Пример #1
 * Tcp output routine: figure out what should be sent and send it.
tcp_output(struct tcpcb *tp)
	struct inpcb * const inp = tp->t_inpcb;
	struct socket *so = inp->inp_socket;
	long len, recvwin, sendwin;
	int nsacked = 0;
	int off, flags, error = 0;
	int sigoff = 0;
	struct mbuf *m;
	struct ip *ip;
	struct tcphdr *th;
	u_char opt[TCP_MAXOLEN];
	unsigned int ipoptlen, optlen, hdrlen;
	int idle;
	boolean_t sendalot;
	struct ip6_hdr *ip6;
#ifdef INET6
	const boolean_t isipv6 = INP_ISIPV6(inp);
	const boolean_t isipv6 = FALSE;
	boolean_t can_tso = FALSE, use_tso;
	boolean_t report_sack, idle_cwv = FALSE;
	u_int segsz, tso_hlen, tso_lenmax = 0;
	int segcnt = 0;
	boolean_t need_sched = FALSE;

	KKASSERT(so->so_port == &curthread->td_msgport);

	 * Determine length of data that should be transmitted,
	 * and flags that will be used.
	 * If there is some data or critical controls (SYN, RST)
	 * to send, then transmit; otherwise, investigate further.

	 * If we have been idle for a while, the send congestion window
	 * could be no longer representative of the current state of the
	 * link; need to validate congestion window.  However, we should
	 * not perform congestion window validation here, since we could
	 * be asked to send pure ACK.
	if (tp->snd_max == tp->snd_una &&
	    (ticks - tp->snd_last) >= tp->t_rxtcur && tcp_idle_restart)
		idle_cwv = TRUE;

	 * Calculate whether the transmit stream was previously idle 
	 * and adjust TF_LASTIDLE for the next time.
	idle = (tp->t_flags & TF_LASTIDLE) || (tp->snd_max == tp->snd_una);
	if (idle && (tp->t_flags & TF_MORETOCOME))
		tp->t_flags |= TF_LASTIDLE;
		tp->t_flags &= ~TF_LASTIDLE;

	if (TCP_DO_SACK(tp) && tp->snd_nxt != tp->snd_max &&
		nsacked = tcp_sack_bytes_below(&tp->scb, tp->snd_nxt);

	 * Find out whether TSO could be used or not
	 * For TSO capable devices, the following assumptions apply to
	 * the processing of TCP flags:
	 * - If FIN is set on the large TCP segment, the device must set
	 *   FIN on the last segment that it creates from the large TCP
	 *   segment.
	 * - If PUSH is set on the large TCP segment, the device must set
	 *   PUSH on the last segment that it creates from the large TCP
	 *   segment.
#if !defined(IPSEC) && !defined(FAST_IPSEC)
	if (tcp_do_tso
	    && (tp->t_flags & TF_SIGNATURE) == 0
	) {
		if (!isipv6) {
			struct rtentry *rt = inp->inp_route.ro_rt;

			if (rt != NULL && (rt->rt_flags & RTF_UP) &&
			    (rt->rt_ifp->if_hwassist & CSUM_TSO)) {
				can_tso = TRUE;
				tso_lenmax = rt->rt_ifp->if_tsolen;
#endif	/* !IPSEC && !FAST_IPSEC */

	m = NULL;
	ip = NULL;
	th = NULL;
	ip6 = NULL;

	if ((tp->t_flags & (TF_SACK_PERMITTED | TF_NOOPT)) ==
	    (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&tp->t_segq) ||
	     tp->reportblk.rblk_start != tp->reportblk.rblk_end))
		report_sack = TRUE;
		report_sack = FALSE;

	/* Make use of SACK information when slow-starting after a RTO. */
	if (TCP_DO_SACK(tp) && tp->snd_nxt != tp->snd_max &&
	    !IN_FASTRECOVERY(tp)) {
		tcp_seq old_snd_nxt = tp->snd_nxt;

		tcp_sack_skip_sacked(&tp->scb, &tp->snd_nxt);
		nsacked += tp->snd_nxt - old_snd_nxt;

	sendalot = FALSE;
	off = tp->snd_nxt - tp->snd_una;
	sendwin = min(tp->snd_wnd, tp->snd_cwnd + nsacked);
	sendwin = min(sendwin, tp->snd_bwnd);

	flags = tcp_outflags[tp->t_state];
	 * Get standard flags, and add SYN or FIN if requested by 'hidden'
	 * state flags.
	if (tp->t_flags & TF_NEEDFIN)
		flags |= TH_FIN;
	if (tp->t_flags & TF_NEEDSYN)
		flags |= TH_SYN;

	 * If in persist timeout with window of 0, send 1 byte.
	 * Otherwise, if window is small but nonzero
	 * and timer expired, we will send what we can
	 * and go to transmit state.
	if (tp->t_flags & TF_FORCE) {
		if (sendwin == 0) {
			 * If we still have some data to send, then
			 * clear the FIN bit.  Usually this would
			 * happen below when it realizes that we
			 * aren't sending all the data.  However,
			 * if we have exactly 1 byte of unsent data,
			 * then it won't clear the FIN bit below,
			 * and if we are in persist state, we wind
			 * up sending the packet without recording
			 * that we sent the FIN bit.
			 * We can't just blindly clear the FIN bit,
			 * because if we don't have any more data
			 * to send then the probe will be the FIN
			 * itself.
			if (off < so->so_snd.ssb_cc)
				flags &= ~TH_FIN;
			sendwin = 1;
		} else {
			tcp_callout_stop(tp, tp->tt_persist);
			tp->t_rxtshift = 0;

