static void fill_process( struct snapshot* snap, ULONG* offset, SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION* spi, ULONG num ) { PROCESSENTRY32W* pcs_entry; ULONG poff = 0; SIZE_T l; snap->process_count = num; snap->process_pos = 0; if (!num) return; snap->process_offset = *offset; pcs_entry = (PROCESSENTRY32W*)&snap->data[*offset]; do { spi = (SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION*)((char*)spi + poff); pcs_entry->dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32W); pcs_entry->cntUsage = 0; /* MSDN says no longer used, always 0 */ pcs_entry->th32ProcessID = HandleToUlong(spi->UniqueProcessId); pcs_entry->th32DefaultHeapID = 0; /* MSDN says no longer used, always 0 */ pcs_entry->th32ModuleID = 0; /* MSDN says no longer used, always 0 */ pcs_entry->cntThreads = spi->dwThreadCount; pcs_entry->th32ParentProcessID = HandleToUlong(spi->ParentProcessId); pcs_entry->pcPriClassBase = spi->dwBasePriority; pcs_entry->dwFlags = 0; /* MSDN says no longer used, always 0 */ l = min(spi->ProcessName.Length, sizeof(pcs_entry->szExeFile) - sizeof(WCHAR)); memcpy(pcs_entry->szExeFile, spi->ProcessName.Buffer, l); pcs_entry->szExeFile[l / sizeof(WCHAR)] = '\0'; pcs_entry++; } while ((poff = spi->NextEntryOffset)); *offset += num * sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32W); }
NTSTATUS AllocW32Process(IN PEPROCESS Process, OUT PPROCESSINFO* W32Process) { PPROCESSINFO ppiCurrent; TRACE_CH(UserProcess, "In AllocW32Process(0x%p)\n", Process); /* Check that we were not called with an already existing Win32 process info */ ppiCurrent = PsGetProcessWin32Process(Process); if (ppiCurrent) return STATUS_SUCCESS; /* Allocate a new Win32 process info */ ppiCurrent = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, sizeof(*ppiCurrent), USERTAG_PROCESSINFO); if (ppiCurrent == NULL) { ERR_CH(UserProcess, "Failed to allocate ppi for PID:0x%lx\n", HandleToUlong(Process->UniqueProcessId)); return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } TRACE_CH(UserProcess, "Allocated ppi 0x%p for PID:0x%lx\n", ppiCurrent, HandleToUlong(Process->UniqueProcessId)); RtlZeroMemory(ppiCurrent, sizeof(*ppiCurrent)); PsSetProcessWin32Process(Process, ppiCurrent, NULL); IntReferenceProcessInfo(ppiCurrent); *W32Process = ppiCurrent; return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
/* * @implemented */ BOOL WINAPI CloseWindow(HWND hWnd) { SendMessageA(hWnd, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_CLOSE, 0); return HandleToUlong(hWnd); }
static BOOLEAN NTAPI PhpHiddenProcessesCallback( _In_ PPH_HIDDEN_PROCESS_ENTRY Process, _In_opt_ PVOID Context ) { PPH_HIDDEN_PROCESS_ENTRY entry; INT lvItemIndex; WCHAR pidString[PH_INT32_STR_LEN_1]; entry = PhAllocateCopy(Process, sizeof(PH_HIDDEN_PROCESS_ENTRY)); if (entry->FileName) PhReferenceObject(entry->FileName); PhAddItemList(ProcessesList, entry); lvItemIndex = PhAddListViewItem(PhHiddenProcessesListViewHandle, MAXINT, PhGetStringOrDefault(entry->FileName, L"(unknown)"), entry); PhPrintUInt32(pidString, HandleToUlong(entry->ProcessId)); PhSetListViewSubItem(PhHiddenProcessesListViewHandle, lvItemIndex, 1, pidString); if (entry->Type == HiddenProcess) NumberOfHiddenProcesses++; else if (entry->Type == TerminatedProcess) NumberOfTerminatedProcesses++; return TRUE; }
/***************************************************************************\ * HMValidateHandleNoSecure * * This routine validates a handle manager handle. * * 01-22-92 ScottLu Created. \***************************************************************************/ PVOID FASTCALL HMValidateHandleNoSecure( HANDLE h, BYTE bType) { KERNEL_PVOID pobj = NULL; PCLIENTINFO pci; GET_CURRENT_CLIENTINFO(); #if !defined(_USERK_) /* * We don't want 32 bit apps passing 16 bit handles * we should consider failing this before we get * stuck supporting it (Some VB apps do this). */ if (pci && (h != NULL) && (HMUniqFromHandle(h) == 0) && !(pci->dwTIFlags & TIF_16BIT)) { RIPMSG3(RIP_WARNING, "HMValidateHandle: 32bit process [%d] using 16 bit handle [%#p] bType:%#lx", HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueProcess), h, (DWORD)bType); } #endif /* * Object can't be located in shared memory. */ UserAssert(bType != TYPE_MONITOR); /* * Validation macro. */ ValidateHandleMacro(pci, pobj, h, bType); return pobj; }
