Пример #1
 * Attaches the relevant prevalence chart to each herd structure.
 * @param self the model.
 * @param herds the herd list.
attach_prevalence_charts (struct naadsm_model_t_ *self,
			  HRD_herd_list_t *herds)
  local_data_t *local_data;
  HRD_herd_t *herd;
  unsigned int nherds;
  unsigned int i;

	 "----- ENTER attach_prevalence_charts (%s)", MODEL_NAME);

  local_data = (local_data_t *) (self->model_data);
  nherds = HRD_herd_list_length (herds);
  for (i = 0; i < nherds; i++)
      herd = HRD_herd_list_get (herds, i);
      if (local_data->production_type[herd->production_type] == TRUE)
	herd->prevalence_curve = local_data->prevalence;

	 "----- EXIT attach_prevalence_charts (%s)", MODEL_NAME);
Пример #2
callback (int id, void *arg)
  callback_t *callback_data;
  HRD_herd_list_t *herds;
  HRD_herd_t *herd2;

  callback_data = (callback_t *) arg;
  herds = callback_data->herds;
  /* Because herd indices start at 0, and R-Tree rectangle IDs start at 1. */
  herd2 = HRD_herd_list_get (herds, id - 1);
  check_and_infect (callback_data->self, herds, callback_data->herd1, herd2,
                    callback_data->event, callback_data->rng, callback_data->queue);

  /* A return value of 0 would mean that the spatial search should stop early
   * (before all herds in the search rectangle were visited).  We don't want
   * that, so return 1. */
  return 1;
Пример #3
 * Responds to a new day event by updating the reporting variables.
 * @param self the model.
 * @param herds a list of herds.
 * @param zones a list of zones.
 * @param event a new day event.
handle_new_day_event (struct ergadm_model_t_ *self, HRD_herd_list_t * herds,
                      ZON_zone_list_t * zones, EVT_new_day_event_t * event)
    local_data_t *local_data;
    gboolean shape_due, area_due, num_areas_due, num_units_due;
    int i;
    ZON_zone_t *zone, *next_smaller_zone;
    GString *s;
    double area;
    unsigned int nherds;
    HRD_herd_t *herd;
    char *drill_down_list[3] = { NULL, NULL, NULL };

    g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "----- ENTER handle_new_day_event (%s)", MODEL_NAME);

    local_data = (local_data_t *) (self->model_data);

    shape_due = RPT_reporting_due (local_data->shape, event->day);
    area_due = RPT_reporting_due (local_data->area, event->day);
    num_areas_due = RPT_reporting_due (local_data->num_separate_areas, event->day);
    num_units_due = RPT_reporting_due (local_data->num_units, event->day);

    for (i = 0; i < local_data->nzones; i++)
        zone = ZON_zone_list_get (zones, i);

        if (shape_due)
            s = polygon_to_wkt (zone->poly);
            RPT_reporting_set_text1 (local_data->shape, s->str, zone->name);
            /* The string was copied so it can be freed. */
            g_string_free (s, TRUE);

        if (area_due)
            area = ZON_update_area (zone);
            RPT_reporting_set_real1 (local_data->area, area, zone->name);

        if (num_areas_due)
            RPT_reporting_set_integer1 (local_data->num_separate_areas,
                                        zone->poly->num_contours, zone->name);

    /* In the loop above, the area of each zone polygon was computed.  But since
     * zones are nested inside of each other, that's not exactly what we want:
     * we want the area displayed for an "outer" zone to exclude the area of the
     * smaller "inner" zones.  So we do that computation here. */
    if (area_due)
        /* Start with the next-to-last zone, because the last one is the
         * "background" zone. */
        for (i = local_data->nzones - 2; i > 0; i--)
            zone = ZON_zone_list_get (zones, i);
            next_smaller_zone = ZON_zone_list_get (zones, i - 1);
            zone->area -= next_smaller_zone->area;
            RPT_reporting_set_real1 (local_data->area, zone->area, zone->name);

            if (NULL != guilib_record_zone_area)
                guilib_record_zone_area (zone->level, zone->area);

