Пример #1
SAMHeaderGroupWithID::SAMHeaderGroupWithID(const std::string & fromString)
: SAMHeaderGroup(fromString) {
    assert (HasTag("ID"));
    if (not HasTag("ID")) {
        assert("ERROR! SAM Header read/program group must has ID tag." == 0);
    _id = Tag("ID");
Пример #2
bool Tags::IsEmpty()
   // At least one of these should be filled in, otherwise
   // it's assumed that the tags have not been set...
   if (HasTag(TAG_TITLE) || HasTag(TAG_ARTIST) || HasTag(TAG_ALBUM)) {
      return false;

   return true;
Пример #3
// используется при нахождении лучшего дерева клаузы.
// выдает число операторов однородностей (MUA), у которых все члены имеют хотя бы одну// общую  SF
long CRusSemStructure::GetSemFetAgreeMNACount(long Tag)
  long Result = 0;
  for (size_t i=0; i <m_Nodes.size(); i++)
  if (HasTag (i, Tag))
   if (m_Nodes[i].m_NodeType ==  MNA)
	if (m_Nodes[i].m_MNAType == SimpleMNA)
			  long Nodes[MaxMNANodesCount];
			  long NodesCount = 0;
			  for (long l=0; l < m_Nodes[i].m_OutRels.size(); l++)
				long RelNo = m_Nodes[i].m_OutRels[l];
				if (!m_Relations[RelNo].m_bRelUse) continue;
				if (!m_Relations[RelNo].m_Valency.m_RelationStr.empty() ) continue;
				Nodes[NodesCount++] = m_Relations[RelNo].m_TargetNodeNo;

			bool  NeighboursAreGleicheSemFet = true;
			for (long k=1; k< NodesCount; k++)
		      NeighboursAreGleicheSemFet =  NeighboursAreGleicheSemFet 
		             && GleicheSemFet(m_Nodes[Nodes[k]].m_NodeSemFets, m_Nodes[Nodes[k-1]].m_NodeSemFets, false);
			if (NeighboursAreGleicheSemFet)
				Result ++;

   return Result;
Пример #4
bool UAbility::GetTagTrue(FString name)
	if (HasTag(name)) {
		return GetTag(name).value >= 1;
	return true;
Пример #5
	vector<Entity*> Entity::FindAllByTagInChildren(const Tag& tag) {
        vector<Entity*> results;
		if (IsEnabled() && HasTag(tag.name)) {
        for(auto it = begin(children); it != end(children); ++it) {
            vector<Entity*> tagChildren = FindAllByTagInChildren(tag);
            results.insert(end(results), begin(tagChildren), end(tagChildren));
        return results;
Пример #6
long CRusSemStructure::GetAnaphoricRelationsCount(long Tag)
  size_t Result =0;

  for (size_t i = 0;  i < m_DopRelations.size(); i++)
   if (HasTag(m_DopRelations[i].m_SourceNodeNo, Tag))
    if (m_DopRelations[i].m_bRelUse)
 	 if (m_DopRelations[i].m_SyntacticRelation == "анафора")

  return Result; 
Пример #7
    Entity* Entity::FindAnyByTagInChildren(const Tag& tag) {
        if (IsEnabled()) {
            if (HasTag(tag.name)) {
                return this;
            } else {
                for(auto it = begin(children); it != end(children); ++it) {
					Entity* tagChild = FindAnyByTagInChildren(tag.name);
                    if (tagChild) {
                        return tagChild;
        return nullptr;
Пример #8
bool CRoomTemplate::AddTag( const char *szTag )
    if ( !TagList() )
        return false;

    // check it's a valid tag
    const char *pszFoundTag = TagList()->FindTag( szTag );
    if ( !pszFoundTag )
        return false;

    // check we don't have it already
    if ( HasTag( pszFoundTag ) )
        return false;

    m_Tags.AddToTail( pszFoundTag );
    return true;
Пример #9
void Planet::PopGrowthProductionResearchPhase() {

    bool just_conquered = m_just_conquered;
    // do not do production if planet was just conquered
    m_just_conquered = false;

    if (!just_conquered)


