Пример #1
static void forward_lospre_assignment(G_t &G, typename boost::graph_traits<G_t>::vertex_descriptor i, const iCode *ic, const assignment_lospre& a)
  typedef typename boost::graph_traits<G_t>::adjacency_iterator adjacency_iter_t;

  adjacency_iter_t c, c_end;

  operand *tmpop = IC_RIGHT(ic);
  const std::pair<int, int> forward(IC_RESULT(ic)->key, IC_RIGHT(ic)->key);

      if (G[i].forward == forward)
        break; // Was here before.

      iCode *nic = G[i].ic;

      if (isOperandEqual(IC_RESULT(ic), IC_LEFT(nic)) && nic->op != ADDRESS_OF && (!POINTER_GET(nic) || !IS_PTR(operandType(IC_RESULT(nic))) || !IS_BITFIELD(operandType(IC_LEFT(nic))->next) || compareType(operandType(IC_LEFT(nic)), operandType(tmpop)) == 1))
          bool isaddr = IC_LEFT (nic)->isaddr;
          std::cout << "Forward substituted left operand " << OP_SYMBOL_CONST(IC_LEFT(nic))->name << " at " << nic->key << "\n";
          //bitVectUnSetBit (OP_SYMBOL (IC_LEFT (nic))->uses, nic->key);
          IC_LEFT(nic) = operandFromOperand (tmpop);
          //bitVectSetBit (OP_SYMBOL (IC_LEFT (nic))->uses, nic->key);
          IC_LEFT (nic)->isaddr = isaddr;
      if (isOperandEqual(IC_RESULT(ic), IC_RIGHT(nic)))
          std::cout << "Forward substituted right operand " << OP_SYMBOL_CONST(IC_RIGHT(nic))->name << " at " << nic->key << "\n";
          //bitVectUnSetBit (OP_SYMBOL (IC_RIGHT (nic))->uses, nic->key);
          IC_RIGHT(nic) = operandFromOperand (tmpop);
          //bitVectSetBit (OP_SYMBOL (IC_RIGHT (nic))->uses, nic->key);
      if (POINTER_SET(nic) && isOperandEqual(IC_RESULT(ic), IC_RESULT(nic)) && (!IS_PTR(operandType(IC_RESULT(nic))) || !IS_BITFIELD(operandType(IC_RESULT(nic))->next) || compareType(operandType(IC_RESULT(nic)), operandType(tmpop)) == 1))
          std::cout << "Forward substituted result operand " << OP_SYMBOL_CONST(IC_RESULT(nic))->name << " at " << nic->key << "\n";
          //bitVectUnSetBit (OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (nic))->uses, nic->key);
          IC_RESULT(nic) = operandFromOperand (tmpop);
          IC_RESULT(nic)->isaddr = true;
          //bitVectSetBit (OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (nic))->uses, nic->key);

      if (nic->op == LABEL) // Reached label. Continue only if all edges goining here are safe.
          typedef typename boost::graph_traits<G_t>::in_edge_iterator in_edge_iter_t;
          in_edge_iter_t e, e_end;
          for (boost::tie(e, e_end) = boost::in_edges(i, G); e != e_end; ++e)
            if (G[boost::source(*e, G)].forward != forward)
          if(e != e_end)
      if (isOperandEqual(IC_RESULT (ic), IC_RESULT(nic)) && !POINTER_SET(nic) /*|| G[i].uses*/)
      if ((nic->op == CALL || nic->op == PCALL || POINTER_SET(nic)) && IS_TRUE_SYMOP(IC_RESULT(ic)))

