Пример #1
  The work function of EfiHttpResponse().

  @param[in]  Wrap                Pointer to HTTP token's wrap data.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS             Allocation succeeded.
  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES    Failed to complete the opration due to lack of resources.
  @retval EFI_NOT_READY           Can't find a corresponding Tx4Token/Tx6Token or 
                                  the EFI_HTTP_UTILITIES_PROTOCOL is not available.

HttpResponseWorker (
  IN  HTTP_TOKEN_WRAP           *Wrap
  EFI_STATUS                    Status;
  EFI_HTTP_MESSAGE              *HttpMsg;
  CHAR8                         *EndofHeader;
  CHAR8                         *HttpHeaders;
  UINTN                         SizeofHeaders;
  UINTN                         BufferSize;
  UINTN                         StatusCode;
  CHAR8                         *Tmp;
  CHAR8                         *HeaderTmp;
  CHAR8                         *StatusCodeStr;
  UINTN                         BodyLen;
  HTTP_PROTOCOL                 *HttpInstance;
  EFI_HTTP_TOKEN                *Token;
  NET_MAP_ITEM                  *Item;
  HTTP_TOKEN_WRAP               *ValueInItem;
  UINTN                         HdrLen;

  if (Wrap == NULL || Wrap->HttpInstance == NULL) {
  HttpInstance = Wrap->HttpInstance;
  Token = Wrap->HttpToken;
  HttpMsg = Token->Message;

  HttpInstance->EndofHeader = NULL;
  HttpInstance->HttpHeaders = NULL;
  HttpMsg->Headers          = NULL;
  HttpHeaders               = NULL;
  SizeofHeaders             = 0;
  BufferSize                = 0;
  EndofHeader               = NULL;
  if (HttpMsg->Data.Response != NULL) {
    // Need receive the HTTP headers, prepare buffer.
    Status = HttpCreateTcpRxEventForHeader (HttpInstance);
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      goto Error;

    // Check whether we have cached header from previous call.
    if ((HttpInstance->CacheBody != NULL) && (HttpInstance->NextMsg != NULL)) {
      // The data is stored at [NextMsg, CacheBody + CacheLen].
      HdrLen = HttpInstance->CacheBody + HttpInstance->CacheLen - HttpInstance->NextMsg;
      HttpHeaders = AllocateZeroPool (HdrLen);
      if (HttpHeaders == NULL) {
        Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
        goto Error;

      CopyMem (HttpHeaders, HttpInstance->NextMsg, HdrLen);
      FreePool (HttpInstance->CacheBody);
      HttpInstance->CacheBody   = NULL;
      HttpInstance->NextMsg     = NULL;
      HttpInstance->CacheOffset = 0;
      SizeofHeaders = HdrLen;
      BufferSize = HttpInstance->CacheLen;

      // Check whether we cached the whole HTTP headers.
      EndofHeader = AsciiStrStr (HttpHeaders, HTTP_END_OF_HDR_STR); 

    HttpInstance->EndofHeader = &EndofHeader;
    HttpInstance->HttpHeaders = &HttpHeaders;

    Status = HttpTcpReceiveHeader (HttpInstance, &SizeofHeaders, &BufferSize);
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      goto Error;

    ASSERT (HttpHeaders != NULL);

    // Cache the part of body.
    BodyLen = BufferSize - (EndofHeader - HttpHeaders);
    if (BodyLen > 0) {
      if (HttpInstance->CacheBody != NULL) {
        FreePool (HttpInstance->CacheBody);

      HttpInstance->CacheBody = AllocateZeroPool (BodyLen);
      if (HttpInstance->CacheBody == NULL) {
        Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
        goto Error;

      CopyMem (HttpInstance->CacheBody, EndofHeader, BodyLen);
      HttpInstance->CacheLen = BodyLen;

    // Search for Status Code.
    StatusCodeStr = HttpHeaders + AsciiStrLen (HTTP_VERSION_STR) + 1;
    if (StatusCodeStr == NULL) {
      goto Error;

    StatusCode = AsciiStrDecimalToUintn (StatusCodeStr);

    // Remove the first line of HTTP message, e.g. "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n".
    Tmp = AsciiStrStr (HttpHeaders, HTTP_CRLF_STR);
    if (Tmp == NULL) {
      goto Error;

