pbbool be_ServerTieHeader::Open(const DDS_StdString& mainFilename) { if (be_Source::Open(mainFilename)) { os << "//******************************************************************\n" << "// \n" << "// Generated by IDL to C++ Translator\n" << "// \n" << "// File name: " << filename << "\n" << "// Source: " << idl_global->main_filename()->get_string() << "\n" << "// Generated: " << CreationTime() << "\n" << "// OpenFusion V" << VERSION << "\n" << "// \n" << "//******************************************************************\n"; ndefname = Ifndefize(filename); os << "#ifndef " << (const char*)ndefname << nl; os << "#define " << (const char*)ndefname << nl << nl; os << nl; return pbtrue; } }
pbbool be_ClientHeader::Open (const DDS_StdString& mainFilename) { if (be_Source::Open (mainFilename)) { BE_Globals::HFileOpen = pbtrue; os << "//******************************************************************\n" << "// \n" << "// Generated by IDL to C++ Translator\n" << "// \n" << "// File name: " << BE_Globals::ClientHeaderFilename << "\n" << "// Source: " << idl_global->main_filename()->get_string() << "\n" << "// Generated: " << CreationTime() << "\n" << "// OpenSplice " << OSPL_VERSION_STR << "\n" << "// \n" << "//******************************************************************\n"; ndefname = Ifndefize(BE_Globals::ClientHeaderFilename); os << "#ifndef " << (const char*) ndefname << nl; os << "#define " << (const char*) ndefname << nl; if (BE_Globals::isocpp || BE_Globals::isocpp_new_types) { os << "#ifndef OPENSPLICE_ISOCXX_PSM" << nl; os << "#define OPENSPLICE_ISOCXX_PSM" << nl; os << "#endif" << nl; } os << nl << "#include \"sacpp_mapping.h\"" << nl; // os << "#include \"sacpp_DDS_DCPS.h\"" << nl; GenerateSecondaryIncludes (os); if (BE_Globals::isocpp_new_types) { os << "#include <dds/core/ddscore.hpp>" << nl; } if (BE_Globals::isocpp_test_methods) { os << "#include <generate_test_values.hpp>" << nl; } if (BE_Globals::UserDLL != (const char *)"" && BE_Globals::UserDLLHeader != (const char *)"" ) { os << "#include \"" << BE_Globals::UserDLLHeader << "\"" << nl; } if (BE_Globals::UserDLL != (const char *)"") { BE_Globals::DLLExtension = " "; } os << nl; return pbtrue; } else { return pbfalse; } }
pbbool be_ClientHeader::Open (const DDS_StdString& mainFilename) { if (be_Source::Open (mainFilename)) { BE_Globals::HFileOpen = pbtrue; os << "//******************************************************************\n" << "// \n" << "// Generated by IDL to C++ Translator\n" << "// \n" << "// File name: " << BE_Globals::ClientHeaderFilename << "\n" << "// Source: " << idl_global->main_filename()->get_string() << "\n" << "// Generated: " << CreationTime() << "\n" << "// OpenSplice " << VERSION << "\n" << "// \n" << "//******************************************************************\n"; ndefname = Ifndefize(BE_Globals::ClientHeaderFilename); os << "#ifndef " << (const char*) ndefname << nl; os << "#define " << (const char*) ndefname << nl << nl; if (BE_Globals::UserDLL != (const char *)"" && BE_Globals::UserDLLHeader != (const char *)"" ) { os << "#include \"" << BE_Globals::UserDLLHeader << "\"" << nl; } os << "#include \"sacpp_mapping.h\"" << nl; os << "#include \"sacpp_DDS_DCPS.h\"" << nl; GenerateSecondaryIncludes (os); if (BE_Globals::UserDLL != (const char *)"") { BE_Globals::DLLExtension = " "; } return pbtrue; } else { return pbfalse; } }
