTag;
    attributes[0].size = sizeof(ATSUFontID);
    attributes[0].data.dataPtr = &fontid;
    // size
    attributes[1].tag = kTXNQDFontSizeAttribute;
    attributes[1].size = kTXNFontSizeAttributeSize;
    attributes[1].data.dataValue = pText->mSize << 16;
    // color
    attributes[2].tag = kTXNQDFontColorAttribute;
    attributes[2].size = kTXNQDFontColorAttributeSize;
    attributes[2].data.dataPtr = &tc;

    // Finally set the attributes
    TXNSetTypeAttributes(mTextEntryView, 3, attributes, kTXNStartOffset, kTXNEndOffset);

    // Ensure focus remains consistent

    // Set the focus to the edit window
    TXNFocus(txnObject, true);
    TXNShowSelection(mTextEntryView, true);

    // The event types
    const static EventTypeSpec eventTypes[] =
      { kEventClassMouse,    kEventMouseMoved },
      { kEventClassMouse,    kEventMouseDown },
      { kEventClassMouse,    kEventMouseUp },
      { kEventClassMouse,    kEventMouseWheelMoved },
      { kEventClassWindow,   kEventWindowClosed },
      { kEventClassWindow,   kEventWindowDeactivated },
      { kEventClassWindow,   kEventWindowFocusRelinquish },
      { kEventClassKeyboard, kEventRawKeyDown },
      { kEventClassKeyboard, kEventRawKeyRepeat }

    // Install the event handler
    InstallWindowEventHandler(window, TextEntryHandler, GetEventTypeCount(eventTypes), eventTypes, this, &mTextEntryHandler);

    mEdControl = pControl;
    mEdParam = pParam;
    mTextEntryRect = *pTextRect;
bool	AUCarbonViewBase::HandleEvent(EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerRef, EventRef event)
#if !__LP64__
	UInt32 eclass = GetEventClass(event);
	UInt32 ekind = GetEventKind(event);
	ControlRef control;
	switch (eclass) {
		case kEventClassControl:
			switch (ekind) {
			case kEventControlClick:
				GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamDirectObject, typeControlRef, NULL, sizeof(ControlRef), NULL, &control);
				if (control == mCarbonPane) {
					return true;
		case kEventClassScrollable:
			switch (ekind) {
			case kEventScrollableGetInfo:
					// [1/4]
					/*	<--	kEventParamImageSize (out, typeHISize)
					 *		On exit, contains the size of the entire scrollable view.
					HISize originalSize = { mBottomRight.h, mBottomRight.v };
					verify_noerr(SetEventParameter(event, kEventParamImageSize, typeHISize, sizeof(HISize), &originalSize));
					// [2/4]
					/*	<--	kEventParamViewSize (out, typeHISize)
					 *		On exit, contains the amount of the scrollable view that is
					 *		visible.
					HIViewRef parentView = HIViewGetSuperview(mCarbonPane);
					HIRect parentBounds;
					verify_noerr(HIViewGetBounds(parentView, &parentBounds));
					//HISize windowSize = {	float(windowBounds.right - windowBounds.left),
					//						float(windowBounds.bottom - windowBounds.top) };
					verify_noerr(SetEventParameter(event, kEventParamViewSize, typeHISize, sizeof(HISize), &(parentBounds.size)));
					// [3/4]
					/*	<--	kEventParamLineSize (out, typeHISize)
					 *		On exit, contains the amount that should be scrolled in
					 *		response to a single click on a scrollbar arrow.
					 HISize scrollIncrementSize = { 16.0f, float(20) };
					 verify_noerr(SetEventParameter(event, kEventParamLineSize, typeHISize, sizeof(HISize), &scrollIncrementSize));
					// [4/4]
					/*	<-- kEventParamOrigin (out, typeHIPoint)
					 *		On exit, contains the scrollable viewÕs current origin (the
					 *		view-relative coordinate that is drawn at the top left
					 *		corner of its frame). These coordinates should always be
					 *		greater than or equal to zero. They should be less than or
					 *		equal to the viewÕs image size minus its view size.
					 verify_noerr(SetEventParameter(event, kEventParamOrigin, typeHIPoint, sizeof(HIPoint), &mCurrentScrollPoint));
				return true;
			case kEventScrollableScrollTo:
					 *  kEventClassScrollable / kEventScrollableScrollTo
					 *  Summary:
					 *    Requests that an HIScrollViewÕs scrollable view should scroll to
					 *    a particular origin.
					/*	-->	kEventParamOrigin (in, typeHIPoint)
					 *		The new origin for the scrollable view. The origin
					 *		coordinates will vary from (0,0) to scrollable viewÕs image
					 *		size minus its view size.
					HIPoint pointToScrollTo;
					verify_noerr(GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamOrigin, typeHIPoint, NULL, sizeof(HIPoint), NULL, &pointToScrollTo));
					float xDelta = mCurrentScrollPoint.x - pointToScrollTo.x;
					float yDelta = mCurrentScrollPoint.y - pointToScrollTo.y;
					// move visible portion the appropriate amount
					verify_noerr(HIViewScrollRect(mCarbonPane, NULL, xDelta, yDelta));
					// set new content to be drawn
					verify_noerr(HIViewSetBoundsOrigin(mCarbonPane, pointToScrollTo.x, pointToScrollTo.y));
					mCurrentScrollPoint = pointToScrollTo;
				return true;
	return false;
Пример #17
static pascal OSStatus HandlePaneEvents(EventHandlerCallRef handlerRef, EventRef eventRef, void *data)
    wxMacCarbonEvent event(eventRef);
    CustomData *dt = (CustomData *) data;
    OSStatus result = eventNotHandledErr;

