Пример #1
static void		get_line_from_buffer(const char *buffer
	, unsigned int *n_buffer, int n, t_line *line)
	int			i;
	int			offset;
	bool		space_state = false;

	/*Clean str*/
	for (int j = 0; j < n + 1; ++j)
		line->s[j] = '\0';
	/*Superficial remove of space in line begin*/
	for (offset = 0; offset < n && IS_SEP(buffer[*n_buffer + offset]); ++offset)
	line->n_gaps = 0;
	/*Line with only spaces*/
	if (offset >= n)
		return ;
	*n_buffer += offset;
	/*Actual get_line_from_buffer*/
	for (i = 0;i < n && buffer[*n_buffer + i] != '\0'; ++i)
		line->s[i] = buffer[*n_buffer + i];
	/*Here we count nbr gaps*/
		if ((space_state && IS_SEP(line->s[i])) || (!space_state && !IS_SEP(line->s[i])))
			continue ;
		space_state = !space_state;
		if (!IS_SEP(line->s[i]))
	line->s[i] = '\0';
Пример #2
static int		find_last_occ(const char *buffer, int n)
	/*lookin for last space in dat     0  */
	/*                            ^    ^  */
	/*____________________________|____|  */
	/*                            37   42 */
	/*                            i    n  */
	for (int i = n; i >= 0; --i)
		if (IS_SEP(buffer[i]))
			/*ATTENTION au --i dans le define*/
			while (i > 0 && IS_SEP(buffer[--i]))
			return (i + 1);
	return (n);
Пример #3
 * IsClientConfigDirectory() -- determine if path matches well-known
 *     client configuration directory.
#ifdef AFS_NT40_ENV
#define IS_SEP(x) ((x) == '\\' || (x) == '/')
#else /* AFS_NT40_ENV */
#define IS_SEP(x) ((x) == '/')
#endif /* AFS_NT40_ENV */
_afsconf_IsClientConfigDirectory(const char *path)
    const char *cdir = AFSDIR_CLIENT_ETC_DIRPATH;
    int i, cc, pc;

    for (i = 0; cdir[i] != '\0' && path[i] != '\0'; i++) {
#ifdef AFS_NT40_ENV
	cc = tolower(cdir[i]);
	pc = tolower(path[i]);

	if (cc == '\\') {
	    cc = '/';
	if (pc == '\\') {
	    pc = '/';
#else /* AFS_NT40_ENV */
	cc = cdir[i];
	pc = path[i];
#endif /* AFS_NT40_ENV */
        if (cc != pc) {
	    return 0;

    /* hit end of one or both; allow mismatch in existence of trailing slash */
    if (cdir[i] != '\0') {
	if (!IS_SEP(cdir[i]) || (cdir[i + 1] != '\0')) {
	    return 0;
    if (path[i] != '\0') {
	if (!IS_SEP(path[i]) || (path[i + 1] != '\0')) {
	    return 0;
    return 1;
Пример #4
static int		ft_strncat_offset(char *dest, const t_line *orig, int n, int offset)
	int			spaces_offset;
	int			space_per_word;
	int			step_between_offset_spaces;
	int			j;
	int			i = 0;
	int			current_gap = 0;

	/*space_per_word is the nbr of spaces to insert between every words of the line*/
	/*spaces_offset is the nbr of insertion which take one more spaces*/
	space_per_word = offset / (orig->n_gaps);
	spaces_offset = offset - (space_per_word * orig->n_gaps);
	if (spaces_offset == 0)
		step_between_offset_spaces = 0;
		step_between_offset_spaces = orig->n_gaps / spaces_offset;
	for (j = 0; j < n && orig->s[j] != '\0'; ++j)
		/*Offset is handle here*/
		if (offset > 0 && j != 0 && !IS_SEP(orig->s[j]) && IS_SEP(orig->s[j - 1]))
			/*spaces_to_add determine which gaps will get the bonus space*/
			for (int k = space_per_word + spaces_to_add(step_between_offset_spaces, current_gap, &spaces_offset);
				k > 0; --k)
				dest[i + j] = SEP;
		/*Actual strncat*/
		dest[i + j] = orig->s[j];
	return (i + j);
Пример #5
static void		justify(const char *orig, char *dest, unsigned int width)
	dest[0] = '\0';
	if (width < 1)
		return ;

	t_line				line;
	unsigned int		size = strlen(orig);
	unsigned int		n_buffer = 0;
	int					end_dest = 0;

	line.s = (char *)malloc((width + 1) * sizeof(char));
	get_line_from_buffer(orig, &n_buffer, width + 1, &line);
	while (n_buffer < size)
		unsigned int		n_last_separator;