	 * If snd_nxt == snd_max and we have transmitted a FIN, the
	 * offset will be > 0 even if so_snd.ssb_cc is 0, resulting in
	 * a negative length.  This can also occur when TCP opens up
	 * its congestion window while receiving additional duplicate
	 * acks after fast-retransmit because TCP will reset snd_nxt
	 * to snd_max after the fast-retransmit.
	 * A negative length can also occur when we are in the
	 * TCPS_SYN_RECEIVED state due to a simultanious connect where
	 * our SYN has not been acked yet.
	 * In the normal retransmit-FIN-only case, however, snd_nxt will
	 * be set to snd_una, the offset will be 0, and the length may
	 * wind up 0.
	len = (long)ulmin(so->so_snd.ssb_cc, sendwin) - off;

	 * Lop off SYN bit if it has already been sent.  However, if this
	 * is SYN-SENT state and if segment contains data, suppress sending
	 * segment (sending the segment would be an option if we still
	 * did TAO and the remote host supported it).
	if ((flags & TH_SYN) && SEQ_GT(tp->snd_nxt, tp->snd_una)) {
		flags &= ~TH_SYN;
		off--, len++;
		if (len > 0 && tp->t_state == TCPS_SYN_SENT) {
			tp->t_flags &= ~(TF_ACKNOW | TF_XMITNOW);
			return 0;

	 * Be careful not to send data and/or FIN on SYN segments.
	 * This measure is needed to prevent interoperability problems
	 * with not fully conformant TCP implementations.
	if (flags & TH_SYN) {
		len = 0;
		flags &= ~TH_FIN;

	if (len < 0) {
		 * A negative len can occur if our FIN has been sent but not
		 * acked, or if we are in a simultanious connect in the
		 * TCPS_SYN_RECEIVED state with our SYN sent but not yet
		 * acked.
		 * If our window has contracted to 0 in the FIN case
		 * (which can only occur if we have NOT been called to
		 * retransmit as per code a few paragraphs up) then we
		 * want to shift the retransmit timer over to the
		 * persist timer.
		 * However, if we are in the TCPS_SYN_RECEIVED state
		 * (the SYN case) we will be in a simultanious connect and
		 * the window may be zero degeneratively.  In this case we
		 * do not want to shift to the persist timer after the SYN
		 * or the SYN+ACK transmission.
		len = 0;
		if (sendwin == 0 && tp->t_state != TCPS_SYN_RECEIVED) {
			tcp_callout_stop(tp, tp->tt_rexmt);
			tp->t_rxtshift = 0;
			tp->snd_nxt = tp->snd_una;
			if (!tcp_callout_active(tp, tp->tt_persist))

	KASSERT(len >= 0, ("%s: len < 0", __func__));
	 * Automatic sizing of send socket buffer.  Often the send buffer
	 * size is not optimally adjusted to the actual network conditions
	 * at hand (delay bandwidth product).  Setting the buffer size too
	 * small limits throughput on links with high bandwidth and high
	 * delay (eg. trans-continental/oceanic links).  Setting the
	 * buffer size too big consumes too much real kernel memory,
	 * especially with many connections on busy servers.
	 * The criteria to step up the send buffer one notch are:
	 *  1. receive window of remote host is larger than send buffer
	 *     (with a fudge factor of 5/4th);
	 *  2. hiwat has not significantly exceeded bwnd (inflight)
	 *     (bwnd is a maximal value if inflight is disabled).
	 *  3. send buffer is filled to 7/8th with data (so we actually
	 *     have data to make use of it);
	 *  4. hiwat has not hit maximal automatic size;
	 *  5. our send window (slow start and cogestion controlled) is
	 *     larger than sent but unacknowledged data in send buffer.
	 * The remote host receive window scaling factor may limit the
	 * growing of the send buffer before it reaches its allowed
	 * maximum.
	 * It scales directly with slow start or congestion window
	 * and does at most one step per received ACK.  This fast
	 * scaling has the drawback of growing the send buffer beyond
	 * what is strictly necessary to make full use of a given
	 * delay*bandwith product.  However testing has shown this not
	 * to be much of an problem.  At worst we are trading wasting
	 * of available bandwith (the non-use of it) for wasting some
	 * socket buffer memory.
	 * The criteria for shrinking the buffer is based solely on
	 * the inflight code (snd_bwnd).  If inflight is disabled,
	 * the buffer will not be shrinked.  Note that snd_bwnd already
	 * has a fudge factor.  Our test adds a little hysteresis.
	if (tcp_do_autosndbuf && (so->so_snd.ssb_flags & SSB_AUTOSIZE)) {
		const int asbinc = tcp_autosndbuf_inc;
		const int hiwat = so->so_snd.ssb_hiwat;
		const int lowat = so->so_snd.ssb_lowat;
		u_long newsize;

		if ((tp->snd_wnd / 4 * 5) >= hiwat &&
		    so->so_snd.ssb_cc >= (hiwat / 8 * 7) &&
		    hiwat < tp->snd_bwnd + hiwat / 10 &&
		    hiwat + asbinc < tcp_autosndbuf_max &&
		    hiwat < (TCP_MAXWIN << tp->snd_scale) &&
		    sendwin >= (so->so_snd.ssb_cc -
				(tp->snd_nxt - tp->snd_una))) {
			newsize = ulmin(hiwat + asbinc, tcp_autosndbuf_max);
			if (!ssb_reserve(&so->so_snd, newsize, so, NULL))
				atomic_clear_int(&so->so_snd.ssb_flags, SSB_AUTOSIZE);
#if 0
			if (newsize >= (TCP_MAXWIN << tp->snd_scale))
				atomic_clear_int(&so->so_snd.ssb_flags, SSB_AUTOSIZE);
		} else if ((long)tp->snd_bwnd <
			   (long)(hiwat * 3 / 4 - lowat - asbinc) &&
			   hiwat > tp->t_maxseg * 2 + asbinc &&
			   hiwat + asbinc >= tcp_autosndbuf_min &&
			   tcp_do_autosndbuf == 1) {
			newsize = ulmax(hiwat - asbinc, tp->t_maxseg * 2);
			ssb_reserve(&so->so_snd, newsize, so, NULL);