    // check for colonies without positive population, and change to outposts
    if (!SpeciesName().empty() && GetMeter(METER_POPULATION)->Current() <= 0.0f) {
        if (Empire* empire = GetEmpire(this->Owner())) {

            if (!HasTag(TAG_STAT_SKIP_DEPOP)) {
                // record depopulation of planet with species while owned by this empire
                std::map<std::string, int>::iterator species_it = empire->SpeciesPlanetsDepoped().find(SpeciesName());
                if (species_it == empire->SpeciesPlanetsDepoped().end())
                    empire->SpeciesPlanetsDepoped()[SpeciesName()] = 1;
        // remove species

    if (!just_conquered) {

Пример #10
// Return true if this cost applies to the given actor
bool CFuncNavCost::IsApplicableTo( CBaseCombatCharacter *who ) const
	if ( !who )
		return false;

	if ( m_team > 0 )
		if ( who->GetTeamNumber() != m_team )
			return false;

#ifdef TF_DLL
	// TODO: Make group comparison efficient and move to base combat character
	CTFBot *bot = ToTFBot( who );
	if ( bot )
		if ( bot->HasTheFlag() )
			if ( HasTag( "bomb_carrier" ) )
				return true;

			// check custom bomb_carrier tags for this bot
			for( int i=0; i<m_tags.Count(); ++i )
				const char* pszTag = m_tags[i];
				if ( V_stristr( pszTag, "bomb_carrier" ) )
					if ( bot->HasTag( pszTag ) )
						return true;

			// the bomb carrier only pays attention to bomb_carrier costs
			return false;

		if ( bot->HasMission( CTFBot::MISSION_DESTROY_SENTRIES ) )
			if ( HasTag( "mission_sentry_buster" ) )
				return true;
		if ( bot->HasMission( CTFBot::MISSION_SNIPER ) )
			if ( HasTag( "mission_sniper" ) )
				return true;
		if ( bot->HasMission( CTFBot::MISSION_SPY ) )
			if ( HasTag( "mission_spy" ) )
				return true;

		if ( bot->HasMission( CTFBot::MISSION_REPROGRAMMED ) )
			return false;

		if ( !bot->IsOnAnyMission() )
			if ( HasTag( "common" ) )
				return true;

		if ( HasTag( bot->GetPlayerClass()->GetName() ) )
			return true;

		// check custom tags for this bot
		for( int i=0; i<m_tags.Count(); ++i )
			if ( bot->HasTag( m_tags[i] ) )
				return true;

		// this cost doesn't apply to me
		return false;

	return false;
Пример #11
bool CRoomTemplate::IsEscapeRoom() const
    return HasTag( "Escape" );
Пример #12
Файл: subsdec.c Проект: etix/vlc
static text_segment_t* ParseSubtitles( int *pi_align, const char *psz_subtitle )
    text_segment_t* p_segment;
    text_segment_t* p_first_segment;
    style_stack_t* p_stack = NULL;
    tag_stack_t* p_tag_stack = NULL;

    //FIXME: Remove initial allocation? Might make the below code more complicated
    p_first_segment = p_segment = text_segment_New( "" );

    bool b_has_align = false;

    /* */
    while( *psz_subtitle )
        /* HTML extensions */
        if( *psz_subtitle == '<' )
            char *psz_tagname = GetTag( &psz_subtitle, false );
            if ( psz_tagname != NULL )
                if( !strcasecmp( psz_tagname, "br" ) )
                    if ( !AppendCharacter( p_segment, '\n' ) )
                        free( psz_tagname );
                        goto fail;
                else if( !strcasecmp( psz_tagname, "b" ) )
                    p_segment = NewTextSegmentPushStyle( p_segment, &p_stack );
                    p_segment->style->i_style_flags |= STYLE_BOLD;
                    p_segment->style->i_features |= STYLE_HAS_FLAGS;
                else if( !strcasecmp( psz_tagname, "i" ) )
                    p_segment = NewTextSegmentPushStyle( p_segment, &p_stack );
                    p_segment->style->i_style_flags |= STYLE_ITALIC;
                    p_segment->style->i_features |= STYLE_HAS_FLAGS;
                else if( !strcasecmp( psz_tagname, "u" ) )
                    p_segment = NewTextSegmentPushStyle( p_segment, &p_stack );
                    p_segment->style->i_style_flags |= STYLE_UNDERLINE;
                    p_segment->style->i_features |= STYLE_HAS_FLAGS;
                else if( !strcasecmp( psz_tagname, "s" ) )
                    p_segment = NewTextSegmentPushStyle( p_segment, &p_stack );
                    p_segment->style->i_style_flags |= STYLE_STRIKEOUT;
                    p_segment->style->i_features |= STYLE_HAS_FLAGS;
                else if( !strcasecmp( psz_tagname, "font" ) )
                    p_segment = NewTextSegmentPushStyle( p_segment, &p_stack );

