Пример #1
static void SamplesAlloc(cThis *t, Samples *samples)
#define FIRST -INT_MAX
#define MarkLast(x) (x | Marked(INT_MAX))

#include "KorobovCoeff.c"

  number nx, nf;

  if( samples->sampler == SampleKorobov ) {
    enum { max = Elements(prime) - 2 };
    cint n = IMin(2*samples->n - 1, MAXPRIME);
    int i = Hash(n), p;
    count shift = 2 + NegQ(n - 1000);

    while( i = IMin(IDim(i), max),
           n > (p = prime[i + 1]) || n <= prime[i] ) {
      cint d = (n - Unmark(p)) >> ++shift;
      i += Min1(d);

    samples->coeff = coeff[i][t->ndim - KOROBOV_MINDIM];
    samples->neff = p = Unmark(p);
    samples->n = p/2 + 1;

  nx = t->ndim*(samples->n + 1);		/* need 1 for extrapolation */
  nf = t->ncomp*(samples->n + 1);

  Alloc(samples->x, nx + nf + t->ncomp + t->ncomp);
  samples->f = samples->x + nx;
Пример #2
static void RefineGrid(cThis *t, Grid grid, Grid margsum)
  real avgperbin, thisbin, newcur, delta;
  Grid imp, newgrid;
  int bin, newbin;

  /* smooth the f^2 value stored for each bin */
  real prev = margsum[0];
  real cur = margsum[1];
  real norm = margsum[0] = .5*(prev + cur);
  for( bin = 1; bin < NBINS - 1; ++bin ) {
    creal s = prev + cur;
    prev = cur;
    cur = margsum[bin + 1];
    norm += margsum[bin] = (s + cur)/3.;
  norm += margsum[NBINS - 1] = .5*(prev + cur);

  if( norm == 0 ) return;
  norm = 1/norm;

  /* compute the importance function for each bin */
  avgperbin = 0;
  for( bin = 0; bin < NBINS; ++bin ) {
    real impfun = 0;
    if( margsum[bin] > 0 ) {
      creal r = margsum[bin]*norm;
      avgperbin += impfun = powx((r - 1)/log(r), 1.5);
    imp[bin] = impfun;
  avgperbin /= NBINS;

  /* redefine the size of each bin */
  cur = newcur = 0;
  thisbin = 0;
  bin = -1;
  for( newbin = 0; newbin < NBINS - 1; ++newbin ) {
    while( thisbin < avgperbin ) {
      thisbin += imp[++bin];
      prev = cur;
      cur = grid[bin];
    thisbin -= avgperbin;
    delta = (cur - prev)*thisbin;
    newgrid[newbin] = SHARPEDGES ?
      cur - delta/imp[bin] :
      (newcur = Max(newcur + 16*DBL_EPSILON,
        cur - 2*delta/(imp[bin] + imp[IDim(bin - 1)])));
  Copy(grid, newgrid, NBINS - 1);
  grid[NBINS - 1] = 1;
Пример #3
static count SamplesLookup(Samples *samples, int key,
  ccount nwant, ccount nmax, count nmin)
  count n;

  if( key == 13 && ndim_ == 2 ) {
    if( rule13_.first == NULL ) Rule13Alloc(&rule13_);
    samples->rule = &rule13_;
    samples->n = n = nmin = rule13_.n;
    samples->sampler = SampleRule;
  else if( key == 11 && ndim_ == 3 ) {
    if( rule11_.first == NULL ) Rule11Alloc(&rule11_);
    samples->rule = &rule11_;
    samples->n = n = nmin = rule11_.n;
    samples->sampler = SampleRule;
  else if( key == 9 ) {
    if( rule9_.first == NULL ) Rule9Alloc(&rule9_);
    samples->rule = &rule9_;
    samples->n = n = nmin = rule9_.n;
    samples->sampler = SampleRule;
  else if( key == 7 ) {
    if( rule7_.first == NULL ) Rule7Alloc(&rule7_);
    samples->rule = &rule7_;
    samples->n = n = nmin = rule7_.n;
    samples->sampler = SampleRule;
  else {
    n = Abs1(key);
    if( n < 40 ) n *= nwant;
    samples->sampler = (key < 0) ? SampleSobol :
      (n = n/2 + 1, SampleKorobov);
    samples->n = IMin(n, nmax);

  samples->neff = samples->n;

  return IDim(n - nmax) | Marked(nmax - nmin);
Пример #4
static count SamplesLookup(This *t, Samples *samples, cint key,
  cnumber nwant, cnumber nmax, number nmin)
  number n;