	 * Don't use TSO, if:
	 * - Congestion window needs validation
	 * - There are SACK blocks to report
	 * - RST or SYN flags is set
	 * - URG will be set
	 * XXX
	 * Checking for SYN|RST looks overkill, just to be safe than sorry
	use_tso = can_tso;
	if (report_sack || idle_cwv || (flags & (TH_RST | TH_SYN)))
		use_tso = FALSE;
	if (use_tso) {
		tcp_seq ugr_nxt = tp->snd_nxt;

		if ((flags & TH_FIN) && (tp->t_flags & TF_SENTFIN) &&
		    tp->snd_nxt == tp->snd_max)

		if (SEQ_GT(tp->snd_up, ugr_nxt))
			use_tso = FALSE;

	if (use_tso) {
		 * Find out segment size and header length for TSO
		error = tcp_tso_getsize(tp, &segsz, &tso_hlen);
		if (error)
			use_tso = FALSE;
	if (!use_tso) {
		segsz = tp->t_maxseg;
		tso_hlen = 0; /* not used */

	 * Truncate to the maximum segment length if not TSO, and ensure that
	 * FIN is removed if the length no longer contains the last data byte.
	if (len > segsz) {
		if (!use_tso) {
			len = segsz;
		} else {
			int nsegs;

			if (__predict_false(tso_lenmax < segsz))
				tso_lenmax = segsz << 1;

			 * Truncate TSO transfers to (IP_MAXPACKET - iphlen -
			 * thoff), and make sure that we send equal size
			 * transfers down the stack (rather than big-small-
			 * big-small-...).
			len = min(len, tso_lenmax);
			nsegs = min(len, (IP_MAXPACKET - tso_hlen)) / segsz;
			KKASSERT(nsegs > 0);

			len = nsegs * segsz;

			if (len <= segsz) {
				use_tso = FALSE;
			} else {
				segcnt += nsegs;
		sendalot = TRUE;
	} else {
		use_tso = FALSE;
		if (len > 0)
	if (SEQ_LT(tp->snd_nxt + len, tp->snd_una + so->so_snd.ssb_cc))
		flags &= ~TH_FIN;

	recvwin = ssb_space(&so->so_rcv);

	 * Sender silly window avoidance.   We transmit under the following
	 * conditions when len is non-zero:
	 *	- We have a full segment
	 *	- This is the last buffer in a write()/send() and we are
	 *	  either idle or running NODELAY
	 *	- we've timed out (e.g. persist timer)
	 *	- we have more then 1/2 the maximum send window's worth of
	 *	  data (receiver may be limiting the window size)
	 *	- we need to retransmit
	if (len) {
		if (len >= segsz)
			goto send;
		 * NOTE! on localhost connections an 'ack' from the remote
		 * end may occur synchronously with the output and cause
		 * us to flush a buffer queued with moretocome.  XXX
		 * note: the len + off check is almost certainly unnecessary.
		if (!(tp->t_flags & TF_MORETOCOME) &&	/* normal case */
		    (idle || (tp->t_flags & TF_NODELAY)) &&
		    len + off >= so->so_snd.ssb_cc &&
		    !(tp->t_flags & TF_NOPUSH)) {
			goto send;
		if (tp->t_flags & TF_FORCE)		/* typ. timeout case */
			goto send;
		if (len >= tp->max_sndwnd / 2 && tp->max_sndwnd > 0)
			goto send;
		if (SEQ_LT(tp->snd_nxt, tp->snd_max))	/* retransmit case */
			goto send;
		if (tp->t_flags & TF_XMITNOW)
			goto send;

	 * Compare available window to amount of window
	 * known to peer (as advertised window less
	 * next expected input).  If the difference is at least two
	 * max size segments, or at least 50% of the maximum possible
	 * window, then want to send a window update to peer.
	if (recvwin > 0) {
		 * "adv" is the amount we can increase the window,
		 * taking into account that we are limited by
		 * TCP_MAXWIN << tp->rcv_scale.
		long adv = min(recvwin, (long)TCP_MAXWIN << tp->rcv_scale) -
			(tp->rcv_adv - tp->rcv_nxt);
		long hiwat;

		 * This ack case typically occurs when the user has drained
		 * the TCP socket buffer sufficiently to warrent an ack
		 * containing a 'pure window update'... that is, an ack that
		 * ONLY updates the tcp window.
		 * It is unclear why we would need to do a pure window update
		 * past 2 segments if we are going to do one at 1/2 the high
		 * water mark anyway, especially since under normal conditions
		 * the user program will drain the socket buffer quickly.
		 * The 2-segment pure window update will often add a large
		 * number of extra, unnecessary acks to the stream.
		 * avoid_pure_win_update now defaults to 1.
		if (avoid_pure_win_update == 0 ||
		    (tp->t_flags & TF_RXRESIZED)) {
			if (adv >= (long) (2 * segsz)) {
				goto send;
		hiwat = (long)(TCP_MAXWIN << tp->rcv_scale);
		if (hiwat > (long)so->so_rcv.ssb_hiwat)
			hiwat = (long)so->so_rcv.ssb_hiwat;
		if (adv >= hiwat / 2)
			goto send;