VOID UpdateThreadClrData( _In_ PTHREAD_TREE_CONTEXT Context, _Inout_ PDN_THREAD_ITEM DnThread ) { if (!DnThread->ClrDataValid) { IXCLRDataProcess *process; IXCLRDataTask *task; IXCLRDataAppDomain *appDomain; if (Context->Support) process = Context->Support->DataProcess; else return; if (SUCCEEDED(IXCLRDataProcess_GetTaskByOSThreadID(process, HandleToUlong(DnThread->ThreadItem->ThreadId), &task))) { if (SUCCEEDED(IXCLRDataTask_GetCurrentAppDomain(task, &appDomain))) { DnThread->AppDomainText = GetNameXClrDataAppDomain(appDomain); IXCLRDataAppDomain_Release(appDomain); } IXCLRDataTask_Release(task); } DnThread->ClrDataValid = TRUE; } }
VOID CliGetPreloadKeyboardLayouts(FE_KEYBOARDS* pFeKbds) { UINT i; WCHAR szPreLoadee[4]; // up to 999 preloads WCHAR lpszName[KL_NAMELENGTH]; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; HKL hkl; for (i = 1; i < 1000; i++) { wsprintf(szPreLoadee, L"%d", i); if ((GetPrivateProfileStringW( L"Preload", szPreLoadee, L"", // default = NULL lpszName, // output buffer KL_NAMELENGTH, L"keyboardlayout.ini") == -1 ) || (*lpszName == L'\0')) { break; } RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, lpszName); RtlUnicodeStringToInteger(&UnicodeString, 16L, (PULONG)&hkl); RIPMSG2(RIP_VERBOSE, "PreLoaded HKL(%d): %08X\n", i, hkl); // // Set language flags. By its definition, LOWORD(hkl) is LANGID // SetFeKeyboardFlags(LOWORD(HandleToUlong(hkl)), pFeKbds); } }
PPH_STRING PhGetServiceNameFromTag( _In_ HANDLE ProcessId, _In_ PVOID ServiceTag ) { static PQUERY_TAG_INFORMATION I_QueryTagInformation = NULL; PPH_STRING serviceName = NULL; TAG_INFO_NAME_FROM_TAG nameFromTag; if (!I_QueryTagInformation) { I_QueryTagInformation = PhGetModuleProcAddress(L"advapi32.dll", "I_QueryTagInformation"); if (!I_QueryTagInformation) return NULL; } memset(&nameFromTag, 0, sizeof(TAG_INFO_NAME_FROM_TAG)); nameFromTag.InParams.dwPid = HandleToUlong(ProcessId); nameFromTag.InParams.dwTag = PtrToUlong(ServiceTag); I_QueryTagInformation(NULL, eTagInfoLevelNameFromTag, &nameFromTag); if (nameFromTag.OutParams.pszName) { serviceName = PhCreateString(nameFromTag.OutParams.pszName); LocalFree(nameFromTag.OutParams.pszName); } return serviceName; }
PPH_SERVICE_ITEM PhCreateServiceItem( _In_opt_ LPENUM_SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESS Information ) { PPH_SERVICE_ITEM serviceItem; serviceItem = PhCreateObject( PhEmGetObjectSize(EmServiceItemType, sizeof(PH_SERVICE_ITEM)), PhServiceItemType ); memset(serviceItem, 0, sizeof(PH_SERVICE_ITEM)); if (Information) { serviceItem->Name = PhCreateString(Information->lpServiceName); serviceItem->Key = serviceItem->Name->sr; serviceItem->DisplayName = PhCreateString(Information->lpDisplayName); serviceItem->Type = Information->ServiceStatusProcess.dwServiceType; serviceItem->State = Information->ServiceStatusProcess.dwCurrentState; serviceItem->ControlsAccepted = Information->ServiceStatusProcess.dwControlsAccepted; serviceItem->Flags = Information->ServiceStatusProcess.dwServiceFlags; serviceItem->ProcessId = UlongToHandle(Information->ServiceStatusProcess.dwProcessId); if (serviceItem->ProcessId) PhPrintUInt32(serviceItem->ProcessIdString, HandleToUlong(serviceItem->ProcessId)); } PhEmCallObjectOperation(EmServiceItemType, serviceItem, EmObjectCreate); return serviceItem; }
