int cpu_sqrt(cpu_t* _this) { ISNOTNULL(_this); int __errnum = 0; double a = 0.0; __errnum = stack_Pop(_this->stk, &a); ERRHANDLER; __errnum = stack_Push(_this->stk, sqrt(a)); ERRHANDLER; return 0; }
BOOL CNameEvent::Fire() { assert(ISNOTNULL(m_hEvent)); if (ISNULL(m_hEvent)) { DOLOG("can't Fire null event handle!"); return FALSE; } BOOL bResult = TRUE; bResult = SetEvent(m_hEvent); if (ISNOTTRUE(bResult)) { DOLOG("SetEvent Failed!" + GetLastError()); bResult = FALSE; } return bResult; }
BOOL CDisplayAdapterHelper::InjectSpecificDllAndProcessByNameInner(LPSTR lpAppName, LPSTR lpDllName, BOOL bInjectSafeMode) { assert(ISNOTNULL(lpAppName)); if (ISNULL(lpAppName)) { DOLOG("AppName should not to be null !"); return FALSE; } DWORD procid = GetSpecificProcIDByNameEx(lpAppName); if (ISZERO(procid)) { DOLOG("GetSpecificProcIDByNameEx Failed"); return FALSE; } return InjectSpecificDllAndProcessByIdInner(procid, lpDllName, bInjectSafeMode); }
//================FUNCTIONS============================ int stack_Ctor(stack_t** _this, int length) { stack_t* stk = (stack_t*) calloc(sizeof(*stk), 1); ISNOTNULL(stk); if (0 < length && length < MAX_STACK) stk->len = length; else return ELENOUTLIM; stk->data = (double*) calloc(stk->len, sizeof(double)); stk->counter = 0; if (!stk->data) return ENULLPTR; *_this = stk; return 0; }
int cpu_out(cpu_t* _this) { ISNOTNULL(_this); int __errnum = 0; double a = 0.0; __errnum = stack_Pop(_this->stk, &a); ERRHANDLER; __errnum = stack_Push(_this->stk, a); ERRHANDLER; printf("%lg\n", a); return 0; }
int cpu_dump(cpu_t* _this) { ISNOTNULL(_this); stack_Dump(_this->stk); fprintf(stderr, "\nax %lg\nbx %lg\ncx %lg\ndx %lg\n\n", _this->ax, _this->bx, _this->cx, _this->dx); if (!_this->addr) fprintf(stderr, "Invalid address to byte code\n"); else for(char* ptr = _this->addr; *ptr != END; ptr++) { if ((ptr - _this->addr) > CODE_SIZE) break; int byte = *ptr; fprintf(stderr, "%02x ", byte); } fprintf(stderr, "\n\n"); }
int cpu_add(cpu_t* _this) { ISNOTNULL(_this); int __errnum = 0; double a = 0.0; __errnum = stack_Pop(_this->stk, &a); ERRHANDLER; double b = 0.0; __errnum = stack_Pop(_this->stk, &b); ERRHANDLER; __errnum = stack_Push(_this->stk, (a + b)); ERRHANDLER; return 0; }
int stack_Dump(stack_t* _this) { ISNOTNULL(_this); int is_OK = stack_Ok(_this); fprintf(stderr, "-----------------------\n"); fprintf(stderr, "STACK[0x%x] %s \n", _this, ((!is_OK)? "OK" : "!!!BAD!!!")); if(is_OK) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR NUMBER %d", is_OK); if(_this) fprintf(stderr, "\tCOUNT = %d\n" "\tDATA[0x%x], max %d\n\n", _this->counter, _this->data, _this->len); if(_this->data) for(int i = 0; i < _this->len; i++) fprintf(stderr, "\t\t[%d] = %lg %c\n", i, _this->data[i], ((i < _this->counter)? '*' : ' ')); fprintf(stderr, "\n\n"); if(stderr != stdout) fflush(stderr); return 0; }
BOOL CDisplayAdapterHelper::InjectSpecificDllAndProcessByIdInner(DWORD dwProcessID, LPSTR lpDllName, BOOL bInjectSafeMode) { #if defined _M_X64 && _MSC_VER == 1800 //workaround AVX2 bug in VS2013, _set_FMA3_enable(0); #endif assert(dwProcessID != 0); if (ISZERO(dwProcessID)) { DOLOG("id of target process can't be zero !"); return FALSE; } assert(ISNOTNULL(lpDllName)); if(ISNULL(lpDllName)) { DOLOG("name of dll can't not be null !"); return FALSE; } CHAR cbDllPath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; //if (ISZERO(GetCurrentDirectoryA(dirLen, cbDllPath))) if(ISZERO(GetModuleFileNameA(GetModuleHandle(NULL), cbDllPath, MAX_PATH))) { DOLOG("GetCurrentDirectory Failed ! " + GetLastError()); return FALSE; } CHAR* lpFullPath = strrchr(cbDllPath, '\\'); lpFullPath[1] = '\0'; UINT