Пример #1
 * I_FindFile
 * proff_fs 2002-07-04 - moved to i_system
 * cphipps 19/1999 - writen to unify the logic in FindIWADFile and the WAD
 *      autoloading code.
 * Searches the standard dirs for a named WAD file
 * The dirs are listed at the start of the function

#ifndef MACOSX /* OSX defines its search paths elsewhere. */
char* I_FindFile(const char* wfname, const char* ext)
  // lookup table of directories to search
  static const struct {
    const char *dir; // directory
    const char *sub; // subdirectory
    const char *env; // environment variable
    const char *(*func)(void); // for I_DoomExeDir
  } search[] = {
    {NULL}, // current working directory
    {DOOMWADDIR}, // build-time configured DOOMWADDIR
    {NULL, "doom", "HOME"}, // ~/doom
    {NULL, NULL, "HOME"}, // ~
    {NULL, NULL, NULL, I_DoomExeDir}, // config directory

  int   i;
  /* Precalculate a length we will need in the loop */
  size_t  pl = strlen(wfname) + strlen(ext) + 4;

  for (i = 0; i < sizeof(search)/sizeof(*search); i++) {
    char  * p;
    const char  * d = NULL;
    const char  * s = NULL;
    /* Each entry in the switch sets d to the directory to look in,
     * and optionally s to a subdirectory of d */
    // switch replaced with lookup table
    if (search[i].env) {
      if (!(d = getenv(search[i].env)))
    } else if (search[i].func)
      d = search[i].func();
      d = search[i].dir;
    s = search[i].sub;

    p = malloc((d ? strlen(d) : 0) + (s ? strlen(s) : 0) + pl);
    sprintf(p, "%s%s%s%s%s", d ? d : "", (d && !HasTrailingSlash(d)) ? "/" : "",
                             s ? s : "", (s && !HasTrailingSlash(s)) ? "/" : "",

    if (access(p,F_OK))
      strcat(p, ext);
    if (!access(p,F_OK)) {
      lprintf(LO_INFO, " found %s\n", p);
      return p;
  return NULL;
Пример #2
static int G_ReadDemoFooter(const char *filename)
#ifndef __CELLOS_LV2__
  int result = false;

  byte *buffer = NULL;
  byte *demoex_p = NULL;
  size_t size;


  if (!use_demoex_info)
    return result;

  demoex_filename[0] = 0;

  if (demo_demoex_filename && *demo_demoex_filename)
    strncpy(demoex_filename, demo_demoex_filename, PATH_MAX);
    const char* tmp_dir;
    char* tmp_path = NULL;
    const char* template_format = "%sprboom-plus-demoex-XXXXXX";

    tmp_dir = I_GetTempDir();
    if (tmp_dir && *tmp_dir != '\0')
      tmp_path = malloc(strlen(tmp_dir) + 2);
      strcpy(tmp_path, tmp_dir);
      if (!HasTrailingSlash(tmp_dir))
        strcat(tmp_path, "/");

      SNPRINTF(demoex_filename, sizeof(demoex_filename), template_format, tmp_path);


  if (!demoex_filename[0])
    lprintf(LO_ERROR, "G_ReadDemoFooter: failed to create demoex temp file");
    AddDefaultExtension(demoex_filename, ".wad");

    buffer = G_GetDemoFooter(filename, &demoex_p, &size);
    if (buffer)
      //the demo has an additional information itself
      size_t i;
      waddata_t waddata;

      //write an additional info from a demo to demoex.wad
      if (!M_WriteFile(demoex_filename, (void*)demoex_p, size))
        lprintf(LO_ERROR, "G_ReadDemoFooter: failed to create demoex temp file %s", demoex_filename);
        //add demoex.wad to the wads list
        D_AddFile(demoex_filename, source_auto_load);