        /* Don't forget to report the smallest zone to the GUI! */
        if (NULL != guilib_record_zone_area)
            zone = ZON_zone_list_get (zones, 0);
            guilib_record_zone_area (zone->level, zone->area);

    if (local_data->num_animal_days_by_prodtype->frequency != RPT_never || num_units_due)
        nherds = zones->membership_length;
        for (i = 0; i < local_data->nzones; i++)
            zone = ZON_zone_list_get (zones, i);
            RPT_reporting_set_integer1 (local_data->num_units, 0, zone->name);
        for (i = 0; i < nherds; i++)
            zone = zones->membership[i]->parent;
            RPT_reporting_add_integer1 (local_data->num_units, 1, zone->name);
            herd = HRD_herd_list_get (herds, i);
            if (herd->status != Destroyed)
                drill_down_list[0] = herd->production_type_name;
                drill_down_list[1] = zone->name;
                RPT_reporting_add_integer (local_data->num_animal_days_by_prodtype, herd->size,

    g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "----- EXIT handle_new_day_event (%s)", MODEL_NAME);
Пример #4
 * Responds to a new day event by updating the reporting variables.
 * @param self the model.
 * @param herds a list of herds.
 * @param zones a list of zones.
 * @param event a new day event.
handle_new_day_event (struct naadsm_model_t_ *self, HRD_herd_list_t * herds,
                      ZON_zone_list_t * zones, EVT_new_day_event_t * event)
  local_data_t *local_data = (local_data_t *) (self->model_data);

  g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "----- ENTER handle_new_day_event (%s)", MODEL_NAME);

  /* Zero the daily counts. */
  RPT_reporting_zero (local_data->total_cost);
  RPT_reporting_zero (local_data->appraisal_cost);
  RPT_reporting_zero (local_data->euthanasia_cost);
  RPT_reporting_zero (local_data->indemnification_cost);
  RPT_reporting_zero (local_data->carcass_disposal_cost);
  RPT_reporting_zero (local_data->cleaning_disinfecting_cost);
  RPT_reporting_zero (local_data->vaccination_cost);
  RPT_reporting_zero (local_data->surveillance_cost);

  /* This is an expensive cost calculation, so only do it if the user
   * will see any benefit from it. */
  if ((local_data->surveillance_cost_param) &&
      (/*(local_data->surveillance_cost->frequency != RPT_never ) ||
       (local_data->total_cost->frequency != RPT_never) ||*/
       (local_data->cumul_surveillance_cost->frequency != RPT_never ) ||
       (local_data->cumul_total_cost->frequency != RPT_never)))
      double **surveillance_cost_param = local_data->surveillance_cost_param;
      unsigned int nherds = zones->membership_length;
      unsigned int i;
      double cost = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < nherds; i++)
          ZON_zone_t *zone = zones->membership[i]->parent;
          unsigned int zone_index = zone->level - 1;
          HRD_herd_t *herd = HRD_herd_list_get (herds, i);

          if (surveillance_cost_param[zone_index] &&
              /* TODO.  This should probably be the authority's view
               * of whether the herd has been destroyed or not. */
              (herd->status != Destroyed))
              cost =
                surveillance_cost_param[zone_index][herd->production_type] *
                (double) (herd->size);
              RPT_reporting_add_real (local_data->surveillance_cost, cost, NULL);
              RPT_reporting_add_real (local_data->total_cost, cost, NULL);
              RPT_reporting_add_real (local_data->cumul_surveillance_cost, cost, NULL);
              RPT_reporting_add_real (local_data->cumul_total_cost, cost, NULL);

  g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "----- EXIT handle_new_day_event (%s)", MODEL_NAME);
Пример #5
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  int verbosity = 0;
  const char *herd_file = NULL;
  unsigned int nherds;
  HRD_herd_t *herd;
  int i;                        /* loop counter */
  char *summary;
  GError *option_error = NULL;
  GOptionContext *context;
  GOptionEntry options[] = {
    { "herd-file", 'h', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME, &herd_file, "SpreadModel 3.0 herd file", NULL },
    { "verbosity", 'V', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT, &verbosity, "Message verbosity level (0 = simulation output only, 1 = all debugging output)", NULL },
    { NULL }

  context = g_option_context_new ("");
  g_option_context_add_main_entries (context, options, /* translation = */ NULL);
  if (!g_option_context_parse (context, &argc, &argv, &option_error))
      g_error ("option parsing failed: %s\n", option_error->message);
  g_option_context_free (context);