		/*To trim end of line*/
		n_last_separator = find_last_occ(line.s, width);
		/*Case 1: All words can be copied*/
		if (IS_SEP(line.s[width]))
			end_dest += ft_strncat_endl(dest + end_dest, &line, n_last_separator, width - n_last_separator);
			n_buffer += width + 1;
			goto next;
		/*Case 2: End of file, this is last line*/
		else if (line.s[0] != '\0' && line.s[width - 1] == '\0')
			ft_strncat_endl(dest + end_dest, &line, width, 0);
			break ;
		/*Case 3: Last word is cutted so we remove from this line*/
			/*Empty line*/
			if (line.s[0] != '\0' || n_last_separator != width)
				end_dest += ft_strncat_endl(dest + end_dest, &line, n_last_separator, width - n_last_separator);
			n_buffer += n_last_separator;
		get_line_from_buffer(orig, &n_buffer, width + 1, &line);
Пример #6
char *OS_IsValidDay(const char *day_str)
    int i = 0, ng = 0;
    char *ret;
    char day_ret[9] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
    const char *(days[]) = {
        "sunday", "sun", "monday", "mon", "tuesday", "tue",
        "wednesday", "wed", "thursday", "thu", "friday",
        "fri", "saturday", "sat", "weekdays", "weekends", NULL
    int days_int[] = {0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8};

    /* Must be a valid string */
    if (!day_str) {
        return (NULL);


    /* Check for negatives */
    if (*day_str == '!') {
        ng = 1;

    while (*day_str != '\0') {
        i = 0;
        while (days[i]) {
            if (strncasecmp(day_str, days[i], strlen(days[i])) == 0) {
                /* Weekdays */
                if (days_int[i] == 7) {
                    day_ret[1] = 1;
                    day_ret[2] = 1;
                    day_ret[3] = 1;
                    day_ret[4] = 1;
                    day_ret[5] = 1;
                /* Weekends */
                else if (days_int[i] == 8) {
                    day_ret[0] = 1;
                    day_ret[6] = 1;
                } else {
                    day_ret[days_int[i]] = 1;

        if (!days[i]) {
            merror(INVALID_DAY, __local_name, day_str);
            return (NULL);

        day_str += strlen(days[i]);

        if (IS_SEP(day_str)) {
        } else if (*day_str == '\0') {
        } else {
            merror(INVALID_DAY, __local_name, day_str);
            return (NULL);

    /* Assign values */
    os_calloc(9, sizeof(char), ret);
    if (ng == 1) {
        /* Set negative */
        ret[7] = '!';

    ng = 0;
    for (i = 0; i <= 6; i++) {
        /* Check if some is checked */
        if (day_ret[i] == 1) {
            ng = 1;
        ret[i] = day_ret[i];

    /* At least one day must be checked */
    if (ng == 0) {
        merror(INVALID_DAY, __local_name, day_str);
        return (NULL);

    return (ret);
Пример #7
 * Parse an encoding string, examples: s8, u8, s16, s16le, s24be ...
 * set *istr to the char following the encoding. Return the number
 * of bytes consumed.
aparams_strtoenc(struct aparams *par, char *istr)
	char *p = istr;
	int i, sig, bits, le, bps, msb;

#define IS_SEP(c)			\
	(((c) < 'a' || (c) > 'z') &&	\
	 ((c) < 'A' || (c) > 'Z') &&	\
	 ((c) < '0' || (c) > '9'))

	 * get signedness
	if (*p == 's') {
		sig = 1;
	} else if (*p == 'u') {
		sig = 0;
	} else
		return 0;

	 * get number of bits per sample
	bits = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
		if (*p < '0' || *p > '9')
		bits = (bits * 10) + *p - '0';
	if (bits < BITS_MIN || bits > BITS_MAX)
		return 0;
	bps = APARAMS_BPS(bits);
	msb = 1;
	le = ADATA_LE;

	 * get (optional) endianness
	if (p[0] == 'l' && p[1] == 'e') {
		le = 1;
		p += 2;
	} else if (p[0] == 'b' && p[1] == 'e') {
		le = 0;
		p += 2;
	} else if (IS_SEP(*p)) {
		goto done;
	} else
		return 0;

	 * get (optional) number of bytes
	if (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') {
		bps = *p - '0';
		if (bps < (bits + 7) / 8 ||
		    bps > (BITS_MAX + 7) / 8)
			return 0;

		 * get (optional) alignement
		if (p[0] == 'm' && p[1] == 's' && p[2] == 'b') {
			msb = 1;
			p += 3;
		} else if (p[0] == 'l' && p[1] == 's' && p[2] == 'b') {
			msb = 0;
			p += 3;
		} else if (IS_SEP(*p)) {
			goto done;
		} else
			return 0;
	} else if (!IS_SEP(*p))
		return 0;

       	par->msb = msb;
	par->sig = sig;
	par->bits = bits;
	par->bps = bps;
	par->le = le;
	return p - istr;