Пример #1
static void SetInitialProfiles(N_Vector u, realtype dx, realtype dy)
  int jx, jy;
  realtype x, y, cx, cy;
  realtype *udata;

  /* Set pointer to data array in vector u. */

  udata = N_VGetArrayPointer_Serial(u);

  /* Load initial profiles of c1 and c2 into u vector */

  for (jy = 0; jy < MY; jy++) {
    y = YMIN + jy*dy;
    cy = SUNSQR(RCONST(0.1)*(y - YMID));
    cy = ONE - cy + RCONST(0.5)*SUNSQR(cy);
    for (jx = 0; jx < MX; jx++) {
      x = XMIN + jx*dx;
      cx = SUNSQR(RCONST(0.1)*(x - XMID));
      cx = ONE - cx + RCONST(0.5)*SUNSQR(cx);
      IJKth(udata,1,jx,jy) = C1_SCALE*cx*cy; 
      IJKth(udata,2,jx,jy) = C2_SCALE*cx*cy;
Пример #2
static void SetInitialProfiles(N_Vector y, realtype dx, realtype dz)
  int jx, jz;
  realtype x, z, cx, cz;
  realtype *ydata;

  /* Set pointer to data array in vector y. */

  ydata = NV_DATA_S(y);

  /* Load initial profiles of c1 and c2 into y vector */

  for (jz=0; jz < MZ; jz++) {
    z = ZMIN + jz*dz;
    cz = SQR(RCONST(0.1)*(z - ZMID));
    cz = ONE - cz + RCONST(0.5)*SQR(cz);
    for (jx=0; jx < MX; jx++) {
      x = XMIN + jx*dx;
      cx = SQR(RCONST(0.1)*(x - XMID));
      cx = ONE - cx + RCONST(0.5)*SQR(cx);
      IJKth(ydata,1,jx,jz) = C1_SCALE*cx*cz; 
      IJKth(ydata,2,jx,jz) = C2_SCALE*cx*cz;
Пример #3
static int PSolve(realtype tn, N_Vector y, N_Vector fy,
                  N_Vector r, N_Vector z,
                  realtype gamma, realtype delta,
                  int lr, void *P_data, N_Vector vtemp)
  realtype **(*P)[MZ];
  long int *(*pivot)[MZ];
  int jx, jz;
  realtype *zdata, *v;
  UserData data;

  /* Extract the P and pivot arrays from P_data. */

  data = (UserData) P_data;
  P = data->P;
  pivot = data->pivot;
  zdata = NV_DATA_S(z);

  N_VScale(ONE, r, z);

  /* Solve the block-diagonal system Px = r using LU factors stored
     in P and pivot data in pivot, and return the solution in z. */

  for (jx=0; jx < MX; jx++) {
    for (jz=0; jz < MZ; jz++) {
      v = &(IJKth(zdata, 1, jx, jz));
      gesl(P[jx][jz], NUM_SPECIES, pivot[jx][jz], v);

Пример #4
static int PSolve(realtype tn, N_Vector u, N_Vector fu,
                  N_Vector r, N_Vector z,
                  realtype gamma, realtype delta,
                  int lr, void *user_data, N_Vector vtemp)
  realtype **(*P)[MY];
  long int *(*pivot)[MY];
  int jx, jy;
  realtype *zdata, *v;
  UserData data;

  /* Extract the P and pivot arrays from user_data. */

  data = (UserData) user_data;
  P = data->P;
  pivot = data->pivot;
  zdata = N_VGetArrayPointer_Serial(z);
  N_VScale(ONE, r, z);
  /* Solve the block-diagonal system Px = r using LU factors stored
     in P and pivot data in pivot, and return the solution in z. */
  for (jx=0; jx < MX; jx++) {
    for (jy=0; jy < MY; jy++) {
      v = &(IJKth(zdata, 1, jx, jy));
      denseGETRS(P[jx][jy], NUM_SPECIES, pivot[jx][jy], v);