PPH_STRING WepGetWindowTitleForSelector( _In_ PWE_WINDOW_SELECTOR Selector ) { switch (Selector->Type) { case WeWindowSelectorAll: { return PhCreateString(L"Windows - All"); } break; case WeWindowSelectorThread: { return PhFormatString(L"Windows - Thread %lu", HandleToUlong(Selector->Thread.ThreadId)); } break; case WeWindowSelectorProcess: { CLIENT_ID clientId; clientId.UniqueProcess = Selector->Process.ProcessId; clientId.UniqueThread = NULL; return PhConcatStrings2(L"Windows - ", PH_AUTO_T(PH_STRING, PhGetClientIdName(&clientId))->Buffer); } break; case WeWindowSelectorDesktop: { return PhFormatString(L"Windows - Desktop \"%s\"", Selector->Desktop.DesktopName->Buffer); } break; default: return PhCreateString(L"Windows"); } }
PPH_PROCESS_PROPCONTEXT PhCreateProcessPropContext( _In_ HWND ParentWindowHandle, _In_ PPH_PROCESS_ITEM ProcessItem ) { static PH_INITONCE initOnce = PH_INITONCE_INIT; PPH_PROCESS_PROPCONTEXT propContext; PROPSHEETHEADER propSheetHeader; if (PhBeginInitOnce(&initOnce)) { PhpProcessPropContextType = PhCreateObjectType(L"ProcessPropContext", 0, PhpProcessPropContextDeleteProcedure); PhpProcessPropPageContextType = PhCreateObjectType(L"ProcessPropPageContext", 0, PhpProcessPropPageContextDeleteProcedure); PhEndInitOnce(&initOnce); } propContext = PhCreateObjectZero(sizeof(PH_PROCESS_PROPCONTEXT), PhpProcessPropContextType); propContext->PropSheetPages = PhAllocateZero(sizeof(HPROPSHEETPAGE) * PH_PROCESS_PROPCONTEXT_MAXPAGES); if (!PH_IS_FAKE_PROCESS_ID(ProcessItem->ProcessId)) { propContext->Title = PhFormatString( L"%s (%u)", ProcessItem->ProcessName->Buffer, HandleToUlong(ProcessItem->ProcessId) ); } else { PhSetReference(&propContext->Title, ProcessItem->ProcessName); } memset(&propSheetHeader, 0, sizeof(PROPSHEETHEADER)); propSheetHeader.dwSize = sizeof(PROPSHEETHEADER); propSheetHeader.dwFlags = PSH_MODELESS | PSH_NOAPPLYNOW | PSH_NOCONTEXTHELP | PSH_PROPTITLE | PSH_USECALLBACK | PSH_USEHICON; propSheetHeader.hInstance = PhInstanceHandle; propSheetHeader.hwndParent = ParentWindowHandle; propSheetHeader.hIcon = ProcessItem->SmallIcon; propSheetHeader.pszCaption = propContext->Title->Buffer; propSheetHeader.pfnCallback = PhpPropSheetProc; propSheetHeader.nPages = 0; propSheetHeader.nStartPage = 0; propSheetHeader.phpage = propContext->PropSheetPages; if (PhCsForceNoParent) propSheetHeader.hwndParent = NULL; memcpy(&propContext->PropSheetHeader, &propSheetHeader, sizeof(PROPSHEETHEADER)); PhSetReference(&propContext->ProcessItem, ProcessItem); return propContext; }
VOID NTAPI BaseSrvDisconnect(PCSR_PROCESS Process) { /* Cleanup the VDM console records */ BaseSrvCleanupVdmRecords(HandleToUlong(Process->ClientId.UniqueProcess)); }
ULONG MPIU_ExGetPortValue( MPIU_ExSetHandle_t Set ) { MPIU_Assert(IsValidSet(Set)); return HandleToUlong(Set); }
ULONG NTAPI EtpDiskHashtableHashFunction( _In_ PVOID Entry ) { PET_DISK_ITEM diskItem = *(PET_DISK_ITEM *)Entry; return (HandleToUlong(diskItem->ProcessId) / 4) ^ PhHashStringRef(&diskItem->FileName->sr, TRUE); }
VOID NTAPI DbgLogEvent(PSLIST_HEADER pslh, LOG_EVENT_TYPE nEventType, LPARAM lParam) { PLOGENTRY pLogEntry; /* Log a maximum of 100 events */ if (QueryDepthSList(pslh) >= 1000) return; /* Allocate a logentry */ pLogEntry = EngAllocMem(0, sizeof(LOGENTRY), 'golG'); if (!pLogEntry) return; /* Set type */ pLogEntry->nEventType = nEventType; pLogEntry->ulUnique = InterlockedIncrement((LONG*)&gulLogUnique); pLogEntry->dwProcessId = HandleToUlong(PsGetCurrentProcessId()); pLogEntry->dwThreadId = HandleToUlong(PsGetCurrentThreadId()); pLogEntry->lParam = lParam; /* Capture a backtrace */ DbgCaptureStackBackTace(pLogEntry->apvBackTrace, 20); switch (nEventType) { case EVENT_ALLOCATE: case EVENT_CREATE_HANDLE: case EVENT_REFERENCE: case EVENT_DEREFERENCE: case EVENT_LOCK: case EVENT_UNLOCK: case EVENT_DELETE: case EVENT_FREE: case EVENT_SET_OWNER: default: break; } /* Push it on the list */ InterlockedPushEntrySList(pslh, &pLogEntry->sleLink); }
