Пример #1
static int
dmv2mx_(double *t, int *ldt, double *beta, double *a, int *lda, int *nrow, int *ncol,
  int *mb, int *nb, int *ilt, int *jlt) {
    /* System generated locals */
    long t_dim1, t_offset, a_dim1, a_offset;
    int i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4;

    /* Local variables */
    static int k, ia, ja, jj, ki, kj, it, jt, mr, irm, jrm;

/*  -- PUMMA Package routine (version 2.1) -- */
/*     Jaeyoung Choi, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. */
/*     Jack Dongarra, Univ. of Tennessee, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. */
/*     David Walker,  Oak Ridge National Laboratory. */
/*     October 31, 1994. */

/*  Purpose */

/*  A <== T + beta*A (assume beta = 0.0, or 1.0) */
/*  A is a scattered 2-D array from a condensed 2-D buffer T */

    /* Parameter adjustments */
    t_dim1 = *ldt;
    t_offset = 1 + t_dim1;
    t -= t_offset;
    a_dim1 = *lda;
    a_offset = 1 + a_dim1;
    a -= a_offset;

    /* Function Body */
    it = 0;
    ia = 0;

/*     A <== T */

    if (*beta == 0.) {

/*         If NPROW = 1, use DCOPY */

	if (*nrow == 1) {
	    jt = 0;
	    ja = 0;
	    i__1 = *ncol - 2;
	    for (kj = 0; kj <= i__1; ++kj) {
		i__2 = *nb;
		for (jj = 1; jj <= i__2; ++jj) {
		    i__3 = Mmin(*mb,*ilt);
		    HPL_dcopy(i__3, &t[(jt + jj) * t_dim1 + 1], 1, &a[(ja + jj) * a_dim1 + 1], 1);
/* L10: */
		jt += *nb;
		ja += commtrb_1.jtz;
/* L20: */

	    jrm = *jlt - ja;
	    if (jrm > 0) {
		i__1 = Mmin(*nb,jrm);
		for (jj = 1; jj <= i__1; ++jj) {
		    i__2 = Mmin(*mb,*ilt);
		    HPL_dcopy(i__2, &t[(jt + jj) * t_dim1 + 1], 1, &a[(ja + jj) * a_dim1 + 1], 1);
/* L30: */

	} else {

	    i__1 = *nrow - 2;
	    for (ki = 0; ki <= i__1; ++ki) {
		jt = 0;
		ja = 0;
		i__2 = *ncol - 2;
		for (kj = 0; kj <= i__2; ++kj) {
		    i__3 = *nb;
		    for (jj = 1; jj <= i__3; ++jj) {
			i__4 = *mb;
			for (k = 1; k <= i__4; ++k) {
			    a[ia + k + (ja + jj) * a_dim1] = t[it + k + (jt + jj) * t_dim1];
/* L40: */
		    jt += *nb;
		    ja += commtrb_1.jtz;
/* L50: */

		jrm = *jlt - ja;
		if (jrm > 0) {
		    i__2 = Mmin(*nb,jrm);
		    for (jj = 1; jj <= i__2; ++jj) {
			i__4 = *mb;
			for (k = 1; k <= i__4; ++k) {
			    a[ia + k + (ja + jj) * a_dim1] = t[it + k + (jt + jj) * t_dim1];
/* L60: */
		it += *mb;
		ia += commtrb_1.itz;
/* L70: */

	    irm = *ilt - ia;
	    if (irm > 0) {
		jt = 0;
		ja = 0;
		mr = Mmin(*mb,irm);
		i__1 = *ncol - 2;
		for (kj = 0; kj <= i__1; ++kj) {
		    i__4 = *nb;
		    for (jj = 1; jj <= i__4; ++jj) {
			i__2 = mr;
			for (k = 1; k <= i__2; ++k) {
			    a[ia + k + (ja + jj) * a_dim1] = t[it + k + (jt + jj) * t_dim1];
/* L80: */
		    jt += *nb;
		    ja += commtrb_1.jtz;
/* L90: */

		jrm = *jlt - ja;
		if (jrm > 0) {
		    i__1 = Mmin(*nb,jrm);
		    for (jj = 1; jj <= i__1; ++jj) {
			i__2 = mr;
			for (k = 1; k <= i__2; ++k) {
			    a[ia + k + (ja + jj) * a_dim1] = t[it + k + (jt + jj) * t_dim1];
/* L100: */