      G[i].forward = forward;

      if (nic->op == GOTO || nic->op == IFX || nic->op == JUMPTABLE)
          adjacency_iter_t c, c_end;
          for(boost::tie(c, c_end) = boost::adjacent_vertices(i, G); c != c_end; ++c)
              if(!((a.global[i] & true) && !G[i].invalidates) && (a.global[*c] & true)) // Calculation edge
              forward_lospre_assignment(G, *c, ic, a);

      boost::tie(c, c_end) = adjacent_vertices(i, G);
      if(c == c_end)
      if(!((a.global[i] & true) && !G[i].invalidates) && (a.global[*c] & true)) // Calculation edge
      i = *c;
Пример #2
 * For UNIONs, we first have to find the correct alternative to map the
 * initializer to. This function maps the structure of the initializer to
 * the UNION members recursively.
 * Returns the type of the first `fitting' member.
static sym_link *
matchIvalToUnion (initList *list, sym_link *type, int size)
    symbol *sym;

    assert (type);

    if (IS_PTR(type) || IS_CHAR(type) || IS_INT(type) || IS_LONG(type)
            || IS_FLOAT(type))
        if (!list || (list->type == INIT_NODE)) {
            DEBUGprintf ("OK, simple type\n");
            return (type);
        } else {
            DEBUGprintf ("ERROR, simple type\n");
            return (NULL);
    } else if (IS_BITFIELD(type)) {
        if (!list || (list->type == INIT_NODE)) {
            DEBUGprintf ("OK, bitfield\n");
            return (type);
        } else {
            DEBUGprintf ("ERROR, bitfield\n");
            return (NULL);
    } else if (IS_STRUCT(type) && SPEC_STRUCT(getSpec(type))->type == STRUCT) {
        if (!list || (list->type == INIT_DEEP)) {
            if (list) list = list->init.deep;
            sym = SPEC_STRUCT(type)->fields;
            while (sym) {
                DEBUGprintf ("Checking STRUCT member %s\n", sym->name);
                if (!matchIvalToUnion(list, sym->type, 0)) {
                    DEBUGprintf ("ERROR, STRUCT member %s\n", sym->name);
                    return (NULL);
                if (list) list = list->next;
                sym = sym->next;
            } // while

            // excess initializers?
            if (list) {
                DEBUGprintf ("ERROR, excess initializers\n");
                return (NULL);

            DEBUGprintf ("OK, struct\n");
            return (type);
        return (NULL);
    } else if (IS_STRUCT(type) && SPEC_STRUCT(getSpec(type))->type == UNION) {
        if (!list || (list->type == INIT_DEEP)) {
            if (list) list = list->init.deep;
            sym = SPEC_STRUCT(type)->fields;
            while (sym) {
                DEBUGprintf ("Checking UNION member %s.\n", sym->name);
                if (((IS_STRUCT(sym->type) || getSize(sym->type) == size))
                        && matchIvalToUnion(list, sym->type, size))
                    DEBUGprintf ("Matched UNION member %s.\n", sym->name);
                    return (sym->type);
                sym = sym->next;
            } // while
        } // if
        // no match found
        DEBUGprintf ("ERROR, no match found.\n");
        return (NULL);
    } else {
        assert ( !"Unhandled type in UNION." );

    assert ( !"No match found in UNION for the given initializer structure." );
    return (NULL);
Пример #3
 * Parse the type and its initializer and emit it (recursively).
static void
emitInitVal(struct dbuf_s *oBuf, symbol *topsym, sym_link *my_type, initList *list)
    symbol *sym;
    int size, i;
    long lit;
    unsigned char *str;

    size = getSize(my_type);

    if (IS_PTR(my_type)) {
        DEBUGprintf ("(pointer, %d byte) %p\n", size, list ? (void *)(long)list2int(list) : NULL);
        emitIvals(oBuf, topsym, list, 0, size);

    if (IS_ARRAY(my_type) && topsym && topsym->isstrlit) {
        str = (unsigned char *)SPEC_CVAL(topsym->etype).v_char;
        emitIvalLabel(oBuf, topsym);
        do {
            dbuf_printf (oBuf, "\tretlw 0x%02x ; '%c'\n", str[0], (str[0] >= 0x20 && str[0] < 128) ? str[0] : '.');
        } while (*(str++));

    if (IS_ARRAY(my_type) && list && list->type == INIT_NODE) {
        fprintf (stderr, "Unhandled initialized symbol: %s\n", topsym->name);
        assert ( !"Initialized char-arrays are not yet supported, assign at runtime instead." );