  if( key == 13 && t->ndim == 2 ) {
    samples->rule = &t->rule13;
    samples->n = n = nmin = t->rule13.n;
    samples->sampler = SampleRule;
  else if( key == 11 && t->ndim == 3 ) {
    samples->rule = &t->rule11;
    samples->n = n = nmin = t->rule11.n;
    samples->sampler = SampleRule;
  else if( key == 9 ) {
    samples->rule = &t->rule9;
    samples->n = n = nmin = t->rule9.n;
    samples->sampler = SampleRule;
  else if( key == 7 ) {
    samples->rule = &t->rule7;
    samples->n = n = nmin = t->rule7.n;
    samples->sampler = SampleRule;
  else {
    n = Abs1(key);
    if( n < 40 ) n *= nwant;
    samples->sampler = (key < 0) ? SampleSobol :
      (n = n/2 + 1, SampleKorobov);
    samples->n = IMin(n, nmax);

  samples->neff = samples->n;

  return IDim(n - nmax) | Marked(nmax - nmin);
Пример #5
static void SamplesAlloc(Samples *samples)
#define FIRST -INT_MAX
#define MarkLast(x) (x | Marked(INT_MAX))

#include "KorobovCoeff.c"

  count nx, nf;

  if( samples->sampler == SampleKorobov ) {
    enum { max = Elements(prime) - 2 };
    cint n = IMin(2*samples->n - 1, MAXPRIME);
    int i = Hash(n), p;
    count shift = 2 + NegQ(n - 1000);

    while( i = IMin(IDim(i), max),
           n > (p = prime[i + 1]) || n <= prime[i] ) {
      cint d = (n - Unmark(p)) >> ++shift;
      i += Min1(d);

    samples->coeff = coeff[i][ndim_ - KOROBOV_MINDIM];
    samples->neff = p = Unmark(p);
    samples->n = p/2 + 1;

  nx = ndim_*(samples->n + 1);		/* need 1 for extrapolation */
  nf = ncomp_*(samples->n + 1);

  Allocate(samples->x, nx + nf + ncomp_ + ncomp_);
  samples->f = samples->x + nx;
  samples->avg = samples->f + nf;
  samples->err = samples->avg + ncomp_;

  samples->weight = 1./samples->neff;
Пример #6
Файл: cache.c Проект: qgp/HERWIG
Integer cachelookup(const Real *para, double *base,
  void (*calc)(const Real *, Real *, const long *),
  const int *pnpara, const int *pnval)

  const long one = 1;
  const Integer C_size = sizeof(Complex);
  const int npara = *pnpara, nval = *pnval;

  typedef struct node {
    struct node *next[2], *succ;
    int serial;
    Real para[2];
  } Node;

#define base_valid (int *)&base[0]
#define base_last (Node ***)&base[1]
#define base_first (Node **)&base[2]

  const int valid = *base_valid;
  Node **last = *base_last;
  Node **next = base_first;
  Node *node;

  if( last == NULL ) last = next;

  if( ltcache.cmpbits > 0 ) {
    dblint mask = -(1ULL << IDim(64 - ltcache.cmpbits));
#if KIND == 2
    dblint (*cmp)(const Real *, const Real *, int, const dblint) = CmpPara;
    if( ltcache.cmpbits >= 64 ) {
      mask = -(1ULL << IDim(128 - ltcache.cmpbits));
      cmp = CmpParaLo;
#define cmp CmpPara

    while( (node = *next) && node->serial < valid ) {
      const dblint i = cmp(para, node->para, npara, mask);
      if( i == 0 ) {
        goto found;
      next = &node->next[SignBit(i)];

  node = *last;

  if( node == NULL ) {
	/* The "Real para[2]" bit in Node is effectively an extra
	   Complex for alignment so that node can be reached with
	   an integer index into base */
    node = malloc(sizeof(Node) + npara*sizeof(Real) + nval*sizeof(Complex));
    if( node == NULL ) {
      fputs("Out of memory for LoopTools cache.\n", stderr);
    node = (Node *)((char *)node +
      (PtrDiff(base, &node->para[npara]) & (sizeof(Complex) - 1)));
    node->succ = NULL;
    node->serial = valid;
    *last = node;

  *next = node;
  *base_last = &node->succ;
  *base_valid = valid + 1;

  node->next[0] = NULL;
  node->next[1] = NULL;

  memcpy(node->para, para, npara*sizeof(Real));
  calc(node->para, &node->para[npara], &one);

  return PtrDiff(&node->para[npara], base)/C_size;
Пример #7
static inline int IMax(cint a, cint b)
    /* return (a > b) ? a : b; */
    return b + IDim(a - b);
Пример #8
static inline int IMin(cint a, cint b)
    /* return (a < b) ? a : b; */
    return a - IDim(a - b);
Пример #9
static bool Explore(count iregion, cSamples *samples, cint depth, cint flags)
#define SPLICE (flags & 1)
#define HAVESAMPLES (flags & 2)


  count n, dim, comp, maxcomp;
  Extrema extrema[NCOMP];
  Result *r;
  real *x, *f;
  real halfvol, maxerr;
  Region *region;
  Bounds *bounds;
  Result *result;