    Tmp = Tmp + AsciiStrLen (HTTP_CRLF_STR);
    SizeofHeaders = SizeofHeaders - (Tmp - HttpHeaders);
    HeaderTmp = AllocateZeroPool (SizeofHeaders);
    if (HeaderTmp == NULL) {
      goto Error;

    CopyMem (HeaderTmp, Tmp, SizeofHeaders);
    FreePool (HttpHeaders);
    HttpHeaders = HeaderTmp;

    // Check whether the EFI_HTTP_UTILITIES_PROTOCOL is available.
    if (mHttpUtilities == NULL) {
      Status = EFI_NOT_READY;
      goto Error;
    // Parse the HTTP header into array of key/value pairs.
    Status = mHttpUtilities->Parse (
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      goto Error;

    FreePool (HttpHeaders);
    HttpHeaders = NULL;
    HttpMsg->Data.Response->StatusCode = HttpMappingToStatusCode (StatusCode);
    HttpInstance->StatusCode = StatusCode;
    // Init message-body parser by header information.  
    Status = EFI_NOT_READY;
    ValueInItem = NULL;
    NetMapRemoveHead (&HttpInstance->TxTokens, (VOID**) &ValueInItem);
    if (ValueInItem == NULL)  {
      goto Error;

    // The first Tx Token not transmitted yet, insert back and return error.
    if (!ValueInItem->TcpWrap.IsTxDone) {
      goto Error2;

    Status = HttpInitMsgParser (
               (VOID *) ValueInItem,
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {       
      goto Error2;

    // Check whether we received a complete HTTP message.
    if (HttpInstance->CacheBody != NULL) {
      Status = HttpParseMessageBody (HttpInstance->MsgParser, HttpInstance->CacheLen, HttpInstance->CacheBody);
      if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
        goto Error2;

      if (HttpIsMessageComplete (HttpInstance->MsgParser)) {
        // Free the MsgParse since we already have a full HTTP message.
        HttpFreeMsgParser (HttpInstance->MsgParser);
        HttpInstance->MsgParser = NULL;

    if ((HttpMsg->Body == NULL) || (HttpMsg->BodyLength == 0)) {    
      Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
      goto Exit;

  // Receive the response body.
  BodyLen = 0;

  // First check whether we cached some data.
  if (HttpInstance->CacheBody != NULL) {
    // Calculate the length of the cached data.
    if (HttpInstance->NextMsg != NULL) {
      // We have a cached HTTP message which includes a part of HTTP header of next message.
      BodyLen = HttpInstance->NextMsg - (HttpInstance->CacheBody + HttpInstance->CacheOffset);      
    } else {
      BodyLen = HttpInstance->CacheLen - HttpInstance->CacheOffset;

    if (BodyLen > 0) {
      // We have some cached data. Just copy the data and return.
      if (HttpMsg->BodyLength < BodyLen) {
        CopyMem (HttpMsg->Body, HttpInstance->CacheBody + HttpInstance->CacheOffset, HttpMsg->BodyLength);
        HttpInstance->CacheOffset = HttpInstance->CacheOffset + HttpMsg->BodyLength;
      } else {
        // Copy all cached data out.
        CopyMem (HttpMsg->Body, HttpInstance->CacheBody + HttpInstance->CacheOffset, BodyLen);
        HttpInstance->CacheOffset = BodyLen + HttpInstance->CacheOffset;
        HttpMsg->BodyLength = BodyLen;

        if (HttpInstance->NextMsg == NULL) {
          // There is no HTTP header of next message. Just free the cache buffer.
          FreePool (HttpInstance->CacheBody);
          HttpInstance->CacheBody   = NULL;
          HttpInstance->NextMsg     = NULL;
          HttpInstance->CacheOffset = 0;
      // Return since we aready received required data.
      Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
      goto Exit;

    if (BodyLen == 0 && HttpInstance->MsgParser == NULL) {
      // We received a complete HTTP message, and we don't have more data to return to caller.
      HttpMsg->BodyLength = 0;
      Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
      goto Exit;      

  ASSERT (HttpInstance->MsgParser != NULL);

  // We still need receive more data when there is no cache data and MsgParser is not NULL;
  Status = HttpTcpReceiveBody (Wrap, HttpMsg);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    goto Error;

  return Status;