Пример #5
static void PrintOutput(long int iopt[], realtype ropt[], N_Vector y,realtype t)
  realtype *ydata;

  ydata = NV_DATA_S(y);

  printf("t = %.2e   no. steps = %ld   order = %ld   stepsize = %.2e\n",
         t, iopt[NST], iopt[QU], ropt[HU]);
  printf("c1 (bot.left/middle/top rt.) = %12.3e  %12.3e  %12.3e\n",
         IJKth(ydata,1,0,0), IJKth(ydata,1,4,4), IJKth(ydata,1,9,9));
  printf("c2 (bot.left/middle/top rt.) = %12.3e  %12.3e  %12.3e\n\n",
         IJKth(ydata,2,0,0), IJKth(ydata,2,4,4), IJKth(ydata,2,9,9));
Пример #6
static int f(realtype t, N_Vector u, N_Vector udot,void *user_data)
  realtype q3, c1, c2, c1dn, c2dn, c1up, c2up, c1lt, c2lt;
  realtype c1rt, c2rt, cydn, cyup, hord1, hord2, horad1, horad2;
  realtype qq1, qq2, qq3, qq4, rkin1, rkin2, s, vertd1, vertd2, ydn, yup;
  realtype q4coef, dely, verdco, hordco, horaco;
  realtype *udata, *dudata;
  int idn, iup, ileft, iright, jx, jy;
  UserData data;

  data = (UserData) user_data;
  udata = N_VGetArrayPointer_Serial(u);
  dudata = N_VGetArrayPointer_Serial(udot);

  /* Set diurnal rate coefficients. */

  s = sin(data->om*t);
  if (s > ZERO) {
    q3 = SUNRexp(-A3/s);
    data->q4 = SUNRexp(-A4/s);
  } else {
    q3 = ZERO;
    data->q4 = ZERO;

  /* Make local copies of problem variables, for efficiency. */

  q4coef = data->q4;
  dely = data->dy;
  verdco = data->vdco;
  hordco  = data->hdco;
  horaco  = data->haco;

  /* Loop over all grid points. */

  for (jy = 0; jy < MY; jy++) {

    /* Set vertical diffusion coefficients at jy +- 1/2 */

    ydn = YMIN + (jy - RCONST(0.5))*dely;
    yup = ydn + dely;
    cydn = verdco*SUNRexp(RCONST(0.2)*ydn);
    cyup = verdco*SUNRexp(RCONST(0.2)*yup);
    idn = (jy == 0) ? 1 : -1;
    iup = (jy == MY-1) ? -1 : 1;
    for (jx = 0; jx < MX; jx++) {

      /* Extract c1 and c2, and set kinetic rate terms. */

      c1 = IJKth(udata,1,jx,jy); 
      c2 = IJKth(udata,2,jx,jy);
      qq1 = Q1*c1*C3;
      qq2 = Q2*c1*c2;
      qq3 = q3*C3;
      qq4 = q4coef*c2;
      rkin1 = -qq1 - qq2 + TWO*qq3 + qq4;
      rkin2 = qq1 - qq2 - qq4;

      /* Set vertical diffusion terms. */

      c1dn = IJKth(udata,1,jx,jy+idn);
      c2dn = IJKth(udata,2,jx,jy+idn);
      c1up = IJKth(udata,1,jx,jy+iup);
      c2up = IJKth(udata,2,jx,jy+iup);
      vertd1 = cyup*(c1up - c1) - cydn*(c1 - c1dn);
      vertd2 = cyup*(c2up - c2) - cydn*(c2 - c2dn);

      /* Set horizontal diffusion and advection terms. */

      ileft = (jx == 0) ? 1 : -1;
      iright =(jx == MX-1) ? -1 : 1;
      c1lt = IJKth(udata,1,jx+ileft,jy); 
      c2lt = IJKth(udata,2,jx+ileft,jy);
      c1rt = IJKth(udata,1,jx+iright,jy);
      c2rt = IJKth(udata,2,jx+iright,jy);
      hord1 = hordco*(c1rt - TWO*c1 + c1lt);
      hord2 = hordco*(c2rt - TWO*c2 + c2lt);
      horad1 = horaco*(c1rt - c1lt);
      horad2 = horaco*(c2rt - c2lt);

      /* Load all terms into udot. */

      IJKth(dudata, 1, jx, jy) = vertd1 + hord1 + horad1 + rkin1; 
      IJKth(dudata, 2, jx, jy) = vertd2 + hord2 + horad2 + rkin2;