dirLen = strlen(cbDllPath); const size_t fileNameLen = strlen(lpDllName); size_t len = dirLen + fileNameLen + 1; cbDllPath[dirLen - 1] = '\\'; strncpy_s(cbDllPath + dirLen, len - dirLen, lpDllName, fileNameLen); BOOL result = TRUE; LoadSeDebugPrivilege(); CNameEvent nameEvent; nameEvent.Init(EVENTNAME, TRUE); CNameShareMemory shareMemInst; shareMemInst.Init(SHAREMEMNAME, MAX_PATH, TRUE); char* lpInfo = shareMemInst.GetBuffer(); ZeroMemory(lpInfo, MAX_PATH); if (!bInjectSafeMode) { OPPROC pOpenProcess; HANDLE hProcess; char pOPStr[12]; int i; memcpy(pOPStr, "NpflUvhel{x", 12); //OpenProcess obfuscated for (i = 0; i<11; i++) pOPStr[i] ^= i ^ 1; pOpenProcess = (OPPROC)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(TEXT("KERNEL32")), pOPStr); if (ISNULL(pOpenProcess)) { DOLOG("GetProcAddress failed ! " + GetLastError()); return FALSE; } hProcess = (*pOpenProcess)(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, dwProcessID); if (ISNULL(hProcess)) { DOLOG("OpenProcess Failed ! " + GetLastError()); return FALSE; } if (ISFALSE(AdjustDllforProcess(hProcess, cbDllPath))) { DOLOG("AdjustDllforProcess Failed ! " + GetLastError()); return FALSE; } if (ISNOTTRUE(InjectLibraryA(hProcess, cbDllPath, (DWORD)(len - 1)))) { result = FALSE; DOLOG("Inject Library failed ! " + GetLastError()); } CloseHandle(hProcess); } else { #ifdef _WIN64 CHAR cbTempDllPath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; if (ISTRUE(AdjustDllfor64bit(cbTempDllPath, MAX_PATH, cbDllPath))) { memcpy(cbDllPath, cbTempDllPath, strlen(cbTempDllPath) + 1); } #endif if (!InjectLibrarySafeA(dwProcessID, cbDllPath, (DWORD)(len - 1))) { DOLOG("InjectLibrarySafeA failed ! "+ GetLastError()); result = FALSE; } } if(ISTRUE(nameEvent.Wait())) { lpInfo = shareMemInst.GetBuffer(); if (ISNOTNULL(lpInfo)) { DOLOG(" 得到的信息是>>>>>>" + lpInfo); strcpy(m_cbVideoAdapterName, lpInfo); } } nameEvent.Close(); shareMemInst.Close(); return result ; }
int cpu_end(cpu_t* _this) { ISNOTNULL(_this); end_logging(); return 0; }
// [2015/12/15 wupeng] // if failed return 0, success return the Process ID DWORD GetSpecificProcIDByNameEx(LPSTR lpName) { if (ISNULL(lpName)) { DOLOG("Process Name can't be null"); return 0; } if (ISFALSE(EnableDebugPrivilege(TRUE))) { DOLOG("EnableDebugPrivilege Failed !"); return 0; } DWORD allProcessIDs[2048] = { 0 }; DWORD cbNeed = 0; if (ISZERO(EnumProcesses(allProcessIDs, sizeof(allProcessIDs), &cbNeed))) { DOLOG("EnumProcess Failed ! " + GetLastError()); return 0; } HANDLE hProcess = NULL; CHAR szProcessName[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; for (DWORD i = 0; i < cbNeed; i++) { if (ISZERO(allProcessIDs[i])) { continue; } ZeroMemory(szProcessName, sizeof(szProcessName)); hProcess = OpenProcess( PROCESS_VM_OPERATION | PROCESS_VM_READ | PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, allProcessIDs[i]); if (ISNOTNULL(hProcess)) { DWORD dwNameSize = sizeof(szProcessName); if (QueryFullProcessImageNameA(hProcess, 0, szProcessName, &dwNameSize)) //if (ISNOZERO(GetModuleBaseNameA(hProcess, NULL, szProcessName, // sizeof(szProcessName)))) { DOLOG(" >>" + szProcessName + " : " + allProcessIDs[i]); string strPath = szProcessName; TrimFilePathA(strPath); if (ISZERO(_stricmp(strPath.c_str(), lpName))) { DOLOG("Found the Process " + lpName); CloseHandle(hProcess); return allProcessIDs[i]; } } else { DOLOG("GetmoudleBaseName Failed ! " + GetLastError()); } CloseHandle(hProcess); } else { DOLOG("OpenProcess Failed ! " + allProcessIDs[i] + " LastError:" + GetLastError()); } } DOLOG("can't found the specify name process Failed ! "); return 0; }