static NTSTATUS PhpGetThreadCycleTime( _In_ PPH_THREAD_PROVIDER ThreadProvider, _In_ PPH_THREAD_ITEM ThreadItem, _Out_ PULONG64 CycleTime ) { if (ThreadProvider->ProcessId != SYSTEM_IDLE_PROCESS_ID) { return PhGetThreadCycleTime(ThreadItem->ThreadHandle, CycleTime); } else { if (HandleToUlong(ThreadItem->ThreadId) < (ULONG)PhSystemBasicInformation.NumberOfProcessors) { *CycleTime = PhCpuIdleCycleTime[HandleToUlong(ThreadItem->ThreadId)].QuadPart; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } } return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
DECL_EXTERN_API(HANDLE, ObjectTranslateHandle, CONST IN HANDLE Handle) { PRTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS Ppb = NtCurrentPeb()->ProcessParameters; switch (HandleToUlong(Handle)) { case STD_INPUT_HANDLE: return Ppb->StandardInput; case STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE: return Ppb->StandardOutput; case STD_ERROR_HANDLE: return Ppb->StandardError; } return Handle; }
LRESULT CMainFrame::OnDDETerminate(UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM /*lParam*/) { HWND hWndSender = HWND(wParam); ATLTRACE("OnDDETerminate: HWND=%x\n", hWndSender); ATLVERIFY( ::PostMessage( hWndSender, WM_DDE_TERMINATE, HandleToUlong(m_hWnd), 0)); return TRUE; }
PVOID FASTCALL HMValidateSharedHandle( HANDLE h, BYTE bType) { DWORD dwError; KERNEL_PVOID pobj = NULL; #if DBG != 0 && !defined(_USERK_) /* * We don't want 32 bit apps passing 16 bit handles * we should consider failing this before we get * stuck supporting it (Some VB apps do this). */ if ((h != NULL) && (HMUniqFromHandle(h) == 0) && !(GetClientInfo()->dwTIFlags & TIF_16BIT)) { RIPMSG3(RIP_WARNING, "HMValidateHandle: 32bit process [%d] using 16 bit handle [%#p] bType:%#lx", HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueProcess), h, (DWORD)bType); } #endif /* * Validation macro. Falls through if the handle is invalid. */ ValidateSharedHandleMacro(pobj, h, bType); if (pobj != NULL) return pobj; switch (bType) { case TYPE_MONITOR: dwError = ERROR_INVALID_MONITOR_HANDLE; break; default: UserAssertMsg0(0, "Logic error in HMValidateSharedHandle"); break; } RIPERR2(dwError, RIP_WARNING, "HMValidateSharedHandle: Invalid:%#p Type:%#lx", h, (DWORD)bType); /* * If we get here, it's an error. */ return NULL; }
BOOL xxxPaintRect( PWND pwndBrush, PWND pwndPaint, HDC hdc, HBRUSH hbr, LPRECT lprc) { POINT ptOrg; CheckLock(pwndBrush); CheckLock(pwndPaint); if (pwndBrush == NULL) { pwndBrush = PtiCurrent()->rpdesk->pDeskInfo->spwnd; } if (pwndBrush == PWNDDESKTOP(pwndBrush)) { GreSetBrushOrg( hdc, 0, 0, &ptOrg); } else { GreSetBrushOrg( hdc, pwndBrush->rcClient.left - pwndPaint->rcClient.left, pwndBrush-> - pwndPaint->, &ptOrg); } /* * If hbr < CTLCOLOR_MAX, it isn't really a brush but is one of our * special color values. Translate it to the appropriate WM_CTLCOLOR * message and send it off to get back a real brush. The translation * process assumes the CTLCOLOR*** and WM_CTLCOLOR*** values map directly. */ if (hbr < (HBRUSH)CTLCOLOR_MAX) { hbr = xxxGetControlColor(pwndBrush, pwndPaint, hdc, HandleToUlong(hbr) + WM_CTLCOLORMSGBOX); } FillRect(hdc, lprc, hbr); GreSetBrushOrg(hdc, ptOrg.x, ptOrg.y, NULL); return TRUE; }