   switch (event.GetClass())
      case kEventClassControl:
         ControlRef control;
         ControlID cid;

         control = event.GetParameter<ControlRef>(kEventParamDirectObject, typeControlRef);
         if (control == NULL)

         GetControlID(control, &cid);
         if (cid.signature != kCustom)

         switch (cid.id)
            case kChoice:
               MenuRef menu = GetControlPopupMenuRef(control);
               UInt32 v = GetControl32BitValue(control) - 1;
               const size_t numFilters = dt->extensions.GetCount();
               if (v < (UInt32) dt->extensions.GetCount())
                  dt->currentfilter = v;

                  NavCustomControl(dt->context, kNavCtlBrowserRedraw, NULL);
            case kButton:
               dt->me->ClickButton(GetControl32BitValue(dt->choice) - 1);

      case kEventClassAccessibility:
    switch (event.GetKind())
        case kEventAccessibleGetNamedAttribute:
            CFStringRef attr;

                                             &attr), ParameterError);

            if (false)
               else if (CFStringCompare(attr, kAXRoleAttribute, 0) == kCFCompareEqualTo)
                CFStringRef role = kAXGroupRole;
                result = event.SetParameter(kEventParamAccessibleAttributeValue,
                require_noerr(result, ParameterError);
               else if (CFStringCompare(attr, kAXRoleDescriptionAttribute, 0) == kCFCompareEqualTo)
                CFStringRef role = kAXGroupRole;
                CFStringRef desc;
                desc = HICopyAccessibilityRoleDescription(role, NULL);
                  if (desc)
                    result = event.SetParameter(kEventParamAccessibleAttributeValue,
                    require_noerr(result, ParameterError);
               else if (CFStringCompare(attr, kAXParentAttribute, 0) == kCFCompareEqualTo)
                HIViewRef viewRef = HIViewGetSuperview(dt->userpane);
                  if (viewRef)
                    result = SetElement(event, (HIObjectRef) viewRef, 0,
                    require_noerr(result, ParameterError);
               else if (CFStringCompare(attr, kAXWindowAttribute, 0) == kCFCompareEqualTo)
                WindowRef winRef = HIViewGetWindow((HIViewRef) dt->userpane);
                  if (winRef)
                    result = SetElement(event, (HIObjectRef) winRef, 0,
                    require_noerr(result, ParameterError);
               else if (CFStringCompare(attr, kAXTopLevelUIElementAttribute, 0) == kCFCompareEqualTo)
                  if (dt->window)
                    result = SetElement(event, (HIObjectRef) dt->window, 0,
                    require_noerr(result, ParameterError);
                result = eventNotHandledErr;