                    char* psz_attribute_name;
                    char* psz_attribute_value;

                    while( ( psz_attribute_name = ConsumeAttribute( &psz_subtitle, &psz_attribute_value ) ) )
                        if ( !strcasecmp( psz_attribute_name, "face" ) )
                            p_segment->style->psz_fontname = psz_attribute_value;
                            // We don't want to free the attribute value since it has become our fontname
                            psz_attribute_value = NULL;
                        else if ( !strcasecmp( psz_attribute_name, "family" ) )
                            p_segment->style->psz_monofontname = psz_attribute_value;
                            psz_attribute_value = NULL;
                        else if ( !strcasecmp( psz_attribute_name, "size" ) )
                            int size = atoi( psz_attribute_value );
                            if( size )
                                p_segment->style->i_font_size = size;
                                p_segment->style->f_font_relsize = STYLE_DEFAULT_REL_FONT_SIZE *
                                        STYLE_DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE / p_segment->style->i_font_size;
                        else if ( !strcasecmp( psz_attribute_name, "color" ) )
                            p_segment->style->i_font_color = vlc_html_color( psz_attribute_value, NULL );
                            p_segment->style->i_features |= STYLE_HAS_FONT_COLOR;
                        else if ( !strcasecmp( psz_attribute_name, "outline-color" ) )
                            p_segment->style->i_outline_color = vlc_html_color( psz_attribute_value, NULL );
                            p_segment->style->i_features |= STYLE_HAS_OUTLINE_COLOR;
                        else if ( !strcasecmp( psz_attribute_name, "shadow-color" ) )
                            p_segment->style->i_shadow_color = vlc_html_color( psz_attribute_value, NULL );
                            p_segment->style->i_features |= STYLE_HAS_SHADOW_COLOR;
                        else if ( !strcasecmp( psz_attribute_name, "outline-level" ) )
                            p_segment->style->i_outline_width = atoi( psz_attribute_value );
                        else if ( !strcasecmp( psz_attribute_name, "shadow-level" ) )
                            p_segment->style->i_shadow_width = atoi( psz_attribute_value );
                        else if ( !strcasecmp( psz_attribute_name, "back-color" ) )
                            p_segment->style->i_background_color = vlc_html_color( psz_attribute_value, NULL );
                            p_segment->style->i_features |= STYLE_HAS_BACKGROUND_COLOR;
                        else if ( !strcasecmp( psz_attribute_name, "alpha" ) )
                            p_segment->style->i_font_alpha = atoi( psz_attribute_value );
                            p_segment->style->i_features |= STYLE_HAS_FONT_ALPHA;

                        free( psz_attribute_name );
                        free( psz_attribute_value );
                    // This is an unknown tag. We need to hide it if it's properly closed, and display it otherwise
                    if ( !IsClosed( psz_subtitle, psz_tagname ) )
                        AppendCharacter( p_segment, '<' );
                        AppendString( p_segment, psz_tagname );
                        AppendCharacter( p_segment, '>' );
                        AppendTag( &p_tag_stack, psz_tagname );
                        // We don't want to free the tagname now, it will be freed when the tag
                        // gets poped from the stack.
                        psz_tagname = NULL;
                    // In any case, fall through and skip to the closing tag.
                // Skip potential spaces & end tag
                while ( *psz_subtitle && *psz_subtitle != '>' )
                if ( *psz_subtitle == '>' )