  /* Set the verbosity level. */
  if (verbosity < 1)
      g_log_set_handler (NULL, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, silent_log_handler, NULL);
      g_log_set_handler ("herd", G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, silent_log_handler, NULL);

  /* Get the list of herds. */
  herds = HRD_new_herd_list ();
  if (herd_file)
    yyin = fopen (herd_file, "r");
  else if (yyin == NULL)
    yyin = stdin;
  while (!feof (yyin))
    yyparse ();
  if (yyin != stdin)
    fclose (yyin);
  nherds = HRD_herd_list_length (herds);

  g_debug ("%i herds read", nherds);
  summary = HRD_herd_list_to_string (herds);
  g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "\n%s", summary);
  free (summary);

  printf ("<herds>\n");
  for (i = 0; i < nherds; i++)
      herd = HRD_herd_list_get (herds, i);
      printf ("  <herd>\n");
      printf ("    <id>%s</id>\n", herd->official_id);
      printf ("    <production-type>%u</production-type>\n", herd->production_type);
      printf ("    <size>%u</size>\n", herd->size);
      printf ("    <location>\n");
      printf ("      <latitude>%g</latitude>\n", herd->y);
      printf ("      <longitude>%g</longitude>\n", herd->x);
      printf ("    </location>\n");
      printf ("    <status>%s</status>\n", HRD_status_name[herd->status]);
      printf ("  </herd>\n");
  printf ("</herds>\n");

  /* Clean up. */
  HRD_free_herd_list (herds);

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Пример #6
 * Responds to a new day event by releasing any pending infections and
 * stochastically generating infections.
 * @param self the model.
 * @param herds a list of herds.
 * @param event a new day event.
 * @param rng a random number generator.
 * @param queue for any new events the model creates.
handle_new_day_event (struct ergadm_model_t_ *self, HRD_herd_list_t * herds,
                      EVT_new_day_event_t * event, RAN_gen_t * rng, EVT_event_queue_t * queue)
  local_data_t *local_data;
  HRD_herd_t *herd1;
  unsigned int nherds;          /* number of herds */
  unsigned int herd1_index, herd2_index;
  gboolean herd1_can_be_source;
  double distance;
  GQueue *q;
  EVT_event_t *pending_event;
  struct Rect search_rect;      /* for narrowing down radius searches using the
                                   R-tree (spatial index) */
  double mult;                  /* to account for latitude */
  callback_t callback_data;
  GString *s;

  g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "----- ENTER handle_new_day_event (%s)", MODEL_NAME);

  local_data = (local_data_t *) (self->model_data);

  /* Release any pending (due to airborne transport delays) events. */
  local_data->rotating_index =
    (local_data->rotating_index + 1) % local_data->pending_infections->len;
  q = (GQueue *) g_ptr_array_index (local_data->pending_infections, local_data->rotating_index);
  while (!g_queue_is_empty (q))
      /* Remove the event from this model's internal queue and place it in the
       * simulation's event queue. */
      pending_event = (EVT_event_t *) g_queue_pop_head (q);
      EVT_event_enqueue (queue, pending_event);

  if (
#if defined(USE_RTREE) && USE_RTREE == 1
       /* For debugging purposes, you can #define USE_RTREE to 0 to never use
        * the spatial index, or 1 to always use it. */
       TRUE ||
      /* Initialize a data structure used by the callback function. */
      callback_data.self = self;
      callback_data.herds = herds;
      callback_data.event = event;
      callback_data.rng = rng;
      callback_data.queue = queue;

  nherds = HRD_herd_list_length (herds);
  for (herd1_index = 0; herd1_index < nherds; herd1_index++)
      herd1 = HRD_herd_list_get (herds, herd1_index);

