Пример #1
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	// No filename is specified on the command-line.
	if (argc < 2) {
		printf ("Please run as:\n\nDevIL_testGL image_filename\n");
		return 1;
	FileName = argv[1];  // Set filename equal to the first argument.

	// Check if the shared lib's version matches the executable's version.

// fixed to get the right numbers from the right library call...
	if (ilGetInteger(IL_VERSION_NUM) < IL_VERSION ||
		printf ("DevIL library is out of date! Please upgrade\n");
		return 2;

	// Needed to initialize DevIL.
	ilInit ();

	// GL cannot use palettes anyway, so convert early.
	ilEnable (IL_CONV_PAL);

	// Gets rid of dithering on some nVidia-based cards.
	ilutEnable (ILUT_OPENGL_CONV);

	// Generate the main image name to use.
	ilGenImages (1, &ImgId);
	// Bind this image name.
	ilBindImage (ImgId);

	// Loads the image specified by File into the ImgId image.
	if (!ilLoadImage(FileName)) {
		HandleDevILErrors ();

	// Make sure the window is in the same proportions as the image.
	//  Generate the appropriate width x height less than or equal to MAX_X x MAX_Y.
	//	Instead of just clipping Width x Height to MAX_X x MAX_Y, we scale to
	//	an appropriate size, so the image isn't stretched/squished.
	Width  = ilGetInteger (IL_IMAGE_WIDTH);
	Height = ilGetInteger (IL_IMAGE_HEIGHT);
	if (Width > 0) {  // Don't want a divide by 0...
		if (Width > MAX_X) {
			Width = MAX_X;
			Height = (ILuint)(MAX_X / (ILfloat)ilGetInteger(IL_IMAGE_WIDTH) * Height);
	if (Height > 0) {  // Don't want a divide by 0...
		if (Height > MAX_Y) {
			Height = MAX_Y;
			Width = (ILuint)(MAX_Y / (ILfloat)ilGetInteger(IL_IMAGE_HEIGHT) * Width);

	HandleDevILErrors ();

	// Standard glut initializations.
	glutInit               (&argc, argv);  // Standard glut initialization.
	glutInitDisplayMode    (GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DOUBLE);
	glutInitWindowPosition (100, 100);
	glutInitWindowSize     (Width, Height);
	window = glutCreateWindow("Developer's Image Library (DevIL) Test");


	glutDisplayFunc  (DisplayFunc);
	glutKeyboardFunc (KeyboardFunc);

	// Goes into our setup function.
	if (Setup() == IL_FALSE)
		return 1;

	// Enter the main (Free)GLUT processing loop

	// Clean up any loose ends.

	return 0;
Пример #2
const int GetTextureReference(const String& filename, GLint clampmode, GLint filtermode, bool optional)
	bool cached = false;
	TextureCacheEntry* currentCacheEntry = NULL;
	//check cache to see if it's loaded already
	std::map<String,TextureCacheEntry>::iterator it = theTextureCache.find(filename);
	// See if we already have it in the cache.
	if (it != theTextureCache.end())
		// If we found it and it's not dirty, bail out with the index.
		if (!it->second.dirty)
			return it->second.textureIndex;
		// We found it, but it's dirty.  We'll reload the texture below.
		cached = true;
		currentCacheEntry = &(it->second);

	GLuint texRef;
		ILuint imgRef;

		ilGenImages(1, &imgRef);

		// Load it up, log any errors if we need to
		if (!ilLoadImage(filename.c_str()))
			if (!optional)

			ilDeleteImages(1, &imgRef);
			return -1;

		// Send it to GL
		texRef = BindTexImageWithClampAndFilter(clampmode, filtermode);