	 * Send if we owe the peer an ACK, RST, SYN, or urgent data.  ACKNOW
	 * is also a catch-all for the retransmit timer timeout case.
	if (tp->t_flags & TF_ACKNOW)
		goto send;
	if ((flags & TH_RST) ||
	    ((flags & TH_SYN) && !(tp->t_flags & TF_NEEDSYN)))
		goto send;
	if (SEQ_GT(tp->snd_up, tp->snd_una))
		goto send;
	 * If our state indicates that FIN should be sent
	 * and we have not yet done so, then we need to send.
	if ((flags & TH_FIN) &&
	    (!(tp->t_flags & TF_SENTFIN) || tp->snd_nxt == tp->snd_una))
		goto send;

	 * TCP window updates are not reliable, rather a polling protocol
	 * using ``persist'' packets is used to insure receipt of window
	 * updates.  The three ``states'' for the output side are:
	 *	idle			not doing retransmits or persists
	 *	persisting		to move a small or zero window
	 *	(re)transmitting	and thereby not persisting
	 * tcp_callout_active(tp, tp->tt_persist)
	 *	is true when we are in persist state.
	 * The TF_FORCE flag in tp->t_flags
	 *	is set when we are called to send a persist packet.
	 * tcp_callout_active(tp, tp->tt_rexmt)
	 *	is set when we are retransmitting
	 * The output side is idle when both timers are zero.
	 * If send window is too small, there is data to transmit, and no
	 * retransmit or persist is pending, then go to persist state.
	 * If nothing happens soon, send when timer expires:
	 * if window is nonzero, transmit what we can, otherwise force out
	 * a byte.
	 * Don't try to set the persist state if we are in TCPS_SYN_RECEIVED
	 * with data pending.  This situation can occur during a
	 * simultanious connect.
	if (so->so_snd.ssb_cc > 0 &&
	    tp->t_state != TCPS_SYN_RECEIVED &&
	    !tcp_callout_active(tp, tp->tt_rexmt) &&
	    !tcp_callout_active(tp, tp->tt_persist)) {
		tp->t_rxtshift = 0;

	 * No reason to send a segment, just return.
	tp->t_flags &= ~TF_XMITNOW;
	return (0);

	if (need_sched && len > 0) {
		return 0;

	 * Before ESTABLISHED, force sending of initial options
	 * unless TCP set not to do any options.
	 * NOTE: we assume that the IP/TCP header plus TCP options
	 * always fit in a single mbuf, leaving room for a maximum
	 * link header, i.e.
	 *	max_linkhdr + sizeof(struct tcpiphdr) + optlen <= MCLBYTES
	optlen = 0;
	if (isipv6)
		hdrlen = sizeof(struct ip6_hdr) + sizeof(struct tcphdr);
		hdrlen = sizeof(struct tcpiphdr);
	if (flags & TH_SYN) {
		tp->snd_nxt = tp->iss;
		if (!(tp->t_flags & TF_NOOPT)) {
			u_short mss;

			opt[0] = TCPOPT_MAXSEG;
			opt[1] = TCPOLEN_MAXSEG;
			mss = htons((u_short) tcp_mssopt(tp));
			memcpy(opt + 2, &mss, sizeof mss);
			optlen = TCPOLEN_MAXSEG;

			if ((tp->t_flags & TF_REQ_SCALE) &&
			    (!(flags & TH_ACK) ||
			     (tp->t_flags & TF_RCVD_SCALE))) {
				*((u_int32_t *)(opt + optlen)) = htonl(
					TCPOPT_NOP << 24 |
					TCPOPT_WINDOW << 16 |
					TCPOLEN_WINDOW << 8 |
				optlen += 4;

			if ((tcp_do_sack && !(flags & TH_ACK)) ||
			    tp->t_flags & TF_SACK_PERMITTED) {
				uint32_t *lp = (uint32_t *)(opt + optlen);


	 * Send a timestamp and echo-reply if this is a SYN and our side
	 * wants to use timestamps (TF_REQ_TSTMP is set) or both our side
	 * and our peer have sent timestamps in our SYN's.
	if ((tp->t_flags & (TF_REQ_TSTMP | TF_NOOPT)) == TF_REQ_TSTMP &&
	    !(flags & TH_RST) &&
	    (!(flags & TH_ACK) || (tp->t_flags & TF_RCVD_TSTMP))) {
		u_int32_t *lp = (u_int32_t *)(opt + optlen);

		/* Form timestamp option as shown in appendix A of RFC 1323. */
		*lp++ = htonl(TCPOPT_TSTAMP_HDR);
		*lp++ = htonl(ticks);
		*lp   = htonl(tp->ts_recent);

	/* Set receive buffer autosizing timestamp. */
	if (tp->rfbuf_ts == 0 && (so->so_rcv.ssb_flags & SSB_AUTOSIZE))
		tp->rfbuf_ts = ticks;

	 * If this is a SACK connection and we have a block to report,
	 * fill in the SACK blocks in the TCP options.
	if (report_sack)
		tcp_sack_fill_report(tp, opt, &optlen);

	if (tp->t_flags & TF_SIGNATURE) {
		int i;
		u_char *bp;
		 * Initialize TCP-MD5 option (RFC2385)
		bp = (u_char *)opt + optlen;
		sigoff = optlen + 2;
		for (i = 0; i < TCP_SIGLEN; i++)
			*bp++ = 0;
		 * Terminate options list and maintain 32-bit alignment.
		*bp++ = TCPOPT_NOP;
		*bp++ = TCPOPT_EOL;
		optlen += 2;
#endif /* TCP_SIGNATURE */
	KASSERT(optlen <= TCP_MAXOLEN, ("too many TCP options"));
	hdrlen += optlen;

	if (isipv6) {
		ipoptlen = ip6_optlen(inp);
	} else {
		if (inp->inp_options) {
			ipoptlen = inp->inp_options->m_len -
			    offsetof(struct ipoption, ipopt_list);
		} else {
Пример #2
port_in_use(const char *if_name,
            unsigned eport, int proto,
            const char *iaddr, unsigned iport)
	int found = 0;
	char ip_addr_str[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];
	struct in_addr ip_addr;
#ifdef __linux__
	/* linux code */
	char line[256];
	FILE *f;
	const char * tcpfile = "/proc/net/tcp";
	const char * udpfile = "/proc/net/udp";

	if(getifaddr(if_name, ip_addr_str, INET_ADDRSTRLEN, &ip_addr, NULL) < 0) {
		ip_addr.s_addr = 0;
		ip_addr_str[0] = '\0';

	syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Check protocol %s for port %u on ext_if %s %s, %08X",
	    (proto==IPPROTO_TCP)?"tcp":"udp", eport, if_name,
	    ip_addr_str, (unsigned)ip_addr.s_addr);