                free( psz_tagname );
            else if( !strncmp( psz_subtitle, "</", 2 ))
                char* psz_tagname = GetTag( &psz_subtitle, true );
                if ( psz_tagname != NULL )
                    if ( !strcasecmp( psz_tagname, "b" ) ||
                         !strcasecmp( psz_tagname, "i" ) ||
                         !strcasecmp( psz_tagname, "u" ) ||
                         !strcasecmp( psz_tagname, "s" ) ||
                         !strcasecmp( psz_tagname, "font" ) )
                        // A closing tag for one of the tags we handle, meaning
                        // we pushed a style onto the stack earlier
                        p_segment = NewTextSegmentPopStyle( p_segment, &p_stack );
                        // Unknown closing tag. If it is closing an unknown tag, ignore it. Otherwise, display it
                        if ( !HasTag( &p_tag_stack, psz_tagname ) )
                            AppendString( p_segment, "</" );
                            AppendString( p_segment, psz_tagname );
                            AppendCharacter( p_segment, '>' );
                    while ( *psz_subtitle == ' ' )
                    if ( *psz_subtitle == '>' )
                    free( psz_tagname );
                /* We have an unknown tag, just append it, and move on.
                 * The rest of the string won't be recognized as a tag, and
                 * we will ignore unknown closing tag
                AppendCharacter( p_segment, '<' );
        /* SSA extensions */
        else if( psz_subtitle[0] == '{' && psz_subtitle[1] == '\\' &&
                 strchr( psz_subtitle, '}' ) )
            /* Check for forced alignment */
            if( !b_has_align &&
                !strncmp( psz_subtitle, "{\\an", 4 ) && psz_subtitle[4] >= '1' && psz_subtitle[4] <= '9' && psz_subtitle[5] == '}' )
                static const int pi_vertical[3] = { SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_BOTTOM, 0, SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_TOP };
                static const int pi_horizontal[3] = { SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_LEFT, 0, SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_RIGHT };
                const int i_id = psz_subtitle[4] - '1';

                b_has_align = true;
                *pi_align = pi_vertical[i_id/3] | pi_horizontal[i_id%3];
            /* TODO fr -> rotation */

            /* Hide {\stupidity} */
            psz_subtitle = strchr( psz_subtitle, '}' ) + 1;
        /* MicroDVD extensions */
        /* FIXME:
         *  - Currently, we don't do difference between X and x, and we should:
         *    Capital Letters applies to the whole text and not one line
         *  - We don't support Position and Coordinates
         *  - We don't support the DEFAULT flag (HEADER)

        else if( psz_subtitle[0] == '{' &&
                 psz_subtitle[2] == ':' && strchr( &psz_subtitle[2], '}' ) )
            const char *psz_tag_end = strchr( &psz_subtitle[2], '}' );
            size_t i_len = psz_tag_end - &psz_subtitle[3];

            if( psz_subtitle[1] == 'Y' || psz_subtitle[1] == 'y' )
                if( psz_subtitle[3] == 'i' )
                    p_segment = NewTextSegmentPushStyle( p_segment, &p_stack );
                    p_segment->style->i_style_flags |= STYLE_ITALIC;
                    p_segment->style->i_features |= STYLE_HAS_FLAGS;
                if( psz_subtitle[3] == 'b' )
                    p_segment = NewTextSegmentPushStyle( p_segment, &p_stack );
                    p_segment->style->i_style_flags |= STYLE_BOLD;
                    p_segment->style->i_features |= STYLE_HAS_FLAGS;
                if( psz_subtitle[3] == 'u' )
                    p_segment = NewTextSegmentPushStyle( p_segment, &p_stack );
                    p_segment->style->i_style_flags |= STYLE_UNDERLINE;
                    p_segment->style->i_features |= STYLE_HAS_FLAGS;
            else if( (psz_subtitle[1] == 'C' || psz_subtitle[1] == 'c' )
                    && psz_subtitle[3] == '$' && i_len >= 7 )
                /* Yes, they use BBGGRR, instead of RRGGBB */
                char psz_color[7];
                psz_color[0] = psz_subtitle[8]; psz_color[1] = psz_subtitle[9];
                psz_color[2] = psz_subtitle[6]; psz_color[3] = psz_subtitle[7];
                psz_color[4] = psz_subtitle[4]; psz_color[5] = psz_subtitle[5];
                psz_color[6] = '\0';
                p_segment = NewTextSegmentPushStyle( p_segment, &p_stack );
                p_segment->style->i_font_color = vlc_html_color( psz_color, NULL );
                p_segment->style->i_features |= STYLE_HAS_FONT_COLOR;
            else if( psz_subtitle[1] == 'F' || psz_subtitle[1] == 'f' )
                p_segment = NewTextSegmentPushStyle( p_segment, &p_stack );
                p_segment->style->psz_fontname = strndup( &psz_subtitle[3], i_len );
            else if( psz_subtitle[1] == 'S' || psz_subtitle[1] == 's' )
                int size = atoi( &psz_subtitle[3] );
                if( size )
                    p_segment = NewTextSegmentPushStyle( p_segment, &p_stack );
                    p_segment->style->i_font_size = size;
                    p_segment->style->f_font_relsize = STYLE_DEFAULT_REL_FONT_SIZE *
                                STYLE_DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE / p_segment->style->i_font_size;

