Пример #1
void Howler_Combat( void )
	float distance;
	qboolean advance;

	// If we cannot see our target or we have somewhere to go, then do that
	if ( !NPC_ClearLOS4( NPC->enemy ) || UpdateGoal( ))
		NPCInfo->combatMove = qtrue;
		NPCInfo->goalEntity = NPC->enemy;
		NPCInfo->goalRadius = MAX_DISTANCE;	// just get us within combat range

		NPC_MoveToGoal( qtrue );

	// Sometimes I have problems with facing the enemy I'm attacking, so force the issue so I don't look dumb
	NPC_FaceEnemy( qtrue );

	distance	= DistanceHorizontalSquared( &NPC->r.currentOrigin, &NPC->enemy->r.currentOrigin );	
	advance = (qboolean)( distance > MIN_DISTANCE_SQR ? qtrue : qfalse  );

	if (( advance || NPCInfo->localState == LSTATE_WAITING ) && TIMER_Done( NPC, "attacking" )) // waiting monsters can't attack
		if ( TIMER_Done2( NPC, "takingPain", qtrue ))
			NPCInfo->localState = LSTATE_CLEAR;
			Howler_Move( qtrue );
Пример #2
//replaced with SP version.
static void Howler_Combat( void )
	qboolean	faced = qfalse;
	float		distance;	
	qboolean	advance = qfalse;
	if ( NPC->client->ps.groundEntityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE )
	{//not on the ground
		if ( NPC->client->ps.legsAnim == BOTH_JUMP1
			|| NPC->client->ps.legsAnim == BOTH_INAIR1 )
		{//flying through the air with the greatest of ease, etc
			Howler_TryDamage( 10, qfalse, qfalse );
	{//not in air, see if we should attack or advance
		// If we cannot see our target or we have somewhere to go, then do that
		if ( !NPC_ClearLOS4( NPC->enemy ) )//|| UpdateGoal( ))
			NPCInfo->goalEntity = NPC->enemy;
			NPCInfo->goalRadius = MAX_DISTANCE;	// just get us within combat range

			if ( NPCInfo->localState == LSTATE_BERZERK )
				NPC_Howler_Move( 3 );
				NPC_Howler_Move( 10 );
			NPC_UpdateAngles( qfalse, qtrue );

		distance = DistanceHorizontal( NPC->r.currentOrigin, NPC->enemy->r.currentOrigin );	

		if ( NPC->enemy && NPC->enemy->client && PM_InKnockDown( &NPC->enemy->client->ps ) )
		{//get really close to knocked down enemies
			advance = (qboolean)( distance > MIN_DISTANCE ? qtrue : qfalse  );
			advance = (qboolean)( distance > MAX_DISTANCE ? qtrue : qfalse  );//MIN_DISTANCE

		if (( advance || NPCInfo->localState == LSTATE_WAITING ) && TIMER_Done( NPC, "attacking" )) // waiting monsters can't attack
			if ( TIMER_Done2( NPC, "takingPain", qtrue ))
				NPCInfo->localState = LSTATE_CLEAR;
			else if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "standing" ) )
				faced = Howler_Move( qtrue );
			Howler_Attack( distance, qfalse );

	if ( !faced )
		if ( //TIMER_Done( NPC, "standing" ) //not just standing there
			//!advance //not moving
			TIMER_Done( NPC, "attacking" ) )// not attacking
		{//not standing around
			// Sometimes I have problems with facing the enemy I'm attacking, so force the issue so I don't look dumb
			NPC_FaceEnemy( qtrue );
			NPC_UpdateAngles( qfalse, qtrue );