    return result;
* Handle_WindowCommandProcess(inHandlerCallRef, inEvent, inUserData) 
* Purpose:  called to handle of the events generated by the various controls of the HICustomView_Tester window
* Inputs:   inHandlerCallRef    - reference to the current handler call chain
*           inEvent             - the event
*           inUserData          - app-specified data you passed in the call to InstallEventHandler
* Returns:  OSStatus            - noErr indicates the event was handled
*                                 eventNotHandledErr indicates the event was not handled and the Toolbox should take over
static pascal OSStatus Handle_WindowCommandProcess(EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerCallRef, EventRef inEvent, void *inUserData)
	OSStatus status;
	HIViewRef customView = (HIViewRef)inUserData;
	// getting the command
	HICommandExtended aCommand;
	status = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeHICommand, NULL, sizeof(aCommand), NULL, &aCommand);
	require_noerr(status, ExitCommandProcess);
	status = eventNotHandledErr;

	// cheking that the command came from a control
	if ( ! (aCommand.attributes & kHICommandFromControl) ) goto ExitCommandProcess;

	switch (aCommand.commandID)
		// Asking for a refresh of the custom view
		case 'SNDt':
			HIViewSetNeedsDisplay(customView, true);
			status = noErr;

		// Setting the control value of the custom view
		case 'SV00':
			SetControl32BitValue(customView, 0);
			status = noErr;
		case 'SV01':
			SetControl32BitValue(customView, 1);
			status = noErr;
		case 'SV17':
			SetControl32BitValue(customView, 17);
			status = noErr;
		case 'SVTH':
			SetControl32BitValue(customView, 1000);
			status = noErr;
		case 'SVet':
			HIViewRef editText;
			HIViewFindByID(HIViewGetRoot(GetControlOwner(customView)), kSetValueEditID, &editText);
			char buffer[11];
			Size actualSize;
			GetControlData(editText, kControlEntireControl, kControlEditTextTextTag, 10, buffer, &actualSize);
			if (actualSize > 10) actualSize = 10;
			buffer[actualSize] = 0;
			SetControl32BitValue(customView, atoi(buffer));
			status = noErr;

		// Setting the state of the custom view
		case 'CHlt':
			// setting the hilite to non-0 also stomps the previous hilite state if any
			// and we don't want that in our testing
			if (GetControl32BitValue(aCommand.source.control) == 1)
				HiliteControl(customView, 1);
				HiliteControl(customView, 0);
			status = noErr;
		case 'CEnb':
			HIViewRef hiliteControl;
			HIViewFindByID(HIViewGetRoot(GetControlOwner(customView)), kCheckHiliteID, &hiliteControl);
			if (GetControl32BitValue(aCommand.source.control) == 1)
			UInt16 prevHilite = GetControlHilite(customView);
			if ((prevHilite == kControlInactivePart) || (prevHilite == kControlDisabledPart))
			HIViewSetNeedsDisplay(customView, true);
			status = noErr;
		case 'CAct':
			HIViewRef hiliteControl;
			HIViewFindByID(HIViewGetRoot(GetControlOwner(customView)), kCheckHiliteID, &hiliteControl);
			if (GetControl32BitValue(aCommand.source.control) == 1)
			UInt16 prevHilite = GetControlHilite(customView);
			if ((prevHilite == kControlInactivePart) || (prevHilite == kControlDisabledPart))
			HIViewSetNeedsDisplay(customView, true);
			status = noErr;

		// Testing the custom view in or as a scroller in a HIScrollView
		case 'CTiS':
		case 'CTaS':
			if (GetControl32BitValue(aCommand.source.control) == 1)
				// create a HIScrollView and install it where and as the custom view was
				HIViewRef scrollView;
				status = HIScrollViewCreate(kHIScrollViewValidOptions, &scrollView);
				require_noerr(status, ExitCommandProcess);
				HIRect frame;
				status = HIViewGetFrame(customView, &frame);
				require_noerr(status, ExitCommandProcess);
				status = HIViewSetFrame(scrollView, &frame);
				require_noerr(status, ExitCommandProcess);