Пример #7
static void PrintOutput(void *cvode_mem, N_Vector u,realtype t)
  long int nst;
  int qu, flag;
  realtype hu, *udata;
  int mxh = MX/2 - 1, myh = MY/2 - 1, mx1 = MX - 1, my1 = MY - 1;

  udata = N_VGetArrayPointer_Serial(u);

  flag = CVodeGetNumSteps(cvode_mem, &nst);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumSteps", 1);
  flag = CVodeGetLastOrder(cvode_mem, &qu);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetLastOrder", 1);
  flag = CVodeGetLastStep(cvode_mem, &hu);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetLastStep", 1);

  printf("t = %.2Le   no. steps = %ld   order = %d   stepsize = %.2Le\n",
         t, nst, qu, hu);
  printf("c1 (bot.left/middle/top rt.) = %12.3Le  %12.3Le  %12.3Le\n",
         IJKth(udata,1,0,0), IJKth(udata,1,mxh,myh), IJKth(udata,1,mx1,my1));
  printf("c2 (bot.left/middle/top rt.) = %12.3Le  %12.3Le  %12.3Le\n\n",
         IJKth(udata,2,0,0), IJKth(udata,2,mxh,myh), IJKth(udata,2,mx1,my1));
  printf("t = %.2e   no. steps = %ld   order = %d   stepsize = %.2e\n",
         t, nst, qu, hu);
  printf("c1 (bot.left/middle/top rt.) = %12.3e  %12.3e  %12.3e\n",
         IJKth(udata,1,0,0), IJKth(udata,1,mxh,myh), IJKth(udata,1,mx1,my1));
  printf("c2 (bot.left/middle/top rt.) = %12.3e  %12.3e  %12.3e\n\n",
         IJKth(udata,2,0,0), IJKth(udata,2,mxh,myh), IJKth(udata,2,mx1,my1));
  printf("t = %.2e   no. steps = %ld   order = %d   stepsize = %.2e\n",
         t, nst, qu, hu);
  printf("c1 (bot.left/middle/top rt.) = %12.3e  %12.3e  %12.3e\n",
         IJKth(udata,1,0,0), IJKth(udata,1,mxh,myh), IJKth(udata,1,mx1,my1));
  printf("c2 (bot.left/middle/top rt.) = %12.3e  %12.3e  %12.3e\n\n",
         IJKth(udata,2,0,0), IJKth(udata,2,mxh,myh), IJKth(udata,2,mx1,my1));
Пример #8
static void PrintOutputS(N_Vector *uS)
  realtype *sdata;

  sdata = NV_DATA_S(uS[0]);

  printf("                                ----------------------------------------\n"); 
  printf("                                Sensitivity 1  ");
  printf("%12.4Le %12.4Le \n", IJKth(sdata,1,0,0), IJKth(sdata,1,MX-1,MZ-1)); 
  printf("%12.4le %12.4le \n", IJKth(sdata,1,0,0), IJKth(sdata,1,MX-1,MZ-1)); 
  printf("%12.4e %12.4e \n", IJKth(sdata,1,0,0), IJKth(sdata,1,MX-1,MZ-1)); 
  printf("                                               ");
  printf("%12.4Le %12.4Le \n", IJKth(sdata,2,0,0), IJKth(sdata,2,MX-1,MZ-1));
  printf("%12.4le %12.4le \n", IJKth(sdata,2,0,0), IJKth(sdata,2,MX-1,MZ-1));
  printf("%12.4e %12.4e \n", IJKth(sdata,2,0,0), IJKth(sdata,2,MX-1,MZ-1));

  sdata = NV_DATA_S(uS[1]);

  printf("                                ----------------------------------------\n"); 
  printf("                                Sensitivity 2  ");
  printf("%12.4Le %12.4Le \n", IJKth(sdata,1,0,0), IJKth(sdata,1,MX-1,MZ-1)); 
  printf("%12.4le %12.4le \n", IJKth(sdata,1,0,0), IJKth(sdata,1,MX-1,MZ-1)); 
  printf("%12.4e %12.4e \n", IJKth(sdata,1,0,0), IJKth(sdata,1,MX-1,MZ-1)); 
  printf("                                               ");
  printf("%12.4Le %12.4Le \n", IJKth(sdata,2,0,0), IJKth(sdata,2,MX-1,MZ-1));
  printf("%12.4le %12.4le \n", IJKth(sdata,2,0,0), IJKth(sdata,2,MX-1,MZ-1));
  printf("%12.4e %12.4e \n", IJKth(sdata,2,0,0), IJKth(sdata,2,MX-1,MZ-1));
Пример #9
static void PrintOutput(void *cvode_mem, realtype t, N_Vector y)
  long int nst;
  int qu, flag;
  realtype hu;
  realtype *ydata;