static void fill_thread( struct snapshot* snap, ULONG* offset, LPVOID info, ULONG num ) { THREADENTRY32* thd_entry; SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION* spi; SYSTEM_THREAD_INFORMATION* sti; ULONG i, poff = 0; snap->thread_count = num; snap->thread_pos = 0; if (!num) return; snap->thread_offset = *offset; thd_entry = (THREADENTRY32*)&snap->data[*offset]; spi = (SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION*)info; do { spi = (SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION*)((char*)spi + poff); sti = &spi->ti[0]; for (i = 0; i < spi->dwThreadCount; i++) { thd_entry->dwSize = sizeof(THREADENTRY32); thd_entry->cntUsage = 0; /* MSDN says no longer used, always 0 */ thd_entry->th32ThreadID = HandleToUlong(sti->ClientId.UniqueThread); thd_entry->th32OwnerProcessID = HandleToUlong(sti->ClientId.UniqueProcess); thd_entry->tpBasePri = sti->dwBasePriority; thd_entry->tpDeltaPri = 0; /* MSDN says no longer used, always 0 */ thd_entry->dwFlags = 0; /* MSDN says no longer used, always 0" */ sti++; thd_entry++; } } while ((poff = spi->NextEntryOffset)); *offset += num * sizeof(THREADENTRY32); }
/****************************************************************** * fetch_process_info * * reads system wide process information, and gather from it the threads information * for process of id 'pid' */ static BOOL fetch_process_info(struct dump_context* dc) { ULONG buf_size = 0x1000; NTSTATUS nts; void* pcs_buffer = NULL; if (!(pcs_buffer = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, buf_size))) return FALSE; for (;;) { nts = NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemProcessInformation, pcs_buffer, buf_size, NULL); if (nts != STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH) break; pcs_buffer = HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pcs_buffer, buf_size *= 2); if (!pcs_buffer) return FALSE; } if (nts == STATUS_SUCCESS) { SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION* spi = pcs_buffer; unsigned i; for (;;) { if (HandleToUlong(spi->UniqueProcessId) == dc->pid) { dc->num_threads = spi->dwThreadCount; dc->threads = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dc->num_threads * sizeof(dc->threads[0])); if (!dc->threads) goto failed; for (i = 0; i < dc->num_threads; i++) { dc->threads[i].tid = HandleToULong(spi->ti[i].ClientId.UniqueThread); dc->threads[i].prio_class = spi->ti[i].dwBasePriority; /* FIXME */ dc->threads[i].curr_prio = spi->ti[i].dwCurrentPriority; } HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pcs_buffer); return TRUE; } if (!spi->NextEntryOffset) break; spi = (SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION*)((char*)spi + spi->NextEntryOffset); } } failed: HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pcs_buffer); return FALSE; }
PPH_THREAD_ITEM PhCreateThreadItem( _In_ HANDLE ThreadId ) { PPH_THREAD_ITEM threadItem; threadItem = PhCreateObject( PhEmGetObjectSize(EmThreadItemType, sizeof(PH_THREAD_ITEM)), PhThreadItemType ); memset(threadItem, 0, sizeof(PH_THREAD_ITEM)); threadItem->ThreadId = ThreadId; PhPrintUInt32(threadItem->ThreadIdString, HandleToUlong(ThreadId)); PhEmCallObjectOperation(EmThreadItemType, threadItem, EmObjectCreate); return threadItem; }
PPH_STRING PhSipGetMaxCpuString( _In_ LONG Index ) { PPH_PROCESS_RECORD maxProcessRecord; #ifdef PH_RECORD_MAX_USAGE FLOAT maxCpuUsage; #endif PPH_STRING maxUsageString = NULL; if (maxProcessRecord = PhSipReferenceMaxCpuRecord(Index)) { // We found the process record, so now we construct the max. usage string. #ifdef PH_RECORD_MAX_USAGE maxCpuUsage = PhGetItemCircularBuffer_FLOAT(&PhMaxCpuUsageHistory, Index); // Make sure we don't try to display the PID of DPCs or Interrupts. if (!PH_IS_FAKE_PROCESS_ID(maxProcessRecord->ProcessId)) { maxUsageString = PhaFormatString( L"\n%s (%u): %.2f%%", maxProcessRecord->ProcessName->Buffer, HandleToUlong(maxProcessRecord->ProcessId), maxCpuUsage * 100 ); } else { maxUsageString = PhaFormatString( L"\n%s: %.2f%%", maxProcessRecord->ProcessName->Buffer, maxCpuUsage * 100 ); } #else maxUsageString = PhaConcatStrings2(L"\n", maxProcessRecord->ProcessName->Buffer); #endif PhDereferenceProcessRecord(maxProcessRecord); } return maxUsageString; }
