// Draw output line in main output box - char by char void ARec::DrawOutLine(PhraseType k, HTime t, string wrd, string tag) { char buf[1000]; HSetFontSize(win,-14); switch(k){ case Start_PT: ScrollOutBox(); sprintf(buf,"%4.1f: ",t/1e7); rdline = string(buf); break; case OpenTag_PT: rdline = rdline + " ("; break; case CloseTag_PT: rdline = rdline + " )"; if (tag != "") rdline = rdline + tag; break; case Null_PT: if (tag != "") rdline = rdline + " <"+tag+">"; break; case Word_PT: rdline = rdline + " " + wrd; if (tag != "") rdline = rdline + "<"+tag+">"; break; case End_PT: HSetColour(win,BLACK); HPrintf(win,x0+3,rdly,"%s",rdline.c_str()); break; } int len,w = x1-x0-6; if (HTextWidth(win,rdline.c_str()) > w) { strcpy(buf,rdline.c_str()); do { len = strlen(buf); --len; assert(len>5); buf[len] = '\0'; } while (HTextWidth(win,buf) > w); HSetColour(win,BLACK); HPrintf(win,x0+3,rdly,"%s",buf); ScrollOutBox(); rdline.erase(0,len); rdline = " " + rdline; } HSetFontSize(win,0); }
HWin MakeAWindow(char *name,int x, int y, int w, int h, int n) { HWin win; int xx,yy; char buf[100]; win = MakeHWin(name,x,y,w,h,1); strcpy(buf,"Window: "); strcat(buf,name); xx = CentreX(win,w/2,buf); yy = CentreY(win,h/2,buf); HSetColour(win,RED+n); HDrawLine(win,0,0,w,h); HPrintf(win,xx,yy,"%s",buf); return win; }
/* EXPORT->RedrawHButton: readraw a single button object */ void RedrawHButton(HButton *btn) { int pad = 2; int x, y, w, h, r, s, pos; HPoint poly[9], shad[4]; char sbuf[256], nullchar = '\0'; x = btn->x; y=btn->y; w=btn->w; h=btn->h; r=3; s=1; /* set up the polygon */ poly[0].x = x; poly[0].y = y+r; poly[1].x = x; poly[1].y = y+h-r; poly[2].x = x+r; poly[2].y = y+h; poly[3].x = x+w-r; poly[3].y = y+h; poly[4].x = x+w; poly[4].y = y+h-r; poly[5].x = x+w; poly[5].y = y+r; poly[6].x = x+w-r; poly[6].y = y; poly[7].x = x+r; poly[7].y = y; poly[8].x = x; poly[8].y = y+r; /* set up the extra lines for the shadow */ shad[0].x = x+r+s; shad[0].y = y+h+s; shad[1].x = x+w-r+s; shad[1].y = y+h+s; shad[2].x = x+w+s; shad[2].y = y+h-r+s; shad[3].x = x+w+s; shad[3].y = y+r+s; if (btn->lit) HSetColour(btn->fg); else HSetColour(btn->bg); HFillPolygon(poly, 9); HSetColour(btn->fg); HDrawLines(poly, 9); HDrawLines(shad, 4); if (btn->active) if (btn->lit) HSetColour(btn->bg); else HSetColour(btn->fg); else HSetGrey(30); strcpy(sbuf, btn->str); pos = strlen(sbuf); while(HTextWidth(sbuf) > (w - 2*pad)) sbuf[--pos]=nullchar; HPrintf(CentreX(x+w/2, sbuf), CentreY(y+h/2, sbuf), "%s", sbuf); }
// Initialise sizes for display window void ARec::InitDrawRD() { const int margin = 4; int textheight; int nlines; textheight = HTextHeight(win,"ABCD"); x0 = margin; y0 = margin; x1 = width-margin; x2 = x0 + HTextWidth(win,"Status") + 2; x3 = x2+20; x4 = x3+ 2*margin; x5 = x4 + HTextWidth(win,"Time") + 2; x6 = x5 + HTextWidth(win,"9999.9s") + 2; x7 = x6 + HTextWidth(win,"Score") + 2; x8 = x7 + 40; x9 = x8 + 4*margin; x10 = x9 + HTextWidth(win,"HMM") + 4; x11 = x10 + HTextWidth(win,"aa-yy+bb") + 4; x12 = x11 + HTextWidth(win,"Nact") + 6; x13 = x12 + HTextWidth(win,"9999") + 6; x14 = x13 + HTextWidth(win,"Mode") + 4; y9 = height - margin; y8 = y9 - margin; y5 = y8 - margin; y4 = y5 - textheight - 1; y3 = y4 - margin; y6 = (int) (y3 - textheight*1.5); y1 = y6 - margin; y7 = y1 - margin-2; HSetFontSize(win,-14); textheight = HTextHeight(win,"ABCD"); rdlyinc = textheight+2; HSetFontSize(win,0); nlines = (y7-y0) / rdlyinc; --nlines; rdly = y7 - nlines*rdlyinc; // paint background HSetGrey(win,PANELGREY2); HFillRectangle(win,0,0,width,height); // paint output panel HDrawPanel(win,x0,y0,x1,y1,PANELGREY1); // paint traceback panel HDrawPanel(win,x0,y6,x1,y3,PANELGREY1); // write labels HSetGrey(win,PANELGREY0); HPrintf(win,x0,y5,"Status"); HPrintf(win,x4,y5,"Time"); HPrintf(win,x6,y5,"Score"); HPrintf(win,x9,y5,"HMM"); HPrintf(win,x11,y5,"NAct"); HPrintf(win,x13,y5,"Mode"); }