pbbool be_ServerHeader::Open(const DDS_StdString& mainFilename) { if (be_Source::Open(mainFilename)) { if (!BE_Globals::gen_onefile) { os << "//******************************************************************\n" << "// \n" << "// Generated by IDL to C++ Translator\n" << "// \n" << "// File name: " << BE_Globals::ServerHeaderFilename << "\n" << "// Source: " << idl_global->main_filename()->get_string() << "\n" << "// Generated: " << CreationTime() << "\n" << "// OpenFusion V" << VERSION << "\n" << "// \n" << "//******************************************************************\n"; } if (BE_Globals::gen_onefile) { ndefname = Ifndefize(BE_Globals::ServerHeaderFilename); } else { ndefname = Ifndefize(BE_Globals::ServerHeaderFilename); } os << "#ifndef " << (const char*)ndefname << nl; os << "#define " << (const char*)ndefname << nl << nl; os << nl; os << "#include \"eOrb/idl_s.h\"" << nl; if (DDSRealIncludeFiles::includes[FindFilename(BE_Globals::ClientHeaderFilename)].length() == 0) { if (!BE_Globals::gen_onefile) { os << "#include \"" << (const char*)BE_Globals::ClientHeaderFilename << "\"" << nl; } } else { if (!BE_Globals::gen_onefile) { os << "#include \"" << (const char*)DDSRealIncludeFiles::includes[FindFilename(BE_Globals::ClientHeaderFilename)] << "\"" << nl; } } String_map::iterator it; for (it = idlIncludes.begin() ; it != idlIncludes.end(); it++) { DDS_StdString file(it.value() + BE_Globals::ServerExtension + "." + BE_Globals::hExtension); if (DDSRealIncludeFiles::includes[file].length() == 0) { os << "#include \"" << (const char*)file << "\"" << nl; } else { os << "#include \"" << (const char*)DDSRealIncludeFiles::includes[file] << "\"" << nl; } } os << nl; return pbtrue; } else { return pbfalse; } }
void be_root::Generate (be_ClientHeader & source) { be_CppFwdDecl::GenerateAllWithinScope (source, be_CppEnclosingScope()); ostream& os = source.Stream (); TList<be_Type *>::iterator bit; TList<be_exception *>::iterator git; for (bit = fwdDecls.begin(); bit != fwdDecls.end(); bit++) { (*bit)->GenerateFwdDecls(source); } os << nl; GenerateGlobalTypes (source); GenerateGlobalDecls (source); g_generatorList.GenerateGlobal (source); if (BE_Globals::gen_externalization) { os << nl; for (bit = streamOps.begin(); bit != streamOps.end(); bit++) { (*bit)->GenerateStreamOps(source); } } os << nl; for (git = globalDecls.begin(); git != globalDecls.end(); git++) { (*git)->GenerateGlobalDecls (source); } os << nl; for (bit = typedefs.begin(); bit != typedefs.end(); bit++) { (*bit)->GenerateGlobalTypedef (source); } os << nl; if(BE_Globals::isocpp_test_methods) { //Generate file to stop missing file error DDS_StdString BaseFilename; BaseFilename = StripExtension(source.Filename()); BaseFilename += "_testmethod.h"; be_Source testsource; if(!testsource.Open(BaseFilename)) cerr << "Cannot open: " << BaseFilename << endl; testsource.Close(); //os << nl << "#ifndef " << Ifndefize(BE_Globals::ClientHeaderFilename + "DCPS"); os << nl << "#ifndef " << Ifndefize(StripExtension(FindFilename(source.Filename())) + "DCPS.h"); os << nl << "#ifndef " << Ifndefize(StripExtension(FindFilename(source.Filename())) + "_testmethod.h"); os << nl << "#define " << Ifndefize(StripExtension(FindFilename(source.Filename())) + "_testmethod.h"); os << nl << "#include \"" << StripExtension(FindFilename(source.Filename())) + "_testmethod.h" << "\""; os << nl << "#endif " << nl << "#endif" << nl; } if (BE_Globals::lite) { DDS_StdString BaseFilename; BaseFilename = StripExtension(source.Filename()); os << "\n#include \"" << BaseFilename << "-lite.h" << "\"" << nl; } os << nl << "#endif" << nl; source.Close(); }