  ydata = NV_DATA_S(y);

  flag = CVodeGetNumSteps(cvode_mem, &nst);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumSteps", 1);
  flag = CVodeGetLastOrder(cvode_mem, &qu);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetLastOrder", 1);
  flag = CVodeGetLastStep(cvode_mem, &hu);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetLastStep", 1);

  printf("%8.3Le %2d  %8.3Le %5ld\n", t,qu,hu,nst);
  printf("%8.3le %2d  %8.3le %5ld\n", t,qu,hu,nst);
  printf("%8.3e %2d  %8.3e %5ld\n", t,qu,hu,nst);

  printf("                                Solution       ");
  printf("%12.4Le %12.4Le \n", IJKth(ydata,1,0,0), IJKth(ydata,1,MX-1,MZ-1)); 
  printf("%12.4le %12.4le \n", IJKth(ydata,1,0,0), IJKth(ydata,1,MX-1,MZ-1)); 
  printf("%12.4e %12.4e \n", IJKth(ydata,1,0,0), IJKth(ydata,1,MX-1,MZ-1)); 
  printf("                                               ");
  printf("%12.4Le %12.4Le \n", IJKth(ydata,2,0,0), IJKth(ydata,2,MX-1,MZ-1));
  printf("%12.4le %12.4le \n", IJKth(ydata,2,0,0), IJKth(ydata,2,MX-1,MZ-1));
  printf("%12.4e %12.4e \n", IJKth(ydata,2,0,0), IJKth(ydata,2,MX-1,MZ-1));
Пример #10
static int Precond(realtype tn, N_Vector y, N_Vector fy, booleantype jok,
                   booleantype *jcurPtr, realtype gamma, void *P_data,
                   N_Vector vtemp1, N_Vector vtemp2, N_Vector vtemp3)
  realtype c1, c2, czdn, czup, diag, zdn, zup, q4coef, delz, verdco, hordco;
  realtype **(*P)[MZ], **(*Jbd)[MZ];
  long int *(*pivot)[MZ];
  int ier, jx, jz;
  realtype *ydata, **a, **j;
  UserData data;
  realtype Q1, Q2, C3, A3, A4, KH, VEL, KV0;

  /* Make local copies of pointers in P_data, and of pointer to y's data */
  data = (UserData) P_data;
  P = data->P;
  Jbd = data->Jbd;
  pivot = data->pivot;
  ydata = NV_DATA_S(y);

  /* Load problem coefficients and parameters */
  Q1 = data->p[0];
  Q2 = data->p[1];
  C3 = data->p[2];
  A3 = data->p[3];
  A4 = data->p[4];
  KH = data->p[5];
  VEL = data->p[6];
  KV0 = data->p[7];

  if (jok) {

  /* jok = TRUE: Copy Jbd to P */

    for (jz=0; jz < MZ; jz++)
      for (jx=0; jx < MX; jx++)
        dencopy(Jbd[jx][jz], P[jx][jz], NUM_SPECIES);

  *jcurPtr = FALSE;


  else {
  /* jok = FALSE: Generate Jbd from scratch and copy to P */

  /* Make local copies of problem variables, for efficiency. */

  q4coef = data->q4;
  delz = data->dz;
  verdco = data->vdco;
  hordco  = data->hdco;

  /* Compute 2x2 diagonal Jacobian blocks (using q4 values 
     computed on the last f call).  Load into P. */

    for (jz=0; jz < MZ; jz++) {
      zdn = ZMIN + (jz - RCONST(0.5))*delz;
      zup = zdn + delz;
      czdn = verdco*EXP(RCONST(0.2)*zdn);
      czup = verdco*EXP(RCONST(0.2)*zup);
      diag = -(czdn + czup + RCONST(2.0)*hordco);
      for (jx=0; jx < MX; jx++) {
        c1 = IJKth(ydata,1,jx,jz);
        c2 = IJKth(ydata,2,jx,jz);
        j = Jbd[jx][jz];
        a = P[jx][jz];
        IJth(j,1,1) = (-Q1*C3 - Q2*c2) + diag;
        IJth(j,1,2) = -Q2*c1 + q4coef;
        IJth(j,2,1) = Q1*C3 - Q2*c2;
        IJth(j,2,2) = (-Q2*c1 - q4coef) + diag;
        dencopy(j, a, NUM_SPECIES);