    if (IS_ARRAY(my_type)) {
        DEBUGprintf ("(array, %d items, %d byte) below\n", DCL_ELEM(my_type), size);
        assert (!list || list->type == INIT_DEEP);
        if (list) list = list->init.deep;
        for (i = 0; i < DCL_ELEM(my_type); i++) {
            emitInitVal(oBuf, topsym, my_type->next, list);
            topsym = NULL;
            if (list) list = list->next;
        } // for i

    if (IS_FLOAT(my_type)) {
        // float, 32 bit
        DEBUGprintf ("(float, %d byte) %lf\n", size, list ? list2int(list) : 0.0);
        emitIvals(oBuf, topsym, list, 0, size);

    if (IS_CHAR(my_type) || IS_INT(my_type) || IS_LONG(my_type)) {
        // integral type, 8, 16, or 32 bit
        DEBUGprintf ("(integral, %d byte) 0x%lx/%ld\n", size, list ? (long)list2int(list) : 0, list ? (long)list2int(list) : 0);
        emitIvals(oBuf, topsym, list, 0, size);

    } else if (IS_STRUCT(my_type) && SPEC_STRUCT(my_type)->type == STRUCT) {
        // struct
        DEBUGprintf ("(struct, %d byte) handled below\n", size);
        assert (!list || (list->type == INIT_DEEP));

        // iterate over struct members and initList
        if (list) list = list->init.deep;
        sym = SPEC_STRUCT(my_type)->fields;
        while (sym) {
            long bitfield = 0;
            int len = 0;
            if (IS_BITFIELD(sym->type)) {
                while (sym && IS_BITFIELD(sym->type)) {
                    int bitoff = SPEC_BSTR(getSpec(sym->type)) + 8 * sym->offset;
                    assert (!list || ((list->type == INIT_NODE)
                                && IS_AST_LIT_VALUE(list->init.node)));
                    lit = (long) (list ? list2int(list) : 0);
                    DEBUGprintf ( "(bitfield member) %02lx (%d bit, starting at %d, bitfield %02lx)\n",
                            lit, SPEC_BLEN(getSpec(sym->type)),
                            bitoff, bitfield);
                    bitfield |= (lit & ((1ul << SPEC_BLEN(getSpec(sym->type))) - 1)) << bitoff;
                    len += SPEC_BLEN(getSpec(sym->type));

                    sym = sym->next;
                    if (list) list = list->next;
                } // while
                assert (len < sizeof (long) * 8); // did we overflow our initializer?!?
                len = (len + 7) & ~0x07; // round up to full bytes
                emitIvals(oBuf, topsym, NULL, bitfield, len / 8);
                topsym = NULL;
            } // if

            if (sym) {
                emitInitVal(oBuf, topsym, sym->type, list);
                topsym = NULL;
                sym = sym->next;
                if (list) list = list->next;
            } // if
        } // while
        if (list) {
            assert ( !"Excess initializers." );
        } // if

    } else if (IS_STRUCT(my_type) && SPEC_STRUCT(my_type)->type == UNION) {
        // union
        DEBUGprintf ("(union, %d byte) handled below\n", size);
        assert (list && list->type == INIT_DEEP);

        // iterate over union members and initList, try to map number and type of fields and initializers
        my_type = matchIvalToUnion(list, my_type, size);
        if (my_type) {
            emitInitVal(oBuf, topsym, my_type, list->init.deep);
            topsym = NULL;
            size -= getSize(my_type);
            if (size > 0) {
                // pad with (leading) zeros
                emitIvals(oBuf, NULL, NULL, 0, size);
        } // if

        assert ( !"No UNION member matches the initializer structure.");
    } else if (IS_BITFIELD(my_type)) {
        assert ( !"bitfields should only occur in structs..." );

    } else {
        printf ("SPEC_NOUN: %d\n", SPEC_NOUN(my_type));
        assert( !"Unhandled initialized type.");
Пример #4
/** Register reduction for assignment.
static int
packRegsForAssign (iCode *ic, eBBlock *ebp)
  iCode *dic, *sic;

  if (!IS_ITEMP (IC_RIGHT (ic)) || OP_SYMBOL (IC_RIGHT (ic))->isind || OP_LIVETO (IC_RIGHT (ic)) > ic->seq)
    return 0;
  /* Avoid having multiple named address spaces in one iCode. */
    return 0;