/*         A <== T + A */

    } else {

/*         If NPROW = 1, use DAXPY */

	if (*nrow == 1) {
	    jt = 0;
	    ja = 0;
	    i__2 = *ncol - 2;
	    for (kj = 0; kj <= i__2; ++kj) {
		i__1 = *nb;
		for (jj = 1; jj <= i__1; ++jj) {
		    i__4 = Mmin(*mb,*ilt);
		    HPL_daxpy(i__4, 1.0, &t[(jt + jj) * t_dim1 + 1], 1, &a[(ja + jj) * a_dim1 + 1], 1);
/* L110: */
		jt += *nb;
		ja += commtrb_1.jtz;
/* L120: */

	    jrm = *jlt - ja;
	    if (jrm > 0) {
		i__2 = Mmin(*nb,jrm);
		for (jj = 1; jj <= i__2; ++jj) {
		    i__1 = Mmin(*mb,*ilt);
		    HPL_daxpy(i__1, 1.0, &t[(jt + jj) * t_dim1 + 1], 1, & a[(ja + jj) * a_dim1 + 1], 1);
/* L130: */

	} else {
	    i__2 = *nrow - 2;
	    for (ki = 0; ki <= i__2; ++ki) {
		jt = 0;
		ja = 0;
		i__1 = *ncol - 2;
		for (kj = 0; kj <= i__1; ++kj) {
		    i__4 = *nb;
		    for (jj = 1; jj <= i__4; ++jj) {
			i__3 = *mb;
			for (k = 1; k <= i__3; ++k) {
			    a[ia + k + (ja + jj) * a_dim1] += t[it + k + (jt + jj) * t_dim1];
/* L140: */
		    jt += *nb;
		    ja += commtrb_1.jtz;
/* L150: */

		jrm = *jlt - ja;
		if (jrm > 0) {
		    i__1 = Mmin(*nb,jrm);
		    for (jj = 1; jj <= i__1; ++jj) {
			i__3 = *mb;
			for (k = 1; k <= i__3; ++k) {
			    a[ia + k + (ja + jj) * a_dim1] += t[it + k + (jt + jj) * t_dim1];
/* L160: */
		it += *mb;
		ia += commtrb_1.itz;
/* L170: */

	    irm = *ilt - ia;
	    if (irm > 0) {
		jt = 0;
		ja = 0;
		mr = Mmin(*mb,irm);
		i__2 = *ncol - 2;
		for (kj = 0; kj <= i__2; ++kj) {
		    i__3 = *nb;
		    for (jj = 1; jj <= i__3; ++jj) {
			i__1 = mr;
			for (k = 1; k <= i__1; ++k) {
			    a[ia + k + (ja + jj) * a_dim1] += t[it + k + (jt + jj) * t_dim1];
/* L180: */
		    jt += *nb;
		    ja += commtrb_1.jtz;
/* L190: */

		jrm = *jlt - ja;
		if (jrm > 0) {
		    i__2 = Mmin(*nb,jrm);
		    for (jj = 1; jj <= i__2; ++jj) {
			i__1 = mr;
			for (k = 1; k <= i__1; ++k) {
			    a[ia + k + (ja + jj) * a_dim1] += t[it + k + (jt + jj) * t_dim1];
/* L200: */