	/* Phase 1 : check for local sockets (would be listed by netstat) */
#if defined(__linux__)
	f = fopen((proto==IPPROTO_TCP)?tcpfile:udpfile, "r");
	if (!f) {
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "cannot open %s", (proto==IPPROTO_TCP)?tcpfile:udpfile);
		return -1;

	while (fgets(line, 255, f)) {
		char eaddr[68];
		unsigned tmp_port;
		if (sscanf(line, "%*d: %64[0-9A-Fa-f]:%x %*x:%*x %*x %*x:%*x "
				"%*x:%*x %*x %*d %*d %*llu",
				eaddr, &tmp_port) == 2
		) {
			/* TODO add IPV6 support if enabled
			 * Presently assumes IPV4 */
#ifdef DEBUG
			syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "port_in_use check port %u and address %s", tmp_port, eaddr);
			if (tmp_port == eport) {
				char tmp_addr[4];
				struct in_addr *tmp_ip_addr = (struct in_addr *)tmp_addr;
				if (sscanf(eaddr,"%2hhx%2hhx%2hhx%2hhx",
					&tmp_addr[3],&tmp_addr[2],&tmp_addr[1],&tmp_addr[0]) == 4)
					if (tmp_ip_addr->s_addr == 0 || tmp_ip_addr->s_addr == ip_addr.s_addr)
						break;  /* don't care how many, just that we found at least one */

#elif defined(__OpenBSD__)
static struct nlist list[] = {
#if 0
        {"_tcpstat", 0, 0, 0, 0},
        {"_udpstat", 0, 0, 0, 0},
        {"_tcbinfo", 0, 0, 0, 0},
        {"_udbinfo", 0, 0, 0, 0},
		{"_tcbtable", 0, 0, 0, 0},
		{"_udbtable", 0, 0, 0, 0},
        {NULL,0, 0, 0, 0}
	char errstr[_POSIX2_LINE_MAX];
	kvm_t *kd;
	ssize_t n;
	struct inpcbtable table;
	struct inpcb *next;
	struct inpcb inpcb;
	kd = kvm_openfiles(NULL, NULL, NULL, O_RDONLY, errstr);
	if(!kd) {
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "%s: kvm_openfiles(): %s",
		       "portinuse()", errstr);
		return -1;
	if(kvm_nlist(kd, list) < 0) {
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "%s: kvm_nlist(): %s",
		       "portinuse()", kvm_geterr(kd));
		return -1;
	n = kvm_read(kd, list[(proto==IPPROTO_TCP)?0:1].n_value, &table, sizeof(table));
	if(n < 0) {
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "%s: kvm_read(): %s",
		       "portinuse()", kvm_geterr(kd));
		return -1;
	next = CIRCLEQ_FIRST(&table.inpt_queue); /*TAILQ_FIRST(&table.inpt_queue);*/
	while(next != NULL) {
		if(((u_long)next & 3) != 0) break;
		n = kvm_read(kd, (u_long)next, &inpcb, sizeof(inpcb));
		if(n < 0) {
			syslog(LOG_ERR, "kvm_read(): %s", kvm_geterr(kd));
		next = CIRCLEQ_NEXT(&inpcb, inp_queue);	/*TAILQ_NEXT(&inpcb, inp_queue);*/
		/* skip IPv6 sockets */
		if((inpcb.inp_flags & INP_IPV6) != 0)
#ifdef DEBUG
		syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "%08lx:%hu %08lx:%hu",
		       (u_long)inpcb.inp_laddr.s_addr, ntohs(inpcb.inp_lport),
		       (u_long)inpcb.inp_faddr.s_addr, ntohs(inpcb.inp_fport));
		if(eport == (unsigned)ntohs(inpcb.inp_lport)) {
			if(inpcb.inp_laddr.s_addr == INADDR_ANY || inpcb.inp_laddr.s_addr == ip_addr.s_addr) {
				break;  /* don't care how many, just that we found at least one */

#elif defined(__DragonFly__)
	const char *varname;
	struct xinpcb *xip;
	struct xtcpcb *xtp;
	struct inpcb *inp;
	void *buf = NULL;
	void *so_begin, *so_end;

	size_t len;

	switch (proto) {
		varname = "net.inet.tcp.pcblist";
		varname = "net.inet.udp.pcblist";
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "port_in_use() unknown proto=%d", proto);
		return -1;

	if (sysctlbyname(varname, NULL, &len, NULL, 0) < 0) {
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "sysctlbyname(%s, NULL, ...): %m", varname);
		return -1;
	buf = malloc(len);
	if (buf == NULL) {
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "malloc(%u) failed", (unsigned)len);
		return -1;
	if (sysctlbyname(varname, buf, &len, NULL, 0) < 0) {
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "sysctlbyname(%s, buf, ...): %m", varname);
		return -1;

