Пример #1
Override default title tips so that I'll get a title tip for a cell
filled only with buttons

LPCTSTR CGridBtnCellBase::GetTipText()
    if( HasCellText() )
        return CString(GetText());

    // no string text... maybe there's btns with text
    const int iCtlNbr = GetDrawCtlNbr();
    if( iCtlNbr <= 0)
        return NULL;

    char szTip[ 256];
    int iNbrChars = 0;

    int i1;
    for( i1=0; i1 < iCtlNbr; i1++)
        // remove any '&' chars
        const char* pszCtlBtnText = GetDrawCtlBtnText( i1);
        if( pszCtlBtnText != NULL)
            if( i1 > 0)
                szTip[ iNbrChars] = ' ';

            BOOL bJustGotAmp = FALSE;
            while( iNbrChars < sizeof( szTip) - 2)
                if( *pszCtlBtnText == '\0')

                if( *pszCtlBtnText == '&' )
                    if( bJustGotAmp)
                        bJustGotAmp = FALSE;
                        szTip[ iNbrChars] = *pszCtlBtnText;
                        bJustGotAmp = TRUE;
                    bJustGotAmp = FALSE;
                    szTip[ iNbrChars] = *pszCtlBtnText;
    szTip[ iNbrChars] = '\0';
    m_strTipText = szTip;

    return m_strTipText;
Пример #2
May mean end of a button click sequence or to edit text

BOOL CGridBtnCellCombo::Edit(int nRow, int nCol, CRect rect, CPoint point, UINT nID, UINT nChar)
    int iCtlHit = RelPointInCtl( point);  // Relative point coords
    // returns:  Index of control that this point is within bounds of or -1 if no control matches

    BOOL bShowDropDownNow = FALSE;
    if( iCtlHit >= 0)
        // if user clicked on scroll down button picture, then show
        //  the drop-down, too

        UINT uiType = GetDrawCtlType( iCtlHit);
        UINT uiState = GetDrawCtlState( iCtlHit);

        bShowDropDownNow =  ( uiType == DFC_SCROLL)
                            && uiState & DFCS_SCROLLDOWN;
    BOOL bHitNonComboButton =   ( iCtlHit >= 0)
                                && !bShowDropDownNow;

    if( HasCellText()
        && !bHitNonComboButton )
        m_ucEditing = TRUE;

        // InPlaceList auto-deletes itself
        CGridCtrl* pGrid = GetGrid();
        CInPlaceList* pInPlaceList = new CInPlaceList(  pGrid, rect, m_dwComboStyle, nID, nRow, nCol,
                                                        GetTextClr(), GetBackClr(), m_StringArrayCombo, GetText(), nChar);

        if( bShowDropDownNow)
            if( m_dwComboStyle & CBS_DROPDOWN
                || m_dwComboStyle & CBS_DROPDOWNLIST)
                pInPlaceList->ShowDropDown( TRUE);

        m_pBtnDataBase->SetEditWnd( pInPlaceList);
        return TRUE;
    // call base class, otherwise
    return CGridBtnCell::Edit( nRow, nCol, rect, point, nID, nChar);
Пример #3
If no text in the cell, add up all the button text together and use that
as the title tip text

BOOL CGridBtnCellBase::GetTipTextRect( LPRECT pRect)  // i/o:  i=dims of cell rect; o=dims of text rect
    if( HasCellText() )
        return GetTextRect( pRect); // if any text, just use default

    // no string text... maybe there's btns with text
    const int iCtlNbr = GetDrawCtlNbr();
    if( iCtlNbr <= 0)
        pRect->left = 0;
        pRect->top = 0;
        pRect->right = 0;
        pRect->bottom = 0;

    // else, don't modify rect -- rect is full cell size
    return TRUE;
Пример #4
May mean end of a button click sequence or to edit text

BOOL CGridBtnCellBase::Edit(int nRow, int nCol, CRect rect, CPoint point, UINT nID, UINT nChar)
    ASSERT( m_pBtnDataBase != NULL);

    if( ProcessCtlClick(WM_LBUTTONUP,       // Command that invoked.  e.g. WM_LBUTTONDOWN
                        point) ) // point to check for hit
        SendMessageToParent( m_iRow, m_iCol, NM_CLICK); // tell parent about it
        return FALSE;   // clicked a control rather than edited a value

    const int iCtlNbr = GetDrawCtlNbr();
    if( iCtlNbr > 0 )
        // if there's at least one left-aligned control and user pressed
        //  space bar, activate that control
        if( GetDrawCtlAlign( 0) == CTL_ALIGN_LEFT
            || iCtlNbr == 1)
            if( nChar == ' ' )
                // user hit space bar -- just like clicking a button
                ClickedCellCtl( WM_LBUTTONDOWN,   // Command that invoked.  e.g. WM_LBUTTONDOWN
                                0);    // zero-based index of image to draw
                Sleep( 200);
                ClickedCellCtl( WM_LBUTTONUP,   // Command that invoked.  e.g. WM_LBUTTONDOWN
                                0);    // zero-based index of image to draw

                SendMessageToParent( m_iRow, m_iCol, NM_CLICK); // tell parent about it

                return FALSE;   // clicked a control rather than edited a value

    // if no string text to edit, then typing a character may invoke a button
    if( HasCellText() )
        DWORD dwStyle = ES_LEFT;
        if (GetFormat() & DT_RIGHT)
            dwStyle = ES_RIGHT;
        else if (GetFormat() & DT_CENTER)
            dwStyle = ES_CENTER;

        m_ucEditing = TRUE;

        // InPlaceEdit auto-deletes itself
        CGridCtrl* pGrid = GetGrid();
        CWnd* pWnd = new CInPlaceEdit(pGrid, rect, dwStyle, nID, nRow, nCol, GetText(), nChar);
        m_pBtnDataBase->SetEditWnd( pWnd);
        // since no text to edit, maybe press a button -- check for hot keys
        int iCtl = HotKeyBtnMatch( (char)nChar); // hot key character
        if( iCtl >= 0 )
            // returns:  index of button or -1 if no hot key matches
            ClickedCellCtl( WM_LBUTTONDOWN,   // Command that invoked.  e.g. WM_LBUTTONDOWN
                            iCtl);    // zero-based index of image to draw
            Sleep( 200);
            ClickedCellCtl( WM_LBUTTONUP,   // Command that invoked.  e.g. WM_LBUTTONDOWN
                            iCtl);    // zero-based index of image to draw

            SendMessageToParent( m_iRow, m_iCol, NM_CLICK); // tell parent about it
            return FALSE;   // clicked a control rather than edited a value

    return TRUE;