  *jcurPtr = TRUE;


  /* Scale by -gamma */

    for (jz=0; jz < MZ; jz++)
      for (jx=0; jx < MX; jx++)
        denscale(-gamma, P[jx][jz], NUM_SPECIES);

  /* Add identity matrix and do LU decompositions on blocks in place. */

  for (jx=0; jx < MX; jx++) {
    for (jz=0; jz < MZ; jz++) {
      denaddI(P[jx][jz], NUM_SPECIES);
      ier = gefa(P[jx][jz], NUM_SPECIES, pivot[jx][jz]);
      if (ier != 0) return(1);

Пример #11
static int f(realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector ydot, void *f_data)
  realtype q3, c1, c2, c1dn, c2dn, c1up, c2up, c1lt, c2lt;
  realtype c1rt, c2rt, czdn, czup, hord1, hord2, horad1, horad2;
  realtype qq1, qq2, qq3, qq4, rkin1, rkin2, s, vertd1, vertd2, zdn, zup;
  realtype q4coef, delz, verdco, hordco, horaco;
  realtype *ydata, *dydata;
  int jx, jz, idn, iup, ileft, iright;
  UserData data;
  realtype Q1, Q2, C3, A3, A4, KH, VEL, KV0;

  data = (UserData) f_data;
  ydata = NV_DATA_S(y);
  dydata = NV_DATA_S(ydot);

  /* Load problem coefficients and parameters */

  Q1 = data->p[0];
  Q2 = data->p[1];
  C3 = data->p[2];
  A3 = data->p[3];
  A4 = data->p[4];
  KH = data->p[5];
  VEL = data->p[6];
  KV0 = data->p[7];

  /* Set diurnal rate coefficients. */

  s = sin(data->om*t);
  if (s > ZERO) {
    q3 = EXP(-A3/s);
    data->q4 = EXP(-A4/s);
  } else {
    q3 = ZERO;
    data->q4 = ZERO;

  /* Make local copies of problem variables, for efficiency. */

  q4coef = data->q4;
  delz = data->dz;
  verdco = data->vdco;
  hordco  = data->hdco;
  horaco  = data->haco;

  /* Loop over all grid points. */

  for (jz=0; jz < MZ; jz++) {

    /* Set vertical diffusion coefficients at jz +- 1/2 */

    zdn = ZMIN + (jz - RCONST(0.5))*delz;
    zup = zdn + delz;
    czdn = verdco*EXP(RCONST(0.2)*zdn);
    czup = verdco*EXP(RCONST(0.2)*zup);
    idn = (jz == 0) ? 1 : -1;
    iup = (jz == MZ-1) ? -1 : 1;
    for (jx=0; jx < MX; jx++) {

      /* Extract c1 and c2, and set kinetic rate terms. */

      c1 = IJKth(ydata,1,jx,jz); 
      c2 = IJKth(ydata,2,jx,jz);
      qq1 = Q1*c1*C3;
      qq2 = Q2*c1*c2;
      qq3 = q3*C3;
      qq4 = q4coef*c2;
      rkin1 = -qq1 - qq2 + RCONST(2.0)*qq3 + qq4;
      rkin2 = qq1 - qq2 - qq4;

      /* Set vertical diffusion terms. */

      c1dn = IJKth(ydata,1,jx,jz+idn);
      c2dn = IJKth(ydata,2,jx,jz+idn);
      c1up = IJKth(ydata,1,jx,jz+iup);
      c2up = IJKth(ydata,2,jx,jz+iup);
      vertd1 = czup*(c1up - c1) - czdn*(c1 - c1dn);
      vertd2 = czup*(c2up - c2) - czdn*(c2 - c2dn);