LRESULT CMainFrame::OnDDEInitiate(UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HWND hWndSender = HWND(wParam); const ATOM atAppName = ::GlobalAddAtom(ndasmgmt::NDASMGMT_ATOM_DDE_APP); const ATOM atTopic = ::GlobalAddAtom(ndasmgmt::NDASMGMT_ATOM_DDE_DEFAULT_TOPIC); ATLASSERT(atAppName); ATLASSERT(atTopic); UINT_PTR atSenderApp; UINT_PTR atSenderTopic; ATLVERIFY(::UnpackDDElParam(WM_DDE_INITIATE, lParam, &atSenderApp, &atSenderTopic)); ATLTRACE("OnDDEInitiate: HWND=%x, atSenderAppName=%x, atSenderTopic=%x" " atAppName=%x, atTopic=%x\n", hWndSender, atSenderApp, atSenderTopic, atAppName, atTopic); if ((atAppName == atSenderApp || 0 == atSenderApp) && (atTopic == atSenderTopic || 0 == atTopic)) { ATLTRACE("Registered DDE operation\n"); ATLVERIFY( ::SendMessage( hWndSender, WM_DDE_ACK, WPARAM(HandleToUlong(m_hWnd)), ::PackDDElParam(WM_DDE_ACK, atAppName, atTopic))); } else { ATLTRACE("Non-registered DDE operation\n"); } ::GlobalDeleteAtom(atAppName); ::GlobalDeleteAtom(atTopic); return TRUE; }
// copied from ProcessHacker\netlist.c.. static PPH_STRING PhpNetworkTreeGetNetworkItemProcessName( _In_ PPH_NETWORK_ITEM NetworkItem ) { PH_FORMAT format[4]; if (!NetworkItem->ProcessId) return PhaCreateString(L"Waiting connections"); PhInitFormatS(&format[1], L" ("); PhInitFormatU(&format[2], HandleToUlong(NetworkItem->ProcessId)); PhInitFormatC(&format[3], ')'); if (NetworkItem->ProcessName) PhInitFormatSR(&format[0], NetworkItem->ProcessName->sr); else PhInitFormatS(&format[0], L"Unknown process"); return PH_AUTO(PhFormat(format, 4, 96)); }
static PPH_STRING PhSipGetMaxIoString( _In_ LONG Index ) { PPH_PROCESS_RECORD maxProcessRecord; ULONG64 maxIoReadOther; ULONG64 maxIoWrite; PPH_STRING maxUsageString = NULL; if (maxProcessRecord = PhSipReferenceMaxIoRecord(Index)) { // We found the process record, so now we construct the max. usage string. maxIoReadOther = PhGetItemCircularBuffer_ULONG64(SystemStatistics.MaxIoReadOtherHistory, Index); maxIoWrite = PhGetItemCircularBuffer_ULONG64(SystemStatistics.MaxIoWriteHistory, Index); if (!PH_IS_FAKE_PROCESS_ID(maxProcessRecord->ProcessId)) { maxUsageString = PhaFormatString( L"\n%s (%u): R+O: %s, W: %s", maxProcessRecord->ProcessName->Buffer, HandleToUlong(maxProcessRecord->ProcessId), PhaFormatSize(maxIoReadOther, -1)->Buffer, PhaFormatSize(maxIoWrite, -1)->Buffer ); } else { maxUsageString = PhaFormatString( L"\n%s: R+O: %s, W: %s", maxProcessRecord->ProcessName->Buffer, PhaFormatSize(maxIoReadOther, -1)->Buffer, PhaFormatSize(maxIoWrite, -1)->Buffer ); } PhDereferenceProcessRecord(maxProcessRecord); } return maxUsageString; }
PPH_STRING EtpGetMaxNodeString( _In_ LONG Index ) { PPH_PROCESS_RECORD maxProcessRecord; FLOAT maxGpuUsage; PPH_STRING maxUsageString = NULL; if (maxProcessRecord = EtpReferenceMaxNodeRecord(Index)) { maxGpuUsage = PhGetItemCircularBuffer_FLOAT(&EtMaxGpuNodeUsageHistory, Index); maxUsageString = PhaFormatString( L"\n%s (%lu): %.2f%%", maxProcessRecord->ProcessName->Buffer, HandleToUlong(maxProcessRecord->ProcessId), maxGpuUsage * 100 ); PhDereferenceProcessRecord(maxProcessRecord); } return maxUsageString; }
VOID StatusBarUpdate( _In_ BOOLEAN ResetMaxWidths ) { static ULONG64 lastTickCount = 0; ULONG count; ULONG i; HDC hdc; BOOLEAN resetMaxWidths = FALSE; PPH_STRING text[MAX_STATUSBAR_ITEMS]; ULONG widths[MAX_STATUSBAR_ITEMS]; if (ProcessesUpdatedCount < 2) return; if (ResetMaxWidths) resetMaxWidths = TRUE; if (!StatusBarItemList || StatusBarItemList->Count == 0) { // The status bar doesn't cope well with 0 parts. widths[0] = -1; SendMessage(StatusBarHandle, SB_SETPARTS, 1, (LPARAM)widths); SendMessage(StatusBarHandle, SB_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)L""); return; } hdc = GetDC(StatusBarHandle); SelectObject(hdc, (HFONT)SendMessage(StatusBarHandle, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0)); // Reset max. widths for Max. CPU Process and Max. I/O Process parts once in a while. { LARGE_INTEGER