      /* Can this herd be the source of an exposure? */
      s = g_string_new (NULL);
      g_string_sprintf (s, "unit \"%s\" is %s, state is %s: ",
                        herd1->official_id, herd1->production_type_name,
      herd1_can_be_source =
        local_data->param_block[herd1->production_type] != NULL
        && (herd1->status == InfectiousSubclinical || herd1->status == InfectiousClinical);
      g_string_sprintfa (s, "%s be source", herd1_can_be_source ? "can" : "cannot");
      g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "%s", s->str);
      g_string_free (s, TRUE);
      if (!herd1_can_be_source)

      if (local_data->use_rtree_index[herd1->production_type])
          distance = local_data->max_spread[herd1->production_type] / GIS_DEGREE_DISTANCE;
          mult = 1.0 / MIN (cos (DEG2RAD * (herd1->lat + distance)), cos(DEG2RAD * (herd1->lat - distance))); 
          search_rect.boundary[0] = herd1->lon - (distance * mult) - EPSILON;
          search_rect.boundary[1] = herd1->lat - distance - EPSILON;
          search_rect.boundary[2] = herd1->lon + (distance * mult) + EPSILON;
          search_rect.boundary[3] = herd1->lat + distance + EPSILON;
          callback_data.herd1 = herd1;
          RTreeSearch (herds->spatial_index, &search_rect, callback, &callback_data);
        for (herd2_index = 0; herd2_index < nherds; herd2_index++)
          check_and_infect (self, herds, herd1,
                            HRD_herd_list_get (herds, herd2_index), event, rng, queue);

  g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "----- EXIT handle_new_day_event (%s)", MODEL_NAME);

Пример #7
 * Computes the size factor for each herd.
 * @param herds a list of herds.
 * @return an array containing the size factor for each herd.
double *
build_size_factor_list (HRD_herd_list_t * herds)
  HRD_herd_t *herd;
  unsigned int nherds;          /* number of herds */
  unsigned int max_size = 0;    /* size of largest herd */
  gsl_histogram *histogram;
  PDF_dist_t *herd_size_dist;
  double *size_factor;
  unsigned int i;               /* loop counter */
  char *s;

  g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "----- ENTER build_size_factor_list");

  nherds = HRD_herd_list_length (herds);
  size_factor = g_new (double, nherds);

  /* Find the largest herd. */
  for (i = 0; i < nherds; i++)
      herd = HRD_herd_list_get (herds, i);
      if (herd->size > max_size)
        max_size = herd->size;
  g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "largest herd = %u", max_size);

  /* Build a histogram with one bin for each herd size. */
  histogram = gsl_histogram_alloc (max_size);
  g_assert (histogram != NULL);
  gsl_histogram_set_ranges_uniform (histogram, 0.5, (double) max_size + 0.5);
  for (i = 0; i < nherds; i++)
      herd = HRD_herd_list_get (herds, i);
      gsl_histogram_increment (histogram, (double) (herd->size));
  herd_size_dist = PDF_new_histogram_dist (histogram);
  g_assert (herd_size_dist != NULL);

  s = PDF_dist_to_string (herd_size_dist);
  g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "herd size distribution =\n%s", s);
  free (s);

  /* Compute the herd size factors. */
  for (i = 0; i < nherds; i++)
      herd = HRD_herd_list_get (herds, i);
      size_factor[i] = PDF_cdf (herd->size, herd_size_dist) * 2;

  g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "herd size factors");
  for (i = 0; i < nherds; i++)
      herd = HRD_herd_list_get (herds, i);
      g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "herd #%u (size %u) = %g",
             i, herd->size, size_factor[i]);

  /* The following line also frees the histogram. */
  PDF_free_dist (herd_size_dist);

  g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "----- EXIT build_size_factor_list");

  return size_factor;