Пример #1
 * sigaltstack will cause this function to be called on an alternate stack.
 * This allows us to bootstrap new threads.
void HalStackTrampoline( int SignalNumber )
        int status;
        //Save stack startup state before releaseing the tempContext.
        STACK_INIT_ROUTINE * foo = halTempContext->Foo;
        void * arg = halTempContext->Arg;

        status = _setjmp( halTempContext->Registers );

        if( status == 0 ) {
                //Because status was 0 we know that this is the creation of
                //the stack frame. We can use the locals to construct the frame.

                halTempContextProcessed = TRUE;
                halTempContext = NULL;
        } else {
                //If we get here, then someone has jumped into a newly created thread.
                //Test to make sure we are atomic
                ASSERT( HalIsIrqAtomic(IRQ_LEVEL_MAX) );


                //Returning from a function which was invoked by siglongjmp is not
                //supported. Foo should never retrun.
                HalPanic("Tried to return from trampoline!");
Пример #2
 * sigaltstack will cause this fuction to be called on an alternate stack.
 * This allows us to bootstrap new threads.
void HalStackTrampoline( int SignalNumber )
        int status;
        status = _setjmp( halTempContext->Registers );

        if( status == 0 ) {
                //Because status was 0 we know that this is the creation of
                //the stack frame. We can use the locals to construct the frame.

                halTempContextProcessed = TRUE;
                halTempContext = NULL;
        } else {
                //If we get here, then someone has jumped into a newly created thread.
                //Test to make sure we are atomic
                ASSERT( HalIsIrqAtomic(IRQ_LEVEL_TIMER) );


                //Returning from a function which was invoked by siglongjmp is not
                //supported. Foo should never retrun.
                HalPanic("Tried to return from StackInitRoutine!\n", 0 );
Пример #3
 * Performs a context switch between one MACHINE_CONTEXT (thread) and another.
 * Because want to avoid having interrupts fire while the register file is in an intermidiate
 * state, all regilar interrupts should be disabled when calling this function.
void HalContextSwitch(struct MACHINE_CONTEXT * oldStack, struct MACHINE_CONTEXT * newStack)
        int status;
        ASSERT( HalIsIrqAtomic(IRQ_LEVEL_MAX) );

        //Save the stack state into old context.
        status = _setjmp( oldStack->Registers );
        if( status == 0 )
                //This was the saving call to setjmp.
                _longjmp( newStack->Registers, 1 );
                //This was the restore call started by longjmp call.
                //We have just switched into a different thread.

        ASSERT( HalIsIrqAtomic(IRQ_LEVEL_MAX) );
Пример #4
 * IRQ based systems typically have a reserved space in memory which
 * serves as a jump table. The table is filled with function pointers
 * to invoke when various irq level transitions occur. Typically different
 * offsets also get a level associated with it. So that you can change the
 * order of various devices. (so a can mask c and b can mask c.
 * handler - the function pointer to invoke.
 * which - the location which indicates what hardware event happed.
 * level - what irq to assign to the hardware event.
void HalRegisterIsrHandler( ISR_HANDLER handler, void * which, enum IRQ_LEVEL level)

        INDEX i;
        INDEX signum = (INDEX) which;


        for(i=level; i < IRQ_LEVEL_COUNT; i++) {
                sigaddset(&HalIrqTable[i].sa_mask, signum);

        HalIrqToSignal[level] = signum;
        HalIsrJumpTable[level] = handler;
        HalIrqTable[level].sa_handler = HalIsrHandler;

Пример #5
void HalSleepProcessor()
        ASSERT( !HalIsIrqAtomic(IRQ_LEVEL_TIMER) );