static void IDirectSoundCapture_test(LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTURE dsco,
                                     BOOL initialized, LPCGUID lpGuid)
    HRESULT rc;
    DSCCAPS dsccaps;
    int ref;
    IUnknown * unknown;
    IDirectSoundCapture * dsc;

    /* Try to Query for objects */
    rc=IDirectSoundCapture_QueryInterface(dsco, &IID_IUnknown,
    ok(rc==DS_OK, "IDirectSoundCapture_QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown) "
       "failed: %08x\n", rc);
    if (rc==DS_OK)

    rc=IDirectSoundCapture_QueryInterface(dsco, &IID_IDirectSoundCapture,
    ok(rc==DS_OK, "IDirectSoundCapture_QueryInterface(IID_IDirectSoundCapture) "
       "failed: %08x\n", rc);
    if (rc==DS_OK)

    if (initialized == FALSE) {
        /* try uninitialized object */
           "IDirectSoundCapture_GetCaps(NULL) should have returned "
           "DSERR_UNINITIALIZED or E_INVALIDARG, returned: %08x\n", rc);

        rc=IDirectSoundCapture_GetCaps(dsco, &dsccaps);
        ok(rc==DSERR_UNINITIALIZED,"IDirectSoundCapture_GetCaps() "
           "should have returned DSERR_UNINITIALIZED, returned: %08x\n", rc);

        rc=IDirectSoundCapture_Initialize(dsco, lpGuid);
           "IDirectSoundCapture_Initialize() failed: %08x\n", rc);
        if (rc==DSERR_NODRIVER||rc==E_INVALIDARG) {
            trace("  No Driver\n");
            goto EXIT;
        } else if (rc==E_FAIL) {
            trace("  No Device\n");
            goto EXIT;
        } else if (rc==DSERR_ALLOCATED) {
            trace("  Already In Use\n");
            goto EXIT;

    rc=IDirectSoundCapture_Initialize(dsco, lpGuid);
    ok(rc==DSERR_ALREADYINITIALIZED, "IDirectSoundCapture_Initialize() "
       "should have returned DSERR_ALREADYINITIALIZED: %08x\n", rc);

    /* DSOUND: Error: Invalid caps buffer */
    rc=IDirectSoundCapture_GetCaps(dsco, 0);
    ok(rc==DSERR_INVALIDPARAM, "IDirectSoundCapture_GetCaps(NULL) "
       "should have returned DSERR_INVALIDPARAM, returned: %08x\n", rc);

    ZeroMemory(&dsccaps, sizeof(dsccaps));

    /* DSOUND: Error: Invalid caps buffer */
    rc=IDirectSound_GetCaps(dsco, &dsccaps);
    ok(rc==DSERR_INVALIDPARAM, "IDirectSound_GetCaps() "
       "should have returned DSERR_INVALIDPARAM, returned: %08x\n", rc);


    /* DSOUND: Running on a certified driver */
    rc=IDirectSoundCapture_GetCaps(dsco, &dsccaps);
    ok(rc==DS_OK, "IDirectSoundCapture_GetCaps() failed: %08x\n", rc);

    ok(ref==0, "IDirectSoundCapture_Release() has %d references, "
       "should have 0\n", ref);
static void test_COM(void)
    IDirectSoundCapture *dsc = (IDirectSoundCapture*)0xdeadbeef;
    IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer *buffer = (IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer*)0xdeadbeef;
    IDirectSoundNotify *notify;
    IUnknown *unk;
    DSCBUFFERDESC bufdesc;
    HRESULT hr;
    ULONG refcount;

    hr = pDirectSoundCaptureCreate(NULL, &dsc, (IUnknown*)0xdeadbeef);
       "DirectSoundCaptureCreate failed: %08x, expected DSERR_NOAGGREGATION\n", hr);
    ok(dsc == (IDirectSoundCapture*)0xdeadbeef, "dsc = %p\n", dsc);

    hr = pDirectSoundCaptureCreate(NULL, &dsc, NULL);
    if (hr == DSERR_NODRIVER) {
        skip("No driver\n");
    ok(hr == DS_OK, "DirectSoundCaptureCreate failed: %08x, expected DS_OK\n", hr);