    return 0;
} /* dmv2mx_ */
Пример #2
void HPL_pdtrsv(HPL_T_grid* GRID, HPL_T_pmat* AMAT)
 * Purpose
 * =======
 * HPL_pdtrsv solves an upper triangular system of linear equations.
 * The rhs is the last column of the N by N+1 matrix A. The solve starts
 * in the process  column owning the  Nth  column of A, so the rhs b may
 * need to be moved one process column to the left at the beginning. The
 * routine therefore needs  a column  vector in every process column but
 * the one owning  b. The result is  replicated in all process rows, and
 * returned in XR, i.e. XR is of size nq = LOCq( N ) in all processes.
 * The algorithm uses decreasing one-ring broadcast in process rows  and
 * columns  implemented  in terms of  synchronous communication point to
 * point primitives.  The  lookahead of depth 1 is used to minimize  the
 * critical path. This entire operation is essentially ``latency'' bound
 * and an estimate of its running time is given by:
 *    (move rhs) lat + N / ( P bdwth ) +            
 *    (solve)    ((N / NB)-1) 2 (lat + NB / bdwth) +
 *               gam2 N^2 / ( P Q ),                
 * where  gam2   is an estimate of the   Level 2 BLAS rate of execution.
 * There are  N / NB  diagonal blocks. One must exchange  2  messages of
 * length NB to compute the next  NB  entries of the vector solution, as
 * well as performing a total of N^2 floating point operations.
 * Arguments
 * =========
 * GRID    (local input)                 HPL_T_grid *
 *         On entry,  GRID  points  to the data structure containing the
 *         process grid information.
 * AMAT    (local input/output)          HPL_T_pmat *
 *         On entry,  AMAT  points  to the data structure containing the
 *         local array information.
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//Local Variables
	MPI_Comm Ccomm, Rcomm;
	double *A=NULL, *Aprev=NULL, *Aptr, *XC=NULL, *XR=NULL, *Xd=NULL, *Xdprev=NULL, *W=NULL;
	int Alcol_matrix, Alcol_process, Alrow, Anpprev, Anp, Anq, Bcol, Cmsgid, GridIsNotPx1, GridIsNot1xQ, Rmsgid,
		colprev, kb, kbprev, lda, mycol, myrow, n, n1, n1p, n1pprev=0, nb, npcol, nprow, rowprev, tmp1, tmp2, Wsize;
	int sendcol_matrix = -1;

//Executable Statements
	HPL_ptimer_detail( HPL_TIMING_PTRSV );
	if ((n = AMAT->n) <= 0) return;
	nb = AMAT->nb;
	lda = AMAT->ld;
	A = AMAT->A;
	XR = AMAT->X;

	(void) HPL_grid_info(GRID, &nprow, &npcol, &myrow, &mycol);
	//if (mycol >= 2) return;
	//npcol = 2;
	Rcomm = GRID->row_comm;
	Ccomm = GRID->col_comm;
	Cmsgid = MSGID_BEGIN_PTRSV + 1;
	GridIsNot1xQ = (nprow > 1);
	GridIsNotPx1 = (npcol > 1);

//Move the rhs in the process column owning the last column of A.
	Mnumrow(Anp, n, nb, myrow, nprow);
	Mnumcol(Anq, n, nb, mycol, GRID);

	tmp1 = (n - 1) / nb;
	Alrow = tmp1 % nprow;
	Alcol_matrix = tmp1;
	Alcol_process = MColBlockToPCol(Alcol_matrix, GRID);
	kb = n - tmp1 * nb;

	Aptr = (double *) (A);
	XC = Mptr(Aptr, 0, Anq, lda);
	Mindxg2p_col(n, nb, nb, Bcol, 0, GRID);

	if ((Anp > 0) && (Alcol_process != Bcol))
		if(mycol == Bcol)
			(void) HPL_send(XC, Anp, Alcol_process, Rmsgid, Rcomm);
		else if(mycol == Alcol_process)
			(void) HPL_recv(XC, Anp, Bcol, Rmsgid, Rcomm);
	Rmsgid = (Rmsgid + 2 > MSGID_END_PTRSV ? MSGID_BEGIN_PTRSV : Rmsgid + 2);
	if (mycol != Alcol_process)
		for(tmp1 = 0; tmp1 < Anp; tmp1++)
			XC[tmp1] = HPL_rzero;