	so_begin = buf;
	so_end = (uint8_t *)buf + len;
	for (so_begin = buf, so_end = (uint8_t *)so_begin + len;
	     (uint8_t *)so_begin + sizeof(size_t) < (uint8_t *)so_end &&
	     (uint8_t *)so_begin + *(size_t *)so_begin <= (uint8_t *)so_end;
	     so_begin = (uint8_t *)so_begin + *(size_t *)so_begin) {
		switch (proto) {
			xtp = (struct xtcpcb *)so_begin;
			if (xtp->xt_len != sizeof *xtp) {
				syslog(LOG_WARNING, "struct xtcpcb size mismatch; %ld vs %ld",
				       (long)xtp->xt_len, sizeof *xtp);
				return -1;
			inp = &xtp->xt_inp;
			xip = (struct xinpcb *)so_begin;
			if (xip->xi_len != sizeof *xip) {
				syslog(LOG_WARNING, "struct xinpcb size mismatch : %ld vs %ld",
				       (long)xip->xi_len, sizeof *xip);
				return -1;
			inp = &xip->xi_inp;
		/* no support for IPv6 */
		if (INP_ISIPV6(inp) != 0)
		syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "%08lx:%hu %08lx:%hu <=> %hu %08lx:%hu",
		       (u_long)inp->inp_laddr.s_addr, ntohs(inp->inp_lport),
		       (u_long)inp->inp_faddr.s_addr, ntohs(inp->inp_fport),
		       eport, (u_long)ip_addr.s_addr, iport
		if (eport == (unsigned)ntohs(inp->inp_lport)) {
			if (inp->inp_laddr.s_addr == INADDR_ANY || inp->inp_laddr.s_addr == ip_addr.s_addr) {
				break;  /* don't care how many, just that we found at least one */
	if (buf) {
		buf = NULL;
#elif defined(__FreeBSD__)
	const char *varname;
	struct xinpgen *xig, *exig;
	struct xinpcb *xip;
	struct xtcpcb *xtp;
	struct inpcb *inp;
	void *buf = NULL;
	size_t len;

	switch (proto) {
		varname = "net.inet.tcp.pcblist";
		varname = "net.inet.udp.pcblist";
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "port_in_use() unknown proto=%d", proto);
		return -1;

	if (sysctlbyname(varname, NULL, &len, NULL, 0) < 0) {
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "sysctlbyname(%s, NULL, ...): %m", varname);
		return -1;
	buf = malloc(len);
	if (buf == NULL) {
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "malloc(%u) failed", (unsigned)len);
		return -1;
	if (sysctlbyname(varname, buf, &len, NULL, 0) < 0) {
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "sysctlbyname(%s, buf, ...): %m", varname);
		return -1;

	xig = (struct xinpgen *)buf;
	exig = (struct xinpgen *)(void *)((char *)buf + len - sizeof *exig);
	if (xig->xig_len != sizeof *xig) {
		syslog(LOG_WARNING, "struct xinpgen size mismatch; %ld vs %ld",
		       (long)xig->xig_len, sizeof *xig);
		return -1;
	if (exig->xig_len != sizeof *exig) {
		syslog(LOG_WARNING, "struct xinpgen size mismatch; %ld vs %ld",
		       (long)exig->xig_len, sizeof *exig);
		return -1;

	while (1) {
		xig = (struct xinpgen *)(void *)((char *)xig + xig->xig_len);
		if (xig >= exig)
		switch (proto) {
			xtp = (struct xtcpcb *)xig;
			if (xtp->xt_len != sizeof *xtp) {
				syslog(LOG_WARNING, "struct xtcpcb size mismatch; %ld vs %ld",
				       (long)xtp->xt_len, sizeof *xtp);
				return -1;
			inp = &xtp->xt_inp;
			xip = (struct xinpcb *)xig;
			if (xip->xi_len != sizeof *xip) {
				syslog(LOG_WARNING, "struct xinpcb size mismatch : %ld vs %ld",
				       (long)xip->xi_len, sizeof *xip);
				return -1;
			inp = &xip->xi_inp;
		/* no support for IPv6 */
		if ((inp->inp_vflag & INP_IPV6) != 0)
		syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "%08lx:%hu %08lx:%hu <=> %hu %08lx:%hu",
		       (u_long)inp->inp_laddr.s_addr, ntohs(inp->inp_lport),
		       (u_long)inp->inp_faddr.s_addr, ntohs(inp->inp_fport),
		       eport, (u_long)ip_addr.s_addr, iport
		if (eport == (unsigned)ntohs(inp->inp_lport)) {
			if (inp->inp_laddr.s_addr == INADDR_ANY || inp->inp_laddr.s_addr == ip_addr.s_addr) {
				break;  /* don't care how many, just that we found at least one */
	if (buf) {
		buf = NULL;
/* #elif __NetBSD__ */
/* TODO : NetBSD / Darwin (OS X) / Solaris code */
#error "No port_in_use() implementation available for this OS"

	/* Phase 2 : check existing mappings
	 * TODO : implement for pf/ipfw/etc. */
#if defined(USE_NETFILTER)
	if (!found) {
		char iaddr_old[16];
		unsigned short iport_old;
		int i;
		for (i = 0; chains_to_check[i]; i++) {
			if (get_nat_redirect_rule(chains_to_check[i], if_name, eport, proto,
					iaddr_old, sizeof(iaddr_old), &iport_old,
					0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) == 0)
				syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "port_in_use check port %d on nat chain %s redirected to %s port %d", eport,
						chains_to_check[i], iaddr_old, iport_old);
				if (!(strcmp(iaddr, iaddr_old)==0 && iport==iport_old)) {
					/* only "in use" if redirected to somewhere else */
					break;  /* don't care how many, just that we found at least one */
#else /* USE_NETFILTER */
	UNUSED(iport); UNUSED(iaddr);
#endif /* USE_NETFILTER */
	return found;
Пример #3
udp6_input(struct mbuf **mp, int *offp, int proto)
	struct mbuf *m = *mp;
	struct ip6_hdr *ip6;
	struct udphdr *uh;
	struct inpcb *in6p;
	struct  mbuf *opts = NULL;
	int off = *offp;
	int plen, ulen;
	struct sockaddr_in6 udp_in6;
	struct socket *so;
	struct inpcbinfo *pcbinfo = &udbinfo[0];