    /* Different refcount for IDirectSoundCapture and for IUnknown */
    refcount = IDirectSoundCapture_AddRef(dsc);
    ok(refcount == 2, "refcount == %u, expected 2\n", refcount);
    hr = IDirectSoundCapture_QueryInterface(dsc, &IID_IUnknown, (void**)&unk);
    ok(hr == S_OK, "QueryInterface for IID_IUnknown failed: %08x\n", hr);
    refcount = IUnknown_AddRef(unk);
    ok(refcount == 2, "refcount == %u, expected 2\n", refcount);

    init_format(&wfx, WAVE_FORMAT_PCM, 44100, 16, 1);
    ZeroMemory(&bufdesc, sizeof(bufdesc));
    bufdesc.dwSize = sizeof(bufdesc);
    bufdesc.dwBufferBytes = wfx.nAvgBytesPerSec;
    bufdesc.lpwfxFormat = &wfx;

    hr = IDirectSoundCapture_CreateCaptureBuffer(dsc, &bufdesc, &buffer, (IUnknown*)0xdeadbeef);
    if (hr == E_INVALIDARG) {
        /* Old DirectX has only the 1st version of the DSCBUFFERDESC struct */
        bufdesc.dwSize = sizeof(DSCBUFFERDESC1);
        hr = IDirectSoundCapture_CreateCaptureBuffer(dsc, &bufdesc, &buffer, (IUnknown*)0xdeadbeef);
       "IDirectSoundCapture_CreateCaptureBuffer failed: %08x, expected DSERR_NOAGGREGATION\n", hr);
    ok(buffer == (IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer*)0xdeadbeef || !buffer /* Win2k without DirectX9 */,
       "buffer = %p\n", buffer);

    hr = IDirectSoundCapture_CreateCaptureBuffer(dsc, &bufdesc, &buffer, NULL);
    ok(hr == DS_OK, "IDirectSoundCapture_CreateCaptureBuffer failed: %08x, expected DS_OK\n", hr);

    /* IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer and IDirectSoundNotify have separate refcounts */
    refcount = IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer_AddRef(buffer);
    ok(refcount == 3, "IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer refcount is %u, expected 3\n", refcount);
    hr = IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer_QueryInterface(buffer, &IID_IDirectSoundNotify, (void**)&notify);
    ok(hr == DS_OK, "IDirectSoundCapture_QueryInterface failed: %08x, expected DS_OK\n", hr);
    refcount = IDirectSoundNotify_AddRef(notify);
    ok(refcount == 2, "IDirectSoundNotify refcount is %u, expected 2\n", refcount);
    refcount = IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer_Release(buffer);
    ok(refcount == 3, "IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer refcount is %u, expected 3\n", refcount);

    /* Release IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer while keeping IDirectSoundNotify alive */
    while (IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer_Release(buffer) > 0);
    refcount = IDirectSoundNotify_AddRef(notify);
    ok(refcount == 3, "IDirectSoundNotify refcount is %u, expected 3\n", refcount);
    refcount = IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer_AddRef(buffer);
    ok(refcount == 1, "IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer refcount is %u, expected 1\n", refcount);

    while (IDirectSoundNotify_Release(notify) > 0);
    refcount = IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer_Release(buffer);
    ok(refcount == 0, "IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer refcount is %u, expected 0\n", refcount);
    refcount = IDirectSoundCapture_Release(dsc);
    ok(refcount == 0, "IDirectSoundCapture refcount is %u, expected 0\n", refcount);
Пример #3
static void test_COM(void)
    IDirectSoundFullDuplex *dsfd = (IDirectSoundFullDuplex*)0xdeadbeef;
    IDirectSound *ds;
    IDirectSound8 *ds8;
    IDirectSoundCapture *dsc;
    IUnknown *unk, *unk8;
    IDirectSoundBuffer8 *dsb8;
    IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer8 *dscb8;
    DSBUFFERDESC bufdesc;
    DSCBUFFERDESC cbufdesc;
    ULONG refcount;
    HRESULT hr;

    /* COM aggregation */
    hr = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_DirectSoundFullDuplex, (IUnknown*)&dsfd, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
                          &IID_IUnknown, (void**)&dsfd);
       "DirectSoundFullDuplex create failed: %08x, expected CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION\n", hr);
    ok(!dsfd, "dsfd = %p\n", dsfd);

    /* Invalid RIID */
    hr = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_DirectSoundFullDuplex, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
                          &IID_IDirectSound3DBuffer, (void**)&dsfd);
    ok(hr == E_NOINTERFACE,
       "DirectSoundFullDuplex create failed: %08x, expected E_NOINTERFACE\n", hr);

    /* Different refcount for IDirectSoundFullDuplex and for IUnknown */
    hr = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_DirectSoundFullDuplex, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
                          &IID_IDirectSoundFullDuplex, (void**)&dsfd);
    ok(hr == S_OK, "DirectSoundFullDuplex create failed: %08x, expected S_OK\n", hr);
    refcount = IDirectSoundFullDuplex_AddRef(dsfd);
    ok(refcount == 2, "refcount == %u, expected 2\n", refcount);
    hr = IDirectSoundFullDuplex_QueryInterface(dsfd, &IID_IUnknown, (void**)&unk);
    ok(hr == S_OK, "QueryInterface for IID_IUnknown failed: %08x\n", hr);
    refcount = IUnknown_AddRef(unk);
    ok(refcount == 2, "refcount == %u, expected 2\n", refcount);