  Item = NetMapFindKey (&Wrap->HttpInstance->RxTokens, Wrap->HttpToken);
  if (Item != NULL) {
    NetMapRemoveItem (&Wrap->HttpInstance->RxTokens, Item, NULL);

  if (HttpInstance->StatusCode >= HTTP_ERROR_OR_NOT_SUPPORT_STATUS_CODE) {
    Token->Status = EFI_HTTP_ERROR;
  } else {
    Token->Status = Status;

  gBS->SignalEvent (Token->Event);
  HttpCloseTcpRxEvent (Wrap);
  FreePool (Wrap);
  return Status;

  NetMapInsertHead (&HttpInstance->TxTokens, ValueInItem->HttpToken, ValueInItem);

  HttpTcpTokenCleanup (Wrap);
  if (HttpHeaders != NULL) {
    FreePool (HttpHeaders);

  if (HttpMsg->Headers != NULL) {
    FreePool (HttpMsg->Headers);

  if (HttpInstance->CacheBody != NULL) {
    FreePool (HttpInstance->CacheBody);
    HttpInstance->CacheBody = NULL;

  if (HttpInstance->StatusCode >= HTTP_ERROR_OR_NOT_SUPPORT_STATUS_CODE) {
    Token->Status = EFI_HTTP_ERROR;
  } else {
    Token->Status = Status;

  gBS->SignalEvent (Token->Event);

  return Status;  

Пример #2
  The work function of EfiHttpResponse().

  @param[in]  Wrap                Pointer to HTTP token's wrap data.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS             Allocation succeeded.
  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES    Failed to complete the opration due to lack of resources.
  @retval EFI_NOT_READY           Can't find a corresponding Tx4Token/Tx6Token or 
                                  the EFI_HTTP_UTILITIES_PROTOCOL is not available.

HttpResponseWorker (
  IN  HTTP_TOKEN_WRAP           *Wrap
  EFI_STATUS                    Status;
  EFI_HTTP_MESSAGE              *HttpMsg;
  CHAR8                         *EndofHeader;
  CHAR8                         *HttpHeaders;
  UINTN                         SizeofHeaders;
  UINTN                         BufferSize;
  UINTN                         StatusCode;
  CHAR8                         *Tmp;
  CHAR8                         *HeaderTmp;
  CHAR8                         *StatusCodeStr;
  UINTN                         BodyLen;
  HTTP_PROTOCOL                 *HttpInstance;
  EFI_HTTP_TOKEN                *Token;
  NET_MAP_ITEM                  *Item;
  HTTP_TOKEN_WRAP               *ValueInItem;
  UINTN                         HdrLen;

  if (Wrap == NULL || Wrap->HttpInstance == NULL) {
  HttpInstance = Wrap->HttpInstance;
  Token = Wrap->HttpToken;
  HttpMsg = Token->Message;

  HttpInstance->EndofHeader = NULL;
  HttpInstance->HttpHeaders = NULL;
  HttpMsg->Headers          = NULL;
  HttpHeaders               = NULL;
  SizeofHeaders             = 0;
  BufferSize                = 0;
  EndofHeader               = NULL;
  if (HttpMsg->Data.Response != NULL) {
    // Need receive the HTTP headers, prepare buffer.
    Status = HttpCreateTcpRxEventForHeader (HttpInstance);
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      goto Error;

    // Check whether we have cached header from previous call.
    if ((HttpInstance->CacheBody != NULL) && (HttpInstance->NextMsg != NULL)) {
      // The data is stored at [NextMsg, CacheBody + CacheLen].
      HdrLen = HttpInstance->CacheBody + HttpInstance->CacheLen - HttpInstance->NextMsg;
      HttpHeaders = AllocateZeroPool (HdrLen);
      if (HttpHeaders == NULL) {
        Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
        goto Error;

      CopyMem (HttpHeaders, HttpInstance->NextMsg, HdrLen);
      FreePool (HttpInstance->CacheBody);
      HttpInstance->CacheBody   = NULL;
      HttpInstance->NextMsg     = NULL;
      HttpInstance->CacheOffset = 0;
      SizeofHeaders = HdrLen;
      BufferSize = HttpInstance->CacheLen;

      // Check whether we cached the whole HTTP headers.
      EndofHeader = AsciiStrStr (HttpHeaders, HTTP_END_OF_HDR_STR); 

    HttpInstance->EndofHeader = &EndofHeader;
    HttpInstance->HttpHeaders = &HttpHeaders;

    if (HttpInstance->TimeoutEvent == NULL) {
      // Create TimeoutEvent for response
      Status = gBS->CreateEvent (
      if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
        goto Error;