				HIViewSetLayoutInfo(scrollView, &kBindToParentLayout);
				HIViewSetLayoutInfo(customView, &kNoBindLayout);
				status = HIViewAddSubview(HIViewGetSuperview(customView), scrollView);
				require_noerr(status, ExitCommandProcess);
				if (aCommand.commandID == 'CTiS')
					// if we are testing the custom view in a scroller, we embed it in a scrolling User Pane
					// that we embed in the HIScrollView
					Rect boundsRect = {0, 0, 1000, 1000};
					HIViewRef userPane;
					status = CreateUserPaneControl(NULL, &boundsRect, kControlSupportsEmbedding, &userPane);
					require_noerr(status, ExitCommandProcess);
					EventTypeSpec userPaneEvents[] =
							{kEventClassScrollable, kEventScrollableGetInfo},
							{kEventClassScrollable, kEventScrollableScrollTo}
					InstallControlEventHandler(userPane, UserPaneHandler, 2, userPaneEvents, userPane, NULL);

					status = HIViewAddSubview(scrollView, userPane);
					require_noerr(status, ExitCommandProcess);
					status = HIViewAddSubview(userPane, customView);
					require_noerr(status, ExitCommandProcess);

					HIViewSetVisible(userPane, true);
					// else we just embed the custom view directly in the HIScrollView
					status = HIViewAddSubview(scrollView, customView);
					require_noerr(status, ExitCommandProcess);
				HIViewSetVisible(scrollView, true);
				// the 2 modes are not compatible so we disable the other check box
				HIViewRef otherCheckToDisable;
				if (aCommand.commandID == 'CTiS')
					HIViewFindByID(HIViewGetRoot(GetControlOwner(customView)), kCheckTestAsScrollID, &otherCheckToDisable);
					HIViewFindByID(HIViewGetRoot(GetControlOwner(customView)), kCheckTestInScrollID, &otherCheckToDisable);
				require_noerr(status, ExitCommandProcess);
				// if we reach here, status is already set to noErr so we don't set it again
				// we remove the HIScrollView and set the custom view back to where and as it was
				HIViewRef scrollView;
				if (aCommand.commandID == 'CTiS')
					scrollView = HIViewGetSuperview(HIViewGetSuperview(customView));
					scrollView = HIViewGetSuperview(customView);

				status = HIViewAddSubview(HIViewGetSuperview(scrollView), customView);
				require_noerr(status, ExitCommandProcess);

				HIRect frame;
				status = HIViewGetFrame(scrollView, &frame);
				require_noerr(status, ExitCommandProcess);
				status = HIViewSetFrame(customView, &frame);
				require_noerr(status, ExitCommandProcess);

				HIViewSetLayoutInfo(customView, &kBindToParentLayout);

				// by releasing the HIScrollView, we also release the scrolling User Pane if any
				// which was embedded inside
				// we renable the other check box
				HIViewRef otherCheckToEnable;
				if (aCommand.commandID == 'CTiS')
					HIViewFindByID(HIViewGetRoot(GetControlOwner(customView)), kCheckTestAsScrollID, &otherCheckToEnable);
					HIViewFindByID(HIViewGetRoot(GetControlOwner(customView)), kCheckTestInScrollID, &otherCheckToEnable);
				require_noerr(status, ExitCommandProcess);
				// if we reach here, status is already set to noErr so we don't set it again


	return status;
	}   // Handle_WindowCommandProcess
Пример #19
void CAccountInfoPage::CreateControls()

////@begin CAccountInfoPage content construction
    CAccountInfoPage* itemWizardPage56 = this;

    wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer57 = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);

    m_pTitleStaticCtrl = new wxStaticText;
    m_pTitleStaticCtrl->Create( itemWizardPage56, wxID_STATIC, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
    m_pTitleStaticCtrl->SetFont(wxFont(10, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxBOLD, FALSE, _T("Verdana")));
    itemBoxSizer57->Add(m_pTitleStaticCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxGROW|wxALL, 5);

    m_pCookieDetectionFailedStaticCtrl = new wxStaticText;
    m_pCookieDetectionFailedStaticCtrl->Create( itemWizardPage56, wxID_STATIC, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
    itemBoxSizer57->Add(m_pCookieDetectionFailedStaticCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5);