		// Clear it out
		ilDeleteImages(1, &imgRef);
		// output any errors that happened during the binding/deleting
		int result = BindPNG(filename, texRef, clampmode, filtermode);
		if (result != 0)
			return -1;
	// If it was cached, clear the dirty flag so we don't try and load it again.
	if (cached)
		currentCacheEntry->dirty = false;
	// If we're not cached, add a new entry.
		TextureCacheEntry newEntry;
		newEntry.filename = filename;
		newEntry.clampMode = clampmode;
		newEntry.filterMode = filtermode;
		newEntry.textureIndex = texRef;
		newEntry.dirty = false;
		theTextureCache[filename] = newEntry;
	return texRef;
Пример #3
bool PixelsToPositions(const String& filename, Vector2List &positions, float gridSize, const Color& pixelColor, float tolerance)
		png_byte* pngData;
		float* rawData;
		png_uint_32 width, height;
		if (!LoadPNG(filename, pngData, width, height))
			//error was output by the load
			return false;

		// convert png ubyte data to float array
		rawData = (float*)malloc(3 * width * height * sizeof(float));
		int j = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < (4 * width * height); i++)
			if ((i+1) % 4)
				rawData[j] = (float)pngData[i] / 255.0f;

		ILuint imgRef;

		ilGenImages(1, &imgRef);
		// load image into DevIL
		if (!ilLoadImage(filename.c_str()))
			return false;
		// get image datums
		unsigned int width  = ilGetInteger(IL_IMAGE_WIDTH);
		unsigned int height = ilGetInteger(IL_IMAGE_HEIGHT);
		// convert it to RGB floats for easy comparison
		ilConvertImage(IL_RGB, IL_FLOAT);
		// flip it if we need to

		// grab the raw data
		ILfloat* rawData = (ILfloat*)ilGetData(); 
	// check every pixel, see if it's within the tolerance of the target
	float w = -((float)width)*gridSize/2.f;
	float h = -((float)height)*gridSize/2.f;
	Vector2 offset(w, h);
	float pixR, pixG, pixB;
	unsigned int pixOffset = 0;
	for (int y=0; y < height; y++)
		for (int x=0; x < width; x++)
			pixOffset = (y * width * 3) + (x * 3);
			pixR = rawData[pixOffset];
			pixG = rawData[pixOffset + 1];
			pixB = rawData[pixOffset + 2];
			if (   fabs(pixR - pixelColor.R) <= tolerance
				&& fabs(pixG - pixelColor.G) <= tolerance
				&& fabs(pixB - pixelColor.B) <= tolerance
				positions.push_back(offset + Vector2(x * gridSize, y * gridSize));
	// cleanup and return
		ilDeleteImages(1, &imgRef);

	return true;
Пример #4
bool GetRawImageData(const String& filename, std::vector<Color> &pixels)
		png_byte* pngData;
		float* rawData;
		png_uint_32 width, height;
		if (!LoadPNG(filename, pngData, width, height, true))
			//error was output by the load
			return false;

		// convert png ubyte data to float array
		rawData = (float*)malloc(4 * width * height * sizeof(float));
		int j = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < (4 * width * height); i++)
			rawData[j] = (float)pngData[i] / 255.0f;

		ILuint imgRef;

		ilGenImages(1, &imgRef);
		// load image into DevIL
		if (!ilLoadImage(filename.c_str()))
			return false;
		// get image datums
		unsigned int width  = ilGetInteger(IL_IMAGE_WIDTH);
		unsigned int height = ilGetInteger(IL_IMAGE_HEIGHT);
		// convert it to RGB floats for easy comparison
		ilConvertImage(IL_RGBA, IL_FLOAT);
		// flip it if we need to

		// grab the raw data
		ILfloat* rawData = (ILfloat*)ilGetData(); 

	// convert every pixel into colors
	float pixR, pixG, pixB, pixA;
	unsigned int pixOffset = 0;
	for (int y=0; y < height; y++)
		for (int x=0; x < width; x++)
			pixOffset = (y * width * 4) + (x * 4);
			pixR = rawData[pixOffset];
			pixG = rawData[pixOffset + 1];
			pixB = rawData[pixOffset + 2];
			pixA = rawData[pixOffset + 3];
			pixels.push_back(Color(pixR, pixG, pixB, pixA));

	// cleanup and return
		ilDeleteImages(1, &imgRef);

	return true;