      /* Set horizontal diffusion and advection terms. */

      ileft = (jx == 0) ? 1 : -1;
      iright =(jx == MX-1) ? -1 : 1;
      c1lt = IJKth(ydata,1,jx+ileft,jz); 
      c2lt = IJKth(ydata,2,jx+ileft,jz);
      c1rt = IJKth(ydata,1,jx+iright,jz);
      c2rt = IJKth(ydata,2,jx+iright,jz);
      hord1 = hordco*(c1rt - RCONST(2.0)*c1 + c1lt);
      hord2 = hordco*(c2rt - RCONST(2.0)*c2 + c2lt);
      horad1 = horaco*(c1rt - c1lt);
      horad2 = horaco*(c2rt - c2lt);

      /* Load all terms into ydot. */

      IJKth(dydata, 1, jx, jz) = vertd1 + hord1 + horad1 + rkin1; 
      IJKth(dydata, 2, jx, jz) = vertd2 + hord2 + horad2 + rkin2;

Пример #12
static int Precond(realtype tn, N_Vector u, N_Vector fu,
                   booleantype jok, booleantype *jcurPtr, realtype gamma,
                   void *P_data, N_Vector vtemp1, N_Vector vtemp2,
                   N_Vector vtemp3)
  realtype c1, c2, cydn, cyup, diag, ydn, yup, q4coef, dely, verdco, hordco;
  realtype **(*P)[MY], **(*Jbd)[MY];
  long int *(*pivot)[MY], ier;
  int jx, jy;
  realtype *udata, **a, **j;
  UserData data;
  /* Make local copies of pointers in P_data, and of pointer to u's data */
  data = (UserData) P_data;
  P = data->P;
  Jbd = data->Jbd;
  pivot = data->pivot;
  udata = NV_DATA_S(u);
  if (jok) {
    /* jok = TRUE: Copy Jbd to P */
    for (jy=0; jy < MY; jy++)
      for (jx=0; jx < MX; jx++)
        dencopy(Jbd[jx][jy], P[jx][jy], NUM_SPECIES);
    *jcurPtr = FALSE;
  else {
    /* jok = FALSE: Generate Jbd from scratch and copy to P */
    /* Make local copies of problem variables, for efficiency. */
    q4coef = data->q4;
    dely = data->dy;
    verdco = data->vdco;
    hordco  = data->hdco;
    /* Compute 2x2 diagonal Jacobian blocks (using q4 values 
       computed on the last f call).  Load into P. */
    for (jy=0; jy < MY; jy++) {
      ydn = YMIN + (jy - RCONST(0.5))*dely;
      yup = ydn + dely;
      cydn = verdco*exp(RCONST(0.2)*ydn);
      cyup = verdco*exp(RCONST(0.2)*yup);
      diag = -(cydn + cyup + TWO*hordco);
      for (jx=0; jx < MX; jx++) {
        c1 = IJKth(udata,1,jx,jy);
        c2 = IJKth(udata,2,jx,jy);
        j = Jbd[jx][jy];
        a = P[jx][jy];
        IJth(j,1,1) = (-Q1*C3 - Q2*c2) + diag;
        IJth(j,1,2) = -Q2*c1 + q4coef;
        IJth(j,2,1) = Q1*C3 - Q2*c2;
        IJth(j,2,2) = (-Q2*c1 - q4coef) + diag;
        dencopy(j, a, NUM_SPECIES);
    *jcurPtr = TRUE;
  /* Scale by -gamma */
  for (jy=0; jy < MY; jy++)
    for (jx=0; jx < MX; jx++)
      denscale(-gamma, P[jx][jy], NUM_SPECIES);
  /* Add identity matrix and do LU decompositions on blocks in place. */
  for (jx=0; jx < MX; jx++) {
    for (jy=0; jy < MY; jy++) {
      denaddI(P[jx][jy], NUM_SPECIES);
      ier = gefa(P[jx][jy], NUM_SPECIES, pivot[jx][jy]);
      if (ier != 0) return(1);
Пример #13
static int jtv(N_Vector v, N_Vector Jv, realtype t,
               N_Vector u, N_Vector fu,
               void *user_data, N_Vector tmp)
  realtype c1, c2, c1dn, c2dn, c1up, c2up, c1lt, c2lt, c1rt, c2rt;
  realtype v1, v2, v1dn, v2dn, v1up, v2up, v1lt, v2lt, v1rt, v2rt;
  realtype Jv1, Jv2;
  realtype cydn, cyup;
  realtype s, ydn, yup;
  realtype q4coef, dely, verdco, hordco, horaco;
  int jx, jy, idn, iup, ileft, iright;
  realtype *udata, *vdata, *Jvdata;
  UserData data;

  data = (UserData) user_data;

  udata = N_VGetArrayPointer_Serial(u);
  vdata = N_VGetArrayPointer_Serial(v);
  Jvdata = N_VGetArrayPointer_Serial(Jv);