    // Start the timer, and wait Timeout seconds to receive the header packet.
    Status = gBS->SetTimer (HttpInstance->TimeoutEvent, TimerRelative, HTTP_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT * TICKS_PER_SECOND);
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      goto Error;

    Status = HttpTcpReceiveHeader (HttpInstance, &SizeofHeaders, &BufferSize, HttpInstance->TimeoutEvent);

    gBS->SetTimer (HttpInstance->TimeoutEvent, TimerCancel, 0);

    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      goto Error;

    ASSERT (HttpHeaders != NULL);

    // Cache the part of body.
    BodyLen = BufferSize - (EndofHeader - HttpHeaders);
    if (BodyLen > 0) {
      if (HttpInstance->CacheBody != NULL) {
        FreePool (HttpInstance->CacheBody);

      HttpInstance->CacheBody = AllocateZeroPool (BodyLen);
      if (HttpInstance->CacheBody == NULL) {
        Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
        goto Error;

      CopyMem (HttpInstance->CacheBody, EndofHeader, BodyLen);
      HttpInstance->CacheLen = BodyLen;

    // Search for Status Code.
    StatusCodeStr = HttpHeaders + AsciiStrLen (HTTP_VERSION_STR) + 1;
    if (StatusCodeStr == NULL) {
      goto Error;

    StatusCode = AsciiStrDecimalToUintn (StatusCodeStr);

    // Remove the first line of HTTP message, e.g. "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n".
    Tmp = AsciiStrStr (HttpHeaders, HTTP_CRLF_STR);
    if (Tmp == NULL) {
      goto Error;

    // We could have response with just a HTTP message and no headers. For Example,
    // "100 Continue". In such cases, we would not want to unnecessarily call a Parse
    // method. A "\r\n" following Tmp string again would indicate an end. Compare and
    // set SizeofHeaders to 0.
    Tmp = Tmp + AsciiStrLen (HTTP_CRLF_STR);
    if (CompareMem (Tmp, HTTP_CRLF_STR, AsciiStrLen (HTTP_CRLF_STR)) == 0) {
      SizeofHeaders = 0;
    } else {
      SizeofHeaders = SizeofHeaders - (Tmp - HttpHeaders);

    HttpMsg->Data.Response->StatusCode = HttpMappingToStatusCode (StatusCode);
    HttpInstance->StatusCode = StatusCode;

    Status = EFI_NOT_READY;
    ValueInItem = NULL;

    // In cases of PUT/POST, after an initial request-response pair, we would do a
    // continuous request without a response call. So, we would not do an insert of
    // TxToken. After we have sent the complete file, we will call a response to get
    // a final response from server. In such a case, we would not have any TxTokens.
    // Hence, check that case before doing a NetMapRemoveHead.
    if (!NetMapIsEmpty (&HttpInstance->TxTokens)) {
      NetMapRemoveHead (&HttpInstance->TxTokens, (VOID**) &ValueInItem);
      if (ValueInItem == NULL)  {
        goto Error;

      // The first Tx Token not transmitted yet, insert back and return error.
      if (!ValueInItem->TcpWrap.IsTxDone) {
        goto Error2;

    if (SizeofHeaders != 0) {
      HeaderTmp = AllocateZeroPool (SizeofHeaders);
      if (HeaderTmp == NULL) {
        goto Error;

      CopyMem (HeaderTmp, Tmp, SizeofHeaders);
      FreePool (HttpHeaders);
      HttpHeaders = HeaderTmp;

      // Check whether the EFI_HTTP_UTILITIES_PROTOCOL is available.
      if (mHttpUtilities == NULL) {
        Status = EFI_NOT_READY;
        goto Error;

      // Parse the HTTP header into array of key/value pairs.
      Status = mHttpUtilities->Parse (
      if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
        goto Error;

      FreePool (HttpHeaders);
      HttpHeaders = NULL;

      // Init message-body parser by header information.
      Status = HttpInitMsgParser (
                 (VOID *) ValueInItem,
      if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
        goto Error2;

      // Check whether we received a complete HTTP message.
      if (HttpInstance->CacheBody != NULL) {
        Status = HttpParseMessageBody (HttpInstance->MsgParser, HttpInstance->CacheLen, HttpInstance->CacheBody);
        if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
          goto Error2;

        if (HttpIsMessageComplete (HttpInstance->MsgParser)) {
          // Free the MsgParse since we already have a full HTTP message.
          HttpFreeMsgParser (HttpInstance->MsgParser);
          HttpInstance->MsgParser = NULL;

    if ((HttpMsg->Body == NULL) || (HttpMsg->BodyLength == 0)) {
      Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
      goto Exit;