// Do traceback and if showRD then update display void ARec::TraceBackRecogniser() { int i,st,en; char *p,buf[10]; MLink m; Path *pp; float tnow,confidence,ac; int iscore; PartialPath pptb,ppcb; ppcb = CurrentBestPath(pri); // get the word that the current best path is within p=""; if (ppcb.node!=NULL && ppcb.node->wordset!=NULL) p = ppcb.node->wordset->name; // update time tnow = float((pri->frame*sampPeriod + stTime)/1e7); if (showRD){ HSetColour(win,BLACK); HSetGrey(win,PANELGREY2); HFillRectangle(win,x5-1,y4-1,x6+1,y5+1); HSetColour(win,BLACK); HPrintf(win,x5,y5,"%.1fs",tnow); } // update HMM, nactive, and score (but ignore silence) if (showRD){ m=FindMacroStruct(hset,'h',pri->genMaxNode->info.hmm); assert(m!=NULL); if (strcmp(m->id->name,"sil") != 0 && strcmp(m->id->name,"sp") != 0) { st = trbakFrame; en = pri->frame; ac = float(pri->genMaxTok.like - trbakAc); confidence = GetConfidence(pri,st+1,en,ac,""); //printf("CONFA %d->%d = %f [%f - %f = %f]\n",st,en,confidence,pri->genMaxTok.like,trbakAc,ac); trbakFrame = pri->frame; trbakAc = float(pri->genMaxTok.like); iscore = (int) (float(x7) + confidence*float(x8-x7)); if (iscore<=x7) { HSetColour(win,RED); HFillRectangle(win,x7,y4+4,x8,y5+1); }else if (iscore>=x8) { HSetColour(win,DARK_GREEN); HFillRectangle(win,x7,y4+4,x8,y5+1); }else { HSetColour(win,RED); HFillRectangle(win,iscore,y4+4,x8,y5+1); HSetColour(win,DARK_GREEN); HFillRectangle(win,x7,y4+4,iscore,y5+1); } } // update HMM HSetGrey(win,PANELGREY2); HFillRectangle(win,x10,y4-1,x11,y5+3); HSetColour(win,BLACK); HPrintf(win,x10,y5,"%s",m->id->name); // update nactive HSetGrey(win,PANELGREY2); HFillRectangle(win,x12,y4-1,x13,y5+1); HSetColour(win,BLACK); HPrintf(win,x12,y5,"%d", pri->nact); // update mode HSetGrey(win,PANELGREY2); HFillRectangle(win,x14,y4-1,x1,y5+1); HSetColour(win,BLACK); strcpy(buf," "); if (runmode&ONESHOT_MODE) buf[0] = '1'; if (runmode&CONTINUOUS_MODE) buf[0] = 'C'; if (runmode&RUN_IMMED) buf[1] = 'I'; if (runmode&FLUSH_TOMARK) buf[1] = 'M'; if (runmode&FLUSH_TOSPEECH) buf[1] = 'S'; if (runmode&STOP_IMMED) buf[2] = 'I'; if (runmode&STOP_ATMARK) buf[2] = 'M'; if (runmode&STOP_ATSIL) buf[2] = 'S'; if (runmode&RESULT_ATEND) buf[3] = 'E'; if (runmode&RESULT_IMMED) buf[3] = 'I'; if (runmode&RESULT_ASAP) buf[3] = 'A'; if ((runmode&RESULT_ALL) == RESULT_ALL) buf[3] = 'X'; HPrintf(win,x14,y5,"%s",buf); } // if showRD do full traceback if (showRD){ string s = p; char buf[256],*bp; for (pp = ppcb.path; pp!=NULL; pp=pp->prev){ if (pp->owner->node->info.pron != NULL) // it might be a !NULL tag s = string(pp->owner->node->info.pron->word->wordName->name) + string(" ") + s; } if (s != trbak){ int w = x1-x0-8,txtw; trbak = s; HSetGrey(win,PANELGREY1); strcpy(buf,s.c_str()); bp = buf; txtw = HTextWidth(win,bp); while (txtw>w) txtw = HTextWidth(win,++bp); HFillRectangle(win,x0+1,y6+2,x0+trbakLastWidth+5,y3-2); HSetColour(win,BLACK); HPrintf(win,x0+4,y3-4,"%s",bp); trbakLastWidth = txtw; } } // runmode is RESULT_ASAP, see if anything more can be disambiguated if (runmode&RESULT_ASAP){ pptb = DoTraceBack(pri); if (pptb.n>0){ if (trace&T_PAN) { printf(" traceback at frame %.1f\n",tnow); PrintPartialPath(pptb,FALSE); } for (i=1; i<=pptb.n; i++) OutPathElement(i,pptb); } } // runmode is RESULT_IMMED, output any new words regardless if ((runmode&RESULT_IMMED) && (ppcb.n>0)){ if (trace&T_IAN) { printf(" current best at frame %.1f\n",tnow); PrintPartialPath(ppcb,FALSE); } for (i=1; i<=ppcb.n; i++) OutPathElement(i,ppcb); } }