  /* Set diurnal rate coefficients. */

  s = sin(data->om*t);
  if (s > ZERO) {
    data->q4 = SUNRexp(-A4/s);
  } else {
    data->q4 = ZERO;

  /* Make local copies of problem variables, for efficiency. */

  q4coef = data->q4;
  dely = data->dy;
  verdco = data->vdco;
  hordco  = data->hdco;
  horaco  = data->haco;

  /* Loop over all grid points. */

  for (jy=0; jy < MY; jy++) {

    /* Set vertical diffusion coefficients at jy +- 1/2 */

    ydn = YMIN + (jy - RCONST(0.5))*dely;
    yup = ydn + dely;

    cydn = verdco*SUNRexp(RCONST(0.2)*ydn);
    cyup = verdco*SUNRexp(RCONST(0.2)*yup);

    idn = (jy == 0) ? 1 : -1;
    iup = (jy == MY-1) ? -1 : 1;

    for (jx=0; jx < MX; jx++) {

      Jv1 = ZERO;
      Jv2 = ZERO;

      /* Extract c1 and c2 at the current location and at neighbors */

      c1 = IJKth(udata,1,jx,jy); 
      c2 = IJKth(udata,2,jx,jy);

      v1 = IJKth(vdata,1,jx,jy); 
      v2 = IJKth(vdata,2,jx,jy);

      c1dn = IJKth(udata,1,jx,jy+idn);
      c2dn = IJKth(udata,2,jx,jy+idn);
      c1up = IJKth(udata,1,jx,jy+iup);
      c2up = IJKth(udata,2,jx,jy+iup);

      v1dn = IJKth(vdata,1,jx,jy+idn);
      v2dn = IJKth(vdata,2,jx,jy+idn);
      v1up = IJKth(vdata,1,jx,jy+iup);
      v2up = IJKth(vdata,2,jx,jy+iup);

      ileft = (jx == 0) ? 1 : -1;
      iright =(jx == MX-1) ? -1 : 1;

      c1lt = IJKth(udata,1,jx+ileft,jy); 
      c2lt = IJKth(udata,2,jx+ileft,jy);
      c1rt = IJKth(udata,1,jx+iright,jy);
      c2rt = IJKth(udata,2,jx+iright,jy);

      v1lt = IJKth(vdata,1,jx+ileft,jy); 
      v2lt = IJKth(vdata,2,jx+ileft,jy);
      v1rt = IJKth(vdata,1,jx+iright,jy);
      v2rt = IJKth(vdata,2,jx+iright,jy);

      /* Set kinetic rate terms. */

	 rkin1 = -Q1*C3 * c1 - Q2 * c1*c2 + q4coef * c2  + TWO*C3*q3;
	 rkin2 =  Q1*C3 * c1 - Q2 * c1*c2 - q4coef * c2;

      Jv1 += -(Q1*C3 + Q2*c2) * v1  +  (q4coef - Q2*c1) * v2;
      Jv2 +=  (Q1*C3 - Q2*c2) * v1  -  (q4coef + Q2*c1) * v2;

      /* Set vertical diffusion terms. */

	 vertd1 = -(cyup+cydn) * c1 + cyup * c1up + cydn * c1dn;
	 vertd2 = -(cyup+cydn) * c2 + cyup * c2up + cydn * c2dn;

      Jv1 += -(cyup+cydn) * v1  +  cyup * v1up  +  cydn * v1dn;
      Jv2 += -(cyup+cydn) * v2  +  cyup * v2up  +  cydn * v2dn;

      /* Set horizontal diffusion and advection terms. */

	 hord1 = hordco*(c1rt - TWO*c1 + c1lt);
	 hord2 = hordco*(c2rt - TWO*c2 + c2lt);