	IP6_EXTHDR_CHECK(m, off, sizeof(struct udphdr), IPPROTO_DONE);

	ip6 = mtod(m, struct ip6_hdr *);

	if (faithprefix_p != NULL && (*faithprefix_p)(&ip6->ip6_dst)) {
		/* XXX send icmp6 host/port unreach? */
		return IPPROTO_DONE;


	plen = ntohs(ip6->ip6_plen) - off + sizeof(*ip6);
	uh = (struct udphdr *)((caddr_t)ip6 + off);
	ulen = ntohs((u_short)uh->uh_ulen);

	if (plen != ulen) {
		goto bad;

	 * Checksum extended UDP header and data.
	if (uh->uh_sum == 0)
	else if (in6_cksum(m, IPPROTO_UDP, off, ulen) != 0) {
		goto bad;

	if (IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(&ip6->ip6_dst)) {
		struct	inpcb *last, *marker;

		 * Deliver a multicast datagram to all sockets
		 * for which the local and remote addresses and ports match
		 * those of the incoming datagram.  This allows more than
		 * one process to receive multicasts on the same port.
		 * (This really ought to be done for unicast datagrams as
		 * well, but that would cause problems with existing
		 * applications that open both address-specific sockets and
		 * a wildcard socket listening to the same port -- they would
		 * end up receiving duplicates of every unicast datagram.
		 * Those applications open the multiple sockets to overcome an
		 * inadequacy of the UDP socket interface, but for backwards
		 * compatibility we avoid the problem here rather than
		 * fixing the interface.  Maybe 4.5BSD will remedy this?)

		 * In a case that laddr should be set to the link-local
		 * address (this happens in RIPng), the multicast address
		 * specified in the received packet does not match with
		 * laddr. To cure this situation, the matching is relaxed
		 * if the receiving interface is the same as one specified
		 * in the socket and if the destination multicast address
		 * matches one of the multicast groups specified in the socket.

		 * Construct sockaddr format source address.
		init_sin6(&udp_in6, m); /* general init */
		udp_in6.sin6_port = uh->uh_sport;
		 * KAME note: traditionally we dropped udpiphdr from mbuf here.
		 * We need udphdr for IPsec processing so we do that later.

		 * Locate pcb(s) for datagram.
		 * (Algorithm copied from raw_intr().)
		last = NULL;

		marker = in_pcbmarker(mycpuid);


		LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&pcbinfo->pcblisthead, marker, inp_list);
		while ((in6p = LIST_NEXT(marker, inp_list)) != NULL) {
			LIST_REMOVE(marker, inp_list);
			LIST_INSERT_AFTER(in6p, marker, inp_list);

			if (in6p->inp_flags & INP_PLACEMARKER)
			if (!INP_ISIPV6(in6p))
			if (in6p->in6p_lport != uh->uh_dport)
			if (!IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(&in6p->in6p_laddr)) {
				if (!IN6_ARE_ADDR_EQUAL(&in6p->in6p_laddr,
							&ip6->ip6_dst) &&
				    !in6_mcmatch(in6p, &ip6->ip6_dst,
			if (!IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(&in6p->in6p_faddr)) {
				if (!IN6_ARE_ADDR_EQUAL(&in6p->in6p_faddr,
							&ip6->ip6_src) ||
				   in6p->in6p_fport != uh->uh_sport)

			if (last != NULL) {
				struct mbuf *n;

#ifdef IPSEC
				 * Check AH/ESP integrity.
				if (ipsec6_in_reject_so(m, last->inp_socket))
					/* do not inject data into pcb */
#endif /* IPSEC */
				 * Check AH/ESP integrity.
				if (ipsec6_in_reject(m, last))
#endif /* FAST_IPSEC */
				if ((n = m_copy(m, 0, M_COPYALL)) != NULL) {
					 * KAME NOTE: do not
					 * m_copy(m, offset, ...) above.
					 * ssb_appendaddr() expects M_PKTHDR,
					 * and m_copy() will copy M_PKTHDR
					 * only if offset is 0.
					so = last->in6p_socket;
					if ((last->in6p_flags & IN6P_CONTROLOPTS) ||
					    (so->so_options & SO_TIMESTAMP)) {
						ip6_savecontrol(last, &opts,
								ip6, n);
					m_adj(n, off + sizeof(struct udphdr));
					if (ssb_appendaddr(&so->so_rcv,
						    (struct sockaddr *)&udp_in6,
						    n, opts) == 0) {
						if (opts)
					} else {
					opts = NULL;
			last = in6p;
			 * Don't look for additional matches if this one does
			 * not have either the SO_REUSEPORT or SO_REUSEADDR
			 * socket options set.  This heuristic avoids searching
			 * through all pcbs in the common case of a non-shared
			 * port.  It assumes that an application will never
			 * clear these options after setting them.
			if ((last->in6p_socket->so_options &
			     (SO_REUSEPORT | SO_REUSEADDR)) == 0)
		LIST_REMOVE(marker, inp_list);