  // Receive the response body.
  BodyLen = 0;

  // First check whether we cached some data.
  if (HttpInstance->CacheBody != NULL) {
    // Calculate the length of the cached data.
    if (HttpInstance->NextMsg != NULL) {
      // We have a cached HTTP message which includes a part of HTTP header of next message.
      BodyLen = HttpInstance->NextMsg - (HttpInstance->CacheBody + HttpInstance->CacheOffset);      
    } else {
      BodyLen = HttpInstance->CacheLen - HttpInstance->CacheOffset;

    if (BodyLen > 0) {
      // We have some cached data. Just copy the data and return.
      if (HttpMsg->BodyLength < BodyLen) {
        CopyMem (HttpMsg->Body, HttpInstance->CacheBody + HttpInstance->CacheOffset, HttpMsg->BodyLength);
        HttpInstance->CacheOffset = HttpInstance->CacheOffset + HttpMsg->BodyLength;
      } else {
        // Copy all cached data out.
        CopyMem (HttpMsg->Body, HttpInstance->CacheBody + HttpInstance->CacheOffset, BodyLen);
        HttpInstance->CacheOffset = BodyLen + HttpInstance->CacheOffset;
        HttpMsg->BodyLength = BodyLen;

        if (HttpInstance->NextMsg == NULL) {
          // There is no HTTP header of next message. Just free the cache buffer.
          FreePool (HttpInstance->CacheBody);
          HttpInstance->CacheBody   = NULL;
          HttpInstance->NextMsg     = NULL;
          HttpInstance->CacheOffset = 0;
      // Return since we aready received required data.
      Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
      goto Exit;

    if (BodyLen == 0 && HttpInstance->MsgParser == NULL) {
      // We received a complete HTTP message, and we don't have more data to return to caller.
      HttpMsg->BodyLength = 0;
      Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
      goto Exit;      

  ASSERT (HttpInstance->MsgParser != NULL);

  if (HttpInstance->TimeoutEvent == NULL) {
    // Create TimeoutEvent for response
    Status = gBS->CreateEvent (
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      goto Error;

  // Start the timer, and wait Timeout seconds to receive the body packet.
  Status = gBS->SetTimer (HttpInstance->TimeoutEvent, TimerRelative, HTTP_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT * TICKS_PER_SECOND);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    goto Error;

  // We still need receive more data when there is no cache data and MsgParser is not NULL;
  Status = HttpTcpReceiveBody (Wrap, HttpMsg, HttpInstance->TimeoutEvent);

  gBS->SetTimer (HttpInstance->TimeoutEvent, TimerCancel, 0);

  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    goto Error;

  FreePool (Wrap);
  return Status;

  Item = NetMapFindKey (&Wrap->HttpInstance->RxTokens, Wrap->HttpToken);
  if (Item != NULL) {
    NetMapRemoveItem (&Wrap->HttpInstance->RxTokens, Item, NULL);

  if (HttpInstance->StatusCode >= HTTP_ERROR_OR_NOT_SUPPORT_STATUS_CODE) {
    Token->Status = EFI_HTTP_ERROR;
  } else {
    Token->Status = Status;

  gBS->SignalEvent (Token->Event);
  HttpCloseTcpRxEvent (Wrap);
  FreePool (Wrap);
  return Status;

  NetMapInsertHead (&HttpInstance->TxTokens, ValueInItem->HttpToken, ValueInItem);

  HttpTcpTokenCleanup (Wrap);
  if (HttpHeaders != NULL) {
    FreePool (HttpHeaders);

  if (HttpMsg->Headers != NULL) {
    FreePool (HttpMsg->Headers);

  if (HttpInstance->CacheBody != NULL) {
    FreePool (HttpInstance->CacheBody);
    HttpInstance->CacheBody = NULL;

  if (HttpInstance->StatusCode >= HTTP_ERROR_OR_NOT_SUPPORT_STATUS_CODE) {
    Token->Status = EFI_HTTP_ERROR;
  } else {
    Token->Status = Status;

  gBS->SignalEvent (Token->Event);

  return Status;  