//Set up lookahead
	//n1 = (npcol - 1) * nb;
	//n1 = Mmax(n1, nb);
	n1 = HPL_n1(Alcol_matrix, nb, GRID);
	Wsize = Mmin((npcol - 1) * nb, Anp);
	if (Wsize > 0)
		W = (double*) malloc((size_t) Wsize * sizeof(double));
		if (W == NULL)
			HPL_pabort(__LINE__, "HPL_pdtrsv", "Memory allocation failed");

	Anpprev = Anp;
	Xdprev = XR;
	Aprev = Aptr = Mptr(Aptr, 0, Anq, lda);
	tmp1 = n - kb;
	tmp1 -= (tmp2 = Mmin(tmp1, n1));
	MnumrowI(n1pprev, tmp2, Mmax(0, tmp1), nb, myrow, nprow);

	if (myrow == Alrow)
		Anpprev = (Anp -= kb);
	if (mycol == Alcol_process)
		Aprev = (Aptr -= lda * kb);
		Anq -= kb;
		Xdprev = (Xd = XR + Anq);
		if (myrow == Alrow)
			HPL_dtrsv(HplColumnMajor, HplUpper, HplNoTrans, HplNonUnit, kb, Aptr+Anp, lda, XC+Anp, 1);
			//fprintfqt(STD_OUT, "Process %d: dtrsv, offset %d\n", GRID->iam, Anp);
			HPL_dcopy(kb, XC+Anp, 1, Xd, 1);

	n -= kb;

// Start the operations
	while(n > 0)
		rowprev = Alrow;
		Alrow = MModSub1(Alrow, nprow);
		colprev = Alcol_process;
		Alcol_process = MColBlockToPCol(Alcol_matrix, GRID);
		kbprev = kb;
		n1 = HPL_n1(Alcol_matrix, nb, GRID);
		tmp1 = n - (kb = nb);
		tmp1 -= (tmp2 = Mmin(tmp1, n1));
		MnumrowI(n1p, tmp2, Mmax(0, tmp1), nb, myrow, nprow);
		if(mycol == Alcol_process)
			Aptr -= lda * kb;
			Anq -= kb;
			Xd = XR + Anq;
		if(myrow == Alrow)
			Anp -= kb;
 * Broadcast  (decreasing-ring)  of  previous solution block in previous
 * process column,  compute  partial update of current block and send it
 * to current process column.
		if (mycol == colprev)
			//Send previous solution block in process row above
			if (myrow == rowprev)
				if (GridIsNot1xQ)
					(void) HPL_send(Xdprev, kbprev, MModSub1(myrow, nprow), Cmsgid, Ccomm);
				(void) HPL_recv(Xdprev, kbprev, MModAdd1(myrow, nprow), Cmsgid, Ccomm);

		if (Alcol_process < colprev ? (mycol <= colprev && mycol > Alcol_process) : (mycol <= colprev || mycol > Alcol_process))
			if (mycol == colprev)
				//Compute partial update of previous solution block and send it to current column
				tmp1 = Anpprev - n1pprev;
				HPL_dgemv(HplColumnMajor, HplNoTrans, n1pprev, kbprev, -HPL_rone, Aprev+tmp1, lda, Xdprev, 1, HPL_rone, XC+tmp1, 1 );
				//fprintfqt(STD_OUT, "Process %d: dgemv %d rows starting from %d\n", GRID->iam, n1pprev, tmp1);
				sendcol_matrix = Alcol_matrix;
				if (sendcol_matrix != -1)
					tmp2 = 1;
					while (sendcol_matrix >= tmp2 && !(GRID->col_mapping[sendcol_matrix - tmp2 + 1] > GRID->col_mapping[sendcol_matrix - tmp2] ?
						(GRID->col_mapping[sendcol_matrix - tmp2 + 1] >= mycol && GRID->col_mapping[sendcol_matrix - tmp2] <= mycol) :
						(GRID->col_mapping[sendcol_matrix - tmp2 + 1] >= mycol || GRID->col_mapping[sendcol_matrix - tmp2] <= mycol)))
					sendcol_matrix -= tmp2;
					tmp2 *= nb;
					MnumrowI(tmp1, tmp2, n - tmp2, nb, myrow, nprow);
					tmp2 = Anpprev - tmp1;
					tmp2 = 0;
					tmp1 = 0;
				//fprintfqt(STD_OUT, "Process %d: sending to %d (%d bytes starting from %d, partial update)\n", GRID->iam, Alcol_process, tmp1, tmp2);
				(void) MPI_Send(XC+tmp2, tmp1, MPI_DOUBLE, Alcol_process, Rmsgid, Rcomm);