        //cache demoex.wad for immediately getting its data with W_CacheLumpName


        //enumerate and save all auto-loaded files and demo for future use
        for (i = 0; i < numwadfiles; i++)
          if (
            wadfiles[i].src == source_auto_load ||
            wadfiles[i].src == source_pre ||
            wadfiles[i].src == source_lmp)
            WadDataAddItem(&waddata, wadfiles[i].name, wadfiles[i].src, 0);

        //get needed wads and dehs from demoex.wad
        //restore all critical params like -spechit x
        R_DemoEx_GetParams(buffer, &waddata);

        //replace old wadfiles with the new ones
        if (waddata.numwadfiles)
          for (i = 0; (size_t)i < waddata.numwadfiles; i++)
            if (waddata.wadfiles[i].src == source_iwad)
              result = true;
      demoex_filename[0] = 0;

  return result;
  return false;
void M_LoadDefaults (void)
  int   i;
  int   len;
  FILE* f;
  char  def[80];
  char  strparm[100];
  char* newstring = NULL;   // killough
  int   parm;
  boolean isstring;

  // set everything to base values

  numdefaults = sizeof(defaults)/sizeof(defaults[0]);
  for (i = 0 ; i < numdefaults ; i++) {
    if (defaults[i].location.ppsz)
      *defaults[i].location.ppsz = strdup(defaults[i].defaultvalue.psz);
    if (defaults[i].location.pi)
      *defaults[i].location.pi = defaults[i].defaultvalue.i;

  // check for a custom default file

  i = M_CheckParm ("-config");
  if (i && i < myargc-1)
    defaultfile = myargv[i+1];
  else {
    const char* exedir = I_DoomExeDir();
    defaultfile = malloc(PATH_MAX+1);
    /* get config file from same directory as executable */
    snprintf((char *)defaultfile, PATH_MAX,
    sprintf ((char *)defaultfile,
            "%s%s%sboom.cfg", exedir, HasTrailingSlash(exedir) ? "" : "/", 
#if ((defined GL_DOOM) && (defined _MSC_VER))

  lprintf (LO_CONFIRM, " default file: %s\n",defaultfile);

  // read the file in, overriding any set defaults

  f = fopen (defaultfile, "r");
  if (f)
    while (!feof(f))
      isstring = false;
      if (fscanf (f, "%79s %[^\n]\n", def, strparm) == 2)

        //jff 3/3/98 skip lines not starting with an alphanum

        if (!isalnum(def[0]))

        if (strparm[0] == '"') {
          // get a string default

          isstring = true;
          len = strlen(strparm);
          newstring = (char *) malloc(len);
          strparm[len-1] = 0; // clears trailing double-quote mark
          strcpy(newstring, strparm+1); // clears leading double-quote mark
  } else if ((strparm[0] == '0') && (strparm[1] == 'x')) {
    // CPhipps - allow ints to be specified in hex
    sscanf(strparm+2, "%x", &parm);
  } else {
          sscanf(strparm, "%i", &parm);
    // Keycode hack removed

        for (i = 0 ; i < numdefaults ; i++)
          if ((defaults[i].type != def_none) && !strcmp(def, defaults[i].name))
      // CPhipps - safety check
            if (isstring != IS_STRING(defaults[i])) {
        lprintf(LO_WARN, "M_LoadDefaults: Type mismatch reading %s\n", defaults[i].name);
            if (!isstring)

              //jff 3/4/98 range check numeric parameters

              if ((defaults[i].minvalue==UL || defaults[i].minvalue<=parm) &&
                  (defaults[i].maxvalue==UL || defaults[i].maxvalue>=parm))
                *(defaults[i].location.pi) = parm;
              free((char*)*(defaults[i].location.ppsz));  /* phares 4/13/98 */
              *(defaults[i].location.ppsz) = newstring;

    fclose (f);
  //jff 3/4/98 redundant range checks for hud deleted here
  /* proff 2001/7/1 - added prboom.wad as last entry so it's always loaded and
     doesn't overlap with the cfg settings */