  /* find the definition of iTempNN scanning backwards if we find a
     a use of the true symbol in before we find the definition then
     we cannot */
  for (dic = ic->prev; dic; dic = dic->prev)
      /* PENDING: Don't pack across function calls. */
      if (dic->op == CALL || dic->op == PCALL)
          dic = NULL;

      if (SKIP_IC2 (dic))

      if (dic->op == IFX)
          if (IS_SYMOP (IC_COND (dic)) &&
              (IC_COND (dic)->key == IC_RESULT (ic)->key || IC_COND (dic)->key == IC_RIGHT (ic)->key))
              dic = NULL;
          if (IS_TRUE_SYMOP (IC_RESULT (dic)) && IS_OP_VOLATILE (IC_RESULT (dic)))
              dic = NULL;

          if (IS_SYMOP (IC_RESULT (dic)) && IC_RESULT (dic)->key == IC_RIGHT (ic)->key)
              if (POINTER_SET (dic))
                dic = NULL;


          if (IS_SYMOP (IC_RIGHT (dic)) &&
              (IC_RIGHT (dic)->key == IC_RESULT (ic)->key || IC_RIGHT (dic)->key == IC_RIGHT (ic)->key))
              dic = NULL;

          if (IS_SYMOP (IC_LEFT (dic)) &&
              (IC_LEFT (dic)->key == IC_RESULT (ic)->key || IC_LEFT (dic)->key == IC_RIGHT (ic)->key))
              dic = NULL;

          if (IS_SYMOP (IC_RESULT (dic)) && IC_RESULT (dic)->key == IC_RESULT (ic)->key)
              dic = NULL;

  if (!dic)
    return 0;                   /* did not find */

  /* if assignment then check that right is not a bit */
  if (ASSIGNMENT (ic) && !POINTER_SET (ic))
      sym_link *etype = operandType (IC_RESULT (dic));
      if (IS_BITFIELD (etype))
          /* if result is a bit too then it's ok */
          etype = operandType (IC_RESULT (ic));
          if (!IS_BITFIELD (etype))
              return 0;

  /* if the result is on stack or iaccess then it must be
     the same atleast one of the operands */
  if (OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (ic))->onStack || OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (ic))->iaccess)
      /* the operation has only one symbol
         operator then we can pack */
      if ((IC_LEFT (dic) && !IS_SYMOP (IC_LEFT (dic))) || (IC_RIGHT (dic) && !IS_SYMOP (IC_RIGHT (dic))))
        goto pack;

      if (!((IC_LEFT (dic) &&
             IC_RESULT (ic)->key == IC_LEFT (dic)->key) || (IC_RIGHT (dic) && IC_RESULT (ic)->key == IC_RIGHT (dic)->key)))
        return 0;
  /* found the definition */
  /* replace the result with the result of */
  /* this assignment and remove this assignment */
  bitVectUnSetBit (OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (dic))->defs, dic->key);
  IC_RESULT (dic) = IC_RESULT (ic);

  if (IS_ITEMP (IC_RESULT (dic)) && OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (dic))->liveFrom > dic->seq)
      OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (dic))->liveFrom = dic->seq;
  /* delete from liverange table also
     delete from all the points inbetween and the new
     one */
  for (sic = dic; sic != ic; sic = sic->next)
      bitVectUnSetBit (sic->rlive, IC_RESULT (ic)->key);
      if (IS_ITEMP (IC_RESULT (dic)))
        bitVectSetBit (sic->rlive, IC_RESULT (dic)->key);

  remiCodeFromeBBlock (ebp, ic);
  // PENDING: Check vs mcs51
  bitVectUnSetBit (OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (ic))->defs, ic->key);
  hTabDeleteItem (&iCodehTab, ic->key, ic, DELETE_ITEM, NULL);
  OP_DEFS (IC_RESULT (dic)) = bitVectSetBit (OP_DEFS (IC_RESULT (dic)), dic->key);
  return 1;