    m_pCookieDetectionFailedCtrl = new wxHyperlinkCtrl;
    m_pCookieDetectionFailedCtrl->Create( itemWizardPage56, ID_ACCOUNTCOOKIEDETECTIONFAILEDCTRL, wxT(" "), wxT(" "), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxNO_BORDER | wxHL_ALIGN_LEFT | wxHL_CONTEXTMENU );
    itemBoxSizer57->Add(m_pCookieDetectionFailedCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5);

    m_pAccountQuestionStaticCtrl = new wxStaticText;
    m_pAccountQuestionStaticCtrl->Create( itemWizardPage56, wxID_STATIC, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
    itemBoxSizer57->Add(m_pAccountQuestionStaticCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5);

    wxFlexGridSizer* itemFlexGridSizer61 = new wxFlexGridSizer(1, 2, 0, 0);
    itemBoxSizer57->Add(itemFlexGridSizer61, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);

    m_pAccountCreateCtrl = new wxRadioButton;
    m_pAccountCreateCtrl->Create( itemWizardPage56, ID_ACCOUNTCREATECTRL, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxRB_GROUP );
    itemFlexGridSizer61->Add(m_pAccountCreateCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5);

    m_pAccountUseExistingCtrl = new wxRadioButton;
    m_pAccountUseExistingCtrl->Create( itemWizardPage56, ID_ACCOUNTUSEEXISTINGCTRL, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
    itemFlexGridSizer61->Add(m_pAccountUseExistingCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5);

    m_pAccountInformationStaticCtrl = new wxStaticText;
    m_pAccountInformationStaticCtrl->Create( itemWizardPage56, wxID_STATIC, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
    itemBoxSizer57->Add(m_pAccountInformationStaticCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5);

    wxFlexGridSizer* itemFlexGridSizer64 = new wxFlexGridSizer(4, 2, 0, 0);
    itemBoxSizer57->Add(itemFlexGridSizer64, 0, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 0);

    m_pAccountEmailAddressStaticCtrl = new wxStaticText;
    m_pAccountEmailAddressStaticCtrl->Create( itemWizardPage56, ID_ACCOUNTEMAILADDRESSSTATICCTRL, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
    itemFlexGridSizer64->Add(m_pAccountEmailAddressStaticCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5);

    m_pAccountEmailAddressCtrl = new wxTextCtrl;
    m_pAccountEmailAddressCtrl->Create( itemWizardPage56, ID_ACCOUNTEMAILADDRESSCTRL, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(200, 22), 0 );
    itemFlexGridSizer64->Add(m_pAccountEmailAddressCtrl, 0, wxEXPAND|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5);

    m_pAccountUsernameStaticCtrl = new wxStaticText;
    m_pAccountUsernameStaticCtrl->Create( itemWizardPage56, ID_ACCOUNTUSERNAMESTATICCTRL, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
    itemFlexGridSizer64->Add(m_pAccountUsernameStaticCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5);

    m_pAccountUsernameCtrl = new wxTextCtrl;
    m_pAccountUsernameCtrl->Create( itemWizardPage56, ID_ACCOUNTUSERNAMECTRL, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(200, 22), 0 );
    itemFlexGridSizer64->Add(m_pAccountUsernameCtrl, 0, wxEXPAND|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5);

    m_pAccountPasswordStaticCtrl = new wxStaticText;
    m_pAccountPasswordStaticCtrl->Create( itemWizardPage56, ID_ACCOUNTPASSWORDSTATICCTRL, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
    itemFlexGridSizer64->Add(m_pAccountPasswordStaticCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5);

    m_pAccountPasswordCtrl = new wxTextCtrl;
    m_pAccountPasswordCtrl->Create( itemWizardPage56, ID_ACCOUNTPASSWORDCTRL, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_PASSWORD );
    itemFlexGridSizer64->Add(m_pAccountPasswordCtrl, 0, wxEXPAND|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5);

    m_pAccountConfirmPasswordStaticCtrl = new wxStaticText;
    m_pAccountConfirmPasswordStaticCtrl->Create( itemWizardPage56, ID_ACCOUNTCONFIRMPASSWORDSTATICCTRL, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
    itemFlexGridSizer64->Add(m_pAccountConfirmPasswordStaticCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5);