		if (mycol == colprev)
			//Finish the (decreasing-ring) broadcast of the solution block in previous process column
			if((myrow != rowprev) && (myrow != MModAdd1(rowprev, nprow)))
				//(void) HPL_send(Xdprev, kbprev, MModSub1(myrow, nprow), Cmsgid, Ccomm);
				MPI_Send(Xdprev, kbprev, MPI_DOUBLE, MModSub1(myrow, nprow), Cmsgid, Ccomm);
		else if (mycol == Alcol_process)
			//Current column receives and accumulates partial update of previous solution block
			for (int i = colprev;(i - mycol) % npcol != 0;i = (i + npcol - 1) % npcol)
				MPI_Status tmpstatus;
				int recvsize;
				//fprintfqt(STD_OUT, "Process %d starting receive from %d (buffer %d)\n", GRID->iam, i, Wsize);
				MPI_Recv(W, Wsize, MPI_DOUBLE, i, Rmsgid, Rcomm, &tmpstatus);
				MPI_Get_count(&tmpstatus, MPI_DOUBLE, &recvsize);
				//fprintfqt(STD_OUT, "Process %d: received from %d (%d bytes starting from %d)\n", GRID->iam, i, recvsize, Anpprev - recvsize);
				HPL_daxpy(recvsize, HPL_rone, W, 1, XC+Anpprev-recvsize, 1);
		//Solve current diagonal block 
		if((mycol == Alcol_process) && (myrow == Alrow))
			HPL_dtrsv(HplColumnMajor, HplUpper, HplNoTrans, HplNonUnit, kb, Aptr+Anp, lda, XC+Anp, 1);
			//fprintfqt(STD_OUT, "Process %d: dtrsv, offset %d\n", GRID->iam, Anp);
			HPL_dcopy(kb, XC+Anp, 1, XR+Anq, 1);

		//Finish previous update
		if((mycol == colprev) && ((tmp1 = Anpprev - n1pprev ) > 0))
			HPL_dgemv(HplColumnMajor, HplNoTrans, tmp1, kbprev, -HPL_rone, Aprev, lda, Xdprev, 1, HPL_rone, XC, 1);
			//fprintfqt(STD_OUT, "Process %d: dgemv (%d rows starting from %d, finishing)\n", GRID->iam, tmp1, 0);

		//Save info of current step and update info for the next step
		if (mycol == Alcol_process)
			Xdprev = Xd;
			Aprev = Aptr;
		if (myrow == Alrow)
			Anpprev -= kb;
		n1pprev = n1p;
		n -= kb;
		Rmsgid = (Rmsgid+2 > MSGID_END_PTRSV ? MSGID_BEGIN_PTRSV : Rmsgid+2);
		Cmsgid = (Cmsgid+2 > MSGID_END_PTRSV ? MSGID_BEGIN_PTRSV+1 : Cmsgid+2);
	rowprev = Alrow;
	colprev = Alcol_process;
	kbprev = kb;

	//Replicate last solution block
	if (mycol == colprev)
		(void) HPL_broadcast((void *) (XR), kbprev, HPL_DOUBLE, rowprev, Ccomm);

	if (Wsize) free(W);

	//End of HPL_pdtrsv