  /* needed as of gcc 3.3 to make gcc correctly address region #@$&! */

  if( SPLICE ) {
    if( nregions_ == size_ ) {
      size_ += CHUNKSIZE;
      ReAlloc(voidregion_, size_*sizeof(Region));
    VecCopy(region_[nregions_].bounds, region_[iregion].bounds);
    iregion = nregions_++;
  region = &region_[iregion];
  bounds = region->bounds;
  result = region->result;

  for( comp = 0; comp < ncomp_; ++comp ) {
    Extrema *e = &extrema[comp];
    e->fmin = INFTY;
    e->fmax = -INFTY;
    e->xmin = e->xmax = NULL;

  if( !HAVESAMPLES ) {
    real vol = 1;
    for( dim = 0; dim < ndim_; ++dim ) {
      cBounds *b = &bounds[dim];
      vol *= b->upper - b->lower;
    region->vol = vol;

    for( comp = 0; comp < ncomp_; ++comp ) {
      Result *r = &result[comp];
      r->fmin = INFTY;
      r->fmax = -INFTY;

    x = xgiven_;
    f = fgiven_;
    n = ngiven_;
    if( nextra_ ) n += SampleExtra(bounds);

    for( ; n; --n ) {
      for( dim = 0; dim < ndim_; ++dim ) {
        cBounds *b = &bounds[dim];
        if( x[dim] < b->lower || x[dim] > b->upper ) goto skip;
      for( comp = 0; comp < ncomp_; ++comp ) {
        Extrema *e = &extrema[comp];
        creal y = f[comp];
        if( y < e->fmin ) e->fmin = y, e->xmin = x;
        if( y > e->fmax ) e->fmax = y, e->xmax = x;
      x += ldxgiven_;
      f += ncomp_;

    samples->sampler(samples, bounds, vol);

  x = samples->x;
  f = samples->f;
  for( n = samples->n; n; --n ) {
    for( comp = 0; comp < ncomp_; ++comp ) {
      Extrema *e = &extrema[comp];
      creal y = *f++;
      if( y < e->fmin ) e->fmin = y, e->xmin = x;
      if( y > e->fmax ) e->fmax = y, e->xmax = x;
    x += ndim_;
  neval_opt_ -= neval_;

  halfvol = .5*region->vol;
  maxerr = -INFTY;
  maxcomp = -1;

  for( comp = 0; comp < ncomp_; ++comp ) {
    Extrema *e = &extrema[comp];
    Result *r = &result[comp];
    real xtmp[NDIM], ftmp, err;

    if( e->xmin ) {	/* not all NaNs */
      selectedcomp_ = comp;

      sign_ = 1;
      VecCopy(xtmp, e->xmin);
      ftmp = FindMinimum(bounds, xtmp, e->fmin);
      if( ftmp < r->fmin ) {
        r->fmin = ftmp;
        VecCopy(r->xmin, xtmp);

      sign_ = -1;
      VecCopy(xtmp, e->xmax);
      ftmp = -FindMinimum(bounds, xtmp, -e->fmax);
      if( ftmp > r->fmax ) {
        r->fmax = ftmp;
        VecCopy(r->xmax, xtmp);

    r->avg = samples->avg[comp];
    r->err = samples->err[comp];
    r->spread = halfvol*(r->fmax - r->fmin);

    err = r->spread/Max(fabs(r->avg), NOTZERO);
    if( err > maxerr ) {
      maxerr = err;
      maxcomp = comp;

  neval_opt_ += neval_;

  if( maxcomp == -1 ) {		/* all NaNs */
    region->depth = 0;
    return false;

  region->cutcomp = maxcomp;
  r = &region->result[maxcomp];
  if( halfvol*(r->fmin + r->fmax) > r->avg ) {
    region->fminor = r->fmin;
    region->fmajor = r->fmax;
    region->xmajor = r->xmax - (real *)region->result;
  else {
    region->fminor = r->fmax;
    region->fmajor = r->fmin;
    region->xmajor = r->xmin - (real *)region->result;

  region->depth = IDim(depth);

  if( !HAVESAMPLES ) {
    if( samples->weight*r->spread < r->err ||
        r->spread < totals_[maxcomp].secondspread ) region->depth = 0;
    if( region->depth == 0 )
      for( comp = 0; comp < ncomp_; ++comp )
        totals_[comp].secondspread =
          Max(totals_[comp].secondspread, result[comp].spread);

  if( region->depth ) Split(iregion, region->depth);
  return true;