    m_pAccountConfirmPasswordCtrl = new wxTextCtrl;
    m_pAccountConfirmPasswordCtrl->Create( itemWizardPage56, ID_ACCOUNTCONFIRMPASSWORDCTRL, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_PASSWORD );
    itemFlexGridSizer64->Add(m_pAccountConfirmPasswordCtrl, 0, wxEXPAND|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5);

    itemFlexGridSizer64->Add( 0, 0 );

    m_pAccountPasswordRequirmentsStaticCtrl = new wxStaticText;
    m_pAccountPasswordRequirmentsStaticCtrl->Create( itemWizardPage56, ID_ACCOUNTREQUIREMENTSSTATICCTRL, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
    m_pAccountPasswordRequirmentsStaticCtrl->SetFont(wxFont(7, wxDEFAULT, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL, FALSE));
    itemFlexGridSizer64->Add(m_pAccountPasswordRequirmentsStaticCtrl, 0, wxGROW|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5);

    m_pAccountManagerLinkLabelStaticCtrl = new wxStaticText;
    m_pAccountManagerLinkLabelStaticCtrl->Create( itemWizardPage56, ID_ACCOUNTLINKLABELSTATICCTRL, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
    itemBoxSizer57->Add(m_pAccountManagerLinkLabelStaticCtrl, 0, wxGROW|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5);

    m_pAccountForgotPasswordCtrl = new wxHyperlinkCtrl;
    m_pAccountForgotPasswordCtrl->Create( itemWizardPage56, ID_ACCOUNTFORGOTPASSWORDCTRL, wxT(" "), wxT(" "), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxNO_BORDER | wxHL_ALIGN_LEFT | wxHL_CONTEXTMENU );
    itemBoxSizer57->Add(m_pAccountForgotPasswordCtrl, 0, wxGROW|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5);

    // Set validators
    // m_pAccountEmailAddressCtrl/m_pAccountUsernameCtrl is setup when the OnPageChange event is fired since
    //   it can be a username or an email address.
    m_pAccountEmailAddressCtrl->SetValidator( wxTextValidator(wxFILTER_NONE, &m_strAccountEmailAddress) );
    m_pAccountUsernameCtrl->SetValidator( wxTextValidator(wxFILTER_NONE, &m_strAccountUsername) );
    m_pAccountPasswordCtrl->SetValidator( wxTextValidator(wxFILTER_NONE, &m_strAccountPassword) );
    m_pAccountConfirmPasswordCtrl->SetValidator( wxTextValidator(wxFILTER_NONE, &m_strAccountConfirmPassword) );
#ifdef __WXMAC__
    HIViewRef buttonView = (HIViewRef)m_pAccountCreateCtrl->GetHandle();
    HIObjectRef   theObject = (HIObjectRef)HIViewGetSuperview(buttonView);
    HIObjectSetAccessibilityIgnored(theObject, true);
    ////@end CAccountInfoPage content construction

Пример #20

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// To make a TextView auto-size along with its parent view, use the following
// code:

HIViewRef textView;
HILayoutInfo layoutInfo;
HIRect parentFrame;


// Bind the view to its parent on all sides (affects resize)
layoutInfo.binding.left.kind = kHILayoutBindLeft;
layoutInfo.binding.left.toView = NULL;
layoutInfo.binding.left.offset = 0.0;
layoutInfo.binding.top.kind = kHILayoutBindTop;
layoutInfo.binding.top.toView = NULL;
layoutInfo.binding.top.offset = 0.0;
layoutInfo.binding.right.kind = kHILayoutBindRight;
layoutInfo.binding.right.toView = NULL;
layoutInfo.binding.right.offset = 0.0;
layoutInfo.binding.bottom.kind = kHILayoutBindBottom;
layoutInfo.binding.bottom.toView = NULL;
layoutInfo.binding.bottom.offset = 0.0;
status = HIViewSetLayoutInfo(textView, &layoutInfo);

// Set the initial size to be the same as the parent
status = HIViewGetFrame(HIViewGetSuperview(textView), &parentFrame);
status = HIViewSetFrame(textView, &parentFrame);