tickCount; PhQuerySystemTime(&tickCount); if (tickCount.QuadPart - lastTickCount >= 10 * PH_TICKS_PER_SEC) { resetMaxWidths = TRUE; lastTickCount = tickCount.QuadPart; } } count = 0; for (i = 0; i < StatusBarItemList->Count; i++) { SIZE size; ULONG width; PSTATUSBAR_ITEM statusItem; statusItem = StatusBarItemList->Items[i]; switch (statusItem->Id) { case ID_STATUS_CPUUSAGE: { text[count] = PhFormatString( L"CPU Usage: %.2f%%", (SystemStatistics.CpuKernelUsage + SystemStatistics.CpuUserUsage) * 100 ); } break; case ID_STATUS_COMMITCHARGE: { ULONG commitUsage = SystemStatistics.Performance->CommittedPages; FLOAT commitFraction = (FLOAT)commitUsage / SystemStatistics.Performance->CommitLimit * 100; text[count] = PhFormatString( L"Commit Charge: %s (%.2f%%)", PhaFormatSize(UInt32x32To64(commitUsage, PAGE_SIZE), -1)->Buffer, commitFraction ); } break; case ID_STATUS_PHYSICALMEMORY: { ULONG physicalUsage = PhSystemBasicInformation.NumberOfPhysicalPages - SystemStatistics.Performance->AvailablePages; FLOAT physicalFraction = (FLOAT)physicalUsage / PhSystemBasicInformation.NumberOfPhysicalPages * 100; text[count] = PhFormatString( L"Physical Memory: %s (%.2f%%)", PhaFormatSize(UInt32x32To64(physicalUsage, PAGE_SIZE), -1)->Buffer, physicalFraction ); } break; case ID_STATUS_FREEMEMORY: { ULONG physicalFree = SystemStatistics.Performance->AvailablePages; FLOAT physicalFreeFraction = (FLOAT)physicalFree / PhSystemBasicInformation.NumberOfPhysicalPages * 100; text[count] = PhFormatString( L"Free Memory: %s (%.2f%%)", PhaFormatSize(UInt32x32To64(physicalFree, PAGE_SIZE), -1)->Buffer, physicalFreeFraction ); } break; case ID_STATUS_NUMBEROFPROCESSES: { text[count] = PhConcatStrings2( L"Processes: ", PhaFormatUInt64(SystemStatistics.NumberOfProcesses, TRUE)->Buffer ); } break; case ID_STATUS_NUMBEROFTHREADS: { text[count] = PhConcatStrings2( L"Threads: ", PhaFormatUInt64(SystemStatistics.NumberOfThreads, TRUE)->Buffer ); } break; case ID_STATUS_NUMBEROFHANDLES: { text[count] = PhConcatStrings2( L"Handles: ", PhaFormatUInt64(SystemStatistics.NumberOfHandles, TRUE)->Buffer ); } break; case ID_STATUS_IO_RO: { text[count] = PhConcatStrings2( L"I/O R+O: ", PhaFormatSize(SystemStatistics.IoReadDelta.Delta + SystemStatistics.IoOtherDelta.Delta, -1)->Buffer ); } break; case ID_STATUS_IO_W: { text[count] = PhConcatStrings2( L"I/O W: ", PhaFormatSize(SystemStatistics.IoWriteDelta.Delta, -1)->Buffer ); } break; case ID_STATUS_MAX_CPU_PROCESS: { PPH_PROCESS_ITEM processItem; if (SystemStatistics.MaxCpuProcessId && (processItem = PhReferenceProcessItem(SystemStatistics.MaxCpuProcessId))) { if (!PH_IS_FAKE_PROCESS_ID(processItem->ProcessId)) { text[count] = PhFormatString( L"%s (%lu): %.2f%%", processItem->ProcessName->Buffer, HandleToUlong(processItem->ProcessId), processItem->CpuUsage * 100 ); } else { text[count] = PhFormatString( L"%s: %.2f%%", processItem->ProcessName->Buffer, processItem->CpuUsage * 100 ); } PhDereferenceObject(processItem); } else { text[count] = PhCreateString(L"-"); } } break; case ID_STATUS_MAX_IO_PROCESS: { PPH_PROCESS_ITEM processItem; if (SystemStatistics.MaxIoProcessId && (processItem = PhReferenceProcessItem(SystemStatistics.MaxIoProcessId))) { if (!PH_IS_FAKE_PROCESS_ID(processItem->ProcessId)) { text[count] = PhFormatString( L"%s (%lu): %s", processItem->ProcessName->Buffer, HandleToUlong(processItem->ProcessId), PhaFormatSize(processItem->IoReadDelta.Delta + processItem->IoWriteDelta.Delta + processItem->IoOtherDelta.Delta, -1)->Buffer ); } else { text[count] = PhFormatString( L"%s: %s", processItem->ProcessName->Buffer, PhaFormatSize(processItem->IoReadDelta.Delta + processItem->IoWriteDelta.Delta + processItem->IoOtherDelta.Delta, -1)->Buffer ); } PhDereferenceObject(processItem); } else { text[count] = PhCreateString(L"-"); } } break; case ID_STATUS_NUMBEROFVISIBLEITEMS: { HWND