      Jv1 += hordco*(v1rt - TWO*v1 + v1lt);
      Jv2 += hordco*(v2rt - TWO*v2 + v2lt);

	 horad1 = horaco*(c1rt - c1lt);
	 horad2 = horaco*(c2rt - c2lt);

      Jv1 += horaco*(v1rt - v1lt);
      Jv2 += horaco*(v2rt - v2lt);

      /* Load two components of J*v */

	 IJKth(dudata, 1, jx, jy) = vertd1 + hord1 + horad1 + rkin1; 
	 IJKth(dudata, 2, jx, jy) = vertd2 + hord2 + horad2 + rkin2;

      IJKth(Jvdata, 1, jx, jy) = Jv1;
      IJKth(Jvdata, 2, jx, jy) = Jv2;




Пример #14
static void f(integertype N, realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector ydot,void *f_data)
  realtype q3, c1, c2, c1dn, c2dn, c1up, c2up, c1lt, c2lt;
  realtype c1rt, c2rt, czdn, czup, hord1, hord2, horad1, horad2;
  realtype qq1, qq2, qq3, qq4, rkin1, rkin2, s, vertd1, vertd2, zdn, zup;
  realtype q4coef, delz, verdco, hordco, horaco;
  realtype *ydata, *dydata;
  int jx, jz, idn, iup, ileft, iright;
  UserData data;

  data = (UserData) f_data;
  ydata = NV_DATA_S(y);
  dydata = NV_DATA_S(ydot);

  /* Set diurnal rate coefficients. */

  s = sin(data->om*t);
  if (s > 0.0) {
    q3 = exp(-A3/s);
    data->q4 = exp(-A4/s);
  } else {
    q3 = 0.0;
    data->q4 = 0.0;

  /* Make local copies of problem variables, for efficiency. */

  q4coef = data->q4;
  delz = data->dz;
  verdco = data->vdco;
  hordco  = data->hdco;
  horaco  = data->haco;

  /* Loop over all grid points. */

  for (jz = 0; jz < MZ; jz++) {

    /* Set vertical diffusion coefficients at jz +- 1/2 */

    zdn = ZMIN + (jz - .5)*delz;
    zup = zdn + delz;
    czdn = verdco*exp(0.2*zdn);
    czup = verdco*exp(0.2*zup);
    idn = (jz == 0) ? 1 : -1;
    iup = (jz == MZ-1) ? -1 : 1;
    for (jx = 0; jx < MX; jx++) {

      /* Extract c1 and c2, and set kinetic rate terms. */

      c1 = IJKth(ydata,1,jx,jz); 
      c2 = IJKth(ydata,2,jx,jz);
      qq1 = Q1*c1*C3;
      qq2 = Q2*c1*c2;
      qq3 = q3*C3;
      qq4 = q4coef*c2;
      rkin1 = -qq1 - qq2 + 2.0*qq3 + qq4;
      rkin2 = qq1 - qq2 - qq4;

      /* Set vertical diffusion terms. */

      c1dn = IJKth(ydata,1,jx,jz+idn);
      c2dn = IJKth(ydata,2,jx,jz+idn);
      c1up = IJKth(ydata,1,jx,jz+iup);
      c2up = IJKth(ydata,2,jx,jz+iup);
      vertd1 = czup*(c1up - c1) - czdn*(c1 - c1dn);
      vertd2 = czup*(c2up - c2) - czdn*(c2 - c2dn);

      /* Set horizontal diffusion and advection terms. */

      ileft = (jx == 0) ? 1 : -1;
      iright =(jx == MX-1) ? -1 : 1;
      c1lt = IJKth(ydata,1,jx+ileft,jz); 
      c2lt = IJKth(ydata,2,jx+ileft,jz);
      c1rt = IJKth(ydata,1,jx+iright,jz);
      c2rt = IJKth(ydata,2,jx+iright,jz);
      hord1 = hordco*(c1rt - 2.0*c1 + c1lt);
      hord2 = hordco*(c2rt - 2.0*c2 + c2lt);
      horad1 = horaco*(c1rt - c1lt);
      horad2 = horaco*(c2rt - c2lt);

      /* Load all terms into ydot. */

      IJKth(dydata, 1, jx, jz) = vertd1 + hord1 + horad1 + rkin1; 
      IJKth(dydata, 2, jx, jz) = vertd2 + hord2 + horad2 + rkin2;