		if (last == NULL) {
			 * No matching pcb found; discard datagram.
			 * (No need to send an ICMP Port Unreachable
			 * for a broadcast or multicast datgram.)
			goto bad;
#ifdef IPSEC
		 * Check AH/ESP integrity.
		if (ipsec6_in_reject_so(m, last->inp_socket)) {
			goto bad;
#endif /* IPSEC */
		 * Check AH/ESP integrity.
		if (ipsec6_in_reject(m, last)) {
			goto bad;
#endif /* FAST_IPSEC */
		if (last->in6p_flags & IN6P_CONTROLOPTS
		    || last->in6p_socket->so_options & SO_TIMESTAMP)
			ip6_savecontrol(last, &opts, ip6, m);

		m_adj(m, off + sizeof(struct udphdr));
		so = last->in6p_socket;
		if (ssb_appendaddr(&so->so_rcv, (struct sockaddr *)&udp_in6,
				   m, opts) == 0) {
			goto bad;
		return IPPROTO_DONE;
	 * Locate pcb for datagram.
	in6p = in6_pcblookup_hash(pcbinfo, &ip6->ip6_src, uh->uh_sport,
				  &ip6->ip6_dst, uh->uh_dport, 1,
	if (in6p == NULL) {
		if (log_in_vain) {
			char buf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];

			strcpy(buf, ip6_sprintf(&ip6->ip6_dst));
			    "Connection attempt to UDP [%s]:%d from [%s]:%d\n",
			    buf, ntohs(uh->uh_dport),
			    ip6_sprintf(&ip6->ip6_src), ntohs(uh->uh_sport));
		if (m->m_flags & M_MCAST) {
			kprintf("UDP6: M_MCAST is set in a unicast packet.\n");
			goto bad;
		return IPPROTO_DONE;
#ifdef IPSEC
	 * Check AH/ESP integrity.
	if (ipsec6_in_reject_so(m, in6p->in6p_socket)) {
		goto bad;
#endif /* IPSEC */
	 * Check AH/ESP integrity.
	if (ipsec6_in_reject(m, in6p)) {
		goto bad;
#endif /* FAST_IPSEC */

	 * Construct sockaddr format source address.
	 * Stuff source address and datagram in user buffer.
	init_sin6(&udp_in6, m); /* general init */
	udp_in6.sin6_port = uh->uh_sport;
	if (in6p->in6p_flags & IN6P_CONTROLOPTS
	    || in6p->in6p_socket->so_options & SO_TIMESTAMP)
		ip6_savecontrol(in6p, &opts, ip6, m);
	m_adj(m, off + sizeof(struct udphdr));
	so = in6p->in6p_socket;
	if (ssb_appendaddr(&so->so_rcv, (struct sockaddr *)&udp_in6,
			   m, opts) == 0) {
		goto bad;
	if (m)
	if (opts)
Пример #4
 * @retval  0 no errors
 * @retval !0 errors
static int
_load(netsnmp_container *container, u_int load_flags)
    size_t   len;
    int      sname[] = { CTL_NET, PF_INET, IPPROTO_UDP, UDPCTL_PCBLIST };
    char     *udpcb_buf = NULL;
#if defined(dragonfly)
    struct xinpcb  *xig = NULL;
    struct xinpgen *xig = NULL;
    netsnmp_udp_endpoint_entry  *entry;
    int      rc = 0;

     *  Read in the buffer containing the TCP table data
    len = 0;
    if (sysctl(sname, 4, 0, &len, 0, 0) < 0 ||
       (udpcb_buf = malloc(len)) == NULL)
        return -1;
    if (sysctl(sname, 4, udpcb_buf, &len, 0, 0) < 0) {
        return -1;

     *  Unpick this into the constituent 'xinpgen' structures, and extract
     *     the 'inpcb' elements into a linked list (built in reverse)
#if defined(dragonfly)
    xig = (struct xinpcb  *) udpcb_buf;
    xig = (struct xinpgen *) udpcb_buf;
    xig = (struct xinpgen *) ((char *) xig + xig->xig_len);

#if defined(dragonfly)
    while (xig && (xig->xi_len >= sizeof(struct xinpcb)))
    while (xig && (xig->xig_len > sizeof(struct xinpgen)))
	NS_ELEM pcb = *((NS_ELEM *) xig);
#if defined(dragonfly)
	xig = (struct xinpcb  *) ((char *) xig + xig->xi_len);
	xig = (struct xinpgen *) ((char *) xig + xig->xig_len);

#if !defined(NETSNMP_ENABLE_IPV6)
#ifdef INP_ISIPV6
        if (INP_ISIPV6(&pcb.xi_inp))
        if (pcb.xi_inp.inp_vflag & INP_IPV6)

        entry = netsnmp_access_udp_endpoint_entry_create();
        if(NULL == entry) {
            rc = -3;

        /** oddly enough, these appear to already be in network order */
        entry->loc_port = htons(pcb.xi_inp.inp_lport);
        entry->rmt_port = htons(pcb.xi_inp.inp_fport);
        entry->pid = 0;
        /** the addr string may need work */
#ifdef INP_ISIPV6
	if (INP_ISIPV6(&pcb.xi_inp)) {
	if (pcb.xi_inp.inp_vflag & INP_IPV6) {
	    entry->loc_addr_len = entry->rmt_addr_len = 16;
	    memcpy(entry->loc_addr, &pcb.xi_inp.in6p_laddr, 16);
	    memcpy(entry->rmt_addr, &pcb.xi_inp.in6p_faddr, 16);
	else {
	    entry->loc_addr_len = entry->rmt_addr_len = 4;
	    memcpy(entry->loc_addr, &pcb.xi_inp.inp_laddr, 4);
	    memcpy(entry->rmt_addr, &pcb.xi_inp.inp_faddr, 4);

         * add entry to container
	entry->index = CONTAINER_SIZE(container) + 1;
        CONTAINER_INSERT(container, entry);


        return rc;

    return 0;