tnHandle = NULL; tnHandle = GetCurrentTreeNewHandle(); if (tnHandle) { ULONG visibleCount = 0; visibleCount = TreeNew_GetFlatNodeCount(tnHandle); text[count] = PhFormatString( L"Visible: %lu", visibleCount ); } else { text[count] = PhCreateString( L"Visible: N/A" ); } } break; case ID_STATUS_NUMBEROFSELECTEDITEMS: { HWND tnHandle = NULL; tnHandle = GetCurrentTreeNewHandle(); if (tnHandle) { ULONG visibleCount = 0; ULONG selectedCount = 0; visibleCount = TreeNew_GetFlatNodeCount(tnHandle); for (ULONG i = 0; i < visibleCount; i++) { if (TreeNew_GetFlatNode(tnHandle, i)->Selected) selectedCount++; } text[count] = PhFormatString( L"Selected: %lu", selectedCount ); } else { text[count] = PhCreateString( L"Selected: N/A" ); } } break; case ID_STATUS_INTERVALSTATUS: { ULONG interval; interval = PhGetIntegerSetting(L"UpdateInterval"); if (UpdateAutomatically) { switch (interval) { case 500: text[count] = PhCreateString(L"Interval: Fast"); break; case 1000: text[count] = PhCreateString(L"Interval: Normal"); break; case 2000: text[count] = PhCreateString(L"Interval: Below Normal"); break; case 5000: text[count] = PhCreateString(L"Interval: Slow"); break; case 10000: text[count] = PhCreateString(L"Interval: Very Slow"); break; } } else { text[count] = PhCreateString(L"Interval: Paused"); } } break; } if (resetMaxWidths) StatusBarMaxWidths[count] = 0; if (!GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, text[count]->Buffer, (ULONG)text[count]->Length / sizeof(WCHAR), &size)) = 200; if (count != 0) widths[count] = widths[count - 1]; else widths[count] = 0; width = + 10; if (width <= StatusBarMaxWidths[count]) { width = StatusBarMaxWidths[count]; } else { StatusBarMaxWidths[count] = width; } widths[count] += width; count++; } ReleaseDC(StatusBarHandle, hdc); SendMessage(StatusBarHandle, SB_SETPARTS, count, (LPARAM)widths); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { SendMessage(StatusBarHandle, SB_SETTEXT, i, (LPARAM)text[i]->Buffer); PhDereferenceObject(text[i]); } }
BOOL WINAPI BaseUpdateVDMEntry(IN ULONG UpdateIndex, IN OUT PHANDLE WaitHandle, IN ULONG IndexInfo, IN ULONG BinaryType) { #if 0 // Unimplemented in BASESRV NTSTATUS Status; BASE_API_MESSAGE ApiMessage; PBASE_UPDATE_VDM_ENTRY UpdateVdmEntry = &ApiMessage.Data.UpdateVdmEntry; /* Check what update is being sent */ switch (UpdateIndex) { /* VDM is being undone */ case VdmEntryUndo: { /* Tell the server how far we had gotten along */ UpdateVdmEntry->iTask = HandleToUlong(*WaitHandle); UpdateVdmEntry->VDMCreationState = IndexInfo; break; } /* VDM is ready with a new process handle */ case VdmEntryUpdateProcess: { /* Send it the process handle */ UpdateVdmEntry->VDMProcessHandle = *WaitHandle; UpdateVdmEntry->iTask = IndexInfo; break; } } /* Also check what kind of binary this is for the console handle */ if (BinaryType == BINARY_TYPE_WOW) { /* Magic value for 16-bit apps */ UpdateVdmEntry->ConsoleHandle = (HANDLE)-1; } else if (UpdateVdmEntry->iTask) { /* No handle for true VDM */ UpdateVdmEntry->ConsoleHandle = NULL; } else { /* Otherwise, use the regular console handle */ UpdateVdmEntry->ConsoleHandle = NtCurrentPeb()->ProcessParameters->ConsoleHandle; } /* Finally write the index and binary type */ UpdateVdmEntry->EntryIndex = UpdateIndex; UpdateVdmEntry->BinaryType = BinaryType; /* Send the message to CSRSS */ Status = CsrClientCallServer((PCSR_API_MESSAGE)&ApiMessage, NULL, CSR_CREATE_API_NUMBER(BASESRV_SERVERDLL_INDEX, BasepUpdateVDMEntry), sizeof(BASE_UPDATE_VDM_ENTRY)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Handle failure */ BaseSetLastNTError(Status); return FALSE; } /* If this was an update, CSRSS returns a new wait handle */ if (UpdateIndex == VdmEntryUpdateProcess) { /* Return it to the caller */ *WaitHandle = UpdateVdmEntry->WaitObjectForParent; } #endif /* We made it */ return TRUE; }