            /* Currently unsupported since we don't have access to the i_align flag here
            else if( psz_subtitle[1] == 'P' )
                if( psz_subtitle[3] == "1" )
                    i_align = SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_TOP;
                else if( psz_subtitle[3] == "0" )
                    i_align = SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_BOTTOM;
            } */
            // Hide other {x:y} atrocities, notably {o:x}
            psz_subtitle = psz_tag_end + 1;
            if( *psz_subtitle == '\n' || !strncasecmp( psz_subtitle, "\\n", 2 ) )
                if ( !AppendCharacter( p_segment, '\n' ) )
                    goto fail;
                if ( *psz_subtitle == '\n' )
                    psz_subtitle += 2;
            else if( !strncasecmp( psz_subtitle, "\\h", 2 ) )
                if ( !AppendString( p_segment, "\xC2\xA0" ) )
                    goto fail;
                psz_subtitle += 2;
                //FIXME: Highly inneficient
                AppendCharacter( p_segment, *psz_subtitle );
    while ( p_stack )
        PopStyle( &p_stack );
    while ( p_tag_stack )
        tag_stack_t *p_tag = p_tag_stack;
        p_tag_stack = p_tag_stack->p_next;
        free( p_tag->psz_tagname );
        free( p_tag );

    return p_first_segment;

    text_segment_ChainDelete( p_first_segment );
    return NULL;
Пример #13
bool CRoomTemplate::IsBorderRoom() const
    return HasTag( "Border" );
Пример #14
void TagDictionary :: AddDS( const string & name, TagDictEntry * e ) {
	if ( HasTag( name, mDSMap ) ) {
		// flag error somehow
	mDSMap.insert( std::make_pair( name, e ) );
Пример #15
bool CRoomTemplate::ShouldOnlyPlaceByRequest() const
    return HasTag( "Special" ) || HasTag( "Start" ) || HasTag( "Escape" );
Пример #16
long CRusSemStructure::GetMNAViolationsCount(long Tag)
	long Result =	0;
	for (size_t NodeNo=0;	NodeNo <m_Nodes.size();	NodeNo++)
		if	(		HasTag (NodeNo,	Tag)
				&&	(m_Nodes[NodeNo].m_NodeType ==  MNA)
			long SubordNodes[MaxMNANodesCount];
			long SubordNodesCount	= 0;
			bool HasCompAdj	= false;
			bool HasNotCompAdj = false;
			for	(long l=0; l < m_Nodes[NodeNo].m_OutRels.size(); l++)
				long RelNo = m_Nodes[NodeNo].m_OutRels[l];

				if (!m_Relations[RelNo].m_bRelUse) continue;

				if (m_Relations[RelNo].m_Valency.m_RelationStr.empty() )
					SubordNodes[SubordNodesCount++]	= m_Relations[RelNo].m_TargetNodeNo;
					assert (SubordNodesCount < MaxMNANodesCount);
					if (m_Nodes[m_Relations[RelNo].m_TargetNodeNo].m_bCompAdj)
						HasCompAdj = true;
						HasNotCompAdj =	true;
				в однородном ряде не могут	быть одновременно сравнительные	прил.  и что-то
				от	них	отличное
			if (HasCompAdj)
				if (HasNotCompAdj)

			if (m_Nodes[NodeNo].m_MNAType == CHEMOborot) 
				Result += GetMNAViolationsCountForChemOborot(*this, NodeNo, SubordNodes, SubordNodesCount);

			if (SubordNodesCount	< 2)
				Result ++;

			if (m_Nodes[NodeNo].m_MNAType  == RepeatMNA)  continue;

			const CRusSemClause& C = m_Clauses[m_Nodes[NodeNo].m_ClauseNo];

			// если	это	простой	однородный ряд,	то проверими наличие запятых между 
			// составляющими однородного ряда, кроме последнего
			// (последний разделитель должен быть союз)
			for	(long k=0; k <SubordNodesCount-2;	k++)
				if  (!(C.GetGramMatrix(SubordNodes[k],SubordNodes[k+1]) & HaveCommaBetween))	


	return Result;
Пример #17
bool CRoomTemplate::IsStartRoom() const
    return HasTag( "Start" );