    /* Not initialized */
    hr = IDirectSoundFullDuplex_QueryInterface(dsfd, &IID_IDirectSound8, (void**)&ds8);
    ok(hr == E_NOINTERFACE,
       "QueryInterface for IID_IDirectSound8 failed: %08x, expected E_NOINTERFACE\n", hr);
    hr = IDirectSoundFullDuplex_QueryInterface(dsfd, &IID_IDirectSoundCapture, (void**)&dsc);
    ok(hr == E_NOINTERFACE,
       "QueryInterface for IID_IDirectSoundCapture failed: %08x, expected E_NOINTERFACE\n", hr);

    init_format(&wfx, WAVE_FORMAT_PCM, 44100, 16, 1);
    ZeroMemory(&bufdesc, sizeof(bufdesc));
    bufdesc.dwSize = sizeof(bufdesc);
    bufdesc.dwBufferBytes = wfx.nAvgBytesPerSec;
    bufdesc.lpwfxFormat = &wfx;
    ZeroMemory(&cbufdesc, sizeof(cbufdesc));
    cbufdesc.dwSize = sizeof(cbufdesc);
    cbufdesc.dwBufferBytes = wfx.nAvgBytesPerSec;
    cbufdesc.lpwfxFormat = &wfx;
    hr = IDirectSoundFullDuplex_Initialize(dsfd, NULL, NULL, &cbufdesc, &bufdesc, get_hwnd(),
                                           DSSCL_EXCLUSIVE, NULL, NULL);
    ok(hr == E_INVALIDARG,
       "IDirectSoundFullDuplex_Initialize failed: %08x, expected E_INVALIDARG\n", hr);
    hr = IDirectSoundFullDuplex_Initialize(dsfd, NULL, NULL, &cbufdesc, &bufdesc, get_hwnd(),
                                           DSSCL_EXCLUSIVE, &dscb8, &dsb8);
    if (hr == DSERR_NODRIVER || hr == DSERR_INVALIDCALL) {
        skip("No driver\n");
    ok(hr == S_OK, "IDirectSoundFullDuplex_Initialize failed: %08x\n", hr);

    /* IDirectSound and IDirectSound8 */
    hr = IDirectSoundFullDuplex_QueryInterface(dsfd, &IID_IDirectSound8, (void**)&ds8);
    ok(hr == S_OK, "QueryInterface for IID_IDirectSound8 failed: %08x\n", hr);
    refcount = IDirectSound8_AddRef(ds8);
    ok(refcount == 2, "refcount == %u, expected 2\n", refcount);
    hr = IDirectSoundFullDuplex_QueryInterface(dsfd, &IID_IDirectSound, (void**)&ds);
    ok(hr == S_OK, "QueryInterface for IID_IDirectSound failed: %08x\n", hr);
    refcount = IDirectSound8_AddRef(ds8);
    ok(refcount == 4, "refcount == %u, expected 4\n", refcount);
    refcount = IDirectSound_AddRef(ds);
    ok(refcount == 5, "refcount == %u, expected 5\n", refcount);
    hr = IDirectSound8_QueryInterface(ds8, &IID_IUnknown, (void**)&unk8);
    ok(hr == S_OK, "QueryInterface for IID_IUnknown failed: %08x\n", hr);
    ok(unk == unk8, "Got different IUnknown when QI'ing IDirectSoundFullDuplex and IDirectSound\n");
    refcount = IUnknown_AddRef(unk8);
    ok(refcount == 4, "refcount == %u, expected 4\n", refcount);
    refcount = IDirectSound_AddRef(ds);
    ok(refcount == 6, "refcount == %u, expected 6\n", refcount);
    refcount = IDirectSoundFullDuplex_AddRef(dsfd);
    ok(refcount == 3, "refcount == %u, expected 3\n", refcount);

    /* IDirectSoundCapture */
    hr = IDirectSoundFullDuplex_QueryInterface(dsfd, &IID_IDirectSoundCapture, (void**)&dsc);
    ok(hr == S_OK, "QueryInterface for IID_IDirectSoundCapture failed: %08x\n", hr);
    refcount = IDirectSoundCapture_AddRef(dsc);
    ok(refcount == 2, "refcount == %u, expected 2\n", refcount);
    refcount = IDirectSoundFullDuplex_AddRef(dsfd);
    ok(refcount == 4, "refcount == %u, expected 4\n", refcount);
    hr = IDirectSoundCapture_QueryInterface(ds8, &IID_IUnknown, (void**)&unk8);
    ok(hr == S_OK, "QueryInterface for IID_IUnknown failed: %08x\n", hr);
    ok(unk == unk8,
       "Got different IUnknown when QI'ing IDirectSoundFullDuplex and IDirectSoundCapture\n");
    refcount = IUnknown_AddRef(unk8);
    ok(refcount == 6, "refcount == %u, expected 6\n", refcount);

    while (IDirectSound8_Release(ds8));
    while (IDirectSoundCapture_Release(dsc));
    while (IDirectSoundFullDuplex_Release(dsfd));
    while (IUnknown_Release(unk));